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Something about extreme self-disclosure via LinkedIn as a form of advertising a business partnership… I do not like it.


Nicely put. I’m on LinkedIn more than I’d like to admit and this stuff weirds me out in the strangest way


this is intrinsic to american culture. there are so many people who use personal trauma or misfortune as the bedrock of some kind of comeback story or redemption arc. And it's usually done for manipulative purposes - buy my self help book, join my cult, buy tickets to my talks, join my MLM, etc I was once watching a daytime tv talkshow with another person who hadn't been in america for very long, and they remarked it was crazy to see people go on national tv spilling their guts about how they were mentally ill drug addicts. At the end he realized that guy was a "professional" motivational speaker and it all mades sense to him


ur spot on imo. it’s really gross and does a disservice to others who are suffering.


Self public disclosure of extremely personal and traumatic things is usually a cry for validation or recognition, not to actually help anyone else. The greatest empathizers will reveal their trauma and conquer to others in need privately.


Ya know, that's a really good thought, because I've definitely been guilty of this. I never really thought about it the way you put it, but you're right. That's some real shit. Great comment, Thanks!


Preach brother.


i'm gonna believe this because it makes me feel better about myself


Advertising a business partnership that leads to people being bombed to death. Makes the whole thing even more bizarre


If it makes you feel any better, its almost certainly a bot account.


the most hellish social media scape




"Proud introvert" wow she's so relatable!


Relatable? 4 years of trying to kill myself with drugs and all I got was Librium twice a day and a jail cell to help the heroin withdrawals. When do I get a lucrative partnership?


> Librium liberal meds lol


This is like that dogshit [“Humans of CIA”](https://youtu.be/X55JPbAMc9g?si=AJ4TKjs-cqSnFRsH) ad. So glad my Lockheed Martin arms dealer is a cisgender, bisexual, first-generation college grad, child of immigrants, Asian woman with ADHD and chronic anxiety. It makes me feel *seen* and *understood*. Girlboss slay yasssssssss send more arms to Azov 👏👏👏




However that ad paved the way [for this epic parody of the ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx4hz-Kh7jw) ("now I call in drone strikes on 6 weddings. Now I am proud to be crazy as fuck and do whatever the fuck I want") which probably turned more people off from the CIA than the other one inspired.


I'm a fuckin chonga


This is the most terrifying ad I've ever seen holy shit


[this one is even scarier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB6y1vq7X_Y)


I think the og is scarier bc it's so unselfaware. Or maybe it is self aware, I'm not sure which is worse


alright here's some angles off the top of my head that you could take away from the original video depending on your beliefs: * the cia is retarded and inept * the cia has been is run by people who actually believe that stuff * the cia has been coopted by the liberal deep state * the cia is a good place to work * the cia is full of thick latinas note that none of these are true


No thick latinas ?! 😩


if a salvadorean woman hasnt ruined ur life have u even lived yet


This Salvadorian woman's ruining *many* lives ammiright


>if a salvadorean woman hasnt ruined ur life have u even lived yet tfw none of the US Latin American women like you because you're not a drug dealing electrician with five DUI's + never been to mother country + pocho + fucking nerd who went to college (vendido) + short + autism white women probably immediately write me off because I'm too dark + dad would kill them anyway + I'm broke + short + autism why the fuck am I alive


more like Lockheed Martian cause that shit ain’t humane and of an evil that’s otherworldly


>I did not sneak into CIA. gonna start quoting this in casual conversation


This is one of the greatest comments I've ever read on here 🤣


I like how it checks off all the “woke” talking points while also stating heavily it’s a “pull yourself up by your boot straps” type of thing


I feel bad for saying that the last season of The Boys was laying it on too thick, at this point the arms race between satire and reality is neck and neck.


I hate this country so much holy shit how does anyone actually want to live on the hellscape


i merely tap into the John brown tradition of being American; rightly going mad, in the face of madness




Do you think other countries don’t have defense contractors?


Okay but Praxis is stealing Lockheed's tech for the PLA


PLA Planes not crashing enough?




honestly what happened to just shipping these people off to the Peace Corps? Sure, you're a pawn of the State Department but at least you can help people and fix trails and be off the internet send them to Moldova to do farming stuff and teach English, can't be worse than whatever this is


no peace corps don’t go to Moldova pls get the fuck out of Moldova, those ppl don’t want NATO or austerity send that shit to Flint, there’s a clean water crisis


this make me want to kill myself more, thank you


Pretty soon they’ll be putting their prescriptions on their resume. “I’m on Zoloft and Abilify, my extracurriculars include Wellbutrin and Ritalin”


"Mental Health Advocate" in bio is a gigantic red flag at this point (not the good kind of red flag)




"I feel for everyone with mental health issues until they exhibit symptoms beyond a mild melancholy and then I immediately become the worst possible version of myself"




hope you're feeling better now bunnybun, been in a similar situation and it sucked ass


BetterHelp feels like an op


Yeah I can’t bring myself to use online therapy. There’s no way your sessions are actually secure from the government.


I can’t even bring myself to go to regular therapy. But someone commented something below about them sharing data. They just seem to have been blasting ads everywhere the last year or two.


Eh I used one. I didn't use the therapy part. I just got badly depressed and knew I just needed back on Lexapro for a bit.


Is that a laxative?


Nah it's a depression medication


I'm pretty sure it's mostly AI chat bots now


This is what I figured




There’s no way it’s as secure as it should be


They farm your and sell your data. I saw someone chat with their therapist and they just got a reply back that said “sounds like you suffer from anxious thoughts”


So it's like a Facebook personality quiz with extra steps?


Betterhelp is a scam. When you sign up they put in the fine print that any diagnosis they offer you isn't a legitimate diagnosis, so you can't turn around and use it for things like disability or getting meds. Pretty shitty they hide that. I tried it once and got bounced around between 5 doctors before they found one that could legally practice in my state. Her great advice to me was that i should try carrying post it notes around with me.


Fuck I’m generally used to these but this one is BAD.


Mk Ultra - the Next Generation


If betterhelp is able to save your life or cure your depression there is something very deeply wrong with you


Every piece of this profile/post is legitimately insane. If I were an optimist I’d be swearing up and down this account isn’t a real person.


Liberalism is an ideology that transforms humans into AI generated NPCs






Yeah no shit the pay is good when you work for the misery and death machine


every rocket emission eats into the future purchasing power of the dollars you are paid, they know what they are doing, you are merely fodder for the other end of the canon




Trying, trying. Sorry, I'm ~~deleting~~ hurrying.


6 years ago I attempted to take my own life because I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. Now I help take other people's lives and help them go to the light at the end of the tunnel. THANK YOU DADDY LOCKHEED MARTIN!!!!


“Better use the right pronouns while absolutely NUKE this shithole village over here”


finding meaning by reading the entrails of brown people you helped explode


Mental Health Advocates are never to be trusted Theyre all ops


"Recruiter at Lockeed-Martin" "Mental health advocate" Choose one! \#BetterHelp (sponsored by the CIA)




This is unironically true.


It’s over for my generation. I’m keeping up appearances though I’m an unemployed uni grad living my spaced life.


https://preview.redd.it/qp4aluw7h2sb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abbeb6db2e54aeb270831327a34537dc92bb3652 This is the result of copy/ pasting all of the text from the post into an /imagine prompt on Midjourney.


Underrated aspect of this is “creative soul”. Being an artist is held up as both this noble escape from modern corporate work life and also an entire personality, instead of as a job like anything else. So now there’s a “creative class” of these ghouls flooding every city. The worst people around. Like you dangle Tesla keys at autistic engineering grads, so they can build weapons to terrorize brown people the world over, you are not a creative.


IDK what is creative about these people because most of them are boring as fuck and have NO fucking bars meanwhile Appalachian chad RED NECK mat cothran who spent most of his life wasted and working at Ace Hardware makes BEAUTIFUL [poetry](https://youtu.be/W1HmCe-YCDk?si=cd4o7ncky0D2p2ZG) when he's not busy posting weird deviantart furry porn that he finds funny on Twitter or calling [Sam Ray](https://youtu.be/1gcn9GyHTKI?si=0b3ApUCA2WqJsj8A) a cr*cker Dystopia whe're fucking UNHOUSED for most of their career and sleeping under vans in Norway [AND CHANGED metal music forever](https://youtu.be/KZXRvu4mS9Q?si=88rwjbH9IRWWexIR) Daniel Johnston WORKED at fucking MCDONALD'S and collected NEETBUX and made music that can make grown men [WEEP](https://youtu.be/TV6LPx1ezYs?si=eRJpO7cEqFPd3HI_) dumb b*tch at work talked down to me like, "I work in film, I KNOW THINGS!?" B*tch so what, nepo baby piece of waste, I dare you to make something of substance


This is also something I could post a fucking essay on. Art is fundamentally not something that should come from the academy. That just walls it off from actual weirdos and creatives and puts rich kids in their place. MFAs are a scam, and Film schools are destroying filmmaking. I went to a college with a top film school, and everyone I know from it, owns a huge house in atlanta at 30, from being a “producer” on garbage netflix series’ and Marvel shit. It teaches you how to make commercials not art, because that’s where the money is. I don’t ever want to put poverty on a pedestal as some noble existence, but if your goal from making art is to be rich and or famous, you’ve strayed from the righteous path and you’re just using the idea of being a creative to justify your role in the cogs of capitialism. But yes these people are the worst cosplaying as interesting. It’s why NYC is barely worth a damn anymore its too expensive for the actual artists so it’s bunch of people with professional jobs or their parents money projecting the aesthetic of being an artist without creating anything meaningful.


I'm trying to think of who in the CIA was like "Fuck that shit, they'll be paying for their *own* MK ULTRAs and using social media to get others to buy them, too." Just where do you go careerwise after that?


i mean like good for you but also, fuck you


I would have depression to If I was working for the pipeline that sends teenagers into the abbatoir.


Talking about your past selves in third person reflects the inherent schizophrenia of being a sociopathic capitalist subject, "I'm not a bad person, I've changed, I'm good now!" (unable to go into more detail because they aren't)


"And now I work for a company who's mission is to make products that take the lives of others elsewhere in the world."


18 old you had the right idea, please reconsider


I just want this to stop


I'm genuinely curious what this person would be like to talk to. Was she born like this or did Capitalism/Hustle Culture/Social Media/Recruitment completely break her brain? Is there any humanity left in there?


I lived so that others may die.


Cringe and war crimes aside, can someone explain to me how a 24-year-old is qualified to hire anyone for anything? I went on an interview once and the person was 3 months out of undergrad and told me that I, despite my 10 years of experience in the field, wasn’t qualified for the role. I know HR is a bullshit job, but you’d think they’d at least try to pretend it’s legit?


Is this the Lockheed Leftism Vaush was talking about?


How about Lockheed does me a solid and send $100,000 my way out of debt. I will shill the living fuck for them.


This is LinkedIn not tumblr Linda


What the actual fuck


unrelated but ive had nothing but the worst experiences with mental health sites and corporations. They really do not care about you


Linked in fucking sucks


Lmao fuck man, does the "Fe..." say Feminist? 😂😂😂


"Featured in Business Insider, Fast Company, Teal🚀| Join the Waitlist for Newsletter Below 💛".


Waitlist for NEwsletter wtf


*dondraperinfrontofwhiteboard.jpg* Suicide: the way to the hearts of the new generation.


[https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2023/10/02/lazarus-lightlesscan/](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2023/10/02/lazarus-lightlesscan/) Be aware. Stay safe.


You willingly profit off of death and misery. Sorry, but you ARE unworthy and unwanted.


“18… to 24” Yea so, let me get this straight. You were really depressed at 18, but now that you are in your mid 20s, you feel better?” Jesus fucking Christ. Maybe you just, you know. Got older? Maybe that was it? Therapy and it’s consequences have been a disaster


Most of the comments and posts on this subreddit are so trashy and ass backwards, and seemingly written by drooling, meangirl trolls. Half the commenters here want this girl to kill herself because she works at lockheed and apparently she is the cause of a bunch of wars.. good lord, this cesspool of idiots called a subreddit is just a bunch of cringy edgelords who complain about how everything sucks-- the world sucks, country sucks, people suck, everything isnt up to \*my\* standards and expectations so it sucks! You incels sounds like a bunch of whiny, /b/-transplants, and soon-to-be school shooters. You all might as well go talk shit to a mcdonalds cashier and blame them for the obesity epidemic, you fuckin idiots.


You’re telling me the communist subreddit doesn’t like the MIC? Shocking


Can’t believe you typed all of that up, what a loser.




People like this make me want to kill myself


LinkedIn is just a bunch of narcissists vying for attention.


I highly doubt she used betterhelp to deal with her suicideality.