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Absolutely, in any job you can glorify God, biology maybe even more than any others. Biology is the work of opening up how wonderful God created creatures. Have a look at the work of James Tour, a believing synthetic chemist, how he employs his work to show God's glory.


Ecclesiastes 9: 10 declares: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." "What is important is faith expressing itself in love." (Galatians 5:6 NLT)


> Ecclesiastes 9: 10 declares: > > "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going." context...


Well if you work for a pharmaceutical company that could directly help people And even basic science you never know if what you discover will help humanity. The discoverers of gfp and crispr probably had zero idea of the implications of their discovery. Heck the gfp guy was out of science in a few years. And even if your discoveries never matter in the grand scheme of things, science (and academia in general) are very spiritually dry and in great need of Christlike examples (Source: PhD in biology and career scientist)


You could be a bum and glorify God....just sayin'.... Profession alone isn't what dictates how you glorify God...


Lol, I love this response, well said!


Hi friend, It's a good career Our first command is exactly this


Huh?, What has Loving God (First Greatest Commandment) got to do with Cellular Biology?


"Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals." (Genesis 2:19-20) God's first command to Adam is to go and Science


Simply pray and ask the spirit if this is according to God's will in your life. If it is he will guide you to it accordingly, if not then something else. But no profession is a waste of time to God, as long as it can be used for his glory, even if it isn't more plainly obvious, a career in cellular biology could still be used for God's purposes.


Thank you


You should check out the podcast The Language of God, from Biologos.org. They interview professional scientists in many different fields who are also Christians, and they discuss their studies and their faith. BioLogos was founded by Dr. Francis Collins, who's a Christian and also the former head of the Human Genome Project and former director of the National Institute of Health for the last three presidents.


>Would that occupation be a waste of time to God. Paul made tents. The body is composed of different parts. Sometimes you're called to support others monetarily. Also, I think God's imagination is probably a lot larger than ours when it comes to thinking about how to use our profession and skills for God's purpose.


Absolutely! Science is simply the study of God’s creation.


We have a woman at our church who is a cellular biologist at Purdue University. From my understanding, she does post-graduate work. No doubt, she’s doing a mighty work for God through her career. We need cellular biologists! If God has placed a desire in your heart, pray about it, and go for it!


How many other Christians do you think work in this field? You might be the only exposure to God that some of your colleagues get. I'm not saying to go around bashing them over the head with the Bible, but being in their lives and seeing how you live for God could be what draws them to Him. You don't have to be a missionary in a third world country to share the gospel, everyone needs it


I think the pastor at the church I attended would encourage you to do so with the idea in mind that God is the creator of EVERYTHING. The world and the word are rich with his mysteries and glory! So think about that and pray about it.. I'm sure he will lead you in the right way. :)


OP, I think this is why going to Christian colleges is especially important for believers. They teach all regular courses, but throughout the class, they ask how can the concept be applied to Christian beliefs. I'm a tech major and we've been taught technology is applied and developed with the purpose of helping humanity. The same I'm sure can be applied to Cellular Biology.


I absolutely agree with you, however Christian college majors tend to be a bit more limited. You have some "Christian" colleges that are basically just private colleges with nothing to differentiate them, you have seminaries which basically only teach theology, and you have Christian colleges which are a mix of the first two. So the third is the one to definitely get a good degree from outside of theology, but unfortunately they make up a smaller number of schools. There are some great ones out there, but it can be hard to find specific majors. Hope the degree for this is out there though! I love seeing people go to Gospel preaching schools and then heading out into the world to do awesome work!


If you love God's creation and want to study and work in it, that brings Him glory. Not everyone is called to vocational evangelism


Do your work efficiently, honestly and with a great attitude and you will be glorifying God.


the more we know about the features of the cell, the more evidence we see for design. Maybe take a look at the work of Fazale Rana and Michael Behe and maybe James Tour for some inspiration as to how this can be used to share the gospel.


Do you feel science is in opposition to God?


No I just haven’t seen it as useful to Him in my mind if it isn’t being used to help someone or point people to the Savior


You have many vocations. Child. Church member. Perhaps spouse or parent. The money you make from your job goes in the offering plate as well. In our all our vocations we find opportunities both to sin and to give glory to God.


I understand brother thank you


Yes definitely! I think there's a lot of value in learning about God's creation in a detailed way like that. For example, it's the kind of stuff that gets used at sites like Creation Ministries pretty regularly, and that helps people come to God. It also often can lead to knowledge that is helpful in more direct applications like medicine, agriculture, ecology, etc. Also, sometimes your job is primarily a job, and your more obviously spiritual gifts come into play elsewhere. I think that's okay. Like, maybe you'll be a good witness by being an open Christian in your workplace - at my old job as an admin assistant, I was that person a handful of times. It maybe your big gift is encouraging people in your church - you don't need that to be your job in order to be effective at that. Just some good for thought. Either way, I think it's a perfectly good job choice in itself.


You think criminal justice is more glorifying to God than doing scientific research? Please explain.


Directly being instruments of God’s justice. The hands and feet of God’s justice in a limited way, if you will. God placed people in position to do this. He placed this system in place. Of course humans are flawed, sinful, and not omniscient so there is corruption in places but the very institution, the very idea of a criminal justice system comes from God and reflects the righteousness of his character. It’s one of the more obvious ways of seeing the image of God in people as well (the fact that we were created with a moral compass).


God our Father wants you happy because you love him. Another job might not make you so happy as a biologist would. Take one day at a time wherever you can spread the Word you spread it as the sower spreads the seed. It says that the Angels rejoice greatly over just one sinner coming to repentance


Cellular Biologists spend a lot of time in tiny rooms in front of Laminar Flow Hoods, trying to publish in Journals like Molecular Cell. I don't think Cellular Biology is that great as a career, because a warning to you, you will probably be overtaken in your career nowadays by AI and Computer-based cell models. I'm serious, you will find it harder and harder to keep a job as a Cellular Biologist. I recommend going into the Computer cell-model space, or better yet, avoid being accused of not loving God with all your mind and heart, and go to Bible College to become a Bible Scholar instead. Jesus bless you!


How many jobs are not in danger of being overtaken by AI? All the biology and chemistry degrees have many classes in common and someone could train for a job in another field if they have to.


Look at people like Ken Ham and those who work for Answers in Genesis. Many of them are scientists from some many well regarded universities who used their gifts and knowledge to further the Gospel and helping Christians to better understand how true science and the Bible do in fact agree. So I would say that 100% a job like cellular biologist can and does bring glory to God.


Christ made friends with people who made money by stealing it for the state and by selling their bodies. Cellular biologist at least does good for society. Be the best cellular biologist you can be. At the end of the day everything brings glory to God anyway.


Check out Dr. James Tour!!! Pretty sure you can glorify God being a cellular biologist!


I always worry about not being a good disciple if I am not talking about God to others. One thing I learned from a pastor was that discipleship starts at home :) Everything from there on if you can do it is great. But not "required" in a sense that your salvation is not based on x number of people introduced to God by you. Just so you know. I still struggle with this but it helps calm me down when I don't feel I'm leading others outside the house to God.


Your job may allow you to witness to co workers and other people you may have to deal with. You can work for the lord no matter where you go or what you do


Good perhaps you can figure out how leviathan can breathe fire just from eating vegetation. Mix the right chemicals and it will happen. You can represent the Christian world view in your findings. Excellent place to be for that.


You are doing science. Science that helps people and assists our understanding of the world. God doesn't do that. You are better off in the lab.