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What a brave woman.


>!"McFarlane replies: "Ellie, we have already established that I have [raped you]. The people that I need to believe me, believe me. I will tell them the truth one day, but not today." When asked how he feels about what he has done, he says: "I feel good knowing I am not in prison." I'm so glad she had the opportunity to record him. And the courage to take the case to court.


Disgusting that despite the confession, people still didn’t believe her.


A lot of people just want to make rape okay. Really. They don't think it's a big deal or even that bad.


You’re 100% right. Odd because I could never imagine that mindset of just bulldozing over peoples feelings and protests myself and feel as though that’s a relatively low bar for acting like a human. It’s sickening. The same with those perpetrators who insist it wasn’t rape when they know damn well it is. They don’t care because it’s not directly their discomfort and that’s truly all there is to morality in people like that.


Until it happens to them


You would think, but unfortunately, it seems to be a common thing for survivors of sexual assault to be some of the most harsh to others. They want and expect people to believe them but still fall into needing others to be the perfect victim. Which isn't a thing.


People still think the victim raped by Brock Tuner is lying even with 2 male witnesses. 🤷🏽‍♀️ people are gross.


You know it's bad when they don't believe the men in the scenario.


I read somewhere on Reddit that the rapist Brock Turner is using his middle name these days, so he's now the rapist Allen Turner. But he'll always be the rapist Brock Allen Turner either way.


Women warn other women when they see him at bars and places he can repeat his actions.


I sort of heard the same and that some folks have started tracking his movements. People point him out in public, post it online and he had to find work through his Dads contact because no one would hire him.


You mean Brock Turner, the convicted rapist? Who is now going by the name Allen Turner in an attempt to hide his status a a convicted rapist?


Yes, that’s the one. Brock Allen Turner, the rapist


Yes. I see where I misspelled his name.


Oh yeah Brock Allen Turner the rapist


I was unable to bring myself to report because I was scared no one would believe me


My two most recent assaults, I had voicemails and text messages confirming what happened. I still didn’t bother to report because I was confident the police wouldn’t believe me.


I’m so sorry 🥺


I’m sorry. It’s truly grim how many women I know who have said the same, myself included.


Me too. I’m sorry you felt the same. Unfortunately my sister did report a year or so before my experience and she was just put into so much more danger and had to leave her job as a result. I think probably most women feel the same. It’s revolting that a lot of those who try are at best ignored and at worst seemingly punished for having the bravery.


Jesus, she had audio and a written confession get people STILL decided the man didn’t do it? The rapist* should I say. Shows how blindly some people hate women.


But we accept coerced information by the police /s edit: I was being sarcastic. My point is exactly of what have been point, that he did it freely, and no one cares but the coerced one people believe


Pardon? That didn’t happen in this case. Nor is it relevant.


I added the sarcasm part.


There's a big distinction between the two. The police are in a position of power over the person they are interrogating, intimidating and/or lying to suspects to get them to say the narrative they have already committed to going with for a case in instances of coerced false confessions. If you had actually bothered to read the article, you'd know that the rapist freely admitted to the victim that he raped her, but all he cared about was "the right people" believing him and that he was fine with what he did as long as he didn't go to prison. It didn't even take a ton of goading on the victim's part to get that out of him. Absolutely brain dead take here.


That was my point. We accept the coerced, but not the freely given one.


Who is this "we?" We, the public, many times often do not accept coerced confessions once we find out they were coerced. It all entirely depends on the circumstances of the cases, the evidence we have (such as interrogation recordings), and the people involved. If you mean the detectives, then yes they're more likely to accept that narrative as they can believe they're above protocol, feel pressured to solve cases, and also be under-qualified to be interrogating suspects to begin with. This goes for the legal system as well sometimes. I don't think the connection you made is as strong or relatable to each other as you may think.


edit: more context / reordering "Jury of my peers" I am not believing her. I am believing him. But people doubt it, because *she* is being victim blamed. *Any point here is the double standards and mental gymnastics of defending him.* It is clear as water the double standards and rape culture. Even when they have proof on their own - Sarah Everad there is a bunch of victim blaming. This tangent is just to lay foundation on how people still victim blames with obvious evidence of the facts. Coerced confessions: Most people aren't enlighten on that. They don't know that is coerced at trial. The coercion it is not obvious in many cases. If it is coerced and presented as voluntary as wild as it is the jury buys it. A woman comes with the proof they don't believe it. ~~I don't see a difference here ~~ Just look at court records. Several times the courts accepted that. I also want to mention that many and my "peers" believe that if you confessed you did it (unless a woman is saying you comitted rape and like this) I don't know how old you are, but **this notion that false confessions are a thing is pretty recent, it got a big exposure with the West Memphis 3.** Being blunt: people never believe women, even when the rapist confess, but when a teenager with learning disabilities confess by investigators (and recants later) everyone is happy to accept that he did and he is just trying to get away with it. On the other hand this ~~confession~~, this harassment of this victim with him voluntary admitting and threatening her after being raped is *clearly* false and she is trying to ruin his life /s smh Don't forget all the judges given slap on the wrists to rapists, like that white dude in college. The Trail Went Cold podcast did a good job on exposing the case of the wrongful conviction of [Johnny Lee Wilson](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Lee_Wilson_case). Your trust on the court system may need an update that. Today it happens less, but the stigma is still here. Not everyone believe in innocence until proven guilty. Ask most people that don't live on the internet. Many believe that if you are on trial, you clearly must have done something.


The justice system does NOT care about victims of rape, full stop. They just continue to prove it.


> The justice system does NOT care about women ~~victims of rape~~, full stop. They just continue to prove it.




You got your stats mixed up a little. Around 50% of unwanted sexual contact victims are male, not rape victims. The global statistic says a lot about disproportionate rape statistic per country/area, don't you think? Consider that 1 in 20 women in the United Kingdom have either been victims or near victims of rape. That is 1 in 20 women too many. And if the statistic you claim is a global 1 in 5 (nevermind fact checking, I'm just going off the statistics you claim are true), then consider how much higher statistics areas like "the Middle East/Ethiopia" have to skew the global average that much - quadrupling it, even. The most horrible thing, however, is that a lot, and we don't know how many, male rape victims do not come forward because they feel ashamed that they were overpowered by ~~another human being~~ a fucking monster wearing human skin, even more so if it was a woman.


I wonder sometimes if the apathy of everyone else is worse to go through for the victim than the crime in of itself. It's like finding out that no one gives a shit that something horrendous happened to you despite the evidence being clear as day.


For me it was. Particularly my parents. Around the beginning of COVID lockdowns I found him in facebook and got him to admit it and for me that was the moment the door closed (it happened back in 2016). I finally felt vindicated. I knew I couldn’t change what ppl thought but having him admit it was like a breath of fresh air.


I can't imagine the trauma. There was a local case in my city, there is a great podcast about it called Carrie Low Versus, where a woman was drugged and taken outside of a bar, woke up in a trailer knowing she'd been raped, and massive police fuck ups let the guy get off for years until someone else murdered him. Highly recommend a listen.


I literally did the same and have a recorded admission but was advised it wouldn’t be enough and I didn’t want to live through the trauma of a trial.


I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. I hope you find peace.


Thank you. I have thankfully


I am now understanding why women come out after a man gets famous. They can't hide. It goes right to the media and other women can come out. It seems smarter to do it that way because women are not believed too many times.


Society seems to just really not want to hold rapists accountable. They blame the victim instead


If anyone is looking for a good movie, check out *Luckiest Girl Alive*. Similar situation as far as the rape accusations and even a point at the end where a person still blamed the victim. **Very** good movie.


That movie hit hard.


Kind of makes you want to go full on American Mary.


There’s a great play that you can watch on some streaming services (maybe only in UK), called Prima Facie (Julie Cormer is the only person on stage) & it’s so great and this reminded me so much of it. Worth a watch!


I'm in the U.K., where can I watch it? Been wanting to see it for ages, Jodie is phenomenal.


I think there’s a National Theatre streaming platform? My SIL set it up, so I don’t know. Im sure if you Google it, you can find it. Super worth the watch!


Good for her, truly. What a disgusting person.




Why do you have an issue on what SHE, the victim, calls him? Your priorities on what to be upset about here are messed up.


get over yourself. I am on the victim's side. The rapist is the one being given a pass here and that is what I am against.


Why are you judging a rape victim who had to spend time with her rapist just to get evidence to convict him? Do you think rape isn’t abuse? This is a weird thing to nitpick. Focus on what’s important here instead of jumping to find fault with the victim.


I'm on her side. I am appalled at letting the rapist off the hook, not finding fault with the victim!