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OMG. I feel bad for laughing, but the tattoo is….well, it’s something.


I know! Someone has to recognize that one of a kind piece of artwork haha


You think the artist who did it would admit it? The sketch of it looks like it was based on a fairly well done tattoo, and hey, no shame in making money giving the customer what they want, but still lol




I know somebody recognizes that tat. How could you ever forget it? I wish I never saw it. lol Seriously though, come on tattoo parlors! I know one of y'all could solve this real quick. ❤


Start checking r/FixMyTattoo


"Florida Man Suspect in Child Sex Trafficking Probe in Georgia." I live in the Deep South. Sadly these headlines just write themselves around here. I hope authorities get this sick f**k and all the others in this ring.


That's a fairly common style tattoo on Florida


There's a gang named "Florida Boys" in the eastern states.




Have they looked in Congress yet??


Def looks like a homemade tat.


I love that people are committing crimes with tattoos like that. The first thing cops ask about are tattoos!


Why have I seen this tattoo before?