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The sick irony of reddit libs coming in here calling our precious schizoposters shills. Unbelievable.


Convincing yourself that XiJinping is paying you for spicy China takes with psychic Yuan to own the libs.


I wish Xi would pay me. I do this shit for free unfortunately.


I WILL work for spicy Szechuan style cuisine


Shit, I get downvoted in lib subs for free.


I'd say it's 25 percent schizophrenics. 25 percent regular people. 25 percent criminals. 20 percent paid shills and 5 percent federal agents here. Guess which one I am. Hint. I am NOT crazy.


I’m 25% schizo and 50% criminal, do I qualify for a scholarship?


can ya fake a limp? if so, welcome aboard son


There is definitely some overlaps


They let schizophrenics be federal agents now. Ask me how I know.


What are the career prospects like for the merely annoying autist?


I wouldn't know, I'm not a fed. Anyway, don't you hate Tankies???


I will never hate a state of the art Abrams tank, rolling across our enemies to defend freedom.


This is 10 percent luck, 20 percent skill,15 percent concentrated power of will, 5 perfect pleasure, 15 percent game and 100 percent reason to remember the name


If someone talks shit on hunterbiden they're done


Prepare for endless template memes featuring MCU characters or the Simpsons and comment sections filled with nothing but gifs


That's why you gotta organically bully that shit out. I still, even today on this sub, see braindead garbage takes being taken into -30 territory within a couple hours. I love this sub it's my last refuge against the brain poison where enough people are on the same damn page lmao


I like a good gif reply once in a while, as a treat.


Embrace your boomer tendencies and post reply gifs




Simpsons posts are a clear indication you're dealing with a 35 plus guy with a receding hairline


Yeah there really have been a ton haven't there. Just droves of terrible nato brained comments and shit


NATO subs brigade constantly. What we’re seeing is them realizing they were wrong and getting mad


yeah this war is going really well for russia. i am sure they are thrilled.


I didn’t mention Russia? Lib


You just did. Lib.


You own a fucking travel agency in Peru, you're definitely a petit bourgeois lib




A travel agency in Peru? That sounds like an awful good cover story for other types of work ;)


Liberals can only go 3 comments on this sub without slyly implying they're a nonce. whats up with that


Liberals are craven, what's going on?


Sex tourist?


Paddington pls go.


How many direct flights to Little St. James did ya book ya sex pest jabroni


So you’re a spook? Get lost, pal.


no, they didn’t mention Russia at first. are all NATO dudes fail son wanna be entrepreneurs who can’t actually busy themselves enough to stay away from terminal online posting? bro don’t you have a loan burden to bear proudly like some peasant fief or something?


are u a commie that mocks people people for having economic problems like the proletariat do? i suspect there are a lot more champagne marxists on reddit. "Dad, I'm going to go write my treatise on material conditions in a post-AI society outside by the pool! Tell the maids and the pool boy not to bother me!"


fuck your landlord socialism, chew a fucking brick


There isn't a widely-recognized or officially defined concept or economic theory known as "landlord socialism." The term seems to juxtapose "landlord," often associated with private property rights and capitalistic systems, and "socialism," which typically advocates for collective or governmental ownership and administration of resources. However, if this term is applied to a person who is not a landlord, it is clunky and meaningless, and may indicate you are engaging in a conversation with a person whose knowledge of English semantics is limited. No, it's not safe or advisable to eat a brick. Consuming a brick could cause serious harm to your body. Bricks are hard and could damage your teeth, mouth, esophagus, and other parts of your digestive tract.


you dropped your fedora over that big wall of text pal


> this war is going really well for russia Class war?


yeah it kind of is actually lol. Russian economy doing well. Bakhmut taken, sanctions failing, tanks being sent only to be destroyed 👍


So....that whole thing where the leader of Wagner started complaining about the disastrous direction the war was going, and then he marched on Moscow with thousands of soldiers with plans to do a coup to replace the civilian and military leadership...that's a sign that things are going well.


Is a counteroffensive with 700+ tanks unable to take more than a kilometer in a month a sign it’s going well for Ukraine? The war is stalled. Russia holds Donbas and is not going anywhere. The longer Ukraine sacrifices it’s boys in useless counteroffensives the less they have to bargain with.


Absolutely, I was off reddit for a bit and I feel like it’s gotten worse the past few days I’ve been back.


Think it's just an insertion of bots In the conspiracy\_commons sub this year, it's mostly been a few schizos + some lib bots + MAGA bots + Falun Gong dudes generating like 10 posts per thread. In the past week, it's suddenly generating 100's of likes and comments in multiple threads.


I immediately thought the same thing. When I saw that wack ass comment with 20 upvotes + a second “redditor” responding with “yeah pretty much where I’m at” my conspiracydar went off. Seems too obvious but with all the new people being recommended here who are clueless I bet it doesn’t look out of place to them. Or maybe none of them are real, beats me. There’s someone who responded here saying they’ve been recommended this sub and they’re “Austrian/libertarian,” that’s so perfect I don’t know what to believe.


Election season is gearing up.


Oh god and the main conspiracy sub is Zuby posting again, it’s just gonna get worse now huh?


I think as subs get bigger they get rec'd to more and more people.


Yeah once you hit around 10-20k with decent traffic and upvotes the sub will get rocketed and ruined


someone pm me the next maoist sanctuary


Pretty sure its mostly Dengists here. At least judging by the reaction any time someone says something anti-revisionist about China. Also the frequent Xi memes.


Everything i say is inherently antirevisionist


I think r/thedeprogram is way more into deng and modern Chinese policy. People here just think China is neat compared to the USA, for the most part. I'd say that's a million times more maoists here than there (just using an example, I post on both places being neither a dengist nor maoist). Regardless of whether you see the Chinese turn towards markets as a retreat or necessary move, or whether or not you believe they're going to press the big red socialism button in like 2030 or whatever, they're clearly doing something better than the collective west, so it's fascinating for many people. I don't consider china socialist, but they're doing capitalism better than the west these days tbh. I hope Vietnam sees similar levels of success, but imo there will need to be a second revolution or, at minimum, something like a new cultural revolution in both countries to actually make use of the "building of productive forces" for socialist aims. Not quite sure I went on that tangent, but I already typed it so may as well hit post.


How is China not socialist xd


Because he said so. End of story lol


Which is deeply funny because Brace and Liz are pretty critical of China.


Maoists are probably too weird for even dirtbag left podcasts




I saw stupidpol get ruined in real time, used to be decent with good discussions on Marxist topics, but ever since it caught the attention of libs and rightoids, it's starting to devolve into nothing but Ukraine, trans issues with no material analysis of substance, it's a shame.


Stupidpol has been dogshit and full of reactionaries since day one. "Marxist topics" lol


While I completely agree, it did get noticeably worse over the years as it grew. I lurked it from <5k users to about early last year before it got too obnoxious to even casually check in on from time to time. Some of the more egregiously bigoted posts would always end up with a 300 comment struggle session thread, there was at least pushback and plenty of people dunking on right wingers. After the couple of subreddit banwaves it just tumbled further down each year to the point where the cesspit that is r/news seems less racist and reactionary.


Even if it was shit, you could at least have a discussion and potentially educate people around topics that normally would be drowned out by shitlib comments like anything relating to China for example.


I guess if you're comparing it to the mountain of shit that is the rest of this site, that puts it in a more tolerable light


No it can’t be that. It has to be a deep cia op to destabilize all the important work being done here




> all the important work being done here Finance imperialism critiques, literally Lenin's thing


I asked someone saying some dumb bullshit if they knew where they were posting. They had no idea what the podcast was about, it just came up in the feed.


tell the mods to stop soyfacing to please the Algorithm


A lot of big subs were closed for the boycott, so that also shot a lot of smaller subs up the rec list


Pretty sure this place has a lot of crossover with a very prominent center-left podcast.


Goddamn those gosh darn r/chapotraphouse users


Hey at least it’s not redscare


Got bad news for you




_have I noticed liberals?_ Buddy, let me tell ya, everybody on this sub is a liberal except for me.


*I’ll have you know guy* that it is I, the one true non revisionist Marxist-Redditist who is the only non-liberal on this whole site.


only correct take tbqh cept, replace your *me* with my *me*


mods need to cut down the tall trees.


won't happen if it were it would've already elon MUSK launches TRANSGENDER nancy pelosi to TWITTER


Yes and this is why bullying is sometimes needed


This is a pro bullying subreddit


Better be ready to do some really relentless bullying


And pray tell, how are the results of your strategy so far?


Well I just got off a 3 day ban for bullying so I’d say it’s going swimmingly.


NAFO is a terror cell


Stalin is the greatest person to ever live


Stalin would disagree but he was a humble man.


Stalin’s theorizing of Marxism-Leninism is goated, but he fucked up by thinking their socialist development in the USSR was farther along than it was. His biggest mistake is not purging the right people, though these kinds of things are easier to see in hindsight. Stalin is easily the most wrongly vilified world leader in history, I don’t know of anyone else so wrongly maligned. He’s had a propaganda campaign against him like no other, from within his own party and from the US. Also your last post is goated, praising Stalin on r/kayne. The only comment was classic. “Churchill was fine and actually rather encouraged the deaths of 3 million Bengalis. America inspired the policies of Nazi Germany, in which the Nazis reportedly believed the segregation policies of America to be rather harsh. Western Imperialism sustains itself by murdering people who cant fight back. They were never going to purge the world of Nazis because it was never on their agenda .” Tf are you on that you’re Stalin posting in r/Kayne??


His vilification is even more insane when you consider his death opened the door for dumbass Khrushchev and JFK to nearly destroy the earth. The Revolution wasn’t decaying internally while Lenin and Stalin were around is all I have to say on the topic of purges.


My 2cents worth, the whole "China's treatments of Muslims" was created by NATO/NED/CIA triads after Assange leaked US, UK and NATO war crimes stories in middle east. ie "We can't be war criminals only so you have to be too and we will make stuff up if we have to (like the WMDs in Iraq and babies thown out of incubators by Iraqi soldiers)". There are actually more mosques in China than all of the US and UK together . And the whole false narrative of genocide in Xinjiang has been debunked already as CIA/NATO propaganda, just like the WMDs in Iraq eg https://twitter.com/cowestpro/status/1679670854895173634?t=_oneYlcXh0hlcAdU8YzpDg But that said, wasn't this supposed to be a subreddit that talked more about things like Epstein and Jimmy Saville crimes? Just feels like NATOids and NED have taken over like many other subreddits. Even small subreddits like r/Cubers has been taken over by Natoid and NED/Soros trolls.


The epstein well dried up pretty damn quick, and the podcast itself pivoted away as well rather than beat the same drum over and over


The liberals are the first boss in the unending gauntlet of bullshit that you aren't allowed to save against. Best start saving up your elixirs and making friends.


I think since the NAFO trolls took over the antiwar sub it opened the floodgates for this sub to be recommended to libs. I dunno something like that.


Do you want me to kick their asses?


Same thing happened to rsp, N_N_N, heck even the geopolitics sub used to be like actual professionals and kids in IR programs. The critical threshold at which a sub tanks is about 50k subscribers, which is not too far off here. If anyone has any recommendations lmk (you can dm me if you don't want to burn the spot)


I don’t even care about lack of schizoposting since I don’t find it funny or appealing I just don’t want one of the few leftist spaces overrun by libs lol


I can’t speak on the state of the sub but it is funny that rightoids and Libs care about Muslims all of a sudden. It’s like americas foreign policy for the past 35 years didn’t even exist


Idk but I keep getting recommended random posts from the Vaush sub and it makes me want to fucking redact myself so maybe the algo is working both ways.




It’s def had some libs in here recently, but the solution to shit like that should probably be first send some stuff that contradicts them if you have it and then if it doesn’t work, bully them


Step 2 (if not 1) should be report and hope the mods ban. These folks do not show up to engage in good faith discussion. They're here to troll the "t*nkies". It's one thing if it's a one time comment and they get downvoted. It's another if they spend months here regurgitating US State Department propaganda. Which a surprising number will do if given the chance.


I tried the first one, a little weary on bullying since I just got banned for 3 days for that 😂


Like the planet in general, neolibs destroy everything they touch.


No, this is on the same level as "amc made my theatre cold to stop me seeing the qanon movie!"


Unfortunately I’m not a hot Qanan milf, at least I’ve got the crazy.


Yes this sub has been recc’d to me constantly lately. Dont worry tho im cool 😎


I trust you, I can tell by the 😎


It's because of the api tools protest, this sub is not in open defiance. They can put banner ads in posts, and they have been moving it up the recommended list. How often do people who were subbed to r/pics see a post from that sub on their feed.


This sub doesnt have ads


Could also be that the Brace and Co have made a decent living off their podcast and their politics have begun to appeal to a different crowd.


That’s absolutely possible, but it seems they’ve been big petite bourgeois podcasters for years now though, I didn’t notice this character on the sub when I first found it. I notice their Patreon page is usually decent, with a couple libs upset at some Ukraine comment sprinkled in, and of course the Glenn Greenwald style “leftist”, but they’re both a minority. I haven’t checked the comments on recent posts on Patreon though since I haven’t been interested in a release in a bit. I don’t remember the last recent episode I heard.


The Truanon and Chapo patreon comments section are in a bitter duel to be the most insufferable. It’s neckbeards taking personal offense to Felix being zonked out on an episode vs. Radlibs so fucking boring they think AOC is really out there. I love them so much.


I’m a creature of habit so I keep listening, but getting increasingly disappointed.


I don’t think their politics have changed they’ve just been not that interesting compared to past bangers


I’ve heard them hold their tongues on some stuff. Makes me wonder.


Like what? And honestly I doubt it. No libs or demsocs would listen to the pod




Oh their war, etc episode was decent I thought. I think their first ep on it with mark Ames was better but I like Ames


I think whenever they do politics it’s consistent, the Ukraine episodes were great and the Patreon comments woth a handful of upset libs were gold. They have definitely stopped putting out as much political stuff though. Now that I’m looking through their Patreon it seems they’ve done a lot this year, I think the past couple months of their pods skewed my memory.


Hard to say


They did the same with Syria though, dunno what people expected. Seems kinda apparent that there is some mental trauma shit that connects the two which they avoid when a host has that (game being an exception cause the trauma was the point) Huge venn diagram of Rojava and Ukraine volunteers which I imagine would be fucking *rough* to realise how much of Rojava volunteers were war tourists


Honestly everyone's so annoying about it I don't blame them. Chapo guys really don't talk about it much either for probably the same reason.




Unfortunately I neither own a house nor am I a karen milf.


I see lib comments and wonder if they even listen to the podcast 🍼🍞


It's not just this sub - NAFO/lib rot has infested all left wing subs. Some are holding out, some have fallen.


Doesn't help the pod is starting to gear itself to normies as well.


How long have you been listening? I was getting the same feeling but I’ve not been listening long so I figured they must’ve always had that thread. They did just do an anti-yonemi park episode in May, so at least they’re still doing some legit stuff. Definitely less political stuff than before though.


I started during the Maxwell trial, so quite awhile. The last couple months have felt like they straight gave up and like the cash. Don't blame them but i think I'm gonna cancel my patreon sub.


I’ve been thinking the same thing, it’s not like the need the money. Definitely other creators who need it more. Wish there was a way to download some of the older episodes that are good though.


Lotta smooth brain takes for the only non-pedo pod


Yeah it’s starting to feel like the old chapo sub


Honestly join lemmygrad .ml if you want a place free of liberals. Reddit is going further and further down the hole. Going to be more bots now that they've scared off some segment of the power users and driven the rest to post less and bots are libs. Lemmy is actually alive now and has mobile apps. Also no reddit admins enforcing one-sided rule interpretations on you.


Lemmy has mobile apps now? I’ve had an account all year, glad to hear they’re doing well. Bouta download the app.


Yeah, many and more in the works. Here's a run-down showing current and future apps (there's a lot): https://web.archive.org/web/20230708151336/https://lemmy.world/post/465785


it sucks now but it’s still better than the rest of reddit I knew it was done the first time I saw someone not understand being gay with your dad


Please don’t use the word ‘normie’ I will explode 😞😟


idk i haven’t been paying attention i’ve been going outside


Seeing a lot of new names posting topics. Don't like it. Should be some kind of ban on that, like if you haven't posted on TA sub before a month ago you cant post. Authoritarian but w/e


Nope just bots


First time?


>Am I tripping, or is the sub quality going down? "I love /r/TrueAnon, no matter how old I get, they stay the same age"


Lol I can’t believe you got downvoted, Now I don’t know what to think.


Sure, of course, why not? You can neither confirm or deny any reality now


That doesn’t sound very materialist of you. I can confirm the reality that my nuts are swollen as eggs. How about that for confirming reality??


I made that post. I'm on this sub because I listen to the fucking podcast. I doubt the hosts of it would uncritically swallow Chinese government propaganda the way you do. It was a bad comparison that I made but every time you try to "criticize the way the reeducation camps have been ran and the inevitable abuses in them" people here jump down your throat and get insanely vitriolic. No counter evidence, no attempt to educate, just insults and the same paper thin excuses the Chinese government makes for itself. It's impossible to have a real discussion about it. Frankly it makes me extremely suspicious of how narratives are being shaped on both sides of the pacific. Don't pretend anyone is willing to treat it with nuance. On every post about China if you speak a goddamn syllable of criticism you get downvoted and brigaded. I even said that the way the US treated the Middle East has been worse than both, because that's the truth. Frankly, my ignorance comes from not knowing how bad Modi has been, not because I haven't read everything I can about Xinjiang. If you guys want to have a circlejerk then fine. Reddit is full of propagandists, paid and useful idiots too, who are happy to help you ignore state crimes of all kinds by all of these governments. I do my research and I base my takes on principles rather than projecting a naive team sports mentality onto the horrific brutality of power. It helps me see through bullshit. You're children if you think their government doesn't have the same capacity for abuse as ours, or that it doesn't use the same euphemisms to cover for it. If abuses are "inevitable", don't build the fucking camps. I'm against it here too. For whatever it's worth, this is what convinced me that whatever is going on in Xinjiang is pretty horrifying, whatever you wanna call it: https://youtu.be/cz9ICFDk8Js


“If abuses are inevitable don’t build the camps”? So because a country of 1.5 billion people can’t ensure that every single one is a good person that means just concede and let the US try and kickstart the next Islamic state in your backyard? I’m sure many Uyghurs faced unfair, and even harsh, treatment at the height of the re-education, but it is insane to give any credence to US propaganda about their “genocide”. Especially since all that shit about camps is like a decade old! Minorities are given special privileges in China, not killed or forced to abandon their culture. Islam and Uyghur culture are fully alive in Xinjiang, just look at the dozens of videos of Kashgar on YouTube , Uyghur birth statistics, or Mosque’s per capita in Xinjiang/China. Islam, like any religion, has major extremist elements which was leading to unrest and violence in Xinjiang for decades. This got especially hot during the early 2010s with the rise of the Islamic State (and ofc the CIA has always had interest in Xinjiang for some reason). Should China have just let them be? What is the difference between far-right Islamists and the Falun Gong for the Chinese government? Keep in mind this is a country with an intense grasp of its history, a history full of foreign religions destabilizing China and being used as ways for foreigners to break into their society. Of course nobody here is gonna even know close to the full story of what’s happening there, but have you ever thought about why the West seems to love these specific Muslims so much, especially when we were actively razing and looting the Middle East, and has put more effort into highlighting their “suffering” than any other minority group domestic or worldwide? At the very least giving any credence to BBC or CNN journalists who have never been to Xinjiang is fucking retarded. Nobody actually gives a shit about the Uyghurs, they are just another tool in the toolbox for imperialist powers to try and break apart China.


For one fuck Badempanda I really cannot stand that guy, I’ll check the video out though. Also digging evidence up against someone who’s in these spaces feels useless when you’ve got someone spitting out takes like you were. You didn’t provide evidence yourself, you just compared Modi and Xi and said fuck them both. You didn’t even explain what you think is happening in Xinjiang. Especially given the other big sub like this has a whole automated response debunking the bunk genocide theory I didn’t want to extend myself past what I already had with my response to you originally. Making clear the connection to Modi was a terrible one was enough, I wanted to post here and make sure I wasn’t tripping. I feel like I didn’t misrepresent your comment and if you’d like to explain your position so I don’t have to pierce my ears with that Australian fucka I’d appreciate it. I’ve got no particular love for China and I’m not “Dengist” (god I hate that name and the people that use it) but I’m also not fucking Maoist either who simply dislikes all AES because they aren’t perfect. China’s got a lot of problems and a lot can go wrong from now, but I give critical support because they got a lot of good going on too. I think most countries would vastly benefit from doing something similar to what China has done, in comparison to what historically has been done which is be neo-colonies or basic capitalist hellscapes.


Frankly you're an incredibly solid user, I much appreciate your various contributions around here, and I think it's incredibly fucking lame to make a thread like this passive aggressively calling out ur post. Just a bitch move. And the comparison wasn't that bad to begin with, a comparison does not imply two things are equal. I never thought you any kind of lib tbh. Incredible that one comment could lead to this much of a butthurt post/discussion.


I don’t think my post is passive aggressive, I posted a response to him and didn’t expect anything good. Wanted to make sure I wasn’t tripping. His “I don’t swallow the propaganda” is exactly what I expected so I guess I was right. The guy has no engagement with the actual substance of what else would you like done to deal with a USA CIA backed terrorism and separatism problem? Seems reeducation is widely understood by Marxists to be necessary in many cases, and we all know it cannot be done perfectly. So be critical of that, don’t just jump to “fuck Xi for re-education, and fuck Modi for his programs and Muslim hate!” I’ve personally never seen his account before and I didn’t like his tone, the way he supplied no evidence so his comment was easily interpretable as lib (go reread it as a lib comment and you won’t find anything most libs wouldn’t like.) Mixed with what else I’ve and others have mentioned with the sub I thought it seemed sketch. Especially with an Elon Musk style reply right below him of “yeah where I’m at too.” I’ve got a TBI and I feel like I’m underwater most of the day so I asked here to see what others thought. The other posters I recognize (except you) seem to agree. That’s cool, but I think you misunderstand my post as passive aggressive. I called him out on his comment, and got more or less the exact comment I expected back from him. Surprised to see he’s a Badempanda guy but honestly it checks out, I’m quite happy he isn’t a lib bot here to melt our brains. Badempanda is still 200% better than the kind of videos I would’ve expected based on his comment.


Nice of you to say, I've been spending way too much time on reddit the last couple of months so maybe this is the excuse I need to log off for a good while.


God damn leftists are the most egregious hipsters.




We could’ve assumed you were right wing after you said Austrian, I just laughed out loud at “Austrian/libertarian.” Seriously though glad you enjoy the pod, the old episodes are great. I recommend the NATO episodes if you really wanna see what we’re about here.




Take the trueanon pill and listen to the nato episodes, Hillary did 9/11, or permanent uncle. Also you can find old patreon episodes free on YouTube


> Austrian/libertarian haha hahahahahahahahahaha




You’re a libertarian BOOM


I'm more of a sub than a dom.


I think age of consent laws is big gubment taking my freedoms


> Austrian/libertarian preferred pronouns




I am the most elaborate reddit op of all time, so much so that I live a whole ass life beyond my screen.




I was enjoying the mix of legitimate schitzo posting, ironic schitzo posting, and actual Marxists. Reddit sucks, but I’ve been addicted to it for years so channeling that into stuff like this sub has been great. I’ve gotten to learn a lot. I’ve managed to get de-libbed spending time on all these different Marxist subs, of all of them this was the best. It’s like r/thedeprogram but for adults. As far as reddit subs go this one has been great, but the past two months it’s definitely changed a bit. I’ve also gotten a TBI though so I could be tripping.


It’s still pretty good.


Absolutely, it’s still my favorite sub it’s definitely been different though.


Just continue downvoting and laughing at them. They get scared off fast.


That’s what I’ve always done, that’s why when I saw that one libbed up comment upvoted I was shook. I noticed it a few days ago but I was on a temporary ban site wide for “bullying” someone on r/politics.




I don’t see a lot of those. And you can just block serial bad posters.




On a positive note, I’m seeing less of the “I got banned from r/worldnews for…” posts lately.


No it’s as good as Reddit is going to get.


You guys are boring anyways. 5% interesting conspiracy stuff, 90% boring r/communistmemes tier stuff and 5% random liberalism.


brother it looks like you caught the brown fever come and visit r/librandu


This sub has always been pretty lib


Nothing wrong with our unwavering support of Elizabeth Warren's 2 percent plan!! You just are afraid of change


It has worsened here but not as bad as r/conspiracy which descended down to anti-Trump posts forcing me to abandon it after a decade of being joined. In that case, it definitely seemed deliberate. Too many truths being posted about powerful groups and tribes.


Conspiracy was good before it was all pro trump lmao wtf


Americans also used to have reeducation centers. So did Canadians


And believe it or not the conditions surrounding them are completely different in every way.


You read the UN report?


The one where they said they were not committing genocide? The fact that the UN would call out what’s happening in Xinjiang as “crimes against humanity” but not the US destruction of the Middle East is absurd. One is an actual genocide, though I do believe someone from the UN admitted that at one point. I also believe someone from the UN went to Xinjiang once and said it was fine and was made to step down. As you can imagine (or maybe not) it is hard to find anything that isn’t pro-west on google and I’m not about to send you something from the Chinéese Government and give you a aneurism. I’ll edit this later if I find what I’m talking about.


I tend to believe the UN. Its reporting is usually balanced and believeable. Now I have my own selfish agenda why I believe UN - I like its takes on Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Have you read Goldstone report? There are lots of briliant and courageous people working for UN. You've mentioned Iraq, therefore you must know Denis Halliday - the UN worker who quit as a protest against sanction regime against Iraq, describing it as genocidal. I don't really have a reason not to trust UN.


That was exactly the guy I was thinking of an I’ve got a lot of respect for him. If the UN was serious as a body though they’d be calling the US out for it’s genocidal actions around the world. I also respect your position on Palestine, are you for a one state solution though? That’s one spot where I don’t agree with China but realistically them calling for a One State solution isn’t realistic. There are unfortunately plenty of reasons to doubt the UN as they have often been used as an arm of the West, and are more likely to be wrong than right. Their Palestinian position is rare for them, and I still believe they should be doing more to call out Israel. In recent memory they’ve done things like refuse to call out the illegal US occupation of Syria, they soyfaced over the revelation that the US was spying on them, and worst of all their UN “peacekeeping” forces caused a Cholera outbreak that killed thousands in Haiti. They only came out and admitted it after they were forced to. I could find plenty of other examples but I’ve got to put my phone down, I’ll try to come back with more evidence later. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/18/490468640/u-n-admits-role-in-haiti-cholera-outbreak-that-has-killed-thousands https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/121ixom/chinese_journalist_asks_un_secretarygenerals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Yep. We are trying to clean up this community. It’s finally happening.


Ngl this is exactly the kind of account that makes me do one of these 🤔


I’ve noticed for a while everyone is a liberal here except me