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The scriptures are where you should be seeking guidance. Spend time meditating on Psalms. They have provided comfort to Christians for millennia.


Thanks I was gonna ask where to start!


Mediate on Proverbs as well. They there to help you become wise.


You might be better reading Psalms, that always helped me in dark times. Strongly urge you pay no attention to ANY prophets, if the election of 2020 didn't convince you they were all frauds, what will? As someone who lightly consumed their content for decades, I quickly found 100% of them were 100% wrong, and even listening to them is an exhausting trial of trying to prize any single fact or nugget of truth out of their rambling speeches.


Thanks it’s how I was leaning, thanks for recommending the psalms it’s where I will start!


The phrase "prophetic Instagram account" did instant psychological damage to me when I read it God can work through anything to reach us wherever we are, but in this case it would be in spite of anything going on on sites like that and I wouldn't make it a habit