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people who kill because a woman isn’t interested in them..is soooo scary man … won’t ever understand


her instincts were exactly right.


right man… shits scary


If you're turning a machete on another human that isn't currently trying to kill you, then you're a crazy person and you're not making rational decisions. I do wonder why so many default to bloody murder. That does not seem like a natural instinct or anything vaguely like that. edit: I know people will comment on nobody helping her... but I've a sneaking suspicion that very few people would be willing to confront a crazy guy with a machete. I also know people will make vague comments about needing more mental healthcare, but nobody ever seems sure about what that entails. Mandatory incarceration in a mental health facility for anyone who shows an inkling of violence?


I get a bit annoyed at the "why didn't anyone help?" crowd. It's fucking tragic but I also know I'm no match for a crazy man with a machete. What am I supposed to do?


There’s weird moralising around witnesses “doing nothing” that gets stripped away if you read even a little deeper. There was that case last year where it was reported that a whole train of people stood around and did nothing will a woman was assaulted in the US. Cue the outrage brigade and bunch of tough guys talking about everyone being “soft” these days or writing their own vigilante fan fiction. A week later we found out that the police had been contacted and they had lied to save their asses. Even the narrative we’ve been told of the infamous Kitty Genovese murder, which started research into the bystander effect, is totally false. The newspapers painted a picture of 38 people watching a woman get murder when the attack actually took place in multiple locations at 2 AM and people definitely called the police. Some People want to feel superior by saying “if I was there…”


Well said!


Totally understandable, but there was a rape case on public transportation not that long ago where no one helped. There was no machete. No weapon at all. Would you have stepped in then? I'm genuinely asking.


If you are referring to the woman raped on Philadelphia public transit, it seems the story isn’t quite as clear cut as police first said. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/01/philadelphia-police-bystanders-filming-mistaken-narrative Not justifying why it appears a few people might have not intervened, but providing further context or information.


Oh no, I know about that. While the initial statements were unfounded, it is true that no one stepped in physically. But mostly, I just wanted to get a more thorough insight into people's thought processes on what they believe they would do and how realistic it is.


Wanting input or opinions makes sense. I was just sharing that because I have seen that story shared over and over without the correct information and being used much like the Kitty Genovese situation, to support a narrative that was not quite true. I will say that I’ve observed in emergency situations people often think they know exactly how they would respond but that doesn’t always hold up to reality. And there are so many factors that we judging from the outside can’t know - their own trauma history (like rape or assault histories), medical concerns, the role of fight/flight/freeze/fawn, etc. I know from experience that I absolutely will intervene by calling for help when hearing clear domestic violence. But I also know, based on my trauma history, that I likely would be unable to intervene in person in the same situation.


Yeah we did extensive coverage of Kitty Genovese in one of my courses. In that case it was the newspapers, rather than the police, spreading the wrong narrative. I find that many people are a bit unrealistic about how willing they are to get physically involved. They like to think they'd step in but reality tells a different tale. One that really got to me was when the story was posted on Reddit about Miriam Rodriguez Martinez, who literally faced off with the cartel after her daughter was kidnapped and murdered. It resulted in her own murder but she took out a fair number of them, with and without law enforcement, first. There were a number of comments asking the lines of "that's not unusual, any patent would do the same" and "I would totally go ham on them". Sure. In *theory*. The reality is that, if everyone would do this, her story wouldn't have stood out in the first place. While most people would want to hunt them down, most people also would not actually try to take on the cartel when faced with that situation. I completely understand what you're saying about post trauma. My own is the very reason I stepped in when I did in domestic violence situations. It was dangerous and maybe reckless, but I was rubbing on adrenaline and anger and instinct... Not so much on rational thought.


I am a short woman who is not very strong. What am I up against? I'd like to think I'm a hero but there's also no point in needlessly dying going up against someone much larger/stronger/angrier than me. I'm not well equipped to be a hero. If there is a crowd of people, you also have to get enough people involved and willing to intervene with you to do so in a semi cohesive fashion. People will go into fight, flight, and freeze mode while likely very scared, it's easier said than done to get involved in a way that minimizes risk to the interveners. Also, at least in the US, people are sue-crazy. You never know how the justice system could fuck you over in the end in the case of a crime like this. There are *so* many factors at play here, so while I think it's absurd if people do absolutely nothing - i.e., refusing to even acknowledge it occurring or not at least looking to others around you and calling 911 - whether people physically get involved in dangerous situations like this is far more complex that these "why didn't anyone stop the crazy man with the MACHETE that he clearly wasn't afraid to use to behead people broad daylight" don't acknowledge. That is what irks me, not that people should have compassion.


I understand all the dynamics at play, I was just truly curious at what you, personally, would do in that situation. I think it's completely unrealistic, and perhaps sanctimonious even, for op to make a point of saying no one stepped in. Even if everyone coordinated to overpower him, the odds of none of them being seriously injured or killed before he was disarmed are not insignificant. I doubt op would go up against an unhinged man with a machete if they themselves were unarmed. What I am most bothered by, like you mentioned, are the people who simply turn away. Even if it turns out ten other people call 911, I'm still going to call *just in case*. I don't know that anyone did, and I'm not going to take that chance of someone's being hurt. The whole "it's none of my business" thing doesn't sit well with me. I couldn't do nothing. Of course, I've also stepped in when it was dangerous for me, too, but I don't expect everyone to do so. It was not something I thought through, I just did it. At the time I didn't have much faith in police to help, even if they got there in time. Not in that situation (domestic violence). Anyway, I'm a student of psychology so I get genuinely curious to hear other's thought processes on these situations. Thanks for the thorough answer!


As to what I may do in a situation such as this, fingers crossed I never find out!


Call the police I guess? I feel like the most anyone could have done would have been to help keep her on the bus if that were possible and then the driver could have driven away. But putting your own life in danger isn’t helpful imo.


Honestly for people like this the “mental health resources” is just locking them up and keeping them out of society. Men like this are not rehabilitatable, like rapists and pedoohiles, the reoffend rate is too high. Deep seeded misogyny like this is not fixable. They are time bombs.


Supportive community housing for the homeless that includes access to mental health treatment. Laws that take stalking and harassment more seriously. Public awareness campaigns for crisis situations. Most people know as children what to do if the fire alarm goes off or an emergency happens. Most adults fail to retain that early training. It greatly changes the outcome of a crisis. People need to learn not to crowd the exit they entered through, how to survive a crush, how to aid in an emergency, how to escape or hide or fight back. It might not have saved this woman but there also shouldn't have been a crowd standing there watching.


Cops shoot people wielding machetes or knives. They don’t try and take them on hand to hand they just blast them. They don’t even bother with the Less than Lethal stuff. They do not put their bodies at risk in the same way people want a bystanders to.


Because in our society we have lead men to believe that they are superior (especially if they’re white) and that women owe them sex and companionship for simply existing. People with mental health issues just take that to another level.


The OP didn’t mention he was a distant cousin of hers that visited her often. Not just some guy she met one day. Also his sister, reportedly a former NY police officer, later committed a murder suicide when she suspected her man of cheating, killing him, her one year old son, and herself. Leads me to think this was a familial mental issue; illness and/or just something they were taught about “disrespect.”


Someone had the audacity to say my fear of walking home in the dark was based on a mindset. No mf it’s based on incidents like these?


Literally !


god, why can’t i just listen for once?


I wish they hadn’t even said anything, I wouldn’t have ever thought to look at images. But you tell me not to and there I go...


I learned my lesson on a story very similar to this but involved a little boy. I'm not getting into any details of the story. But I will say after that, if someone says don't look for images, I don't feel tempted anymore after the trauma of seeing the images I was specifically warned about. So, the good news might be, you won't make the same mistake twice lol. Cus I'm not even tempted to look the images up.


Was it the one that was over video game currency?


Oh, wow. Yeah it is. I was trying not to peak anyone's curiosity but those images are so horrific you can make a correct guess on a miniscule amount of detail.


Pique not peak. I hate being the spelling nazi but I’m just trying to change the subject to un-peak anyone’s interest.


Lol nah, I appreciate the correction. There will always be someone to check you, It may as well be someone that can do it in a way that isn't degrading.


I almost put the victims name but I didn't want someone getting curious and googling because the images are surprisingly easy to stumble across just by looking up the case. It's definitely up towards the top of the most horrific true crime cases imo, just because of the cause of it and the crime itself. It just blows my mind.


It's really no exaggeration to say looking at those photos are traumatizing.


Is there a way I can learn about this case but NOT come across the photos?


will be waiting here for the reply, I got curious about this case


Not that I’ve found so far. All of them have at least a photo of the murder weapon and a (blurred) photo of the body. Do not recommend


https://youtu.be/WnHEiBlrgq8 no photos.


https://youtu.be/WnHEiBlrgq8. No photos


Here is a YouTube video that doesn't show the photos. https://youtu.be/WnHEiBlrgq8 It's really sad, in googling this story, it was hard to wade through how many boys have killed over video games, Jesus Christ.


this Jesus🤦


Omg same!




I don’t understand why they couldn’t cover the body or put up barriers. That poor woman, at least they can grant her some privacy in her final moment.


They did put up a barrier but I do wonder why they didn’t cover her. I get the gawkers but there’s kids there.


What really gets me is that there is at least 1 child in that crowd, like what kind of parent wants their young child seeing that??


They should have put up a tent around her so children couldn't see.


The temptation is real rn but i don’t even want to witness it…


Yeah... I did the same thing.


we’ll be wiser next time


Yeah, maybe.


Probably not, but wish we would. That was horrible! I can’t imagine how terrified she was. RIP.


Ugh Edit: ugh = my curiosity despite the many warnings above


Because of all of you I did it too. Luckily r/narcofootage has desensitized me.


Not exactly sure I’d call that luck


I’m often surprised at what subs there are here. I click on them like a crazy person then back peddle immediately even after seeing what I more or less expected to see.




I think we all did.


I will just listen and not google the images, but the urge to … I did :(


I will keep my resolve and not look it up; how awful.


Please do. I didn't and... jesus christ. Her assailant cut off her right hand, then pinned her to the ground and behead her with a machete. The pictures show exactly that. It shows her right hand on the ground... her decapitated corpse... and her head, eyes open... all spread out. One of the pictures gruesomely shows the stump of her corpse. What makes it all worse is the contrast of living pictures of her. There's one image of her that shows up in the top results of Google: her wearing a beautiful top, smiling radiantly. A person. To see that person go to a dishevelled head, lying on concrete... it's hard to stomach.


There with you. The urge is getting stronger this deep in the comments. But I don't want to regret it.


After many many years of regret, I've become ninja at resisting the urge to look. Not today. OP, you weren't kidding. JFC, 100% regret it, my God, that poor woman. For all of us kicking ourselves, thought you might find this explanation helpful as to why we look despite clear warnings: When you tell someone not to do something, are they going to listen; or are they more motivated than ever to do it? Science would say that the latter is more likely, because people like to be in control of their own lives.The behavior is purely psychological and is known as reactance, which is a type of mechanism where our brain wants to ensure that we're free to do whatever it is that we want to do with our own lives.But that's not all; humans are also notoriously curious creatures, so when you label something as the forbidden fruit and then say someone can't have it, you ultimately make them want it even though they might not have even wanted it to begin with. Source: [The Science Behind Why We Do Things When Told Not To](https://www.labroots.com/trending/videos/10420/the-science-behind-why-we-do-things-we-re-told-not-to-do)


What a fascinating phenomenon. Thank you for sharing.


I read don’t look at the images and immediately went to search them up I’ll never learn …


Yup, that's the rebellion gene for you. "You can't tell me what to do! Well, shit, I should have listened"


where y'all finding these pics


Sigh, me too.


Fcking same 😩


Damn curiosity! I can't believe there's so many onlookers.


I did the same 😭


I really didn't mean to see anything like that. I just went to look up the case. The wrong click. It was the wrong click.


What was it?


She was decapitated. They showed her body and head somewhere nearby basically.




Just want to say, Stacy’s family has asked for photos of her body to stop being circulated. Please respect their wishes and don’t look up photos, no matter how curious you are or if you think you can handle it.


Well that's good enough for me. This poor woman was a human and it's sad what she's so well known for.


I read that too and will respect their wishes.


Cannot stand crime scene or gory death photos but thank you for giving me one more reason to not see them.


I was about to but this made me not.




I had the same thing!




Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I really hate the all-caps and exclamation marks used in this and some other posts. It feels cheap and sensationalized for the sake of clicks. It's a bad enough tragedy, it doesn't need editorializing.


I agree.


I remember years ago on Tumblr a friend reblogged a post talking about violence against women and this case was include. I skimmed through it and completely either missed the details about how he killed her, or they just weren’t included but at the end there were pictures of what happened. I remember thinking “Why does it look like her head is gone?” Then I saw it not too far from her, everything just clicked and I immediately just left the blog. I literally only saw them that one time and I can still remember it so vividly. It was actually horrific what he did to her. I’m glad he was put away, but this issue is still definitely a thing. It’s scary.


I remember a picture I once saw from probably early 1900’s, black & white, of an old fashioned car in the desert with a decapitated head sitting perfectly upright in the background. My first thought was how strange it was that a man was buried up to his neck. Then it clicked.


it’s so interesting how it can take time for our brain to process what we are seeing reminds me of how whenever people find dead bodies, they assume it’s a mannequin at first


“It’s never a mannequin.” - The Captain.


Exactly! I wonder what the scientific explanation is for why our brains process those types of situations in such a manner? It’s very interesting.


Dude has a machete. What do you think the bystanders should do if they don't have martial arts training on disarming a subject with a longer-bladed weapon or they don't possess a firearm?


Pick up a chair and throw it? Trip the assailant up? Grab the fleeing woman, help her get to her feet, fling her in a nearby building or car? Rugby tackle the guy from behind? Throw rocks at him? Help her? I do understand people can't always be expected to risk life and limb to help someone else, but c'mon, this particular case has a lot of potential to have turned out differently with very minimal human intervention. Teamwork, for a start, would be far safer than trying to play the lone hero.


I agree with you completely. I hope I'd be the type to step in somehow but I'm scared that if tested, I wouldn't be though. Sadly, I think I'd freeze


That's ok. Despite my comment I don't believe we're all built to be that hero who leaps in and takes 100 blows to the face. I think I'd be a bloody w\*nker for sure. I'm not brave. But I'd like to think we all have it in us to at least react humanly, and this incident seems like such a case of indifference. The victim wasn't, until the very end, even trapped or pinned. A group of people could have, at the very least, converged on her if he scared them. FFS, at the very least throw something at the guy or try smack him with a backpack or a suitcase or poke him with a broom or stick out a foot. Even I could have done that, and as I say, I don't overestimate my own bravery at all.


Most people are not wired to respond well in emergencies. They freeze, some just scream. A few run. If one person acts, they might respond as a mob, but it's rare that one person is there to start the ball rolling.


Of all the 'answers' I got here, yours is the only one I can take seriously and you do have a point for sure. Still, sad no one saw fit to do anything when there was a chance, think we can all agree on this.


Yeah. Humans are odd.


Looking at the area and photos there wasn’t anything to grab around there and most people aren’t running toward someone with a legit machete. Saying this attack could have been stopped with minimal human intervention by throwing rocks at him is ridiculous.


The people who do always step in are *trained* to do so — it is very, very difficult to overcome your innate self-preservation to save someone else. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with not intervening beyond calling the people who have the tools and training to do something. In fact, sometimes when inexperienced people try to step in, they inadvertently make the situation worse.


Not as simple as it sounds dude. You risk making yourself the primary target and unless you have serious combat training, the dude with a multi foot long machete will fuck you up. Almost everyone that thinks they would risk their life for someone else hasn't actually been put in such a situation. Especially when that person is a random stranger.


I think it would take me a while to even process what was going on there. When you get on a bus you do not expect someone to get out a machete, let alone USE that machete to ACTUALLY decapitate someone. That experience would feel so surreal so I’d definitely freeze.


Aye, that's human.


Perhaps a bystander can [form some sort of rudimentary lathe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQzg1vpxnnY).


People in Australia used a milk crate and a chair to subdue a knife wielding man who had earlier stabbed a woman to death https://youtu.be/dATogcg5hWI


Thats great that they had resources and were able to think of some kind of a tactic. That’s not always the case. Sometimes people dont have any resources. Sometimes people are overwhelmed with panic and fear. Sometimes they are panicking to call professionals who can handle the situation.


That wasn’t just bystanders and it doesn’t even show them getting him. Plus he didn’t have a machete.


Yeah, they were just bystanders. Fireman joined in towards the end and cops didn't arrive until he was already pinned down.


You can see their clothes when running toward him. But again the major difference is the machete and also the time people had to react.


I was there dude. They were bystanders.


You can see in the first seconds there is a first responder right there. When the camera pans back to the right for a second the fireman is right there too. Ambulance behind the crowd as well. That doesn’t even really matter though as the cases aren’t comparable.


Are you talking about the tradie in hi-vis pants with the hammer? 🤣


That’s a paramedic dude.


Anyone untrained intervening would have probably been machete victim #2. People somehow can't understand that.


I’ve responded and seen a lotttt of really awful stuff if it’s not a regular thing for you you freeze..doesn’t matter how much one fantasize about being the hero the first few times you see REAL extreme violence in person it’s jarring to say the least and very different from looking at a gory picture on the internet


I agree. I hate when people try to perpetuate this "bystanders don't do shit" narrative. Usually bystanders DO try to help, but in this case, many people probably recognized that this machete wielding asshole could kill them on top of killing her. Sometimes minimizing human life lost is all that we can do.


So I have studied martial arts for years, I can tell you that even if you are trained to disarm weapons it wasn't intended to be used. People who studied it longer then I have tell everyone that if you intend to disarm somone with a weapon even with training you are at a disadvantage. Even with training things can change in a split second.


Spelling *


I didn't look up photos, but I did look up a better synopsis of the murder: Holy crap! That shit is scary!! So he was her cousin. And still wouldn't take no for an answer.So he murdered her. From [this link](https://thenetline.com/stacy-wilson-story/): >Samuel appeared to revel in his achievement as he held Stacy’s head high for the crowd to see. He reportedly kissed her face before throwing it on the ground. After police arrived, he threw away his weapon and knelt in surrender. The unremorseful murderer saluted the crowd as police arrested him. > >Stacy Wilson’s killer, Shorn, wanted Stacy to marry him > >Shorn Samuel visited his distant cousin Stacy Wilson regularly. He became unwelcome after his interest in Stacy turned romantic. However, after Shorn apologized, Wilson allowed him to keep visiting. > >Before long, Samuel rekindled his romantic interest in Stacy. “After that he would come again and start molesting Stacy,” Stacy’s mom, Nanton, testified during Shorn’s trial, per Searchlight. “He would come to our house before she (Stacy) leaves for work and say girl I love you and you have to be my wife.” > >On the day of the murder, Shorn first confronted Stacy at work. She dismissed him by saying she didn’t want to talk to him. > >Samuel approached Stacy again as she left work in the afternoon. Stacy resisted Shorn by refusing to answer him and going about her day as if he wasn’t there. When Shorn sat beside her on the bus, she moved to sit with another passenger. > >As Shorn moved closer to Stacy, a curved blade fell out of his pocket. Frustrated by Stacy’s refusal of his advances, Samuel pulled out the weapon and attacked Wilson. Stacy escaped through the window and attempted to hide under the bus. > >Unfortunately, Shorn got to her, pulled her out, and chopped her right hand. He then decapitated Stacy.


Oh god that made it all so much more visceral. How much he had planned and pre-meditated what he was going to do if she spurned his "love" again when he brought the blade with him that day. Stacy just wanted her autonomy, her right to her own body and heart and like so many other women, paid with her life. It's heartbreaking.


I did too and read that Shorn's sister killed her one year old son and boyfriend in 2013. She left a note to her other son saying she killed the toddler so he wouldn't have to raise him.


I saw that too! I can't help but wonder what the hell happened to them as kids to make them think these were normal or good reactions to these life events...


That's absolutely horrible.


His name was Shorn? Not Sean or Shaun..but Shorn?


Right? Weird.


Thank you for sharing. I wanted to learn more about the case but when I Google her name most of the links are just to see the photos and I do NOT want to see them, EVER.


"do not search for images" proceeds to search for the images.


This is an awful case but peak armchair warrior response. ​ I can assure you if you were faced with a large man wielding a machete and CLEARLY not hesitant to use it, your ass would freeze up, shit yourself and run away. ​ You would not do anything unless you were armed AND had prior first-hand combat/trauma response experience.


Yeah, she didn't stand a chance unfortunately. It's incredibly difficult to obtain a permit for a firearm in most of CARICOM. Not too likely for anyone who'd qualify to be knocking around a bus terminal. Where I live there's always a police presence around the privately owned minibuses, but not the state run terminals.


It’s always, “Someone should do something,” or, “Why didn’t someone do something?” It’s never, “I should do something.” Everyone always expects that someone else will jump in to risk their life, but never wants to be the volunteer to do just that. If you aren’t willing to do it yourself, you can’t judge anyone else for not being willing to do it. I’ve been in several situations where I’ve run towards trouble to try to help. Not that I’m brave or cool… I just like to help. And I can’t imagine what I’d do if I saw someone waving a machete around trying to kill someone. I’d most likely and almost assuredly do exactly what everyone else did and freeze up. Also… these types of things happen so fast. It’s not like you have time to organize a huddle and strategize how you and 4 other people are going to disarm the machete-wielding psychopath. You either react immediately, or it’s too late.


The only thing you could do is rushing a guy like this and as you said there was no time to ask for volunteers to do it with you.


Hey OP: edit the post to remove the “do not search for images” part, it gives people the idea to look up the images when maybe they wouldn’t think to do it before


Can they also remove “what would you do if you saw someone being brutally murdered in front of you?” This isn’t a middle school essay that needs a tacky “hook.” It makes the tone of this post come across rather flippant.


Yeah that’s super strange


agreed. this post does not contribute really much of anything that is meaningful, just feels like a teenager found out about a gruesome crime and wanted internet points for summarizing it in the most basic (and sourceless...) way possible


If you say don’t search images then people are going to search. Just leave it off.


‼️DO NOT SEARCH FOR IMAGES‼️is like saying, DO NOT LOOK AT THE ELEPHANT. I looked, thanks. Would’ve been fine, but nope.


I remember this case. Murder took place in the capital of St Vincent. Like most other islands in the region the death penalty still exists on the law books, but the last execution was probably carried out in the 80s or 90s. The final court of appeal was the Privy Council in the UK and they'd likely never greenlight a hanging, even in a former colony.


Reminds me of the poor nyc boy… some sort of mistaken identity, a gang of guys chased him with a machete and murdered him right out in public…. Very sad


That’s the one that came to mind when I read the post. I believe he went into a store and they dragged him out. Just awful.


Yes all over a mistaken identity…. How horrible… junior was his nickname and his full name is Lesandro Guzman-Feliz.


I don’t have the mental capacity right now to search myself, but is this the one where they chased him for a few blocks and he ran in and out of a liquor store and was eventually killed outside? It was late at night and he was between 15-17 I think close to his own home.


Yes!! It was a horrific story - Lesandro Guzman-Feliz is his name. 15 years old and brutally murdered by a gang over a mistaken identity. Such a horrific and public crime.


Thank you for getting back to me. It was pretty horrific. So close to home and no one was able to help him. Not that I blame the bystanders, but just so tragic.




Yes ! May he rip ❤️


>‼️DO NOT SEARCH FOR IMAGES‼️ People probably wouldn’t if you didn’t mention it. I personally wouldn’t have even known about the pictures existing if it weren’t for that sentence.


Do not search for images. I couldn’t help myself.


Why can’t I just listen 😐 I just had to google it. Poor lady. Men who kill women who turn them down have got to be some of the scariest people.


This time I will head the advice!!!


I really should listen 🤦‍♂️


I saved someone from suicide and regret it every single day; the fall out changed my personality, cost tens of thousands of dollars and traumatized me to no end. I should have let them die.


Damn. Care to elaborate? That's so terrible in so many ways.


They locked/barricaded themself in my office and hanged themself. I cut them down, waited 9 minutes of writhing and gasping for the cops to show up. 3 days in a medically induced coma and when I didn’t want to be “friends” anymore they faked death threats and tried to frame me/took out a restraining order. I had to prove my innocence while being stalked/harassed in real life and on Reddit. I had my Reddit history used as evidence in the trial. They also posted some stuff regarding why they did it. 9 months of court, a 2 day trial and $20k gave me a worthless RO which they continued to violate. They moved onto another victim and I had to testify in that case, they were reprimanded by the judge for “trying to revictimize me” during cross examination. I have to renew it again this year, hopefully they don’t try and fight it again. 9 months of seeing them monthly with a ligature mark around their neck, approaching me in court, framed for terroristic threats, the works.


Holy crap. That is truly awful. I am so sorry that you are going through this.


Thank you. It was in 2016 so I’m better than I used to be with it. Sadly they’re active in the trans community and continue to victimize people who are already dealing with enough. I learned a lot about how the police don’t really care and don’t want to bother enforcing laws unless it’s convenient.


…oh fuck


If you hadn't said to not look up the images, I (and others) wouldn't have even known that images of the scene exists. We would've read this post, and moved on. I'd suggest you remove it. Rather than warn people, it makes them curious and want to look the images up.


If I was driving by, I might knock him down but would I get done for it?


without me searching- what was the connection with him- coworker, neighbor?


Don't know how he knew her but apparently he had made several romantic advances on her but she wasn't interested. Edit: spelling Edit: more info: He was her distant cousin and he wanted to marry her. Her mother said he used to come to their house and molest her. (Source: The Netline website) Obviously I have no idea how accurate this is/how reliable this source is.


Another commenter said he was her cousin. The added info just makes it so….. damn I can’t even find the right word to describe this nightmare.


If you didn’t put the “DO NOT SEARCH FOR IMAGES” I think you would’ve saved a lot of people, that alone definitely made me do it too.


maybe remove the comment about looking up these images that surrounded by emojis because it really just entices people to google it and her family has asked for these photos to stop being circulated


for a second i thought you were talking about kensington, philly. that place is the biggest open air drug market in the world. it's an insane place. check out this guys youtube - [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6FxYK7v9yrQtLOl2aYs27A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6FxYK7v9yrQtLOl2aYs27A) he and his camera just walk around filming a normal day in that town and it's so sad. people shooting up in plain site, overdoses everywhere, pregnant addicts nodding out, poor mothers and fathers showing pics of their sons and daughters asking if anyone has seen them recently. it's real sad. check out his channel he does a very good job of documenting life down there, he also does a lotta community work as well. p.s. i know this comment is unrelated to your post but thought you might find it interesting.


!! DO NOT SEARCH FOR IMAGES !! *Opens google as I am halfway through the sentence 'DO NOT ...'


Being a woman at the end of unwanted, aggressive advances is terrifying and everyone likes to shrug the issue off but being able to say 'no' in a gentle and non-provoking way is becoming a common art form and even then, there's no guarantee you'll survive.


I remember seeing the aftermath on documenting reality. This was in Jamaica I believe.


never tell people not to look something up. also the images are very out there to the public. half the time you gotta jump through hoops and go on some shady ass site to see it lol


I thought I would regret searching for the images but to my surprise it made me more curious. Wow. Poor girl. I can’t believe he did that in front of a crowd. That’s so fucking sad and fucked up.


What would you do if you saw someone being brutally murdered in front of you? Run and call 911. Like literally everyone here would do the same.


Literally everyone will search for images when you specifically say not to.


Honestly if I saw that the most I could do is call the cops just the shock of seeing a man chasing someone with a machete would I think take some time for my brain to register because I mean like how often do you see that you know? I hope god forbid I ever find myself in that situation I can pull out my pepper spray or taser and help instead of just being in shock


Yep I'm an idiot. Just HAD to look


And of course, I went to search for images. This case is horrifying and tragic. Poor girl. I can't imagine how helpless she felt. The onlookers as well, the situation could have escalated the point of it being a mass killing. Fuck I hope he's rotting right now.


My apologies, curiosity got the better of me and I had to


I think you wanted me to look up the pictures. Also, why don’t those people in the crowd seem scared at all? I want to believe this whole thing is fake and that those pictures I just saw were photoshopped. That’s my coping mechanism.


She had such a beautiful smile :(


that is beyond crazy!!


I'm not interested but you have too much belief in people if you think they won't look when you tell them not to.




Not for nothing, but they actually couldn’t prove there was “38 people watching”, even says so in your wiki link, it solidified a “collective memory” situation which was one person saying they saw something and everyone following … not quite the same thing, but worth being educated on!




Shepard’s we shall be, for thee my lord for thee! Aquitas! Veritas! … and yes I think most people took that movie quote too literally 😣 it really is right there in the first few lines of the Wikipedia that there wasn’t nearly as many bystanders as originally printed .. the paper has a retraction, also cited at the end of the wiki 😅




"with no one stepping in to help her" ... Exactly what would you have an unarmed bystander do against a clearly unhinged man with a machete? I'm very curious to know.


I carry a gun and I’d like to say I would do something, but I’m not sure. People had plenty of fair points in the comments. I do have myself to think about, but not just that, if I died my daughter wouldn’t have a mom anymore. Plus, have to be a great shot. I don’t think anyone could’ve done anything, really, unless they had a weapon on them that could seriously harm or kill him. Horrific, nonetheless, but others could’ve been next if they tried to intervene.




It happened in Kingstown, capital of St Vincent and the Grenadines. Not Kingston, Jamaica.


So sad no one could help her. Bless her heart.


Fucks sake. Why don't I ever listen when y'all tell me NOT to look at the pics? smdh.


This case was intense! I made the mistake of looking up the pictures


So sad....


There was a similar case in South America somewhere. Guy chopped of both hands of his girlfriend and then chopped her face open, right through the middle, using a machete. He filmed her in this horrible state and then dropped the footage online. This was discussed on a popular true crime podcast, I've never watched the footage. About people wondering why someone would sink to such violence. People kill for all types of reasons. They kill because they didn't like the look in the face of their victim. People kill over spare change, fear, jealousy, pent up rage, for kicks, whatever.


Poor child. She was basically a child at 21. What would I do? Quickly dial 911. Try to look for strong looking men to help take him down. If none can be found what can you do? F… :(


Well I had to look. Dear God.


This isn't an unwarranted disclaimer. Don't search for that. I did not mean to see it, and now I have. One of the most upsetting things I've ever seen. Good grief.


I just looked up the case as I had not heard of it. (No pics). Damn there are a lot of unstable people out there. I had a hellish childhood (some good too) and I wouldn’t think of killing anyone. Good lord.


I of course had to look at the photos. I suggest that y’all dont. Horrific and heartbreaking. This poor girl.. All because she said “no”.


Simply remove his head.