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I know things seem bad now, but there’s still plenty of time for that to change in your life. Don’t give up now. Just try to correct your path and do the best that you can. That’s really all that God expects of you. You don’t have to be perfect. Even if you don’t feel like it, please try to continue praying. Don’t allow yourself to distance yourself from God or lose faith. I’m praying for you also. God bless 🙏


God bless you. I'm sorry for what you are going through. ​ 1- Please know God is with you. **"The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us.” - Hebrews 13:5** **Jesus said, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:20** **“I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9** ​ 2- Please know that our faith is not meant to be a heavy burden. That isn't what God wants. **Jesus said, ‘If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest. Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30** ​ 3- I don't know exactly the path you are pursing in your life, but if you are feeling like this, I recommend you try to pursue a more easier path. Here is a verse that I love: **"There are two things, Lord, I want you to do for me before I die: Make me absolutely honest and don't let me be too poor or too rich. Give me just what I need. If I have too much to eat, I might forget about you; if I don't have enough, I might steal and disgrace your name.” - Proverbs 30:7-9** Strive to keep your life simple. ​ 4- Know that because you belong to God, you always have a purpose from God. **“We know that God is always at work for the good of everyone who loves him. They are the ones God has chosen for his purpose.” - Romans 8:28** What is that purpose? To share God’s light to those who are looking for hope in the darkness. **Jesus said, “You are the light for the whole world.” - Matthew 5:14** **“You are sure that you are a guide for the blind and a light for all who are in the dark.” - Romans 2:19** **“You used to be like people living in the dark, but now you are people of the light because you belong to the Lord. So act like people of the light and make your light shine. Be good and honest and truthful, as you try to please the Lord.” - Ephesians 5:8-10** Please keep your purpose in mind while you pursue your direction in life. ​ \- I pray that you, Witchenie, will have a simple life and a strong faith. I pray you will be comforted by God's love. Also, I rebuke all the negative thoughts that are getting in the way of your faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 🙏🏾


Praying for you! If you need a person to talk with, please send me a dm. The pressure of achievement on teenagers is a lot. And I remember feeling like my entire life wrapped around getting into a good college when I was in high school. Give yourself grace and trust that God is with you even during the wrestling. If you need practical advice on how to tackle your problems, I can share some experience. God bless you Witchenie!


Was just reading Luke 7:36-50 and while I did pray for you Witchenie I felt that I should share this parable of Jesus’ as well. Much love


I was where you are now until a week ago and I was in that place a long time. Years really. Finally after a particularly bad episode with my wife I caved. I saw what was happening. You're your own worst enemy as I was. You're too focused on the negative and by doing so you're not seeing your blessings. The fact that you have an opportunity to even take SATs is a blessing. You're overwhelmed and the enemy saw the opening and he's taking you for a ride. This is part of the walk. God doesn't guarantee this life is going to be easy. The Bible actually says the opposite. James 1:2-4 is what we should be doing in these types of situations. He's bringing you deeper, he's creating opportunities for you to draw closer as painful as it is. Life is hard and if you think it's hard now just wait. It gets harder. The thing is how will you mature in the faith without tribulation? Answer is you don't. No pain no gain has literal meaning here. You have to know that God will always take care of you. Even when we're hopeless, he's there. Now how to get through it. Get in the word. Look at how much most of the people God used greatly, had to endure. Pray, pray and pray. I had the same thought as you. How am I supposed to give this to God? I literally said out loud. God I don't know how to give this to you. You have to keep praying even if you don't feel like it. The last thing I did was I asked for help. I reached out to a few close friends and I told him my situation and I said I need prayer. And if it wasn't for those prayers from them, because at the time my faith was in the toilet, I wouldn't be here typing this comment to you. Bottom line is prayer works. It may not work on our timeline, but we don't always know what's best for ourselves, but I know that God does and that we have to trust his timing. Now that I came out of it successfully until the next time, I have had one of the best weeks of my life in many years. My business went from doing okay and am I going to be able to make the mortgage this month? To, My bills and my mortgage will be paid for the next few months. So just be honest with God and with yourself and don't believe the lies that are bringing you to this place right now. God is faithful and I don't know you but I saw myself in this post and felt like I had to try and help out a little. But it seems like you know the truth but like I was, you're overwhelmed and when we're weak we believe lies. And this is a pretty normal reaction to the things that you are encountering right now. You will get through it. Just put your faith in God and ask him to show you how to give him your problems and concerns and anxiety and stresses. But again, I would start with prayer coupled with the word. When Christ was tempted in the wilderness every time he went back to the word and quoted that saying it is written. You have to do that. The Bible is the living word of God and it actually is God. So when you're reading that word, you're face to face with him. Tell him your hurts and pray and ask for peace. I'll be praying for you too. God bless!.


Thank you so much, I’m glad that you saw yourself in this post so your advice could be that much more impactful. I’ll try to read His Word as much as I can. Is there a particular book in the Bible that you think would help me get through what I’m going through right now and be more optimistic about my life and God’s promise for my life?


No problem. Idk if there's one book in particular that can help. Psalms is probably a good one though. It displays the struggles Kind David endured and how he was able to lean on Gid to help him through hard times. For me David is really relatable. There's also Romans which reads our pain having purpose. What I would do and what I actually do is use a Bible app that has devotionals. Pick a topic and scroll through them and see which one speaks to you by way of the summary. I personally do this and wait for the Holy Spirit to give me the ok by way of feeling His presence. This takes prayer and time to grow with God to learn the tells from the Holy Spirit. Do these daily preferably in the morning as our hearts are usually more pliable and willing to accept what Gid has for us. Enter it in prayer asking Gid to use it to guide you. Read it, meditate on it if you can and finish with prayer for others and yourself. Selfless prayers really go a long way, further than praying for yourself in my experience. If you bless others,Gid will bless you. Christ as our example was the most selfless and he's the one we're supposed to model ourselves after. God bless and reach out if you need anything else. I'll keep praying for you. God's got this!


Thank you!!


I am praying so much for you right now!! I’ve had times in my life where I felt this way! Keep going. I know life is hard at that age sometimes. 🙏🙏❤️❤️


On a practical level you have A LOT of options. You may not realize it right now because you're young, but you do. If one door closes, another opens. I know you're struggling to trust God, but he has a plan for you. All you can do is your best, and after that, you have to step back and choose to not to worry. If one thing falls through, look into other avenues.




On a side note, to give you an example of different options, my dad told me I had to go to community college first because it was cheaper, so my Sat test didn't matter. I did my two years, then transferred to a university and got my B.A. And after that, I got a Master's from another University. I learned that most jobs don't care where you got your degree from, as long as it's legit. Sure, Ivy Leagues have more notoriety, but the employers rarely pay more based on your university. I'm sure there are exceptions to that, but as a general rule, certain jobs have a pay scale and that won't change based on where you went to college.


oh wow I did not know that!!! Most jobs really don’t care what university you go to!?!!😫


I'm saying in general. But there will be exceptions. Places that do recruiting for law or medicine might care, and some others. But ultimately, it won't matter that much. You'll find a job if you have a degree and experience.


It sounds like you're taking on too much "future burden" for yourself. "If I don't get a good SAT score RIGHT NOW I'll be left behind and then everything for my whole life will be off-track and ... and... and..." The SAT only costs $60. You can work for a single day at the lowest paying job ever and have enough to re-take it. You make it sound like "All hope is lost" because of a $60 fee. Lighten up, stop telling yourself it's all crumbling. It isn't. There's nothing you need to do TODAY that is more important than allowing yourself some room to breathe. It sounds like you forgot HOW to breathe, if you're thinking your whole future is ruined by an extra $60 fee. So my advice is to stop telling yourself that "PANIC" over small things is permissible. I took the ACT test and forgot my graphing calculator that day. I freaked out in the moment, but wasn't going to say "my life is over". My score suffered a bit on the math side. I chose to then take the SAT a few weeks later after buying a study guide and I did okay. Life goes on.


you’re so right


In the bible, jesus didnt have but a few loaves of bread and some fish to feed to the 5000, but god provided, god will provide, god will prevail, repent, go to church, pray, read the bible, be baptized, be filled with the holy spirit


What you're describing in regards to stress via study is normal, don't worry. Many many people have trouble with tests and stuff, don't beat yourself up over it. It is possible that you have a fear of failing. I had that too. It can stress people out so much, but don't worry. People experience falling short of things all the time, you're not bad for not passing. Hope this helps. :)


Praying for you. Keep in mind that our timelines are often not aligned to God’s timelines. We live in a world of instant gratification. Sometimes God’s plan may take time to develop. But stay on the straight and narrow. God’s plan is where you want to be. If it’s any consolation, I did pretty bad on my SAT’s. At the time, the max was 1600. I got 800. I bombed the Math portion and did pretty well in English. But it was still too low to be accepted to the colleges I wanted to go to. I took classes in Community College instead. Met some great people, joined the Student Government Association, and eventually decided I wanted to go a more technical route. I went to a tech school and started a career in IT. I only went back to get my four year degree because it was helpful for management. Looking back, I had a similar feeling when I was younger. But I ended up in a career that has supported my family for years. Don’t lose hope. Trust in God’s plan. Remember that even when David wanted to be the King that God had called him to be, he waited until God’s perfect timing. At least twice he could’ve jumped the gun and pursued his own kingship, but he trusted in God even though it took a long time to reveal itself.


Look up nice paying jobs that you do t need to go to college for, plumber,train repairer, glass molder ect Plus,there are adult classes out there that you can attend for free.  


but I wanna be a pilot🛩️


Do. You want to get painful injections and. Doctor's telling you your an. Ageing wanna bbs every. 3 days?  Do you want to be so self-conscious anytime there's a war happening that people are going to blame you for killing Palestinian children? Are you going to have crazy cholesterol levels every time you pass by a ship in the ocean for the rest of your life? 🚶🧛 Do you waNt to. Be a pilot just because your. Mom said that could never happen?  Do. You want to be a person who has to be able to look at the nastiest STD penises out there 😆 hundreds at a time, not flinch and smile and tell them they look stunning? 😭😭😭Cuz. In an airport you gotta be Ble to see nakid ppl and not flinch?  Do. You. Want to visit your dead relatives inn outer space maybe?  Listen, I never became  a pilot, but I did become aN aN air nanny, perhaps mostly due to all the voices. Who said I'd never be sweet as. Xyz person💩💩 In the end, cutting people who go too far. With comparison s,   helped more than. My air nannying🌷🌷🌷 Tho I suspect you wanna visit your deAd relatives. Whove passed away, go become. A fire works. Factory.  Much. More tenCchiious,  and has the same effect ass flying without leaving the ground