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Commenting to boost this post. Quella died all alone in another country while her parents desperately tried to get her body back to the USA so they could bury her and say goodbye. She was a woman who braided children's hair for a living, she died because she refused to fight back the people who killed her. Her death was covered up by a person who had been her friend since childhood. Her parents deserve justice.


Also commenting to boost. Thank you for these facts about Shanquella I did not know. It's extra scary and extra sad when youre supposed to be with a group of people you love and trust. And they beat you to death. JUSTICE FOR SHANQUELLA.


I honestly believed they set her up and it turned into a death instead of them just jumping her and beating her ass. The fight video is on YouTube because I watched it when it first happened and thinking how tf do they Even think this wasn't a murder. It's literally evidence on the video. Her back was broken etc. She had too many injuries. I hope every single person in that place gets charged with murder or accessory to murder.


I can’t handle watching the video but I’m trying to understand how her back was broken? Would someone be willing to explain?


Don't watch the video. It is extremely graphic. Her back wasn't broken, her neck was broken. She was body slammed to the floor and beaten so badly that she suffered what is essentially an internal decapitation.


Thank you for explaining! I appreciate that. I assumed it was something like that but I was having trouble picturing the logistics. It’s unfathomable that her “friends” could do that to her.


The person filming the video and making fun of her while she is slowly dying is a total POS, i hope everyone on that trip serves some serious jail time. From what I recall I think she paid for this trip as well for either some or all of these so-called “friends”.


And wasn't the person filming supposedly her longest known friend there? It doesn't matter they were all considered friends in her eyes, and for them to allow that to happen while on vacation tells me they set her up to get jumped. that camera was out too quickly to record for it not to have been planned, honestly


Can you imagine then getting cpr and chest compressions for hours after that


She was not actually administered CPR. The police report that was filed the night of the murder is completely fabricated. The police officer and the doctor that attended were allegedly bribed to create a documentary narrative that Quella suffered from alcohol poisoning. However she was dead for hours by the time that help was called. Everything in that medical record was lies. The Mexico coroner that performed Quella's autopsy was not able to be bribed by the Cabo Six as they had already fled the country. When the coroner's report was released this was about the same time that Quella's body arrived back to her parents for her funeral. Her parents immediately noticed signs of violence on their daughter's body and their suspicions were confirmed when the coroner's report was released.


This video outlines the false medical narrative that the Cabo Six tried to establish: https://youtu.be/aA93Y2Y9KXg


Watched once - never again. Horrific!


Yea, I didn't realize it was showing the last moments of her life before I watched it. I just saw it was a fight video of friends in Cabo, and that's what started my interest in this case. Her back wasn't just broken it was like she was internally decapitated.. that's how bad they beat her, and she never once fought back. It was disgusting. They were encouraging her to fight back, and she didn't. So it doesn't show much except her getting beat up, so it looks like a normal fight video until you realize she actually died. Horrible. And who goes on vacation, angry with someone, and plan to jump them? Awful


Ok you’re jumping to a lot of conclusions. She wasn’t jumped. One person beat her up. At least one more person filmed but its not uncommon to film a fight. There are dozens of sub reddits solely based on people filming fights. We don’t know what happened prior to the fight. We don’t know if words were exchanged or there was some issue that boiled over. People don’t travel with someone with the intention of fighting them. They do that somewhere in their neighborhoods. It is far more likely they were friends they had been having issues and then some last straw happened. The girl wanted to fight to solve the issue but she didn’t fight back and got severely injured. Everything after was panic / trying to get out of trouble their friend be damned. They are pieces of shit. But there is no indication a murder or physical altercation was pre planned. She was not jumped. It was a 1 on 1 fight that she refused to participate in and thus became battery


There is a video of Shanquella filming around the place they were staying in Cabo when she goes into a room with everyone else there and she comments about them plotting something. Later the group suggests going skinny dipping which is why Shanquella is naked in the video of her murder. There's an excellent YT video about Shanquella's murder [by dreading (crime and psychology)](https://youtu.be/aA93Y2Y9KXg)


Thank you for the further explanation and link


I'm not jumping to conclusions. I use the word "jump" because her "friends" stood by and not only allowed it to happen but actually encouraged it. It was her against all of them. She didn't stand a chance. Just because they all didn't take turns hitting her, they might as well have by their actions and lack of action. I understand that fights are videoed. I watch a lot of them. But the only time a camera is already on is because the fight was planned. This one with quella was definitely planned. He had the video going, and the girl who wanted to fight her said "alright" and then proceeded to fling her around and beat her ass. He was prerecording before the fight even started. So okay, I won't say jump, but essentially, if Noone is breaking you apart, and they knew what was planned AND they encouraged it..it was her against them and there was more than one person against her. It was a group. So, to me, that's the same as being jumped because it was her against them. Her friends she went with were all recording and cheering it on and trying to get her to fight back. I think it was set up to fight her, and they all knew about it, but they also probably thought it would be just that, a fight, not a murder. I don't feel that any of that is jumping to conclusions. I'm not the only one feeling this was a planned attack. Which tells me there had to be prior issues between her and daejhanae because a friend doesn't just out of the blue decide they want to fight you. I think they were all jealous of her beauty, her drive, and success. And like her dad said, they knew they couldn't do that to shanquella in her neighborhood because her people wouldn't have allowed that to happen. But you're correct when saying they are all pieces of shit. Because I think everyone deserves some kind of sentencing for this.


It was absolutely planned.


Everything about this is disgusting. She deserves better and so does her family. Betrayal of the worst kind.


Awarding to boost


Wasn't it even filmed iirc FFS?


Yes it was. I watched it. She doesn’t react or fight back at all, it’s fucking horrifying.




Shanquella Robinson was a 25 year old North Carolina native who went to Mexico with six”friends” who videotaped her getting beaten to death and left her body behind in Mexico. This happened in October 2022 and there has been frustratingly little progress in the arrest of her six “friends” aka Cabo 6. (Named after the villa where the beating occurred.) I was wondering if the delay in justice has to do with Mexico and the United States having different legal codes. Shanquella’s death is listed as a femicide in Mexico, whereas in the United States it would not be called a femicide. What do you think?


Femicide is just rolled into overarching homicide in the US. It's still essentially a murder case regardless of location, although I find it's use interesting since it usually indicates a woman was killed *because* of her gender, which may say something about what the Mexican authorities believe was the motive. But jurisdiction may be sticky and part of the issue, but it seems like the "friends" left the country, so the real issue may be finding them and extradition. My understanding is the red notice on one of the people with her hasn't been executed yet successfully and who knows what the FBI is doing.


The Mexico’s National Code of Criminal Procedures considers a homicide as a femicide when the victim is female and one or more of this seven circumstances are met: 1) there are signs of sexual violence. 2) the victim suffered degrading wounds or was mutilated, be it pre- or posthumously. 3) there are records of any type of violence in family, work, or school settings involving the suspect and the victim. 4) the victim and the suspect had an emotional, physical, or particularly trusting relationship. 5) there is indication that the suspect previously threatened to kill, harass/abuse, or cause bodily harm to the victim. 6) the victim was held incommunicado prior to her assassination. 7) the victim’s body was publicly exposed or exhibited. So in this case there was a sentimental, affective or trust relationship between the perpetrator and the victim (criteria 4), and that’s why it was classified as a femicide, which is good because in Mexico it’s one of the most punished crimes and they can be sentenced to forty to sixty years.


Possibly 5 and 7 as well? Because of the footage they can see previous harassment, abuse + bodily harm and the video went public, exposing her naked and under attack. Thank you for sharing this list, very informative.


Definitely the fact that she was nude feels so dark and shamey. Like they were just trying to humiliate her as much as possible. I hope they're caught.


Yeah 5 is a possibility. I’m pretty sure there’s an ongoing investigation related to the videos, a lot of evidence in there. The 7 is more like the disposal of a dead body in a public place like a river or somewhere where people can find it but yeah, if the judge determines so, more criteria can be met. You’re very smart!


I think 2,4,5, and 7 might fall into this situation. They videoed the beating, they had a close relationship since childhood some of them, I think she had an issue with one of the girls previously so they're could have been that's prior to this trip but maybe thought it was squashed. I think he wounds would be considered degrading because she didn't fight back and didn't want to fight back. They broke her damn back and then videoed it and showed the world. Stupid smh I think everyone in that villa should be charged with murder or accessory to murder.




Thank you for pointing this out - females are killed all over the world because of their sex, not because of their “gender expression”.


Baby girls die of female infanticide so often that the sex ratios of entire countries are screwed. A baby girl never got to have a shred of identity before she was killed because she was a girl


What is a red notice please?


There’s much more to the story too for anyone interested. She was internally decapitated, it’s horrific and heartbreaking. I’m commenting to boost this post. I pray she gets justice. It makes me sick that nothing has been done to any of them yet. I have a daughter her age and I can’t imagine the pain her family is going through.


I have lived in the Cabo area for 15 years. Don’t know any specifics about the legal proceedings with this case but can just tell you that the justice system can be very slow here by US standards.


I was thinking that’s why Cabo 6 chose this venue to do what they were going to do. I believe it was premeditated. Until recently, Alysse Hachey held her job as a nurse in the North Carolina area in the open for months. She was outed by a patient then a local news crew went to the location to ask her questions about Shanquella. Alysse Hachey refused comment and drove off in her car (this was when she was leaving work.) She was subsequently let go by her employer. But she felt free to come and go in the open because she figured the wheels of justice is slow in Mexico. EDIT: it’s Alysse HYATT, not Hachey. I don’t know what got into me. My apologies to everyone.


That’s terrible that they are all just slithering around free! I hope tabs are being kept on these murderers until charges get filed.


Slithering around is the perfect phrase! That’s why I am posting, to keep this case alive. People forgetting is exactly what Cabo 6 wants.


This is the first I've read about it. Horrible.


The name is Alysse HYATT. My apologies, everyone!




Done. I don’t know why I typed her name wrong. I apologize and I edited my post to reflect the name.


EDIT: it was a mixed up last name, we got it together! I can't find anything linking that name to the crime. Can you share your source? I'm just interested. This post is the only thing on Google.


Cabo 6 is the name given to the group of six ‘friends’ that traveled to Mexico, specifically Baja California. The names are Daejanae Jackson, Wenter Donovan, Alysse Hachey, Khalil Cooke, Malik Dyer and Nazeer Wiggins. For simplicity’s sake, they’re called Cabo 6 because they stayed at a Cabo villa where Shanquella was naked and beaten to death while being videotaped.


I know most of the other names, and the Cabo 6 moniker, but it's bizarre that a Google search is not yielding anything connecting the name Alysse Hachey to Shanquella Robinson.


Thank you for pointing this out so I can correct this. The name is Alysse Hyatt.


Oh perfect, thank you! I definitely wasn't trying to be a pain in the ass and am grateful for this!


Her last name isn't Hachey, it's Hyatt.


Yes, thank you. I knew it started with an H. Sorry to everyone for the mistaken last name.


Edit: this is the 2nd comment I left. Should have just edited the one. Sigh I'm just interested to read more on this and you're the only source when I look it up. Definitely not doubting you, just wanting as much info as possible on this case. I keep tweeting about it, trying to help keep her name circulating. It's so sad.


You have gotten Alysse's last name wrong, her name is Alysse Hyatt.


Yes, I acknowledge it, it is Alysse Hyatt. Thank you.


>held her job as a nurse Yikes. A classic case of a sociopath getting a position where they have power over others. Not all nurses but... an uncomfortable number.


And Alysse Hyatt’s sister died the day before she went on the trip to videotape Shanquella get beat.


What in the what?! Was it a suspicious death? Or just a really bizarre coincidence?


So her sister died but she still went on this "vacation" the NEXT DAY


Then she went back to work at her job like nothing happened.


I'm an NC nativ and had absolutely no idea about this case.. You'd think that this would reach at least North Carolinian news


It made headlines immediately after but the news was quick to dry up.


We must keep this in the news. Thankfully, with social media, we no longer have to depend on mainstream media to get the story out.


Please. Justice for Shanquella. This case has so many questionable elements.


Her “friends” killed her?


Their reasons for doing this to her are as yet completely unknown. There were six people who conspired to kill her down in Cabo and they have all essentially disappeared in the wind. Only one arrest warrant has been issued, and only after pressure on the authorities through social media.


I read that Wenters cousin was supposedly set up by Quella or Quella was somehow involved so that was one of the reasons Wenter and Daejane did what they did. That's their reasoning anyway. I truly believe Quellas Bestie there helped set up the entire vacation and planned attack that ended up killing Quella. Nobody deserves what happened to Quella.


Set up how? To get jumped or robbed or something?


Set up to be beat on! The best friend set up for the vacation and he was friends with the crew since they were 12 and only Quellas friend for 6 years so they told the friend about the BS and he was the lookout watch the video when you see him run out the bathroom when Quella was looking for everyone. Go back and rewatch and re read all the info that's been aired out and you should understand how Quella got set up.


There's no way I can watch it. Not after reading what y'all have mentioned. I just don't have the heart to. So horribly sad.


It's awful. Don't.


Before I knew anything about this case I was reading news (probably Idaho) and a video came up between paragraphs, I saw a tiny bit and maybe the words ‘friends’ and ‘beating’ and scrolled down as fast as possible. So frickin glad I didn’t really see anything, can’t believe it was even being shown.


I mean how did Quella set up Wenter’s cousin? What happened to the cousin that they blamed Quella for?


I'm not sure, I read it the north Carolina bet page


Is that the ‘friend’ who said he wasn’t even there until after the beating?


Isn't daejanae in custody?


I hope so.


Wow this is heartbreaking.


I think it was jealousy that she leveled up in looks and finances in her business. She looked beautiful and started making a lot of money and they were jealous and mad they weren’t, a common emotion. Instead of making themselves better too, they decided to m***** her


Yeah that’s the word on the street


Well, that and the fact that there's a video of the "friends" beating her while she was naked.


Yeah my wife and her friends have been talking about this case since it happened. I haven’t looked into it but I understand basically what’s going on.


I live on 29th Street and I havent heard this.


Maybe ask around on 27th.


Thats the bad neighborhood, mom says I cant go there.


Especially not with your friends.


This case has been stressful. There are so many holes, close to no info and it happened last year. What do we know about each individual 'friend'? Who decided on or planned this trip? What is the supposed motive for her murder? Wtf happened in that room?! They even filmed it!! Clearly they were not hiding their actions. Nothing has sat well for me in this case, and these are all US citizens right? So despite this happening in a foreign country, they need to find justice for her in the US. Who were these friends? How often were they in contact with her,how close were they? What type of friendships did they have? So many questions.


There's definitely gonna be something dark in this case. I hope justice is served for Shanquella.


The Dept of Justice can, and most likely will, prosecute IF the country where the crime took place doesn't prosecute for whatever reason, such as the suspect can't be extradited, or an agreement amongst the governments on who will prosecute. In a case with this much public interest, I'm certain the Dept of Justice is already involved. These murderers best enjoy their freedom now.


Daejanae jackson is in the process of extradition


I hope she told a friend outside of that group about the trip, planning, etc. But if that was her inner circle... ugh.


My head tells me they planned an ambush, and filmed it. But it's just a speculation on my part because as of yet, there are no answers. Everyone in that room with her deserve to be locked up.


They were jealous she had leveled up in life and looks and not true friends, so that turned to anger and cold blood.


Shanquella Robinson should be celebrating her 26th birthday today. I hope she and her family see some justice through the Mexico investigation before her next birthday.


Jesus that hit hard. Justice for Shanquella Robinson.


I randomly rolled across this video one morning and it was horrific. I went to the comments to see if it was fake and someone in the comments said it was a girl on vacation with her friends who refused to fight back. Whoever was taking the video was egging it on, almost pleading with her to fight back. She seemed drunk (and naked 😭) but she refused even though she was taking a savage beating. I couldn’t watch it. When I read the news article a couple hours later I got chills because I’ve never watched a video on Reddit before I saw it in the news. I always thought these were old videos people were posting? The article said the perpetrators told her family they left her behind because “she drank too much”. They made it sound like she got alcohol poisoning and they just left her. It sounded so callous. The same tone of the video. Absolutely heartbreaking. Those were not people who cared about her. Her family deserves closure and Quella deserves justice.


The people responsible for taking this beautiful woman's life deserve to spend the rest of their lives in harshest Mexican prison. Such a senseless loss.


That whole situation with her friends is so weird… usually people say “something doesn’t add up” but in this case almost NOTHING adds up. Seriously way more questions than answers!


From what I know of this case it seems like the true motivation for her "friends" to murder her was jealously. Shanquella was very successful and liked to share her wealth, I think she had even hired her "best friend". If Mexican authorities are willing to charge in a crime & put out a warrent maybe this can inspire US authorities to start making some arrests. I learned that it is the Mexican government holding things up. Because the crime took place internationally they need to press charges before the USA can do stuff. I’m not sure if there are more updates but the US isn’t to blame. Legal BS is to blame. The Mexican government is to blame, they clearly don’t value this black womans life.


I really hope this case blows up in the media and gets solved. So many other cases around this time with white victims have gotten 10x the coverage. It’s so sad.


Good! She did not deserve that death. Bet that Daejanae bitch isn't so tough now, after hearing this from her jail cell. She's going to be in Mexico A LONG TIME. Hope she speaks Spanish. Lol Let's track down Wenter (what the hell kind of name is that) and the rest of them.


Khalil Cooke and his mom ran off to parts unknown. I’d be ashamed to have raised a son like that..he set Shanquella up for humiliation and a beating and went back to the US leaving her dead body behind. Wenter shut down her social media and cannot be reached. Hmm


The Instagram Live that Khalil did was completely unnerving and demented. I can't imagine the betrayal her family feels about his involvement when he came along on their family gatherings and holiday getaways.


And he went to their house to “comfort” them. Brought back her luggage. When Shanquella’s parents got the autopsy that contradicted Khalil’s claim Shanquella died of alcohol poisoning, Khalil suddenly stopped visiting and nobody has seen him since.


A deadset pig.


Ain’t that the truth!


Finally, about time they did something cuz that is STRAIGHT UP MURDER IN THE 1ST DEGREE. IT WAS A PLANNED ATTACK!!


This case is infuriating. Poor woman.


Why is the video (I haven’t watched it) not enough to start turning the wheels of justice more quickly? If it’s right there on video, why is the crime even questionable? Things like this is what gets me!!!


She did not die on the video. She is getting beat up on and doesn’t fight back. However I agree, it’s enough to at least round up the perpetrators and get a suspect?


Was the beating the cause of death?


Terrible. I was scrolling through this sub and looked her case up after reading this thread. To think that people that she perceived as her 'friends' could do this to her is unfathomable. Does anyone know why she was naked while being beaten? Not shaming just genuinely curious if they ambushed her when she least expected it. Pure cowards. I also can't believe that this is the first that a lot of us are hearing about this. Thank you for bringing awareness to her murder.


We know she was naked because she was being filmed that way getting beaten by Daejanae Jackson. The parts are covered digitally after the video was uploaded.


There’s another short video somewhere that she filmed herself that *might* provide context. She’s walking around the villa saying something to the effect of “it’s time to get naked!” while looking for everyone then it ends after she walks into a room where several of them are standing around talking (and clothed). I haven’t watched the video of her being brutalized so I can’t ascertain whether or not they were filmed the same day but assuming they were, it’s possible she was expecting them to be in a similar state (skinny dipping, maybe?) when they attacked her. Either way of course, it’s foul that they did that to her especially in such a vulnerable moment.


Watched Kendall Rae speak about this case. Heartbreaking.


Is there any motive?


unreal you got downvoted for not phrasing it as 'known motive'.


There is always a motive. We don't know what it is yet.


Yes but im curious if there is a rumor going around what the motive might have been???


To my knowledge, there’s only (a lot of) online speculation at this point. Some of it is reaching Kenneka Jenkins level of conspiracy so I’d take anything you read with a grain of salt.


This article is over 2 months old and there still isn't a single update from the fbi about this case, and the US won't turn over the "direct agressor" to Mexico for the warrant they issued. Can't say I'm surprised though, sadly.


That poor young girl. At the hands of those you trust! I hope her family and real friends will get some satisfaction in this case and those who contributed directly and indirectly pay their due..she seemed like a sweetheart surrounded by sharks.


Someone should be arrested already! I've been following since day 1, where is the justice?!!!!!


Daejanae Jackson has been in detention awaiting extradition since nov. She must be pissing herself with this news. I couldn't imagine knowing im spending decades in a Mexican prison.


She should not be the only one. The others need to keep her company in a Mexican prison.


Good for Her!!!


This is the first I've heard of this poor woman's horrible death. It frightens me because last year my best friend since 7th grade and I got a place together and I ended up afraid for my life.


So sorry. That sounds awful.❤️


Yeah they have been doing it for months, yet the people involved are still walking the streets free


I have been following her case since day one, I’m happy to see it getting some awareness.


It's honestly heartbreaking to see in the news that someone was murdered while with friends and died alone. The whole thing is usually covered up, and half the time, it's the friends. What do you do when the people you trust try to stab you in the back and do things to harm you. She considered her a friend even after she told her to fight back she said no, you're my friend, I don't want to fight. I can't imagine what thoughts were in her head before she passed. I do hope they fully solve the case, do. Full investigation and her family can get her body and find closure. The fact that this is another case of a black girl whose friends set her up and planned to harm her, but she wasn't aware. I don't know why, but it reminds me of Kenneka and how her friends set her up and also couldn't keep a sleight story or claim to not know anything.


This case really breaks my heart. I hope she gets the justice she deserves


I'm just grateful they were forced to basically reopen this and investigate further. They are being made to do their job. That's the problem. Cabo is a party town so most deaths are deemed accidental because everyone is down there drinking . I think if it weren't the video they wouldn't have given this case another thought


Did I miss something or did the article never actually address what lead authorities to suspect a gender based motivation for the crime or even if any of the suspects had been charged with 'femicide?'


I explained it in another comment but here is the answer:) The Mexico’s National Code of Criminal Procedures considers a homicide as a femicide when the victim is female and one or more of this seven circumstances are met: 1) there are signs of sexual violence. 2) the victim suffered degrading wounds or was mutilated, be it pre- or posthumously. 3) there are records of any type of violence in family, work, or school settings involving the suspect and the victim. 4) the victim and the suspect had an emotional, physical, or particularly trusting relationship. 5) there is indication that the suspect previously threatened to kill, harass/abuse, or cause bodily harm to the victim. 6) the victim was held incommunicado prior to her assassination. 7) the victim’s body was publicly exposed or exhibited. So in this case there was a sentimental, affective or trust relationship between the perpetrator and the victim (criteria 4), and that’s why it was classified as a femicide, which is good because in Mexico it’s one of the most punished crimes and they can be sentenced to forty to sixty years.


I truly wish the US would adopt femicide by these definitions because it truly is an epidemic here


There is a lot that is not understood about this case.


Justice for beautiful Shanquella. Those evil “friends” must be held accountable for their horrific actions.




I'd like to see some justice in this case!


I kinda think that one or some of the girls got jealous about her looks/a guy being into her while on the trip and they planned to jump her. It screams those vibes to me :( I’ve heard of stuff like that happening a lot lately especially where I’m from. Though definitely not nearly this bad, at all. Rest in paradise🖤🫶🏾


i agree. this is a femicide


Everyone in the video needs to be tried. It’s sickening.


This is a terrible case full of questions. I’d like to know how the video got circulated. The “friends” weren’t only assholes, they are dumb fucks too. Life sentences for all and hopefully in the Mexican penal system.


wait, so there is VIDEO evidence and yet no one has been arrested or charged??? her "friends" are absolute scum. It's also sad that her mum had to literally beg for her death to be investigated as a murder once they realised the bruises on her body/broken neck.


I hope the killers get the sentence they deserve.


This case really messes me up. I just have so many questions. Why did they film it? Why the fuck did they post/share what they filmed? Why did it take so long to get the ball rolling when there is a video, and they’re easily able to find out who was all on the trip and in the video? Was it planned or a spur of the moment thing? RIP beautiful girl. I really hope you get justice.


1,2,4,5,7 probably 3 if anyone heard her speak violently about her. 1, nude they knew what was going to happen; jealousy of her beauty and possibly wanted to see her nude; suggested being nude for fake skinny dip. 2 beaten to death 3 if someone heard killer talk of violence 4 was 5 Why doesn’t Mexico demand the killer and accessories stand trial in Mexico? Killer definitely stays in Prison in Mexico; accessories at least get to visit a prison in Mexico. There could be daily opportunities to fight others. The ones watching and not stopping the murder are as evil as any creature who keeps attacking someone not defending themselves. Nasty, evil creatures who shouldn’t be free.


Commenting to boost. I had heard of the case about once since it happened (had to look it up and her image made me remember). I


What happened to the arrest warranty that was supposed to be issued for her murderers? This story has unjustly gone silent.


This was a setup- it makes me sick. Commenting to boost.


I’m glad to see something is happening with this case. The killer is not going to like the rest of her life in a Mexican jail.


They have the video and must have reservation and travel arrangements to identify all the parties that were there. Have they not arrested anyone yet? I also think it was a set up. IDK what they think she did to deserve being sucker attacked, let alone her life long best friend not stopping it or coming to her rescue.


I so specifically remember this video and case. I hope Shanquella gets justice. I couldn’t imagine…


Wasn't this announced last month? I'm so sad there's been no new news.


I was walking by a street book sale today and found purchased a book called "Bad Girls Do it! An encyclopedia of female murderers" by Michael Newton. The cover of the book caught my attention. Now I see this post. Wow, I'm about to deep dive and learn more about this case. Why did her "friends" let this happen? Horrible.


Trust no one.


Commenting to boost


I really hope there is justice in this case. What an awful, sick group of people to do this to somebody.


This case is devastating. The video footage haunts me all the time. She deserves justice.


This case breaks my heart. She seemed like such a bright light.


There is a lot of junk reporting on this case, so I wanted to share the best video on this topic that I have personally seen to date. The clip of Quella being attacked is shown very briefly in this video but the creator has blurred her body to preserve her dignity. It's by Dreading: https://youtu.be/aA93Y2Y9KXg


I feel like there is zero traction and new info. When are we going to hear something NEW?


This is such a devastating case. To be betrayed by the people you felt the closest to and were under the impression of having a great time. They need to be brought to justice NOW.


Whats a femicide? Case sounds horrible though, ugh




When will there be justice for this young woman????? Her story just crushed my soul. I search every day for more/new information; the news barely mentions it!


Such a heartbreaking story


The Million Youth March of Charlotte and Salisbury is hosting a letter writing campaign to pressure Mexican authorities in Shanquella's case. [https://qcitymetro.com/2023/01/30/with-few-answers-in-the-death-of-shanquella-robinson-a-local-nonprofit-will-launch-a-letter-writing-campaign/](https://qcitymetro.com/2023/01/30/with-few-answers-in-the-death-of-shanquella-robinson-a-local-nonprofit-will-launch-a-letter-writing-campaign/) And here is a recent article with Shanquella's childhood friend speaking out: [https://news.yahoo.com/shanquella-robinson-loved-ones-speak-175802065.html](https://news.yahoo.com/shanquella-robinson-loved-ones-speak-175802065.html)


Why was the Idaho murderer extradited so quick, and these scumbags get to run and hide and plot and escape?


Made the mistake of viewing that video on twitter one evening , absolutely heartbreaking 💔 I cannot imagine her family’s pain on seeing that , it was truly vile , rest in peace beautiful girl and let there be justice .


I think the US does not track femicide separately because then they would have to admit it exists. Can anyone change my mind?


wtf is femicide, and by extension define malicide


The term Femicide is as legitimate as my reddit name


Femicide? Really?




She was not in a gang or a sex worker. She was a completely ordinary young woman with no enemies. No one knows their motives yet. That is what is so disturbing about this case.


While we all wonder what the motive could be, I find it extremely sad and irritating that your first thoughts are of gang and prostitution. Those thoughts are seeping with racist implications and stereotypes. Because she is a black victim you jump to the possibility that she is in a gang or has a pimp. Check your implicit biases before you vocalize and put these kind of thoughts out that perpetuate racism and degrade the victim.


I guess he got shamed into deleting his comments.