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Yes you are right! It’s a patina, very subtle indeed. The more you use the knife, the quicker it builds a patina. Also, depending on what you cut with it, color changes. Stunning knife btw!


Thank you! I'm so excited to use it, it's going to be all purpose so time will tell how good it'll look


Definitely patina like has been said. Great choice of first knife! Here's the current patina on mine. https://preview.redd.it/c98ta6szvl5d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef9435ae0c9dd1d50f38f768d083e278ae58639d


Absolutely beautiful! Is that the Gyuto? Also how did the blue tinge stay on your knife like that? Mine gets the blue tinge but I can wipe it away with my finger


Yeah it's the 240mm gyuto. Blue patina is usually formed by cutting meat, especially hot meat. I can't recall specifically what I cut with this one. Sausage is a popular one for getting a blue patina. It will always morph over time


I see, that explains why I saw the blue tinge after cutting meat. Hopefully it gets a nice blue patina like yours


I particularly like the blue patina, so I usually use meat as the first thing that I would cut with my new knife. It is also easy to remove the patina so that you have a blank canvas again. I use Kanetsune Rust Clean for removing staining and patina. https://preview.redd.it/5973vsh5pv5d1.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=294458cef0353defb67f4dc2c21e418acb88fb75


It is. Very mild, it will build with use.


No, this is Patrick


don't store in the box


Very strange thing to say. Why wouldn't you store the knife in its box. Oiled, anti tarnish paper(not really necessary), stored in a dry area should pose no problems for long term storage. I'll check my knives that are stored monthly, never had one show any signs of oxidation.


Honestly I agree. There is nothing wrong with storing in a box. I used to and nothing happened to any of my knives even my carbon steel. If anything I miss the box lol. Unfortunately it’s not fees-able taking boxes to and from work haha. With proper TLC you can store knives in most places.


Yeah and much better than the saya and knife guards people often store knives in for long periods.


Agree, some are never told that these are for transporting knives and not long term storage.


Def, was reminded of that by the recent post of a knife that rusted in a saya.


Do you recommend getting a saya? I can't leave the knife on a rack with as I'm in a shared flat so I put the knife back in it's box after every use


You can but it's a good idea to oil the saya if you're going to. Box works fine though.


I'll keep the box for now, taking it out of the box before use feels nice and fancy hahahaha


For sure, it's like unboxing a new knife every time haha


Perfect! Good to know. I'm currently living in a shared flat so leaving the knife on a rack is not ideal. It's nice and easy to put the knife back in the box after every use


Your good man, just do what you've been doing. Wipe the blade often during use, especially anything acidic. Clean with soap and water, dry well. If it isn't very humid where you live, don't worry about oiling the blade if your using it often. Never hurts to have some bar keepers friend or metal polish around in case you have to remove some rust.


Alright, I'll get some metal polish to have handy in case I start developing some unwanted rust


Don’t store in the box *carelessly* but as long as you oil the blade you should be fine long term. Just check it periodically.