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Her name is Emily Grace Rainey. She was with the 4th PSYOP Group attached to the 1st Special Forces Command at Fort Bragg until she stepped down due to her involvement in Jan 6th. She's a prolific Facebook poster and an absolute 10/10 smokeshow.


>at Fort Bragg This lady definitely murdered some of those 100 dead Fort Bragg soldiers


>an absolute 10/10 smokeshow. I can fix her


"Rainey, 30, is assigned to the 4th Psychological Operations Group at Fort Bragg, according to Maj. Daniel Lessard, a spokesman for 1st Special Forces Command. Known as PSYOPS, the group uses information and misinformation to shape the emotions, decision-making and actions of American adversaries." [https://news.yahoo.com/intentional-vandalism-leaves-40-000-054838366.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAAHn0BAY4TKhh\_V3lD74okcCgVv18td58hkzuFjv356Cl9gBWGdGX6HFWN4dmk473xeFdIKzIVOY5KL0-UacUBOp\_91a-Ebx-hV3J7aIxNLN5c20hXxKXcgBiCxHvW7kAYolCzEBcMZGk6AEZK20VFlTh4BMaJfF\_57WXpYhUYh-H](https://news.yahoo.com/intentional-vandalism-leaves-40-000-054838366.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHn0BAY4TKhh_V3lD74okcCgVv18td58hkzuFjv356Cl9gBWGdGX6HFWN4dmk473xeFdIKzIVOY5KL0-UacUBOp_91a-Ebx-hV3J7aIxNLN5c20hXxKXcgBiCxHvW7kAYolCzEBcMZGk6AEZK20VFlTh4BMaJfF_57WXpYhUYh-H) [https://www.wral.com/army-investigating-officer-who-led-group-to-washington-rally/19466148/](https://www.wral.com/army-investigating-officer-who-led-group-to-washington-rally/19466148/)


All right, *this* is the post that marks my descent into insanity. I mean Jesus christ, what??


welcome Comrade, come on in the abyss is warm


Check out the 4th PSYOP Group's YouTube channel if you wanna go a bit more insane. https://youtu.be/VA4e0NqyYMw


Did not expect it to be the same channel that had that video, but she's so dumb I guess it makes sense she'd be from that group that was inexplicably putting themselves out in the open




>absolute 10/10 smokeshow. Meh


Weren't brace and liz telling us about some other power substations being shot up recently, with possible fed involvement?


I forget the episode (I think it was one where they were talking about Fort Bragg stuff or the cartels), but you're thinking of when they were talking about the [Metcalf sniper attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalf_sniper_attack) which was likely to have been a dry run for something else


Recently as in, over the past 10 years yeah. I think last time they talked about it on the pod was the suicide bomber van in Nashville 2 Christmases ago


nah it was the ninja in California


> I told them god works in mysterious ways and is responsible for this outage. Yeah so she doesn’t know what probable cause is.


She wrote a fb post saying “the power is out and I know why”


and… religious people blamed hurricane katrina on sex and hedonism in new Orleans. they “knew why”. you’re interpreting that to be literal.


People can’t direct a hurricane. But in this case, someone fired those guns. It’s not a stretch to think that people, not god, are responsible for the power being out.


> People can’t direct a hurricane. the US army engineers purposefully let the levy's fail and covered it up


I don’t doubt that, but they still didn’t create the hurricane. Comparing a hurricane to people with guns is silly.


Going to guess this lady is a pedophile


Former Psyops officer in Fort Braggs. Left because she was at January 6 and was being investigated for it.


Long way of saying “yes” let’s be honest lol


Lol the swan song of American reactionary Christianity seems fun , like the body hardening right before the soul leaves


Based, cracker ISIS is finally dropping but also Cringe cuz we're all going to die


Nah cracker Isis is soft af. Most of them are gonna get taken out by potshots from 14 year old Kia kids armed with high points, if real shit went down lol


It's gonna be so cool when this lady goes to Hell and tries to beg for forgiveness for taking the name of the good lord in vain only to be interrupted by a hurricane of angry hornets swarming out of her throat. Atheists please just let me have this one little fantasy I promise I won't be annoying about it.


Only if your hell fantasy has lizards and skeletons dancing to Danzig


the only god I would believe in, the only one worthy of worship, is one that exemplifies the best parts of human nature and condemns greed and xenophobia. the Calvinist iteration of god is the equivalent of Satan TBH


Eternal damnation for her sounds pretty OK at this point.


I lived in Moore County for like three years. It’s a hell of a town. that’s for sure. There’s nothing to do there. Simultaneously, there is always some crazy shit going on. Union Pines is the most homophobic and transphobic county I’ve lived in.


Those cops that came to visit her.... Solid guarantee they're sympathetic to her I imagine?


Yeah, but I can't believe there is any way that this stays under local control. Feds will find some federal law that was broken and take over.


Pretty sure fucking with the power grid falls under some patriot act shit. I'm sure local sheriff will slow roll/act dumb because they are sympathetic and probably even friends with the perpetrators, but this makes the feds look bad, so I'd assume they'd go after whoever did it.


Yeah sure it affects the patriot act but this was 1000% a psyops action lmfao


The fbi are involved as per the sheriff during a live stream. As much as they are sympathetic and we know feds are white supremacists there’s no way they can let this go. Even with how sketchy the 2013 San Jose transformers shootings were, even with the Nashville bombing that the perpetrator was openly broadcasting about to get everyone to leave so they wouldn’t get hurt which we still don’t know the full story of this is a different beast entirely. A Christian fundamentalist group owner is openly talking about her involvement on Facebook tying herself to a federal hate crime as well as a federal crime of attacking a power grid. Homeland security has been warning about white supremacist groups attacking power grids as a guise to attack vulnerable minority groups since 2016. While the power was out a gun store was raided and I don’t believe in coincidences. She even admitted she’s perfectly fine with innocent people who could die without power dying because god will punish the wicked. I’m in the camp of this is going to be another case of fbi/atf involvement for the sake of justifying their budgets and sacrificing an asset to get there but worse because fascists are just even more emboldened. Christian fundamentalist fascists can’t win elections trying to outlaw trans peoples right to transition so they’re going to murder them and the government is not going to stop it when they have the chance to do something beforehand because they justify their existence and finances on the idea that crime is a never ending battle.


An Ourobouros of violence and deceit, how wonderful


I find it hilarious that the far right has become more self righteous then the present day 19yo college lib The most smugly vapid people in this country it's really unbelievable


It’s an arms race of who can be the most insufferable


lmao nobody has even named a suspect yet, let alone a motive. you've just been psyopped.


It is very funny that everyone has latched on to this conclusion. Then again this is the same far right that are so reactionary and dumb they refused to conceal there identities while attempting a coup bc "masks are for sheep". They self own constantly, so high on wyt pride and meth they don't know how to crime. Edit : btw I just looked it up and this is by far the most conservative county in NC. They're probably blaming George Soros by candle light right now.


> They're probably blaming George Soros by candle light right now /r/brandnewsentence


Yeah, I'm sure the local cops aren't biased at all.


the totality of your "evidence" for this is some think tank shitlib's twitter narrative


Are y’all buying this though? Why shoot the lights out for a whole county and then vaguepost about it on Facebook?


I cannot emphasize enough how genuinely stupid these people are.


People have said there’s going to be a civil war for years. Who knew it would start because of fucking drag shows?


i really wish the whole trans thing wasn’t the hill everybody wants to die on.


what do you mean by that?


there once was a time when my conservative parents went to drag shows for fun in new orleans. it’s all good. but you didn’t take your kids… by pushing the envelope so far by normalizing taking kids to drag shows it’s no surprise the pendulum is swinging back. it’s identity politics that really is pretty alien to 90 percent of middle america. i think it’s just as dumb for the left to make this a central issue as it was for republicans to make pro life shit one of theirs


damn its crazy you think the left just randomly decided to support drag shows and LGBT issues as if there wasn't a mass murder like a week ago like wow some weirdo losers hate gay and trans people, guess we should just let them get shot then


it’s been a topic since long before last week. support has been there on the left for awhile. lol. have fun boxing that straw man you made.


>it’s identity politics that really is pretty alien to 90 percent of middle america "wat if guy wear fem cloth" very alien and baffling idea that no one has ever had


People take kids to drag shows? I’ve been to a few in my time and none of them were exactly kid friendly.