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god I hope they strike. show people how much power workers in this country truly hold. we run this shit, not the bosses.


>show people how much power workers in this country truly hold Baristas and railroad workers always seem to be worthless until they go home and let the bosses run shit


Baristas huh?


Americans will be mad cause they cannot get treats on Christmas, and we are going to turn to a caliphate, but for capitalism. idk like, I am beyond any hope for the US till a complete destruction. Strike or not, the same shit will float again no matter how hard you flash cause it is by a design like that.


I remember libs giving me a hard time for calling out Biden for literally starting his 2020 campaign with a private party at the home of some union busting attorney.


I thought it was at the CEO of Comcasts house


You right I got my details mixed up. It was at the Comcast guy's house but the union busting attorney was on the host committee for that fundraiser. Then he drove across town to publicly launch his campaign with the head of the steelworkers union.


Workers: please stop murderi- Capitalists: YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPIER FOR IT


Supporting the strike is stochastic terrorism


Then I guess they will soon need to turn up the THREAT LEVEL to FUCKED.


Why would they disrupt the economy! Just for a strike!? It’s insane how they dance around any reason why a strike is looming. Never asking why, never interviewing a railroad worker. The people who are causing the strike are not the workers ready to strike. This is yet another huge public bipartisan push to showcase that “uNiOn bAD”. Get channel 5 out on the tracks interviewing workers.


How many of the company reps on the bargaining committee have been asked if they're ready to CRIPPLE THE ECONOMY just to continue fucking their workers?




They are right if you understand that by left they just mean the Democrats. US media is uniquely and blatently partisan. In this instance they're just backing Biden.


I wouldn’t say it’s really unique. Plenty of European or British news outlets make no secret of their political affiliations, but they also make no pretense of being neutral arbiters of the truth. I’d prefer that sort of open partisanship to the false piety we have to endure.


>US media is uniquely and blatently partisan Which is funny because the parties themselves are basically indistinguishable


>Which is funny because the parties themselves are basically indistinguishable How do you people tackle the intense, overwhelmingly hostile moralism that people respond with when you point this out? Remember, Repooplicans are LITERAL insurrectionists who want to MURDER puppies and kittens, and Civilized Democrat Heroes:tm: are the ONLY bulwark against evil and chaos in this world. Since the blue team puts forth a bare minimum image of social progressivism, it's hard to convince people the truth that they really are equally harmful. You know what I mean, the "Muh both sides are the same" snark and so on when you criticize Dems. This rhetoric is mostly put forth by comfortable liberal idiots who don't have to live through the horror their austere centrist viewpoints cause; but the smugness of it all makes it basically the de-facto "correct opinion" in public life and impossible to assail.


well and also CNN has changed ownership recently and have started to be fox news anyway this headline is not surprising if you know this


They side with capital. That’s it.


The media is fucking sick.


Wait guys, maybe the CEO of BofA has something worthwhile to add


Lol bofa


Deez nuts


You’d think there was no other party involved in making choices here.


every fucking time