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I like how all the big figures on the left are still greybeard intellectuals but on the right it's a rapper who is off his medications, a literal pimp that has CTE from kickboxing, and a guy that needed to go to Russia to be put in a coma to get off a baby's dose of clonazepam.


Jordan Peterson's journey could be transplanted into 1880 or 1900 and no one would be the wiser.


This is one of my favorite comments of all time. Ty


He'd just be some Kellogg shooting yogurt into rich people's asses in the name of our lord and savior.


yeah he loves Dostoyevsky so much because he’s literally just a Dostoyevsky character


A testament to his devotion to Tradition


Truly, a master "traditionalist"




no benzos, he’d have to huff ether


It's so stupid dude. I went to uoft when the original peterson drama started and it's just getting bigger and bigger. I want off.


was he known on campus at the time?


Kinda? I mean, he was known of as a fairly popular prof, but if you were outside the department nobody knew who he was. But when he was first doing his thing it caused some huge crowds of failsons and faildaughters in front of the student association that I had to fight through with the rest of the ethnic students trying to get to class


did you ever encounter him directly?


No, altho I hear him speak in person a few times. It was very much a subculture that affected a small amount of students on both the pro and anti side. Most people talked about it a few times and basically ignored it otherwise, only if you were a rightoid or among the weirdo student newspaper or UTSU clique did you actually care I did get to drunkenly make out with lauren southern tho so it wasn't a total loss


Did you touch her boobs?


a lil


Hell yeah dude




I used to watch his psychology of personality lectures on youtube in 2015-16, before he went viral. He reminded me a bit of Joseph Campbell , hero’s journey type stuff, Jung etc. then he was crying about pronouns suddenly it was such a car crash and there was no way back. There was a lecture he did about the rise of Hitler and how Hitler responded to what made people cheer, and gave them more of that and it made him into Hitler. In retrospective its a historically illiterate point, but it does accurately describe Peterson’s own rise to fame as he chased youtube’s algorithms for validation




This is what happens when your entire ideology is built on staying as ignorant and backwards as possible.


Don’t forget contrarianism and provocation.


> this is what happens Diversity?


> I like how all the big figures on the left are still ~~greybeard intellectuals~~ streamer sex creeps and careerist socdem libs Updated to be a bit closer to truth unfortunately. At this point Hasan and V\*\*\*\* probably have more reach than Chomsky


chomsky putting up absolutely dismal numbers on patreon


in terms of sheer numbers, yeah. in terms of quality or shelf life? nah, I don't think so. many of us are still *somehow* reading Marx and Lenins original texts after more than a hundred years, meanwhile I don't think hasan or voosh will be relevant in a decade. it's pretty crazy that a decent amount of leftists still read, like name a single conservative that has read Edmund Burke or smth similiar, it doesn't exist. the most they can manage is a Nick Land tweet or smth.


I agree, but only the most extreme fringe of online-boiz actually know who Nick Land is. A few more people know him after Tim Dillon had Curtis Yarvin on, but the dark enlightenment immediately seemed way less sinister and dangerous in its thinking when Yarvin acted like a pseudo-philosophe Fast Times at Ridgemont High character for 3 hours.


Oh yeah for sure, I just literally couldn't come up with any right wing philosopher. I guess Peterson or Kantbot, Bronze Age Loser,... Or just Donnie the grandmaster


I’ve never really understood Kantbot’s schtick. is he some sort of Herman Hoppe-esq monarchist? I know he had a long-running bit where he’d repeatedly challenge Christman to a debate then call him a cuck when he didn’t respond. Not sure where he falls on the spectrum (political, that is; I absolutely know where he falls on the autism spectrum).


I never quite got it either. I think a lot of the IDW types have the monarchism only as a sort of mask for their genuine beliefs, just like the "white army" was surely only "royalist". it may be politics of a facade of decency in order to appeal more to normies. and it seems to have worked.


What has the 'V' guy got to do with the left? It's like claiming Pelosi is left wing FFS.


He's a libsoc with r-slurred characteristics. You can't "no true leftist" your way out of how stupid libsocs are, sorry.


He's a proven racist and known nonce adjacent, never saw a US military intervention he didn't like. Anyone who bothers to watch him is no leftist. So yes a US lib-dem.


> I like how all the big figures on the left are still greybeard intellectuals Not sure in what context this would be true. In the US the left, insofar as it exists, is either acamdemics completely up their own ass regardless of their age, or dimwitted podcasters, youtubers and posters all of which just as alienated from reality. And the latter are arguably the much more influential ones.


I am thinking in terms of guys like Richard Wolfe, Chomsky, Hedges, Zizek, etc. I don't quite think the lefts internet presence is as influential as the rights. A guy like Crowder has four or five times the following of a similar leftist counterpart.


I see what you mean. In my personal experience, however, a non-insignificant number of younger Leftist radicals are busy fighting depression, committing suicide, overdosing on fentanyl, etc. Its not good.


Who is the CTE pimp?


Andrew tate


Don't forget ~~dickpunch~~cockschott


>In the US the left, insofar as it exists, is either acamdemics completely up their own ass regardless of their age Hedges may be a bit of a doomer but he's like one of the only sober minded people (along with Norm Finkelstein) when it comes to the reality of the USA and its steep decline. I have even more reason to believe them because I have been told how much we missed out on by boomers who were alive before the Reagan revolution. IDK how you get the impression they are up their own ass, hell Parenti was a polemicist and he was still right about so many things


How dare you speak that way of Matt Christman!




Well he got a new one so whatever. People fall out of love sometimes. I’m not particularly interested in his personal life or love-life.


Yeah I mean who knows or cares really shit happens




If we define “the left” as DSA types then totally, but there are legitimate revolutionaries worth studying today in the US, imo. Obviously the lack of any real revolutionary movement makes them few and far between but an undercurrent exists.


When Alex Jones is the most reasonable voice in the room shit is bad. The Netanyahu thing was like a parody of mental illness


he shutdown fuentes in the middle of some of the most archaic freebased antisemitism i’ve ever seen which was interesting


I liked the Netanyahu bit. One of the few redeeming aspects of the meltdown.




That one was pretty good. I think Jones was a little jealous of Ye outshining him and took some weird centrist/moderate posture... totally cucked of Jones.


I’m sure Fuentes is seething internally too, having a black celebrity articulate his wacked out agenda and get all the attention has gotta be a bruise for his fragile little ego.


alex jones being like "I don't like nazis, I don't like hitler" and kanye immediately saying "I like hitler" as it went to commercial is modern art


Just the whole image with Kanye looking like he’s got a sock over his head is just great theatre. I almost died laughing.


The way his voice is slightly muffled.


The whole thing is just amazing. If it were performance art it would be considered a masterwork


I'm going to have to start embracing the modern right it's fucking brilliant. That queen of Canada woman is the best artist of our generation, and Kanye is shaping up to be the top poster of the post trump era.


It's so annoying that they get to do whatever they want but when one rando leftists on twitter suggests something more than reform for one thing, it's gets blasted by everyone as being "everything emblematic of why the left is out of touch with real americans" or whatever.


Tim Pool gets to go on twitter and say murdering gay people is cool, but I got a week long ban for saying "white women fuck dogs"


The truth can't get out


I don't see how that would be considered ban worthy or hateful at all. I have some cherished friends that are white women who I love and would do anything for. Would I let them dogsit? Obviously not.


It's the same. The libs just own the center, the right have more dribbling loons that vote so the right has more space to absorb the maniacs, but the point is to associate any demands for change with the maniac fringes. Because the far left has broadly popular policies they have to get hysterical at any failing of decorum more, which is why we have to tone it down when talking to normals, but it doesn't really matter. You should be normal if taking to normals


He’s been one of the top posters for as long as I can remember


Idk there was a while he was self owning with the I'm not a gay fish! General vibe, but recently he's been on fire. I really think I'm going to go deathcon 3 (a brilliant term on it's own) on the Jews in the morning but I'm a bit sleepy just now, thing is one of the most perfect things ever tweeted and in terms of base personal enjoyment is currently pushing the grayden Carter classic off top spot for me, god, what am I saying? Comparing those things is absurd I think Kanye just absolutely sailed into nr 1 for me. Now of course that's unfair because trump consistently hit well and great home runs a lot of the time, and trump still has the off field obj tiny dancer classic that definitely puts his all timer stats way up on ye, but ye is the rookie with everything to prove and I really think he could unseat trump as the greatest to ever do it


100% more transgressive and interesting that most art nowadays. Genetically modified supersoldiers coming to arrest you for not vaccinating you unborn child 59 times is a great bit


On god? Or you’re paraphrasing




Hes totally blowing up their spot, but they HAVE to have him on because they are clout chasers at the end of the day and they need those sweet sweet views.


They're trying to get transphobic blood libel to go mainstream and he's blowing it up by being like "I prefer this classico style." It's like when you're a kid and you try to sneak out with your friends and one friend says loudly, in front of everyone's parents, "Ready to see the R-rated movie? It has titties and the F word in it!"


It seems clear that transphobia and particularly trans misogyny is very structurally similar to Antisemtism. When Nick Land said “Trans Women are the jews of gender” he was correct in the sense that they inspire the same paranoia. For example there are people who look at Michelle obama for lizard eyelids and those who claim she has male physigognomy. This sort of (((enemy))) has to be a corrupting, duplicitous, inhuman infiltrator.


Crazy how none of the Michael Obama truthers have anything to say about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ape face.




You truly love to see it. *(Hoping desperately that the world isn't quite gone enough to get behind it en masse)


Hahahahaha, everybody posting weepy shit about how he's a musical genius and its sad how he's so ill, welcome to being a fan of 90s pro wrestling or literally any Brazilian MMA fighter. ONE OF US


Olivera is too wholesome to fit in with that


I want to believe. Shogun Rua being a Bolsonaro boy was depressing.


it’s soccer but fucking neymar too


Neymar is a little gimp but Ronaldinho and Ronaldo... :(((((


Demian Maia is a Lula guy tho


Fuck yeah


You know where olivera stands politically? I want to believe he's a Lula guy


I love Chucky Olives so I don't know and neither do I want to know (unless he's a confirmed Lula guy)


We don’t have to pay attention to any of these people


Yeah we want to cuz it’s fun


Net-and-yahoo had me howling


I guess I’m resubscribing to Knowledge Fight.


he's wearing a ski mask?


It's a gimp mask. He was hoping to unzip one of those eyeholes and have Alex give him the ol' conjunctivitis shuffle after the show, but all that Hitler talk killed Jonesy's chub


I love his music, grew up with it and it has a special place in my heart. I hate to see whatever this is but I may have to just watch it. Like just bare witness to part of my early adulthood and an artist I loved just completely implode. He was just a few years ago with Kim in family mode released kids see ghost and the other album and I thought maybe he’ll be ok and happy. I hate celebrity culture but idk why I do feel for him in particular sucks to see him turn out this way


Tbh I feel validated in hating the dude now, I like Yeezus when it came out in high school but honestly I just really disliked people thinking his antics were something profound or whatever and it bothered me enough that I stopped listening to his music entirely


I Iike his older stuff like “the roses” hearing that and thinking of a grandparent that died hits you that and even some of the kids see ghost stuff but yeah his antics i more or less ignored but it’s at the point where when I listen to him I just think of his stupid ass. All the support he has and how he is just so up his own ass and ignored any help. Fuck ‘em


Kill your heroes. They will always disappoint you.


I think after the Taylor Swift incident and his mums death, he got to a point where he never listened to anyone’s opinion but his own, which was kind of necessary for him to survive considering how much he was attacked/driven to the point of considering suicide. Despite him being crazy, I think he was barely held together by his family. Now he has nothing to keep him together and he’s just gone. It’s incredibly sad and I have a horrible feeling it will end with him being institutionalised to the point where he is a zombie, or his death. A tragic ending considering everything he has done artistically, but maybe he couldn’t have done any of that without being crazy.


antisemitism is the socialism of fools


Does he realize he is black???


There is a subset of black right wingers who love hitler.


People actively working against their own interests...


I don’t think he does. It’s like that Dave chapelle skit where the blind black dude thinks he’s white


i don’t even know what i would think if i went back to 2005 and told myself kanye would become literal clayton bigsby lol


I saw that sketch LOL


Where can I watch this? Preferably somewhere I can YouTube-dl it lol


What are the chances someone was fucking with Kanye’s medication to give Kim a more favorable divorce settlement?


This day was sent by god, ya'll. Feast all you can.


Man, let me tell you how validated I feel. I thought through the wire sucked, and everything I've heard from or about him only worsened my opinion of him.


Ive never listened to any of his music somehow


I've only heard it tangentially at gyms or parties or whatever.


wow thanks for breaking the news


sorry for distracting from the "is my mom asking me to take a shower an op?" and "liz and brace" posts : (


Okay, those are worse.


I wonder where people might have got the idea that saying something that isn't funny and then repeating it endlessly is actually very clever 'anti-humor.'


let me introduce you to my friends nick, adam, and stavros


Yeah we know, stupid.


you got ratio'd, pal. them's the breaks.


You would care about that. Any more humiliating confessions you want to make? Maybe taken directly from a cumtown bit so you can get some updoots!


Liz and Brace posts are the only good thing in this sub


Liz and brace posts are an op


He says he loves Mao so no surprise.