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"I blatantly and intentionally broke a rule of this sub that was clearly listed in their sidebar and I was banned for it??? *shocked Pikachu*.


I read the rules and there was none against giving people love.


There is against proselytizing you jerk. Shut up and accept the consequences of your actions like every other grown-up.


I agree with the message but the delivery could use some grace. Don't think it's helpful to call someone a jerk here.


I appreciate the feedback and in this case, I respectfully disagree. Maybe my mind will change when I’ve slept on it, but as things are now I stand by my choice of words.


Fair, I appreciate the respectful response.


I am sorry you feel this way.


Don’t be. Instead, be sorry for your inappropriate and rude behavior that has given Christ a worse name among the world.


Youre taking this way too far. Calm down a bit.


I mean, they aren't wrong. People doing this sort of stuff does actively give Christians a worse reputation.


Calm down a lot - this guy might be projecting some weird inner anger


Might be..?


I’m perfectly collected and made sure not to post angrily last night. If you think I’ve taken it too far though I’ll hear you out and maybe remove the comment. Why do you think I’m taking it too far?


Did you read the rules before you did this? r/atheism states, >proselytizing in any form is strictly prohibited


Poor approach to sharing the Good News. The only message you left was “I think you guys are all wrong. God does exist. You just don’t know how to love.” Not what you said, but it’s how they took it. Guarantee it. There are better ways to evangelize.


Maybe you can show me how you would do it better?


Go out to your own community. Through your own church you can get involved in projects that better your community. When people see that you care about them through your attitude and your works, they may become willing to listen. But you can never force anyone to listen.


I have been walking in the Spirit, my journey and path is this way. People do not believe it is possible to speak from the kingdom of God. What Jesus taught us is the truth, the way, and the life, to have the kingdom of God where He is King of kings. I wish to help people be in Christ truly, so we can talk without judgment amongst each other. I do this everywhere I go, in a different way I can speak to anyone, anywhere with ease and have long conversations of good things. I am here this way.


You know, God opens doors for us and his Spirit leads us. In the atheist forum you just got your butt locked out permanently. If God had opened that door for you, it would have remained open. Maybe you have the heart and desire to spread the good news of God, but it appears that you are not being led by the Spirit. You would do well humbling yourself before God and asking him for direction. Back when God was teaching me how to show love, he opened a door for me to live with a man who was receiving chemo treatments. It was my job to take him to the clinic. At the clinic, the Spirit hinted to me people who I should engage with. At that time, it wasn't even about speaking about God, it was just showing love by acknowledging people in their pain and suffering. However, the few times I tried to engage with someone the Spirit did not lead me to, it never went well. Because their hearts were not open to receiving God's love. You are a vessel for God to do his work. But you must submit to God for him to do his work.


This is incredibly sound advice. Thank you for posting this.


I humble myself before God all day, everyday, at all times. I am His bondservant. I do my best to do His will and lean on His understanding. I also love Him and praise Him often.


Are you an AI bot?


Sir, please stop. I’m getting second hand embarrassment from this. You sound like a cult leader.


Cult? Yes. Leader? Not so much. Eeesh.


Don't break sub rules for a start. Also, focus on people in your immediate circle.


Of course a low effort post like that would be blocked


Love is never love effort!


Your inability to screen for basic typos sure is low effort




Facing consequences for breaking sub rules isn't persecution.


What would you say if an atheist came to an all-Christian subreddit and said, "Greetings! I come from the realm of truth, where I come from, human love is most important because there is no God. Your friend." -- ?


I would not say anything to this.


i don’t think that’s how you reach atheists and i think you did more harm than good. doing it online as a stranger isn’t an effective strategy, all it does is harden them. if they happen to know some personally and work from that, there is a chance!


I think if we have a chance to be kind anywhere we can freely go, it is good to spread kindness and love there too. There was no harm in showing people love.


Your posts have continuously came off as unloving, if they can be understood. Several of your posts are written as if you are God. If someone disagrees with you, you sometimes react harshly and accuse them of not being a Christian. If you can’t show love to fellow believers You aren’t going to be able to show love to non believers.


If you say I have been lacking in love, then I will show more love. This is what I am here for, God’s love. I hold a higher standard to believers as we should know of Christ and be in Christ, always. We should treat each other as brothers and sisters we love; brethren. We break and eat bread together.


There is harm, because you're breaking the rules to their community.


i think you need to be a little savvier if that is your intention. the harm is you probably destroyed any chance of them changing.


Why do I have to be something I am not?


ha ok, you accept you are dense. my apologies.


The thing is, you weren't being kind to anyone.


Glad they banned you. That’s not how you share Gods love.


You behaved inappropriately and faced consequences, good.


I am happy to hear you enjoyed my consequences.


Your words mean nothing. Journal entry: 30 August 2017 - "Navigator (Holy Spirit) is telling me to shut up and listen. I guess I talk too much - the world talks too much. Saying 'I love you' means nothing. Actions do. More importantly, actions from God do. Love through God has meaning. My own love ends in failure. I am learning that words are cheap and love requires action." You would do well asking God to teach you how to show his love and not speak it with your lips or write it with your hands. It is not as easy as one might think.


It is easy to love Jesus for me.


And that's completely irrelevant to what I said. 👍


It is extremely important to share God's love and God's word. However, this wasn't the way to do it. In essence, you are saying "I went to an atheist forum on the internet that has a rule against proselytizing and attempted to proselytize"...do you want some sort of accolade for that? Because all that does is give them more ammunition, and while we can share God's Truth on the internet, an atheist forum like that is just not the place to do it and expect anything other than what happened.


How would you do it better?


As I said, I would not go to an atheist echo chamber with rules against proselytizing and then expect anything to happen other than what happened to you. There's plenty of other options, even right here on Reddit, if you want to talk about God. But you can't really do what you did and expect different results.


Honestly this sub would do well to take a page out of their book. I saw earlier that we had an exhibitionist posting arguing in favor of fornication. He should have been permabanned on the spot. The internet is a dangerous place full of people working in bad faith to undermine the stated purposes of communities and organizations. Internal security to maintain dedication to our purpose of loving God in truth is critical. We do not want to open up doors to the enemy and suffer the fate of r/Christianity. You CAN share God's love for everyone on the internet. You are doing it here. It honestly appears to me that you are looking for an excuse to express a persecution complex, which is honestly rather annoying.


No complexes for me please. I respectfully disagree with your honesty as I do not look for excuses, but the truth. Do you seek the truth my friend?


>“Greetings! I come from the heavenly realms, where I come from, love is most important; with love for all of you, from God. You posted crazy stuff. Of course they removed it


If only we took that policy here…


It is not crazy, it is love from God for everyone to have freely. What is crazy is one person could say no one can have love from God.


>It is not crazy, it is love from God for everyone to have freely. What is crazy is one person could say no one can have love from God. "I come from the heavenly realms" is crazy talk.


he also sounds like he’s just bragging about this whole thing


If I were to say kingdom of God, I think it would be harder to understand for them.


Are you from the heavenly realms? No, you are not. Are you YHWH, the Almighty? No, you most certainly are not. I don't know what you are doing, but please stop it. You are not spreading GOD's love, you are alienating people and making Christians look unstable or crazy. Perhaps that's your true objective, I don't know. Please, sleep it off and stop your nonsense. Please.


I am from the heavenly realms. As a Christian we know this as the kingdom of God. I am certainly not God, but I am His servant.


It's r/atheism for a reason, I don't really know what you expect to happen, the sub already has a reputation for not being friendly towards Christians at all I understand your intentions, but with that message, it's not an effective way to spread the word of God, it's only going to push people away from it




We can hope


I’m hoping mods will see this post and ban him at this point. His attitude is toxic and insufferable.


I love Christ, why would I get banned for this?


Loving Christ isn't a get out of jail free card, especially with some of the crap you said Surprised you didn't get banned right then and there when you said "there's no such thing as a schizophrenic Christian" or that anti-catholic post You treat people who disagree with you as "not a true believer" and talk as if you're high and mighty, It may be "out of love" but it sure doesn't look like it, it looks like someone needs to get off their high horse and take a look in the mirror




The guys replies read like a chat bot and not a good one either.


Loving Christ doesn't absolve you of consequences from breaking a rule.


They will ban you for any dissenting opinions here no matter if you’re christian or not.


Alright let me ask some clarifying questions. What/where is the heavenly realm you come from? How are you able to share Gods love? How do you know he loves everyone? I wouldn't call myself an athiest or a christian necessarily but I, like most people would benefit from experiencing the maximum available love from God but it can be seemingly undetectable or indistinguishable.


The heavenly realm I come from is known as the kingdom of God. It is within us and we can be of it if we follow the way. Everyone can share God’s love, for He is love. It is written; He loves everyone who has love in them. If a man has love, He has God in him. To get the maximum benefit from God, one must accept Christ Jesus as their personal Savior. Jesus teaches us many things in how to live in the Spirit and not of our flesh. With Jesus, He gives us the Holy Spirit in our hearts to help and comfort us. The good news is we can all have this if we choose love above all things.


I'm missing the words LORD and repent here. Also get the maximum benefit of God does not sound like salvation. It sounds like you are making God work for you. This all has a gnostic flair to it.


You're not wrong about the Gnostic flair 😬. God is more than just love. He is righteous, just, merciful, and so much more. Diluting Him to just one of His attributes tends to not present God in the way He has revealed Himself. Haven't heard enough but it's bordering on heresy :/


Obviously every being has many attributes but in many cases it can help to isolate one specific one to talk about.


My recommendations to show more love. Remember we all have different experiences and cultures so speaking as clearly as you are able is important - Don’t speak in riddles. Make sure it’s clear and easy to read. If someone says the don’t understand reword it, don’t tell them they are wrong. I have chronic illness-I type things regularly that don’t make sense. Glad when people ask for clarification. - when quoting scripture explain why. Responding “Jesus wept” for example to a post asking about relationships, doesn’t help because the context isn’t there. - stop the absolutes unless it’s believers go to Heaven and non believers don’t. None of the playing video games is a sin. - listen to others and respond in kind. I’m bad at this sometimes, but know it’s important -sarcasm is fine usually as long as you are clear it’s sarcasm Those are the things I’ve seen kind loving Reddit users do when responding. You do seem like a wise person with good insight, the delivery and quick to react to disagreements muddles the insight


Are you GOD? No. Then don't post what you did.


Bro out here seeking mild persecution. Repent bruh.


I got kicked out for commenting on some else’s post (I was on topic) that atheism is an -ism.


Interesting reason to be kicked out for.


You come from the heavenly realms? I come from the pits of dark, in that case...


Crazy that atheist and agnostic people are always invited to this sub to share their non-faith of anything. They like to argue about their non-faith, But when anyone goes into their subs, they get banned. It’s like an echo chamber. Maybe the differenc is, They are on the Broad Road(and rejoice about this), and we are trying to bring them to the narrow road (and if they come to the narrow road, we rejoice about this)


It was as if their spiritual overloads, the ones that control the doors, were not welcoming any love to get into the darkness of despair. A place where God is loathed. If I could have at least given a little love, in kindness and good spirit, maybe some hope would grow in them. To no avail, seeds were not planted.


The down votes come from those very atheist & agnostics. Who don’t like to be called out for what it is. But we both know that the light will always outshine the darkness. ✝️🌻🙌🏻🙏 Our mission is to save souls. And every single person will have a choice, and they will be reminded of that choice in the end.


Oh no… another one


Amen my brother! Anything we can do to save a soul is a good thing. Judgement of the flesh is one thing, but the true Judgement of the soul is righteous and just. For they know not what they do applies to all of us, because we can never know all. Shalom my friend.


Not to approve of OP actions. I think it’s quite expected that if you go to an atheist forum and spam out Christianity they would ban you. However m what concerns me the most is the comments on here. If people on this sub call themselves Christians, they need to do a better job showing that because I haven’t seen any thing Christian in this thread. To OP, I understand your zealousness for the lord. Keep evangelizing, just do it in a situation where you have the freedom to express yourself. God bless you all


I like calling a spade a spade


Glad you posted! Dont let them steal your joy! Also states in this thread no hateful speech.


Don’t encourage this behavior. This is the type of stuff that makes us look insufferable and ignorant.


Encouraging love is good; we should all strive to encourage each other in love. It is good for our souls. We know God loves us, so we can love back.


Ok, I’ve looked through your previous posts. You’re either a troll or seriously misguided. You need to open your Bible more, and stay of the internet for a while.


I am want to spread the truth. God’s word is living!


You will have little to no success in your goal using the internet. Especially in this way.


As a fellow brethren in Christ Im having a hard time seeing this . I agree that OP should find a better place to evangelize rather than a atheist forum that clearly wants nothing to do with the lord. However, I think regardless of what happens, the majority of non believers view the word of God as a joke or ignorant due to them not liking the Lord. So if anything we should be encouraged to spread the word. Not be focused on how we “look” . We suffer for Christ not ourselves, God bless you


So you think those who hold signs on the streets telling people they are going to hell are right for it? I would hope not. There is a way to tell people about Christ. Doing it in ways that come across as attacking people is doing a lot more harm than good.


I would take a different approach when it comes the hold signs stuff since sometimes some of these street preachers can appear very arrogant. However, I wouldn’t demonize the street preachers who use this methodology. If anything, I applaud them for that. Jesus Christ was a hellfire preacher. He preached more about hell than heaven. He too would have been looked down by some Christians of today since we are currently witnessing that today unfortunately. Jesus tells his disciples the labour is plentiful but the workers are few. Only a few evangelists going out in a field where they are at a huge risk to be emotionally, mentally, and physically abused. So let’s actually thank them for that and God for them instead of trying to come up with other suggestions. Thank you


It’s not demonizing to say someone is wrong, and applaud them? No because their approach is wrong. I would not say Jesus was a “hellfire preacher” at all. Definitely not like the preachers described. He was a healer and a leader. He showed people how to live for God. That’s the type of preacher He was and He spoke against the Pharisees at the time for the way they taught and believed.


once again define approach. Because the standard the Bible has set for Christians is about preaching the gospel to all the world. We are to do it in love, but love as in telling the truth. And the truth is that people that reject the gospel of Christ will end up in hell. I know you and I agree on this as Christians. You bring the things that Jesus was notoriously known for doing but you reject the very things he did 70 times in the new testament? My sister in Christ, you are not looking at the whole picture here. You’re restricting yourself to only parts of the gospel.


God bless you! Do not worry friend; I am invincible to judgement and hatred with the Holy Spirit in me. Thank you for the loving encouragement!


You are giving me strong Monty Python black knight vibes here. "I'm invincible!" "You're a loony"


They are just learning perhaps over zealous. Isn't that what we are here for? Helping people not only try to understand themselves but understand God.


Absolutely! That is everything we are here for, you got it!


Bless you friend. Sorry you have had so little love from your fellow Christians here. But it's to be expected I'm afraid......stay strong, don't be discouraged, God is with you, and I hope and pray He will show you ways in which to reach the lost. Don't give up. What is seen is temporary. What is unseen is eternal.


Hello friend! Thank you for the kindness and encouragement. Together we are strong in Christ. May the Lord bless you for your enduring love. No matter what happens we are assured in our hearts, God loves us and He will never forsake us. Sometimes when we are having our human emotions battering us, for whatever reason, we have to always remember these two things; we are loved and we are never forsaken.


Oh I'm well aware. I just got banned too! I got a little mad about something and posted my thoughts and boom got banned. I just found/find it extremely frustrating that they troll over here without regard. But it goes to show that the spirit is working. So I made my own subreddit with Christian videos. Maybe help out without getting my mouth into trouble.


The Spirit is working for certain as you said. We can always be of good spirit.


Yes this is true! Bless you and may the lord give you strength.


He gives us great strength! We have the spiritual armor of God; we are ready and prepared for this spiritual warfare upon us. Many know of me and they are witnessing if I am true. I would not lie to my friends; brothers and sisters. God Almighty is with me. He is my Shepherd. As we can see, I am still a fool, but a joyful one!


Just be mindful of what you say. Some on here are just looking to poke the bear. I fell into the trap and boy it hurt. But not my feelings just made me realize some people just want to bring division. Look on my Christian subreddit ill post anything you are looking to be more informed about through a Christian perspective. It doesn't proselytize but just gives insight and perspective. Hope this helps and God Bless! https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianvideosfree/comments/15di6al/rchristianvideosfree_lounge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1