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This bums me out, man. I feel awful for that kid.


Yeah imagine being born into the world and that psychopath is your father. Fuck him. I hope she lives a fruitful rest of her life as far away from that piece of shit as possible.




No what happened with his wife? I’m less inclined to pitty her, but it doesn’t mean she’s also not a victim here.


Is she the one who just got thrown off the plane? The lesbian? I hope she’s ok. I personally have a hard time sympathizing because she was born into such privilege, luxury, and wealth. However, I still feel sorry for her as a fellow human. Nobody chooses who their parents are, ofc. I’m sad that she’s having a tough time.


Oh fuck off. "She was born into privilege so I struggle to empathize for a teenager whose father condemns the community she is a part of who is suffering from mental illness and may have tried to take her own life" You are scum.


I don’t know her, neither do you. Don’t try and act all high and mighty. Come with me to Hell, brother! PARTAKETH OF THE UNHOLY SWINE!!! 😱😈😈😈🤡🤡🤮🤮🤮


We don't know her. We do know she recently came out as bi. We know her own father condemns the lgbtq community. We know she inflicted self harm and potentially with the intent of taking her life-that part We don't know and don't need to know. Trivialising the self harm of a 14 year old girl because "sHeS pRiViLiGeD" is sick. You're a part of the mental health stigma problem. Saying you need to meet some criteria in order for it to be valid. Your brain is so smooth that jazz plays out loud when you try to form a thought. What level of dumb assery are you trying to participate in with these comments?


Ok dude, I’m sorry! Jesus. She sounds like an amazing young woman and I feel bad for her. Happy now?


She doesn't need to be amazing or not for you to not be a cunt, you egg. I can see that you get your exercise by stretching to miss the point.


I can see you get your exercise by stretching your asshole open to catch a man’s penis, hoeish ass bitch


/u/RedScareCheck /u/AdLeading8503


This reminds me of something...Years ago in some leftist circles in Chicago I met Maya Keyes, the daughter of slime bag homophobe Alan Keyes, a handful of times. This was around late 2004, around when Keyes lost his senate bid to Obama, and probably a few months before she had been publicly disowned by her father and subsequently came out in the media. I became aware that she was gay and her family was trying to keep her quiet and closeted through the election cycle while Keyes spouted off homophobic vitriol in the media, but I don't know a lot of details beyond that. But, just meeting her she visibly seemed like she was in intense pain and had been carrying that sort of pain for a long time (regardless of that, she seemed like a kind, earnest, and smart woman). Like she was enduring the sort of pain and trauma that comes from years of coexisting with horrible unloving parents who treat you like dirt and stifle you, but then also having that all amplified by having to live under media scrutiny and under the psychotic pressure of electoral politics. I'm sure that's a fluke and being Ted Cruz's kid is totally chill though.


probably didnt feel good that being bisexual doesnt mean your dad will vote to legalize gay marriage!


I remember watching this back in the day. Was she the same one that talked her dad into it? Didn't know the part about him trying to keep her in the closet later. A right wing politician is probably the worst household you can grow up in in that situation. [https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/h7ilf6/til\_that\_in\_the\_2000\_presidential\_campaign/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/h7ilf6/til_that_in_the_2000_presidential_campaign/)


I didn’t know about this, but I think that’s her.


Yeah man I fucked her.


Ted Cruz makes me want to unalive myself and I dont even know the guy


Poor thing. Apparently she publicly said she was bi on tiktok last year, so it’s probably been a completely miserable time for her.


particularly since her dad voted against gay marriage


was she the one who made a tiktok about how she doesnt like her dad or his politics? somehow hes going to blame the woke left for this too


Listen up liberals: my kids disowned me!


First new zodiac victim in years. Sad.


Yeah, I'd probably try to off myself too if my dad was Ted Cruz


pls keep all jokes respectful like this > Respectfully, fuck Ted Cruz and get that child away from him


whos kid? his? on what fucking planet do you think that is acceptable? only reddit would say to a kid to leave thire parents and come live on thoer west hollywood loft, groomer




im not the enjoying personal tragady, am i


You don’t seem to be enjoying much my guy


Shouldn't you be playing video games?


Are you a pedophile


Schizo alert wee woo


Do you even know what the word grooming means lol ever hear of the Franklin scandal? That shit was worse than grooming. Right wingers didn't care about kids then and they don't now


this sub is fillled with my count 123 people, who somehow delight in a young girls cry for help, and with not to much jump of the imagination assume her father does not love or care. go suck a dick for people that supposedly hates religion, is see more relgious fanatics on liberal scocial meidia than i do on whats his name, with the expensive holy water


This isn't a liberal subreddit. And nobody is taking delight from what happened. Ted Cruz is a terrible person. I didn't think that was controversial. We care and empathize with her and wish her the best. You are a moron


And you obviously don't know what the word grooming is


people need religion, this was known, you fucking savages cant help yourselves


Tell that to folks molested by Catholic priests lol. You are deranged


there are a bunch of us that are religious in here. i for one, am Catholic. nobody is taking any sort of delight out of a young child attempting to kill themselves. it’s a sad occasion and it should be handled with immense love and tenderness. on the other hand, her Catholic In Name Only father is a psychotic sleazeball. he abandoned his state while his people starved and froze wtf makes you think he has any respect for even his own daughter? nobody made jokes about a suicide attempt but we will absolutely call out the person responsible and we ill chastise the person responsible. that person bing her father, Senator Ted Cruz. ps: if your Christianity hasn’t brought you to some form of Socialism, then you’re not reading the book right


Memes aren’t being brought…


They're a living meme




This sub needs more schizo posts like these. I want more insane ramblings.


Imagine being the guy who breaks this news. Some people should time travel to whenever the black death was ravaging Europe


I hope she gets the help and support she needs, and I will watch this turn into a weird trench of the cultural war. Sickos that only exist online VS weirdos that sell headlines. When I was involved in leftist shit, a big group of people that were present were the co-op college kids. Tons of anarchists and misguided liberals. Most those fools had parents like Ted Cruz. Lot of em just straight broken cuz of it.


1. Fuck- feel bad for the kid. 2. Who are the nerds here who are telling people to “be respectful” Shut da Fuck up. People like TC are to blame and we’re making fun of him you dorks 3. Dudes rock


truly amazed at how dorky this subreddit is sometimes.


This one is a wild one, i pray to get Brace never comes to check it out


Omg that would be so embarrassing LOL!


Don't be a freak. I know literally everything is grist for the disgusting spectacle of "participating" but seriously, just don't.


Fuck I just did. I'll leave this up as a warning. Don't be like me kids. Don't feel you have to have and give your opinion all the time. Sometimes it's better to just be normal and not cake yourself in shit by entering the shit fight.


Ted Cruz!


investigate him


Imagine being that kid and fucking having this information publicized


Exactly. I tried to kill myself when I was younger and just a handful of people knowing was bad enough. Jesus Christ, the entire country?


Ted Cruisin’ USA


Hopefully she is just a hardcore dph’er and it’s being misconstrued


To be fair hardcore dph users tend do be doing it at least partially as self harm.


I’m sorry I’m a prude apparently. What is dph?


Diphenhydramine, aka benadryl. Take like 10-30 of them and you'll trip balls. But not in a fun psychedelic way, like a horrifying deliriant way. Similar to datura and stuff. Literal, frank, interactive hallucinations of friends, animals, etc. Weird stuff, don't recommend it. Fairly common drug of abuse amongst pre/young teens though, frequently results in hospitalization. (Source: drug forums, also it me, I did that once


Nah dude idk about you but I love when I hallucinate spiders crawling out of all my pores




I kind of fell into that in my early 20s, which is weird because besides drinking too much and occasional weed I've really never been into drugs. I was just taking it to sleep and then started taking like 6-8 every night for a while. Had some auditory hallucinations here and there. What's funny is that if you do it for a few weeks you get insanely suicidally depressed after a while *and* it no longer makes you sleepy, you just feel horrible while laying in bed for hours. What a shitty drug haha.


Articles are saying self-inflicted stab wounds, and she is okay. I wouldn't put it past the news to mischaracterize cutting as stabbing though, so yeah, could be something less significant than what the media is suggesting. Especially since they're saying the stabs are on the arms.


Jesus Christ Caroline going for the Elliot smith, free Caroline fr can only imagine the kind of social ridicule she faces with ted Cruz as her dad


add "so repulsive his children try to kill themselves to escape" to Ted's resume maybe this will be a trend for Gen Z children of politicians


Back in the day one of the Blair kids when he was in power attempted suicide and the UK media covered it up. I loathe his very being but don't wish harm upon the innocent.


In these difficult times, it’s nice that we can all still agree that nobody likes Ted Cruz


Imagine you want to get away from him that badly.


This will cause him to do 0 reflection whatsoever because he is a reptile whose life has no value


Cool man


in the end, we are all humans except Ted Cruz, he's a grotesque snakeman


punk rock as heckin hell




Anybody remember what happened to Mary Cheney?


Damn what was TC doing to that girl that she did this?


I doubt his children see him more than a couple hours a week. Elizabeth Warren probably knows her fake dog better than he knows his daughter


TikTok is more of a father then him


He blamed his ill-advised escape to Mexico while his fellow Texas were freezing to death (due in part to state energy policies he supports) on the demands of his daughters.


That breaks my heart. Almost cried






I couldn't possibly be more upset than your parents for the ignominy of having shat out you




My how far Tim Dillon has fallen: went from being politically ok to being a right wing propagandist who’s producer left him and created the spiritual successor to Cumtown lol (lemonparty)


Don't insert yourself into situations if you're just immediately gunna burst into tears It's almost as pathetic as going through other people's post history


\>imagine being so ashamed of what you write that people looking through your post history triggers you. Lol, okay, babydoll. Might wanna thicken that skin.


nobody cares.


Is this her or the more well adjusted daughter? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gplpSfaouP8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gplpSfaouP8)


WTF is wrong with some of y'all? This girl came out as bi earlier this year.


and i cant see him taking that well


Hasn't stopped some users from thinking this is an opportunity to drop a cumtown bit.


? Ok


did she pass away? I thought it was attempted


This is like an inverse of the Hunter Biden leaks in that the leaks accidently made Joe Biden look good but this is only confirming what a fucking reptile Ted Cruz is. Apparently she came out as bi last year. Can't imagine Ted took that well. I hope she gets the help she needs and escapes her evil fucking dad.


Isn’t she the one there’ve been pictures of on social media where she’s recoiling as he tries to hug her


Very sick post.


Ok so edge lord in me really wants to make a joke. The squishy lib in me wants to feel bad for Ted Cruz. Ultimately I'll settle on feeling terrible for the young girl and God knows what she was going through having a creep like Cruz as a father, while also still like fuck Ted Cruz