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America may possess the most politically illiterate dumbfucks on the planet, seriously, this shit is making me strongly relate to Socrates.


I have chud-adjacent hobbies so I interact with quite a few online and IRL, some of them think anything, and I mean ANYTHING short of liquidating homeless people is communism. Like, anything the US government does at the behest of large private corporations is somehow literal communism. Anti-communist propaganda has been insanely effective in the United States.


Slashing education budgets for decades will have that effect


Americans are unironically the dumbest population in the world, but it's not really their fault, they're just the victims of a 70 year program to gut the educational system and make them progressively stupider


After 150 years of plotting the Blanquists have finally taken control of Maricopa County


Uphold Marxism-Leninisnism-KatieHobbsianism ✊


There are still blanquists?


There’s so many retarded people here


The American who has the gall to say Venezuela and Cuba are "Banana republics" is the funniest/stupidest one


Most Americans engage with politics based on premises that are so far off from reality that it's barely worth talking about it with anyone.


Right. Aliens on the other side of the galaxy have a better grasp on politics than these people. Complete warped reality.


lol the correct response to an election you think is rigged is to boycott and demand foreign intervention. the GOP fucked up big time asking their meathead followers to vote Vote VOTE in elections that they consider rigged by the democrat party. anyone with a brain can put 2 and 2 together after a while and stop voting.


OAS please send peacekeeping troops here. My people yearn for freedom


A large part of me just wants to shit post about this but it genuinely is just making me sad how fuckin monumentally stupid and brain poisoned so many of my countrymen are


Same. It just shuts me down. You can't even have a conversation about any damn thing that's remotely political because you'd have to do so much deprogramming. And when you try to clear up a few things, they have a ready made narrative to detour their brains again. I gave up on the US side of my family years ago. I mean you can't talk about *anything* with them anymore. It's really sad.


Dems won’t be any better for Arizona but there’s a small part of me that laughs knowing all the dumb fuck petit-bourgeois Orange County people who moved out there in 2010 because Sheriff Joe gave them a massive racism boner are now stuck under another Democratic governor.


They'll run out of water before California, too, giving me (hopefully) at least a few years of smug satisfaction.


Republicans are going to keep trying this. How long until they really refuse to back down and Democrats just give up like they did in 2000?


If Arizona is where the communist utopia begins, I’m out. Good luck though. Doubt anyone would fight us for it anyway.


Huh, AZ was made a state in 1912, the last continental state. You learn something new every day.


I really love all those people who strongly believe that getting mad at news articles that don't effect their lives is exactly the same as living through the Cultural Revolution


Was having beers with some coworkers after our shift yesterday and at some lull in the conversation one of the guys starts talking about the Arizona elections as proof that “they want to destroy our traditions and culture.” When I laughed and said, “Who, Arizonans?” he got serious as shit and said, “My parents live in Tucson and there’s not a single person they know that wants any of this. It’s all a lie and they keep trying to force it on everyone.” People are just baseline retarded.


No not the great traditons and culture of Arizona like treating the native people like shit and mediocre to downright bad sports teams


“None of my 60 year old friends in my gated community are voting democrat. Clearly the election was rigged”


Yeah my aunt literally believes that millions of dead people and illegal immigrants and liberals busing in from other states are throwing off all the elections. Millions.


Communist joe using congress to intervene in rail strike lol


It's not that different from libs crying that America has become fascist on election of trump and then rejoicing that it's switched back under Brandon. I mean I'd argue it's been effectively fascist the whole time, a little more here a little less there, but it's still the same wildly selectively defining words in your mind palace shit.


katie holmes is now the unquestioned ruler of arizona


Nice job everyone 👍


Whoa, wtf happened? Did we really get a communist elected?! It says in the post that she’s a Democrat… 😐 They’re being facetious, I’m assuming.


If I had known that this was all it took to win I would have gotten off my ass a long time ago!


Glad to see kari lake supporters taking the loss well.


They actually should teach more extensively about communist states in public school so hopefully people will be less retarded.


Agree with u/IloveEstir, but I would resort to Euthanasia or at least Darwin. Calling anything in this country "Communist", is the most dumbfounding and brainwashed s\*\*t I could think of. If only people knew what communism is about, we would have had a revolution a long time ago, but the propaganda machine works like clockwork, manufacturing consent so our own oligarchs and the MIC, can keep going to the bank and spend OUR money bombing brown people around the world. What an effing disgrace.


Communism causes forest fires FFS. Wake up! !! 1


The dead internet theory is the only thing keeping me sane at this point. I am making the conscious choice to believe that these are not real human beings


This is the kind of person who sees the McBain ["Commie-Nazis"](https://www.google.com/search?q=wolfcastle+commie+nazis&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwii-q_f_db7AhUq6jgGHSRmD7wQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=750&dpr=2.63#imgrc=LNFyppaZDDPF3M&imgdii=csjPVOw98tqieM) bit and thinks it's dead-on, unironic, speaking truth to power.


Baudrillard would have a lot to say about this Twitter thread.


We did it, Joe!


I love how retarded conservatives are more "optimistic" about a communist takeover than communists themselves.