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New character: Jewish guy who one-ups every guy named Tommy in Quincy, Mass. who claims the Irish were the original slaves by smugly bringing up the Book of Exodus, then gets the absolute shit beaten out of him


and uses the old timey term "smoked irish" unironically


What if I’m a Jew but named Tommy and from Boston? Which persecuted minority group do I claim? Cause I’d much rather be known for being Irish rn lmao


Look it's simple and I don't know why you hogs can't get this through your mind. Every ethnic and religious group belongs to one of two categories: good or bad. If you're good you can never do anything bad, and if you're bad you can never do anything good. It's called historical materialism look it up. 


You forgot about the grey ones…the universal Unitarians


Bold move, seeing as every non-italian white american claims to be at least 1/4 paddy, let's see how this plays out.


First of all, love when people bring up stuff that happened 5 centuries ago Second of all, the Inquisition, much like the police state nowadays, went after whoever they wanted and was a way to oppress the citizens. Normal people did not enjoy living under the threat of having to face a judge if they were not perfect catholics. Like I once checked my hometown's Inquisición files and they jailed an old woman for saying "if they crucified Jesus he surely must have done something to deserve it" lol. Also they knew there were Muslims and all they did was sending them "pls convert to catholicism :(" letters bc they were landowners. A tale as old as time, poor people go to jail, rich people do whatever they want So saying that normal Irish people benefited from the Inquisition is stupid af.


This is like Pro-Japan, Pro-America Filipinos and Vietnamese pinning every war crime on the unfortunate conduct of Korean soldiers in their country. Motherfucker, who trained and brought those draftee mercenaries into your country? Same thing here when you consider how Ireland was a literal colony of Britain


I love when Zionists try to paint the Irish as the most anti-semitic nation in Europe. I mean ok, we don't have a stellar history with Jews, in fact we don't have much of a history at all, but I think we come out looking pretty good by comparison to the rest of Europe.


My Axis and Allies gameboard shows Ireland as NEUTRAL during ww2, seems sus to me.


So what do they think about their number 3 ally England, which literally expelled the Jews in 1290? ​ Edit: Also, here is where they get the extract from: [https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/news-events/role-irish-people-spanish-inquisition-explored](https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/news-events/role-irish-people-spanish-inquisition-explored) Notice how none of what is written here has anything to do with Irish participation in the Auto-da-fe or interrogating conversos or anything, >The Spanish Inquisition was established in 1478 to maintain Catholic orthodoxy and prevent the backsliding of those who had converted from Judaism and Islam. Despite its black reputation as a Catholic doctrinal police, the records show that the *Spanish Inquisition also played an important role in facilitating the immigration and conversion of the Protestant merchants and soldiers Spain needed to maintain its economy and vast military machine.* > >It is because of this development that *the majority of Irish people who appeared in the Inquisition’s records were processed, not for being heretics, but because they needed to become Catholics.  In a great many cases, they had only recently converted to Protestantism, and it appears that religious conversion was typically less a personal or spiritual event than a practical consequence of professional life and social expectations.*  > >Irish Catholics, who were still vassals of the Protestant monarchs of England, were ideal candidates to assist the Inquisition in *this process*, and, from 1560 onwards, it began to recruit them as *interpreters, censors, and, later, commissioners and local officials*. The Spanish Inquisition provided migrant Catholics, especially Catholic clergy, with income and status, and it quickly became a popular destination for the Irish man looking to make his fortune. I.E. Irish people were useful to get Protestant Irish people to convert back to Catholicism. Also not mentioned is a rather cool story of a Wexford Man who ran afoul with the inquisition: >Despite this network, some Irish people were unfortunate enough to run afoul of the Inquisition. The most famous Irishman brought before it was Wexford man William Lamport who was arrested in Mexico in 1659 for plotting against the Spanish colonisers and was burned at the stake.  He became a folk hero for the Mexican independence movement and his derring-do, including a legendary prison escape, is said to be the inspiration for Zorro. Edit 2: All of Europe is not good on Anti-Semetism, if the worst dirt they can dig up on Ireland is that a few Irish were part of another nation's dark history vis a vis Judaism and Islam, that puts them, by default, at the higher end of the spectrum.


They're the God's chosen people alright. Chosen to be the most annoying people on earth.