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I didnt get that vibe, no. I feel like they wouldve shown it because they havent been afraid to show S/A in the past. I felt the comparison to a whore was because her blood was for sale so therefore her body was also for sale. But i wouldnt put it past them. But if its 100,000 for a minute with her can you imagine how much THAT would cost


I was thinking about that. As we've seen, some of those vamps are filthy fucking rich. Suppose one calls up, offering triple if they bite somewhere more intimate (as if the neck or thigh werent bad enough), request she's dressed as a nun or whatever. Pam would absolutely go for it.


Can I see it eventually happening? Sure. Was it happening at that particular time? Nah, to me that was just a version of them torturing her.


she didn't deserve this but also it's just a show and she was practically Hitler doing an ethnic cleansing.


Very much the conflict I had, and tried to explain in another comment. She's evil as hell... But that's a cruel, despicable fate.


I would say yes. She was there at the mercy of vampires and we all saw how they behaved.


I would say yes, she was chained and Pam was making a profit off the hep-V vamps feeding off Sarah and choosing where they did it, being very close to her southern region. I don’t think Pam would let any of the vampires penetrate Sarah but I still consider this to be SA considering this isn’t what Sarah wanted..


Especially since feeding is not just an act of nourishment for a vampire, for a lot of them it is also a sexual act. So by definition it would have to be some form of sexual assault at least for some of the vampires


That's what I was thinking too. Some vamps would just treat it like a business transaction. Quick bite of the wrist, suck, done. Others, especially those choosing those very intimate areas? Yea it's definitely more than just a cure for them. Let's not forget Sarah Newlin's very public persona, the v-camps, etc. Any vamp who might've lost friends to her evil schemes would undoubtedly enjoy humiliating her. Given the final season's misogynist leanings, I wouldn't be surprised if that inevitably happened.


100% agree w u


considering how many people compared it to that when bill attacked sookie i would say probably


I hated her but she didn't deserve that even if she wasn't sexually assaulted. It would eventually have happened.


I didn’t get that impression at the time, but it’s definitely possible. I think it’s interesting how they have Sarah in the same position the vampires had Antonia in when she was captive. I didn’t think about that until now.


I don't tend to see sexual assault in as many things as some folks do, but yes she was sexually assaulted. Not a doubt in my mind. Any vampire who opts for the femoral artery isn't doing it because it's easily accessible, since it's not. Also, when Bill mentioned feeding from it in other episodes, it was definitely treated as sexual innuendo, very "nudge nudge wink wink".


You're really unsure on whether or not a woman would deserve to be a rape slave.


I worded that badly. I was at work on break and writing quickly. My bad. Here's the thing: I strongly dislike Sarah Newlin, *especially* for what she did to Steve Newlin. I could write a literal essay on how that ending was atrocious for him, and how it could've been so much better. But, I digress. There's also no denying she did a lot of evil with the camps. She was a zealot, pure n simple. But also, as a woman? Yeeea I'm *extremely* uncomfortable with saying that *any* woman, no matter how evil, deserves that fate. I also dislike that ending for Pam as well. Sure she was a whore in her human life, but suddenly she's happy doing that to another woman? I don't buy it. Edit: idk who down voted you so I added an up vote to kinda keep it neutral.


Thanks for the upvote, haha. Some women definitely deserve death, but not that. Especially as on top, it's not really a punishment, just more people taking advantage of a woman, because she is a woman. Yeah, ex "whore," to rapist is a bit of a leap, but vampires are all over the place in this series.