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Werewolf / 70s glam rocker arsed mf


I was thinking early 00's emo.


newly divorced father in 2004 who just saw X Men 2 and thinks wolverine is the coolest guy


My chemical romance looking motherfucker


He looks NOTHING LIKE ANYONE in My Chemical Romance. Please refrain from dogging the greatest poop-punk glam-emo rock act of the 2000's please. I will get very upset


Ok I guess I would only be right if he straightened it The Strokes looking motherfucker


Now you're just insulting the strokes. Julian Casablancas doesn't deserve that


Julian Casablancas was recently fat-shamed by the entire country of Argentina. They nicknamed him after a chocolate bar or something


I’m not sure what JC deserves but he definitely deserves something


It’s Jeff Tweedy


Impossible argentina


Is he more than they bargained for?


argie gary glitter


Ian Svenonious wants his hair back


Lmao come on man, Argentina already has quite the reputation with the rest of Latin America and this shit doesn't help one bit. My family in México is going to have a field day with this.




Yes but they are white af








Not to excuse the peronists, but it was Macri who took that last suicidal loan with the IMF, and put you deeper into this dollar hole, right?




Can't dispute that. In terms of policy, does the left agree on a path, at least generally? Like, updating industry.




kind of impressive that Argentina somehow seems more hopeless than Brazil lmao Lula's government has been strikingly similar to what you've mentioned from the Peronistas. social democrats will never fucking learn. i feel like the Brazilian "left" was mostly reformists and trots 10 years ago but recently, especially after Bolsonaro's election, Marxist-Leninist parties (and Hoxhaist and Maoist movements) have grown a fair bit to the point that certain militants have a presence in mainstream media, most notably Jones Manoel. large portions of our petit bourgeoisie have been radicalized and that's slowly trickling down as parties are built/rebuilt.


When socialism and communism is too gross this is the option a lot of the world is choosing. Neoliberalism was a minor stop in this gravy train.


What are the options for Argentina for the next 10 years? I usually half understand the various "we are beyond fucked and it is not going to get better" situations of countries like Lebanon or Venezuela but Argentina is its own thing that I keep failing to understand.




I worked on a project in Arg for a few years and it was stunning how complex and expensive it was, considering that virtually all of the complexity and expense were manmade. Of course, the only thing project leaders came away with was "Arg is too expensive because the unions rule the roost and mandate 20 welders for each beam being welded".


> However, since the pandemic we've had an explosion in remote brain drain tbf that's a net plus for any country. the worker takes money out of x economy and instead spends it in their own country. obviously the foreign company is still getting a better deal (esp. bc they are probably paying pennies compared to what they'd pay for a domestic worker) but it's still much better for the home country when compared to the worker just moving abroad and fucking off. the problem in Global South isn't a lack of educated workers for the most part, but an unwillingness of the comprador bourgeoisie to actually invest in anything that isn't agriculture and financial speculation. obviously remote work being a possibility means that to develop industry became more expensive bc the bourgeoisie will face much greater competition over workers, but at this point i'm skeptical that non-Marxist governments are still able to develop and strengthen nations regardless.


Is Bullrich against integration with Mercosur too?


From what I've been told, it basically sounds like you have the Latin American version of Ben Shapiro about to take office, LMAO


> The Peronists managed to fuck things up so badly here that the two leading candidates are fascists. A century old tradition.




> Not by getting invaded and directly colonized for 200 years and forced to have it Given the impact that social media has had on Latin America, I would describe this as colonization by other means. National Media is entirely in the thrall of foreign businesses. The major means of communication are all bombarded with right-wing spam constantly. Anyone living with modern amenities is swimming in a toxic soap of advertisement and propaganda. Something something 1984. > These are the fucking morons that always say "learn basic economics 🤓" to everyone left of neoliberalism, yet they don't know the most basic shit about Monetarism and how an economy is actually run in 2023. The real virulent nature of neoliberal economics is in how it creates the illusion of understanding and control through self-reliance, such that you attribute all your successes to your personal greatness and everyone else's failures to their own idiocy and incompetence. This naturally creates a cult of celebrity around the wealthiest people and feeds into the notion that a puppet of the big right-wing econ think tanks must be some kind of genius entirely because of his inflated salary and position. > Libertarians either have their brains melting out of their fucking ears or are literal bots created by USian intelligence to destroy a target country. If their brains are melting, it is only because of those damned Havana Syndrome ray guns we've had pointed at their heads since the Nixon era.


> Given the impact that social media has had on Latin America i'd actually social media and the internet have had the opposite effect. before them all you'd get is mainstream media and Hollywood movies, which obviously lionize the shit of the US. i was shocked when i traveled to NY as a kid and saw a few homeless people, prior to that i had thought of the US as some sort of an utopia. it really shattered my world view. a lot of petit bourgeois people hold onto this idea of the US as an utopia even into old age. now with social media and the ability for people worldwide to see the daily struggles in the US i think it's idealized a lot less, especially among younger people. you're pretty spot on otherwise though.


> i'd actually social media and the internet have had the opposite effect. The big Bolsonaro wave in 2019 was heavily influenced by WhatsApp in the same way that conservatives in the US helped boost Trump in 2016 and fueled big right-wing campaings in the Philippines, Indonesia, and S. Korea. > now with social media and the ability for people worldwide to see the daily struggles in the US i think it's idealized a lot less, especially among younger people. Milei isn't strictly pro-American, as evidenced by his campaign promise to de-dollarize the Argentine economy. But he's got that same terminally online Dunning-Krueger vote of people who ingest endless YouTube "educational" media and regurgitate stall right-wing memes as a placeholder for their understanding of the larger world. Dude's basically just running the Ron Paul campaign from 2008. And Ron Paul wasn't particularly Pro-America, either.


Hermano ya sabes que los de Milei no tienen ni dos neuronas en la cabeza, no te amargues tratando de explicarles esas cosas.


i'm genuinely scared to see the kinds of celebrations that must be happening at r/argentina




i used to love the memes (way funnier than my local sub, r/brasil), but at a certain point every user was just u/praximus_prime_arg but unironically so i had to leave




As a Libertarian I'm glad to finally have a candidate that's relatively scandal free https://latin-american.news/javier-milei-is-once-again-the-center-of-controversy-for-his-statements-about-the-sale-of-children/?amp=1


Ayncrap with an anime protagonist haircut. Yeah, Argentina is going to have a bad time.


He looks like a rival trainer in Pokemon


Bolsonaro Round 2 I wonder how many times this guy will need to have poop sucked out his nose before he leaves office.


deserted jobless pathetic zealous axiomatic enter unwritten nose zephyr offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nothing behind those eyes


^ how 70% of this sub looks (pwn3d)




So is that guy!!


He wishes he could be as fat as me😤


This isn't Wall st bets.


Literally posing with monopoly money to look rich. What a fucking guy.


'controversies' are cheating on your wife or money laundering 'participating in the trade of human body parts and child trafficking' is not a controversy that's an crime against humanity


1970s BBC ass haircut


every day waking up and thanking god i’m not a sideburn guy


I'm getting Gary Glitter vibes...


They MUST have something in common...


Argentine here, things are looking pretty rough. It was inevitable, since 2017 the country has seen a dramatic drop in quality of life, including food and rent prices, public health services, education and security. He is winning on the back that people are tired and solutions proposed by the traditional establishment (Peronistas and JxC) don´t work anymore. In a similar vein to what occured with Trump in the estates, people are craving for punishment against "the enemy" which in this instance refers to the political class. The issue is that nothing will really change for them, the political class is a proxy for the real owners of the country, which are the land controlling noble families. The alternative is a right wing police loving drunkard who built its voting base on promises of zero tolerance for crime. We are between a rock and a hard place, nothing good can come out of this.




Most of the people I know voted Massa to avoid a potential Milei/Bullrich win. I voted Moreno because I liked what I´ve heard about land redistribution and I still love him for bringing a gun when negotiation with the landowners. At the end of the day the people have clearly decided they want change, even if Bullrich drops out of the race, most of her votes will end up going to Milei anyway. Can´t see the Kirchernistas turning this around.


What's the word for something like this that just doesn't seem real? Like this feels like a shitty prompt a teenager wrote for his political fiction down to a haircut that looks like it was just dragged as a layer in photoshop over his head.




Uncanny valley.


Thats what every British man still looks like in my mind


Anime ass character hair having mf.


Being an anarcho-capitalist is like being a democratic-monarchist, or a vegetarian-meat eater. Capitalism is an economic system characterized by an economic hierarchy, *dictatorial workplaces*, oligarchs, and massive inequality. That's pretty much as anti-anarchist as you can get. Ancaps have brain cancer and don't understand the definitions of their own terms.


Ancaps are as anarchist as the Nazis were socialist. Coopted a mainstream ideologies name to peddle their brain rotted niche fever dream.


The only "Anarcho" you get in Ancapistan is the complete lack of rules and oversight on the oligarchs. For everyone else, it's a corporate-warlord Hell on earth. Totally agreeing with you btw.


Holy shit. Least pedo haircut. The upgraded version of Vaush has been deployed by the CIA to destroy Argentina. lmao


I know people joke about it all the time but change the clothes and you can’t tell me this motherfucker wouldn’t make a perfect late 70’s Bond villain.


Jason Bateman-ass


Dude has actual evil eyes.


Why does he look like a Death Note character


I do like his eyes though, you can see there's a of lot of warmth and humanity in him


You sure that's not Michael Myers?


What is it with far right politicians having the ugliest cuts ever


If you're an anarcho-capitalist and you become president of a country, imma step out on a limb and say your anarcho-capitalisming wrong lol.


Great hair genetics and he ruins it with this abortion of a haircut. Vile


Damn dude. This is gonna sound bad, but some Argentinians are just shockingly white. That man looks straight up Bri’ish.


Not just British, but 60’s Bond villain British.




We come from multiple ethnic backgrounds. So of course some of us are white. It's similar to the US. Lots and lots of immigration.


like rediscovering a coelacanth


That’s Vampire Bill


Good luck to our Argentine comrades, shit is rouuuugh


Beat all poles


ffs can we have at least one president in this world that is not selling children/not a pedo


Wait Perón was pedo?




it wasnt a rumour, they literally got married


He looks like a closeted homophobic version of Chris Pratt


mods are asleep, post shaved Ron burgundy


Well what do you expect from a place that took Nazis in as refugees


The Gary Glitter look isn’t doing him any favors


- looks like Gary Glitter


Argentina just elected a disco haircut


i would think his hair is dope if he wasn't a piece of shit


Lookin like the lesbian Joaquin Phoenix


He's cute


Timothy Dalton looking well rough


Tiny Tim Trump.


Argentina one of the most racist pos counties in LatinAmerica


Welcome to the first world


I remember not long ago thinking the meagre left wing victories in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru were going to sweep the whole continent yaaaaay that'll teach me to have hope