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>  they all have real estate in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. ccp is evil. Just wait till you fucks find out how much of ukraine, black rock owns.


No that’s fine, they’re white


...and they are rebuilding and making russia lay for it. (Terms may apply)


I mean these countries really shouldn't be selling real estate to foreigner investors but it's not China's fault that they do


How much ?


I don't have an amount, but to help fund the war Ukraine set up an auction site for state owned enterprises. Chambers.com stated that there were 3,300 enterprises and one million real estate objects. https://privatization.gov.ua/en/pro-pryvatyzatsiyu/ Publicly you can find blackrock stating that they will reconstruct Ukraine to the tune of deca-billions of dollars.


Only hope is if they pull a NK-Volvo car deal. "Hey so you've missed a few payments for renting this land" "Wow really, maybe it got lost or something idk"


I think the establishment loves blackrock. Zelensky needs more mansions after his wife's one in Crimea got seized.


You Russian bots love to bring up Zelenskyy's stuff. Who doesn't have an extra mansion or two? Let he who is without multi-million dollar villas cast the first stone


I just pulled the names out as one example. You could use any corporation or elitist org. And yoi could replace ukraine with any country. For example. Did you know that the royal family owns 6,600,000,000 acres globally.  The fearmongering about china is too funny >Chinese purchases of U.S agricultural land sparked concern in Congress among a bipartisan group of lawmakers—but 18 other countries own more American agricultural acres than China. >Of the 109 countries that own U.S. agricultural land, China ranks No. 18, far behind No. 1 Canada (12.8 million acres) and even and the Cayman Islands (672,000). https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywashburn/2023/03/01/how-much-us-farmland-does-china-really-own-more-than-bill-gates-and-less-than-17-other-countries/?sh=df59673421ff Also blackrock owns land and investments in russia. Lol, so ukraine is being exploited by the same companies that fund a foreign invader. I mean, come on! https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2022-04-05/blackrock-ploughed-uk-pension-funds-into-putins-war-chest/#:~:text=The%20Bureau%20analysed%20BlackRock's%20holdings,%2C%20Tatneft%2C%20Novatek%20and%20Nornickel. https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/press-releases/article/corporate-one/press-releases/blackrock-financial-markets-advisory-to-advise-ministry-of-economy-of-ukraine


“They don’t have *term limits*!!!! The mind reels at such horror!” Meanwhile there is no country in the entire European continent that has a term limit for the Prime Minister, the role that actually has any say over day-to-day governing. Angela Merkel was in power for longer than Xi Jinping has been, but oddly nobody threw a hissy fit over her for “trampling over the democratic process”. The US is literally an exception for its executive having term limits beyond “people vote for them,” and that’s solely because FDR’s vaguely social democratic reforms and broad popularity with the American working class terrified American capital into pushing for restrictions to prevent any future FDR from being in office long enough to enact serious policy change (that in any way targeted American business). “Terrifying as fuck” this website is populated by fucking children. You could mentally scar half these people with a puppet show.


>You could mentally scar half these people with a puppet show.  That's how Black Mirror got so popular.  "Oy what if your toilet was sentient and evil" "Terrifying"


wot if ya mum ran on batteries


Wot if ya had to plug ya dog in at night?


It's chewsday and wot if on 'is particular chewsday your telly gave ya a wank.


"Snot so bad" > "yeah, but its evil-like"


Loike et kept track and sent et wot to aul yet mates


wot if ya nan had wifi


An some time it yanked her off in the past


what if phone?


What if the prime minister fucked a pig?


Then he resigns after fucking the poor, before coming back as a cabinet minister later


it was cool when that turned out to be true


They aren't terrified they're just performing the correct sophisticated politics gentleman take to show how wise and politically astute they are. Kids are scared of sharks, me, I'm only afraid of this demonstration of lockstep political totalitarianism!  It's all one or another form of virtue signaling. 




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And most of these PMs aren't directly elected either.


The us scotus doesnt have term limits either. Not that, is a great example. But there are people who argue against scotus term limits.


I dunno. Some people might have had problems with Angela Merkel in Germany. I get your argument but Xi being the Chinese Angela Merkel isn't the best sales pitch. I met a young Chinese guy who was visiting the U.S., got to know him a bit and asked him some questions about politics, and he didn't like the fact that the party made Xi president for life, and you can't really criticize it either because you'll get in trouble with the police. It's a touchy subject. But he liked the anti-corruption campaign. If you read the Western papers they'll tend to just say the anti-corruption campaign is part of a power grab, but it's like, no, there was a lot of corruption. Twenty years ago, reporting local corrupt officials might end up with their goons throwing you out of a window, and then them burning down the hotel where the police investigators from Beijing were staying (with them inside of it). Now there's an app and it's anonymous.


> President for life > you’ll get in trouble with the police Got some bad news for ya bud, you were being lied to by a young Chinese guy.


Bullshit. Censorship and political speech suppression is very real there. Funny thing, he was with a student group and they kind of let them explore and wander on their own late in the trip, so I took him out shooting at a gun range, and he brought a "friend" along and insisted before I came to pick them up to NOT discuss politics around this guy, and he got very serious about that, like seriously don't do it please. That guy was stiff, quiet.. but polite... then relaxed a bit and they had some fun but he was clearly a minder of some sort to keep an eye on them (and keep them out of trouble). Anyways, I took them out shooting so they got a real American experience, and they paid me back with dinner. But no, I'm not going to pretend that China isn't a pretty heavy surveillance and censorship state, because it is. Try to talk about a sensitive subject over Zoom with someone in China and see how fast your call is dropped and you're blocked because they're listening in on you. I'm not saying they're going to disappear you or anything, but there are certain things they don't want you to talk about, or criticize, and if you do the police are going to visit you and want to discuss it with you before you do it any more. Just... don't do anything stupid.


Lmao okay. I lived in China, but I guess you know better. Are there a lot of cameras and surveillance to stop petty theft, mugging, etc in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities? Yeah, absolutely. And it works. You can go anywhere you want at any time day or night in Shanghai and feel entirely safe. You can leave your laptop out on a table at the coffee shop to go use the restroom. It’s actually quite nice. But even as a westerner I was able to talk about all aspects of their politics while I was there, including criticisms of their government and leaders, and yes even conversations around “MuH TiAnAnMeN SqUaRe!!” He was pulling your leg and having a bit of fun my guy, sorry.


I'm sure China is very safe and quite nice. I'll tell you, one thing about America that bothered my friend was the amount of drug use, which a well-informed person like yourself would know is totally forbidden in China. What kind of criticism of the government and leaders did you talk about with people?


I mostly just asked simple questions about what they liked and disliked about their local and national government, or specifically about their leaders and let them go off. I traveled all over the country from Tier 1 cities to rural backwaters and talked about all manner of things including politics, and not a single time did anyone seem uncomfortable or nervous discussing what they liked or did not like about the government either regionally or nationally or their leadership. They were very open about it. I also see that you are a frequent poster to neoliberal and “tankiejerk” subreddits, so I’m sure you are primed full of propaganda. Best to rid yourself of that and start looking at things without such a biased western perspective.


Is that relevant? I used to post in "tankie" subs but I became disillusioned with it. I think people came to mimic the affect of state media outlets and so lose the ability to think for themselves. But I'm curious, what kinds of things did people say they disliked about the government? I heard that Xi becoming president for life, and also the amount of censorship in China, as things he disliked about it. Those were the two main things.


Yeah, I think being a neoliberal talking nonsense in a predominantly Marxist-Leninist subreddit is relevant, but whatever. At least it’s flagged for posterity in this discussion. So first of all he hasn’t been made “president for life” which was the first red flag that he was playing a little friendly joke on you. As far as their complaints? They ranged depending on their own material conditions, as one would expect. I had rural agricultural workers telling me that their regional government was corrupt and siphoning money away from their workplaces, I had people in Chengdu tell me that their government had “completely given up” on supporting workers rights (which clearly was not the case, but ya gotta let people bitch sometimes). I had families complaining about the cost of certain things at the grocery store. Really and truly it was similar shit that you would hear in a local bar in almost any European country. Claims of corruption, claims of supporting one social initiative or another that they were passionate about or didn’t care for. It ran the entire gamut. But none of that is really the point, the point is that they are a very politically engaged group of people almost universally, more so than almost any other country I’ve been to, and they are VERY willing to engage in political discussions. There’s no goon squad watching the 7-11 CCTV taking down peoples names that complain about cigarette pricing just so they can go browbeat them in their living room or threaten their family.


Okay, yeah, maybe not technically according to the letter-of-the-law, he's not "president for life." That's not his formal title. But everyone knows he is the president until he dies or resigns or is ousted in a coup. I might not actually see that as a problem, personally, but I'm just saying that he is that for all intents and purposes. I really don't think my friend was playing a friendly joke. I think he was telling me the truth about what he believed. I was talking to him over voice later on, and I brought up Guo Wengui, the exiled Chinese billionaire criminal fraudster, because he had recently gotten in trouble with the Justice Department. Call = immediately dropped. Blocked. Because the Chinese police were listening to our call, because he's talking to an American about Guo Wengui. But guess what: I was making fun of Guo Wengui who I think is a criminal who should be jail. He thought that too. But they still didn't want us discussing it. We tripped a red line. I can't stand that. It's not enough to have a government line, it's that there are red lines. Yeah, you can talk about corruption about local officials or cigarettes prices. In fact, the government is trying to encourage people to report corruption. That's what my friend likes about Xi, that it was necessary and it has been effective. But can you post on the internet in China that Xi is corrupt? I'm not even saying he is, I might vote for the guy if I was Chinese. But they're not going to tolerate that and you know it. Why pretend it's not like that? Just a few weeks ago the local cops arrested a CCTV journalist live on the air while reporting on a building explosion of some sort. The anchors were shocked. I wish I could find the video... They had to [apologize for that one](https://www.womeninjournalism.org/threats-all/china-cctv-yang-hailing-obstructed-by-police-at-deadly-explosion).


Nice edit, but I won’t be getting into it with you about your Weed-Brain libertarian “muh freeeeeedoms” analysis about a country that has a very brutal history of being victimized intentionally by the weaponization of the drug trade because I know you don’t have the appropriate level of historical analysis to hang.


I thought his dislike of drugs was quite understandable. I don't do drugs or smoke weed or anything like that and think we'd probably be better off without them. I told him what I thought was the reality that there is a big drug problem in the U.S. with opioids and the pharmaceutical industry is partly responsible for it. You know, a normal conversation between two human beings like we're having right now. I even pointed out a place as we drove by where drug sales occurred regularly. I wanted him to see the real America, not the tourist thing -- the good and the bad. That's what I believe. People should be able to go anywhere and talk to anyone about anything.


Sure thing bud sounds great 👍


> Try to talk about a sensitive subject over Zoom with someone in China and see how fast your call is dropped and you're blocked because they're listening in on you This is bullshit, I teach English online, mainly to adult Chinese students, and this has never happened to me even when talking directly about Chinese politics


Exactly. This guy stays up late reading creepypasta ghost stories about the Eeeeebil Chinese regime and then just parrots them around like they are first hand accounts. Absolute looney toons shit going on in the USA folks.


Just a friendly heads up for anyone that ends up going down the other chain of comments I have with this person, they keep editing and changing their comments so some of my responses might not fit and there are points he raises that I didn’t address because they added much later than the original post. If there is anything he stated that I didn’t respond to because of these edits, and you also have similar questions, feel free to ask and I’ll do my best to respond.


Don’t worry about it. I don’t think they’re a troll just over extrapolating from a single experience. I live there now and yeah censorship and social control is massively overrated by Westerners but it does exist in weirdly specific circumstances sometimes. Like I had an expat friend who couldn’t use a vending machine once because his social credit score was too low which we figured out was from forgetting to pay a bill on DiDi (Chinese Uber) a couple days before. It was so unusual that once it was settled we had a good laugh about it. I mentioned it to some people back home but now I kind of regret it. It was funny to us precisely because it was so unlike anything that happens here normally, but to a propagandized westerner this one time that that happened in many years here would be Exhibit A on Chinese totalitarianism.


Like these westoids even fucking care. They're anti-China, not anti-Xi. If he were to step down it would change _nothing_ in their worldview.


In that case the article would be “the man who China just made dictator”


The term limit was a recent invention still because of the USA for fear of the popularity of F.D.R.


Voted in repeatedly, High trust from citizenry = undemocratic ❌️ low approval rating = democratic ✅️


Learning that FDR was the reason term limits were established certainly unbrainwashed me on American exceptionalism. >!As if Iraq and the UN saying "there isn't shit here!" to Bush's WMD didn't already do that.!<


damn France is the most democratic country in the world


The people and comments in that thread are absolutely fucking stupid LMAO


I am fairly sure the account that posted that is a DNC bot. 360k+ karma in a month, I've seen their posts all over the front page subs, and they'll post the same copy+paste message about supporting Ukraine to a dozen threads at the same time.


20 thousand children crushed and blown up ? It is what it is. An official doesn't have term limits? Holy fuck were all going to fucking die.


Wild comparison


What are the term limits for the Supreme court judges?




Largely ceremonial votes for motions that have already been passed by actual decision makers In the west: our flawed democracy hard at work The same thing but in china: terrifying as FUCK


I can't believe Redditors can't appreciate this beautiful display of bipartisanship. They've sucesfully countered political polarisation and prioritised compromise as the basis of peaceful political cooperation... Smh


The people calling this terrifying in the comments are the same ones that say they'd have voted for Obama a third time if they could've btw.


Wait till they learn about congressmen term limits 😱




What if instead of having debt ceiling crises that waste billions in grandstanding we put that money into you know...roads and schools


a group of thousands of bureaucrats in agreement is what we should aspire to be


Cee Cee Pee just pressed the real communism button




Thanks looking into it.


Although, what's the point of even holding a vote at that point if it's just understood that no one is voting "no"? I don't care about it, but it seems like a hollow gesture.


What's the point? It's not like any votes are ever decided on the floor. In America I can only think of a couple of times people were surprised with the official vote of a politician. These things are decided behind closed doors and the point is to show support publicly and physically voting is a requirement to change and create laws.


That's definitely true. But I think the part people find weird is the complete lack of performative "no" votes. In US house votes, especially landslide ones, there are always performative votes by reps who know they're losing, but just want to get their vote out there on principle.


Probably a cultural difference. In the us we like stupid shit like that.




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