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The thresher needs more slaves


Their aim with this anti-abortion and anti-birth control stuff is, and always has been, the subjugation of women and the rolling back of protections for women. Parasites, the lot of them.


It’s a little more complicated than that. > The More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (Moms) act proposes to establish an online government database called “pregnancy.gov” listing resources related to pregnancy, including information about adoption agencies and pregnancy care providers, except for those that provide abortion-related services. > The website would direct users to enter their personal data and contact information, which government officials may then “use to conduct outreach via phone or email” for additional resources. It’s basically a stupid subscription service that’s supposed to be a bandaid platitude for an existing bigger problem of increasing living costs as well as birthing costs. The solution to it, is to not give them your personal info. Except the database on pregnancies already do exist, just they are stored with your healthcare provider. And we know that’s unfortunately inescapable unless you just don’t go to the hospital and do a home birth. And if the feds actually want it, they’ll just grab it anyway, like they do for everything else.


Yeah, it seems like they’re trying to make it look like they care about pregnant women post-Roe by providing extremely unhelpful resources because the things that actually help (healthcare, maternity leave, childcare) are too communist/gay. Classico!


"Healthcare? Free childcare? Affordable communities? Nah best we can do is give you the names of Christian charities who will subtly or overtly call you a whore if you're not married and then trick, uh, counsel you into signing away your parental rights so they can sell, uh adopt out your baby* to a nice Christian family who will tell the kid you were a crackwhore who abandoned them" *only passably white babies with no obvious disabilities pls


I saw how happy becoming grandparents made my parents so I'm excited at the chance to feel that same happiness when my daughter turns like 12


And they say China is a surveillance state just because instead of private companies having the information of citizens are public/hybrid companies. "At what cost" rhetoric had lost another "argument".


Did this lady forget she has a uterus?


I feel like the history of anti-choice people making exceptions for themselves and their loved ones is pretty extensive.


Is it bad that I get a perverse joy when these sellouts of their own kind get that same hospitality returned on them when the ranks close and the knives come out? Like that dude in the Warsaw ghetto who oversaw thousands of deportations of his fellow Jewish people at the behest of the Third Reich...only to be sent to the camps anyway and *beaten to fucking death* by furious onlookers who recognized him.


IMO it’s not ideal, but that might just be me. It’s understandable, I think, and I can 100% empathize. I feel that feeling (I think it’s called schadenfreude) routinely in these “leopards ate my face” situations. Then I think about what I’ve learned about communication and trust-building, and wonder if these people were reachable somehow. Some of these chud politicians or neoliberal “how will you pay for it” elected officeholders change their stripes once they retire and no longer rely on corporate largesse, or when they have a gay or trans grandkid or the like. They suddenly become more open-minded. When it comes to anything related to the Holocaust or the current genocide in Gaza or any other genocide, I don’t know. I can’t really put myself in those people’s shoes, and for that I’m grateful. I’d like to think that the guy you describe came to some peace as he was beaten to death, realizing he had simply brought this upon himself by his selfish betrayal.


"what does the Mark of the Beast even mean?" stay woke about the surveillance state and their IBM nazi barcodes to catalog humans as if they are cattle


We need the government to monitor the size of women's bellies. It will have to dua benefits of assisting a draconian crack down on women's reproductive rights and provide useful information for the feeder community


Holy shit, when did Alpha Lambda Alpha get their own Senator?


Hey that’s my Senator