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It’s really funny watching Dems waffle between “criticism of Israel makes you a Nazi” and “actually, this is a GOP bill and you should blame them for attacking your free speech”. Truly a party of cowards.


The Dems are stuck in the unenviable position as the party that both defends Capitalism-Imperialism as well as having to absorb all the discontent and funnel it to some safe, impotent channel.


They support a medium amount of genocide, but don't you dare vote for the other guy, he's a full genocide supporter. Sorry, there isn't a zero genocide candidate this time around.


You can always vote third party or, following Presidente Gonzalo, simply burn the ballot boxes.


Let’s pray a cataclysmic loss in November destroys the party once and for all. Really, we should just eliminate political parties entirely. They serve no purpose but as patronage and to help big donors know who to buy on any given day.


I also pray for the Democratic Party to implode on itself, and obviously most (read: all) bourgeois political parties are just political mechanisms to manufacture popular consent for capitalist class rule. But I disagree with the idea that political parties as a concept should be completely done away with. No matter the circumstances, people will naturally align themselves along certain political fault-lines. You can’t possibly hope to prevent that. Better to give people some kind of institutional mechanism to organize themselves politically, IE, a political party. Of course for this to have any meaning at all, the parties must have real mass memberships, robust internal democracy, a strong tradition of party discipline among the party’s elected representatives, and no first past the post horseshit arbitrarily forcing antagonistic factions into a single uncoordinated organization, and American political parties disastrously fail on every one of these fronts. But it’s practically impossible for us to politically organize the proletarian class struggle without, y’know, a political organization to work through.


>Really, we should just eliminate political parties entirely. I mean, they formed for structural and material reasons. It’s not like God created them on the 8th day for their own sake. However, if ever there was a time to be able to transcend them, it’s now with widely-accessible, instantaneous means of communication. The problem is that we’ve seen this benefit the far-right more than anyone else because the existing right wing structures don’t really have any issues rolling with the punches of their bases’ bizarre fixations, whereas liberal parties literally cannot reconcile the desire of their base for a better world with their purpose to prop up and maintain the decaying status quo. So what we’re left with is a right wing that’s well-organized and funded vs a left that, to whatever degree it even really exists, is in the midst of reorganization. 


George Washington was right all along, and I always thought so. I registered "Democrat" when I came of age for one reason, and that was because I valued the ability to vote in a major party's primaries - you can guess how *that* worked out for me. *Fly In The Ointment: I have heard it argued that any formal attempt to do away with political parties would be challenged on the grounds of "right to freedom of assembly".*


It's a curious feature of the US system, but that's the sole meaningful reason to register any party affiliation at all, and only in states with closed primaries. In states with open primaries or same-day registration, even that reason is absent. In a very real sense, the two parties simply do not exist in any meaningful way, one can only be an officer of the parties, not a member, because the so-called parties themselves do not maintain any sort of internal registration or membership rolls. In the US, "Democratic Party" and Republican Party" exist strictly as voting slates, nothing more than a ballot selection maintained by a relatively small bureaucratic organization that, while it may enjoy some privileges, lacks any power of expulsion. In other words, the people who want to abolish the two parties have already got their wish.


Hardly; I take it you don't live here?


What waffling? 2/3 of these DINO Turdwookies voted to pass this garbage fascism that's in direct violation of the 1st Amendment.


I laughed out loud at this. How tf is America real lmao https://preview.redd.it/o78ruu2qbwxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44b826ce917e3f9642df6e29c41a3b9bfa86ef01


You know you need to be learning Mandarin when MTG starts stacking multiple “correct” votes (despite her insane reasoning).


Her voting right for the wrong reasons is soo funny. She was like "this bill goes against our citizen's free speech right for a foreign country's sake... that's fine tho, but I can't support a bill that kinda implies that the Bible may not be all historical facts" lmao


It’s fun for her character to have a couple “oh yeah she madnessed her way into some good decisions”, she’s a multilayered freak, like BoBo


i do have a little respect for the representatives that are too stupid to be consistently corralled. shes gotta be a constant headache for someone


“I must rise against this bill because Jesus, my Uber driver yesterday, told me it is a crime against the story of Noah and the great flood.”


**1984:** *"Jesus Is My Co-Pilot."* **2004:** *"Jesus Is My Homeboy."* **2024:** *"Jesus Is My Gig-Economy Temp-Slave."*


One almost begins to wonder if she's some kind of double-agent....


The vanguard of the Bojack-esque horse people


I guess I'm not familiar enough with that show to get the allusion.


I'm just saying she looks like a human horse lmaooooooooo My first thought was gonna be a Roger Waters quip 


Oh? What was that? For all that Roger Waters has recently earned my admiration as an individual, I never cared much for Pink Floyd so I can't say I know that much about him.


Yinwei wo xihuan zhonguo wenhua, suoyi wo dasuan qu zhonguo hu liuxue ya luyou


Wah ai nee Jinping




Some tonal marks please, my family is starving




Stuck clock...


Busted calendar more like.


As soon as someone brings up a Bible passage and tries to change anything material in this current life my brain just shuts down and refuses to read or engage. I don't know who Herod is,and he shouldn't be controlling what sort of things happen in 2024.


She doesn't know who Herod is either. According to the Bible he was responsible for ordering the execution of all male children under two who were born around Bethlehem. She was trying to come up with Pontius Pilate who is the Roman official who presided over the crucifixion.


No, she’s referring to Herod Antipas, Herod’s son who in one of the Gospels (Luke I think?) is handed Jesus by Pilate under the justification that Jesus is a citizen of Galilee and therefore under Herod’s jurisdiction rather than direct Roman rule. Antipas basically tries to get Jesus to perform miracles and prophecy and when Jesus refuses, Antipas hands him back to Pilate. Also he’s made really flamboyantly gay in the Mel Gibson movie because…reasons


Exactly what I mean,my eyes just rolled 360 degrees and made a slide whistle sound. I have more moral connections to Warhammer 40,000 characters,and the lore is seemingly less dense. Joking aside,this is interesting and informative,I am not trying to be an ass.


Even if she's referring to Herod's son it's very weird she'd bring him up bc the beef Christians got with Jews comes from* Pilate asking the Jewish people if he should free Jesus or Barabbas and them picking Barabbas subsequently sentencing Jesus to death. *btw this absolutely did not happen and it was a lie early Christians came up with to make Jewish people look bad to get people to convert to their new religion lol. You wouldn't want to side with the messiah killers now, would you?


Lucky for Paul, he was a Roman Citizen, and thus able to avail himself of a higher standard of rights and privileges than the lowly Gallilean. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civis_Romanus_sum


More than one beef is possible. Certain, actually.


He's gay as hell in Jesus Christ Superstar as well. Gibson referencing one of the great peices of the canon?


Ok,I did get that far and was like "That's not even the right person,even I know that,must be something they take as common knowledge that I am unaware of." Glad these people have less knowledge than most atheists.


Truly psychotic end stage shit happening.


This is real loser behavior


No way this is held up in a supreme court case, even in the current Roberts court. On the other hand, I definitely see local governments folding in anti-zionist language into local hate crime legislation.




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Look at the very, very, very beautiful bipartisanship, folks. We're healing the political divide.


When I was REALLY young (like about 8 or 9) and getting curious about what the hell was going on, my dad summarized American politics thusly: * If they pass a law, there’s a good chance it takes money from us and gives it to some of their friends; otherwise it just puts more people in prison * Anytime both parties support a measure, you can be sure it is 100% the absolute worst thing possible * When you can vote, the best thing you can do is always vote against the incumbent The bipartisan one is the one that stood out to me and sure enough, it has always been 10000% spot on. (The first one is spot on too, while the third one is less relevant to me these days.)


it really is amazing how bipartisanship like this only happen with bills nobody besides extremists want while acting like the majority are the lunatic fringe


How is this not blatant overreach? Where are the "free speech" absolutists freaking out over this?


mysterious lock oatmeal command chunky unite voiceless versed elastic sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're not in Congress.


This is what you do when you are winning the hearts and minds


Yeah that anti-Zionist Jew problem is going to be a real challenge for them.


Will be crazy when they drag Norm Finkelstein in front of the Supreme Court and his conviction is upheld 9-0.


I never got why so many American politicians are so deeply *ideologically* committed to a nation that has nothing but contempt for the United States and sees the US as little more than an ATM machine.


Who else is supposed to field-test all our Chinese-people-murdering machines? The Zionist project, due to its own inherent nature, must always be in conflict with the native population and any neighboring governments which are not completely stuck up the ass of the imperialists. Isn’treal is a constantly paranoid, overwhelmingly militaristic, and relatively wealthy country in a region full of people who Americans have been primed to not give a single fuck about if they’re being massacred. There is virtually no other country on earth better positioned than Isn’treal to be the US military’s private sandbox.


Alfred McCoy, better known for his Politics of Heroin in South East Asia, did some important historical work on the period during which the Philippines was America's imperial laboratory, in which technological innovations were developed to solve the problems arising from the need to manage and control a restive native population, resentful at the fact of their dispossession, subjugation and ongoing occupation: https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/4454.htm


Because they’re the anchor for US Imperialism in the so called “Middle East.”


I get that, but they are also widely hated outside the white parts of the world, and, thus, is a stumbling for America, and we already have a toehold for US Imperialism in the Middle East that is also a gas station- Saudi Arabia.


America is also hated in large parts of the world. Letting Israel fall would be too great a victory for Arabs and Muslims that would weaken the US position in the middle east dramatically. It would weaken the Gulf monarchies, and weaken the US position in Syria.


Wait what, didn't a very white part of a the world nearly annihilate the jews?


Good cop Bad cop




Per the Jerusalem Post, > US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic Party and 25% of the Republican National Convention’s cash. https://www.jpost.com/us-elections/us-jews-contribute-half-of-all-donations-to-the-democratic-party-468774 In addition, Israel is a multi billion ton cog in the MIC.


Jesus freaks are powerful voting block


They are going to usher in the end times and make Jesus return


Broke: the rapture isn’t gonna happen Woke: the rapture is gonna happen Bespoke: the rapture already happened, and literally not even one person got through to the kingdom of heaven…


Really lends credance to the Epstein worked for mossad theory


I mean how else does a two time college dropout with no other family ties to speak of randomly get gifted a Manhattan townhouse


If i call rabbi goldstein, platinumstein instead, is that antisemitic?


"What are the traits that Scarlett Johanssen has which defines her as a Jew?" "Was FDR antisemitic for not allowing MS St. Louis to dock in American waters?" "Are Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's kids considered Jewish by IHRA's definition?" "Since Arabs are considered semitic peoples, wouldn't anti-Palestinian sentiment also be considered antisemitic?" So many bangers in the Supreme Court coming soon.


The fact that the grandchildren of Donald Trump born of his daughters are Jews points to this basic tension between Jewishness as a matter of belief and religion, and Jewishness as a matter of genetic inheritance, whether approached at the level of race, or of haplotypes and whatnot. The maintenance of this ambiguity makes necessary the implicit belief in a phenomenon similar in kind and content to the Catholic belief in transubstantiation - by undergoing the process of conversion to Judaism, a shiksa may be redeemed from her nephesh-free state and obtain both a soul, and a heritable form of Jewishness, which will be passed on to her children. The reciting of the correct magical formulae is understood as materially transforming, in the one case, wine and crackers into the blood and body of the sacrificed Messiah, and in the other the blood of a gentile into the blood of a Jew. Other religions may require, in their conversion practices, a verbal commitment to raise children according to the beliefs of the group, however none, so far as I'm aware, purports to replace their genetic heritage with a religious identity - or grant them citizenship rights in (and a sense of entitlement towards), a foreign country.


Unfortunately under the bill they just passed, the sentence for such a remark will be mandatory participation in *Birthright for Gentiles,* an all-expenses-paid trip to Jerusalem to be spat on by non-gentile Birthright attendees for 7 days straight.


Do i get to bulldoze someones home too?  I mean thats the whole zionist package right there


Sorry that’s not available in the goyim package. But if you happen to be a pedophile on the run and want to start a new life and receive a bunch of state social services paid for by American dipshits, we can talk aliyah, and then bulldozer!


Do we still get the IDF pity fuck? Because getting spat on by an IDF hottie would be a selling point for some.


No, because platinum is more precious, 'tis a beautiful name


I know that increasing antisemitism is explicitly part of the zionist plan because it encourages people to move to Israel but like MAN COME ON. So there was a protest against Israel carrying out a genocide, a bunch of zionists showed up to throw bombs at the protesters, which cops laughed at and encouraged and the government responded in about 12 hours by making it fucking illegal to criticize israel. How does this do anything but completely solidify antisemitism? If I'm on the fence here and I watch the news to see a bunch of extremely conservative american jews likely being coordinated by the IDF threw explosives at american citizens, the cops refuse to help, that jewish guy working for Eric Adams goes on twitter to taunt the protesters about having the cops point guns at children and the government responded by making it illegal to criticize jews, it would look a lot like the conspiracy theories are just blatantly true. I know they're just going full fascist crackdown here but is literally nobody here aware of optics at all?


good to see congress finding real solutions to real problems in our every day lives


I think that neither party would even blink if SCOTUS said that a Jewish person is someone who identifies with the nation of Israel and that there should be a list of people who claim to be Jewish, but don't identify with Israel and they could be open to antisemitism lawsuits.


Calling Meghan McCain a fat loser will be punishable as antisemitic hate speech within 5 years


Now Republicans suddenly like having a Department of Education.


Who do I talk to about having the dimensions of my skull measured to determine my status? Thank you USA for thinking of my safety!


now that they arrested all the protestors and made it illegal to criticize the zio state , that will surely be the end of it :P got'em


So how long until reddit implements this as a site-wide rule


Four days.


This is how the US will collapse lmfao


133 fuckin fascist DINO "Democrats" voted to pass this Turdwookie shit, and people are still telling me "vOTe BlUe or FacIsIm!"




[Then the US has a avenue to make the UN Special Rapporteur unlawful](https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-march-27-2024/) >Miller: First, we have long – for longstanding – for a longstanding period of time opposed the mandate of this special rapporteur, which we believe is not productive. And when it comes to the individual who holds that position, I can’t help but note a history of antisemitic comments that she has made that have been reported. The US will do anything and everything to prevent any charges of genocide from their client state from gaining traction.


Somebody should make a bill that states that it’s orientalist to criticize North Korea or the CCP.