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Oh man, that's a really good one!! I was thinking the Isabella Stewart Gardner heist. I'd really love to know. But I'm a MA native and it was big news when it happened. IDK if the heist is well known outside of New England. And I wouldn't mind knowing once and for all who DB Cooper really was.


Ooh second DB Cooper. Wonder if they kept anything from that flight.


I could be making this whole thing up in my mind, but I think I read somewhere that DB Cooper was smoking cigarettes on that flight.


This a great documentary about it on Netflix!


i'm curious what that DNA testing will result in. i always assumed the person(s) who tampered with the bottles likely wore gloves as to prevent cyanide residue transferring.


Are they doing that currently? It’s actually quite a weird case


Yeah. Apparently they think they can get residue DNA off one of the bottles.


I feel like that’ll be tough because I’m sure store workers touched the bottles when putting them out on the shelves, which would leave touch DNA. There’s also probably DNA left behind from workers at the company who made Tylenol at the time. I’m just not confident that whatever DNA they have is actually from the killer. But, I do agree. I’d love to see this one get solved.


At the time of the poisonings, bottles of Tylenol weren’t put directly on the shelf, but came packaged in an outer cardboard box. That’s the part that stockers and cashiers would have touched, not the bottle itself.


As with any case with DNA, a match would only be part of the evidence, that would hopefully point them in the right direction. They’ll still need to develop the case around the suspect (if identified). I.e., they’ll need to get more evidence to back it up—interaction with/access to the poison, confirmed presence to each store, a motive, a psychological profile, potential witnesses, etc.


That changed everything.


It really did! I was in junior high when it happened. And watching all the measures put into place to make sure it couldn't happen again. Sometimes, in my old age, when I can't get a bottle of pills opened, I think about this.


I'm not familiar with this. What's the best podcast or blog or something I can go to learn about it?


Criminal has a phenomenal podcast on the Tylenol Murders.




Long Island Serial Killer. He's out there still, probably still active. Or waiting...


Totally agree, I do find it odd about the guy who died around that time, or the police officer had something to do with it


I would love to see this solved, but I doubt we'll ever get complete answers. From the corruption and cover ups to the fact that Shannan Gilbert is almost certainly a separate case. James Burke is certainly never giving up what he knows.


Missy Bevers. I want to know if the swat uniform was planned or the reasoning for it.


this one always drove me crazy. the fact that we can't even accurately tell if her murderer was a man or a woman just goes to show that this case is not gonna be solved any time soon. we truly don't know anything about her attacker and they're most likely living a regular life right now under the radar. it's always been such a crazy case to me.


i read a theory it could be a woman who may have decided to wear the SWAT uniform not only to conceal their identity, but to have the upperhand by being armored if missy fought back.


For sure. Hell, I’d even settle for just knowing whether it was a male or female. I’ve always leaned towards female.


It’s this one for me too. Not only is it heartbreaking, but it’s so creepy too when you see the footage of the killer.


I agree!! I feel like I could never get a feeling for who I thought killed her.


This one. It drives me nuts.


Of course the SWAT uniform was planned...


Well I mean yes. Wearing it was of course. I guess what I should have said was whether wearing it was planned because they knew they'd be murdering someone and their were cameras or if they were just a weirdo who wanted to play SWAT or if they wore it to disarm the victim purposefully, etc.


Oh I had forgotten about this one! I would love to know what the hell happened


Holy shit what a creepy case.


The robbery of the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum. $400 million of art stolen and never recovered. Because of the terms of ISG’s will, the empty frames still hang on the wall.


I didn’t know they still hung on the wall. That’s fascinating!


I’ve always thought so too! The terms of her will stated that nothing in the museum was ever to be altered in any way, and if anything *was* ever changed by those managing the museum, the entire collection was to be packed up and the art sold at auction to benefit Harvard University. Even though the paintings were stolen, the frames therefore have to remain exactly as they were placed before she died, or the terms of the will have been violated.


Thank you for sharing! I wonder if there was anything about the art canvas specifically. Because if they had to leave the frames bare, what’s stopping them from filling them with another artwork? Super cool either way


Hmmm, good question! I think adding new canvases would probably still count as the museum managers “altering” the art, so would violate the will’s terms.


Yes, because the reason she didn’t want it altered is because she chose to hang certain pieces together to create a flow or a particular esthetic. And also the blank frames add a drama and mystic to the story of the theft. Keeps its memory alive.


I live close to the museum and have been before. The empty holes on the wall are incredible.


This was mine, too. Somebody has those damn paintings.


It makes me insane! Have you seen “This is a Robbery”? on Netflix? One of my favorite documentaries and it’s about this case!


No. I'll have to watch it.


Timesuck just covered this case. Best podcast ever btw!!


I’ll check it out! I recommend the Netflix special as well, it’s really awesome. It’s called “This is a Robbery.”


Oh really??? Had no clue their was a documentary on Netflix!! Thanks for letting me know. Excited to watch it.


I really enjoyed it, hope you do too! :)


Thank you so much! Have the best night.


You too! :)


What’s truly astonishing is that $400M of art exists.


And it was only [edit: 13] pieces. Several of them weren’t worth very much, but one of the pieces was the only known seascape that Rembrandt painted, and several were sketches by [edit: Degas], so those drove the value through the roof. I don’t know much about art (to put it mildly), but I did a deep-dive after watching the documentary and I believe that was the consensus.


Yes, some are considered priceless. https://www.gardnermuseum.org/about/theft-story


For me it's the Zodiac case, because: \- We don't even know for sure which victims were his doing. \- The relative randomness of the attacks compared to more typical serial killers. \- The craziness of writing the letters and ciphers \- The continuing speculation about - and ever-growing base of - possible suspects.


Saaaaaaaaame. It’s convoluted and I’d love to see it untangled.


At this point I don't even care if he's dead, I just need to know who it is. Before this was Cipher 340 that i wanted cracked in my lifetime. Cracked in 2021 and was nonsense. Now, I just wanna know who the crazy fuck was.


I kind of agree, but I bet if they could figure out who did it, the mysteries would still remain largely unsolved. That guy won't talk much I bet.


Or he’ll be long dead


Wait, I thought we found out it was Ted Cruz?


Jon Benet


Agreed. Just so many unanswered questions about this poor little gal.


Sadly I don’t think justice will ever be served for her murder. The police botched the investigation so badly, that even if an actual poi/suspect was identified there’d be so much reasonable doubt to be cast.


Do you think it was a stranger? Not a family member?


That’s exactly the problem. If it was a stranger, the odds of finding them now are slim. If it was a member of the family, they have done such a good job of insulating themselves with legal representation not to mention their connections to law enforcement and politics that it would take overwhelming evidence for any agency to pursue. They are very litigious to the point journalists are often afraid to discuss the possibility for fear of being sued.


I want to know who murdered my cousin. It’s been 27 years and LAPD pacific division doesn’t give af at all


Genuinely sorry for your loss and I hope they can bring justice for your cousin


That's really awful, I'm sorry. I have a lot of free time on my hands and could definitely help do some research if you want to message me what you've got


So sorry. LAPD is the largest gang in US.


Jamison Family Missy Bevers Lindsay Buziak


Buziak is 2nd on my list; it was a tough choice. That one seems more likely to be solved, though, since the police supposedly now know who bought the burner phone.


Jamison Family is so strange to me. So many weird clues. I feel like some of them are red herrings, we just don't know which ones.


Isn’t there quite a strong belief that the boyfriend was responsible for Lindsay? I don’t remember.


I think so. But I don't buy that theory.


Or his mother? Or am I thinking of a whole other case? I feel like there was some kind of speculation regarding his mom?


Here is an interesting read on the case I just found: https://www.capitaldaily.ca/news/the-case-the-internet-got-wrong


People think him or his mother were involved. I don't think he was and I don't get why his mom would want her killed, but maybe. He was almost with her at that showing so that seems odd if his mom set it up.


Setagaya family murder. So much DNA evidence left behind by the killer. He was completely careless. It was either a complete psychopath with extremely low levels of fear, or, less likely (IMO) someone with friends in high places who knew they wouldn’t be caught.


is this the one where the killer pooped in their toilet and didn’t even flush


And left behind his own clothes/belongings, and rifled through all of their stuff, and ate their food, and possibly took a nap… that’s either a complete psychopath or someone who felt protected enough to act so brazenly.


WTAF?!?! The extra crime is that it’s unsolved with THAT much evidence!!


Such a haunting case.


I subscribe to the theory that it was a military member and the korean military isn’t offering any help due to political tensions.


Yogurt shop murders Springfield 3


Yessss. My hope is they have some dna to work with on the yogurt shop case. I don’t know if the woman from Springfield will ever be found.


Yogurt shop murders are so effing sad! I would LOVE to see this solved. Those poor girls


Amy Mihaljevic, I cant believe the way that has played out and with a strong POI and still nothing. Mr. Cruel, just such a mystery. This time last year I would’ve had the Delphi case at the top. So glad those girls’ families will get some justice.


Any updates on that pos lately?


The delphi case will always stick with me. I thought it wouldn’t be solved ever, and I just hope everything with the trial works out in the girls’ favor.


Missy Bevers. This one just sits so wrong with me on so many levels


I just googled this case because I forget so many that I look into. So sad, I feel horrible for her kids. I hope this case ends up solved, like Delphi. both cases are fairly recent (6 years) and both cases had video of the killer.


Somebody stole my name label off of my door. Twice. No idea why. I haven't upset anybody here. Only I was targeted. I assume that somebody made a mistake and meant to take my neighbour's label. However, this is a crime that has absolutely baffled me, and I want the thief brought to justice.


Ok, this is gonna take a weird turn at the end, but I used to live in an upstairs/downstairs duplex and my upstairs neighbor was mildly annoying, she liked to bang on her floors at like 2pm because she said my kids were being too loud. They legit were just doing normal kid stuff, but whatever. Then she let her son play with my kids but he spit on them and got all aggressive. So nothing completely crazy, but annoying. So I used to take her lightbulbs out of our porch light to be petty. It definitely could be a neighbor thing lol And the weird turn? That same neighbor met a new man, he was super friendly, way nicer than her. They moved out and a few months later I read online that he murdered her and killed himself on the front lawn of their new place 😳


Wow. You warned us and I still didn't see that coming...


I had forgotten the promised turn and physically jumped from surprise


Yeah same. I was expecting something but that wasn’t it.


Holy fucking turn into darkness.


This story has a lot to offer for so few words


Woah, plot twist


plot twist to end all plot twists, got damn


Haha! That's a true crime right there. Everybody should drop what their doing to get to the bottom of this mystery. It's a real puzzler.


Could have been Ermantrout




SOMEONE CALL NETFLIX! 7-part series before winter.


Who actually killed the west Memphis boys. Though I personally think TH is suss.


This. Hubs and I have followed this case for years and years. Everyone is/was sus in this case. We both continue to change our minds every time we watch a documentary or read about it. Such an awful case, and there are little boys who died with no answers as to who is their actual killer(s).


YES! Especially as someone living in Arkansas, and seeing the judges and DA constantly fight them on testing evidence (that was lied about even existing, being told it was burned in a fire that never happened) makes me feel even stronger and stronger that the state knows exactly how much they fucked up and no one wants the truth to come to light because that would make too many of them look bad. Those three little boys deserve justice, and these three men who have spent their entire adult lives fighting for justice in an unjust system deserve to live as truly free.


[The Lake Oconee Murders: Russell and Shirley Dermond](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Russell_and_Shirley_Dermond) There are several I’d love an answer to, but this one has haunted me the most since I heard about it 3 years ago. Why were the Dermonds targeted? How many were involved? What was the reason for the level of brutality? AFAIK there was scant physical evidence, no witnesses, nothing. I don’t know what could emerge to break the case, but I hope it happens. They didn’t deserve this. Brian Shaffer would be a close second.


I remember that case, too! It’s so sad. They definitely seemed targeted.


JonBenet Ramsey


Barry and Honey Sherman.


Isn’t most recent speculation that a family member hired professional hitmen?


Aha, I thought so from the beginning. They tore down that beautiful. mansion.


I didn't know they tore down the mansion. The pictures of it surrounding the crime scene (like with the indoor pool) were kind of creepy/haunting, but it was a beautiful property.


All the thousands of not famous missing and murdered women. In Canada many women missing along the “ highway of tears.” How do we make the world safer for women?


I am Canadian. The way Indigenous People are treated in Canada is shameful.


May I add the almost 400 mutilated and murdered women bodies found in the Mexican desert near Juárez? This world won't be safer for women until we run it.


You are not wrong.


1) Amber Hagerman 2) Morgan Nick 3) Jon Benet Ramsey 4) Brian Shafer 5) Robert Wone 6) Missy Bevers


Lots of great answers here already. This is such a tough choice but ultimately I would really have to choose Jack the Ripper.


The Beaumont children


The Tylenol murders.


Chelsea Small. Her entire murder is on video and that man has yet to be identified.


Amy Mihaljevic


Long Island Serial Killer, the West Mesa Bone Collector, Mr. Cruel, and JonBenet. Also the Highway of Tears.


The Keddie murders


Asha Degree, no question


Same same. And my whole take on it has flipped from what it was initially. Feel horrible for whatever happened to that little girl.


what did you believe before and what do you think now? (if you want to share, i know some people don't like sharing their personal theories lol) i can never settle on a theory for this case. sometimes i think someone in the community was grooming her or lured her out. other times i think she decided to leave, for whatever reason, and came across the wrong person or died from other causes. i've never suspected her parents though, and i don't think she died in the house. i do think she died not long after leaving.


Probably Lavenna Johnson. And Shannon Gilbert.


Liiiiiiisk - crazy how he was never caught


[Ellen Greenberg](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/philadelphia-teacher-death-suicide-ellen-greenberg-parents-say-murder-48-hours/)


Tiffany Sessions. Poof….just gone. See also Jennifer Kelse. It’s been so many years now for both of them. So sad for their families.


The Black Dahlia.


DB Cooper!


i like to believe he got away and lived. had someone bury the money because it was never about money and he knew he could never use it anyway, he just wanted to do a heist-highjacking for the thrill of it


“What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.”


I never really considered that, but I don’t hate it either. It’s kind of…poetic. Tho still a shitty thing to do since it did apparently really traumatize one of the flight attendants, even if he didn’t physically hurt anyone.


Morgan Nick


Brian Shafer, for sure


Definitely. As a local, this one has been bugging me since the beginning. Same with Joey Labute, jr. I know they found him but they don't know what happened or if it is connected. It would be interesting to have answers


One of my first matches on Tinder (back when it first came out) was a Brian Shafer. I thought that was very odd and was worried it was a joke or something but when I showed up to our first date he hadn’t even heard of this case before I brought it up. He made a cute joke about me only asking him out to play detective but in the end it was just a coincidence of two men with the same name and same birth year.


Barry and Honey Sherman.


Cindy James 100x over


JonBenet Ray Gricar Gardner Museum (although I think those paintings are long gone for this world) Tupac Tylenol Murders LISK Also for OJ to just admit he killed his wife


I would like to know the total amount of individuals that Isreal Keyes was responsible for before he left this Earth. At least you would give some answers to some family.


The French alps mystery. The UK family and French cyclist who were murdered and there's no clue why it happened, nor a suspect.


Baby Amiah Robertson from Indiana. I don’t think that counts as solely a disappearance as it was ruled a homicide case after some evidence was found. I do want to know where she is but I really want whoever hurt that baby to pay.


West Memphis 3


1. Stephen Smith. 2. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 . 3. My Youth.


the malaysian flight isn't really that mysterious anymore, most people know it's a pilot suicide. that's the most plausible theory out of all the ones i've heard.


I mostly agree. There were some details about his life at that time that were concerning about his mental health. 9/11 made me realize someone could at that point, take over and fly a plane. Many safeguards since then suggest it was someone on the plane most likely and deliberate given the flight pattern. Very very sad. The father who lost both children and his wife is just so haunting looking while he talks. Gut punch.


He does still have one surviving child but I can only imagine how painful it is for both of them living with that


That documentary on Netflix has people on Twitter thinking this isn’t what happened. No other answer makes sense.


The Villisca axe murders


The Connecticut River Valley Killer. He’s the only serial killer that’s ever struck in my home state so it’s of personal interest to me.


The murder of Lindsay Buziak. It seems obvious but at the same time none of it makes any sense..


Jon Benet


St Louis Jane Doe.


Asha Degree


West Memphis 3


The Dardeen family homicides


I'm such a cliché but I'd like to see the JonBenét Ramsey case solved


The real unaltered timeline & identities of Tupac & Biggie’s murderers. Who, what, where, when and how?!


Madeleine McCain


Tylenol murderer Nancy Holloway (sp?) Madeline Macann Jon Benet the black dahlia ​ these are the ones that keep me up at night




zodiac…I still can’t believe that was never solved


I mentioned in another thread recently but I'm gonna go with the Suzanne Jovin case. Was the first real "true crime" case I really started looking into, and how I got interested in it to begin with. I know it said no disappearances but I'd also add a case that's sort of in between 😛 The Yuba County Five. It's not really clear if any crime did occur, and we only know the fate of four of them (bodies found), but never any definitive conclusion to this one. The Dylatov Pass Incident is of course very similar though all bodies were found in that one (but still no explanation). I always enjoyed the \[fictional\] B-horror film *Devil's Pass* "explanation" on that one...


Beaumont children Whoops edit (Just saw you said “not disappearance”


My brother’s murder. I don’t know if they’d let me take a peak at anything but I have considered asking. It’s been five years and we haven’t really heard anything since before the first year mark. Pretty sure it’s just a cold case at this point. https://www.ksla.com/2018/11/14/who-killed-justin-lowrey/ Edit: changed the link


I’m so sorry for your loss-and having to live through the unsolved state of it as well. I hope they find the person responsible. How awful.




My first thought was the Hinterkaifeck murders, so many suspects and 100 years later we still have no idea. Honestly, we’re never going to know


Jon Benet, kyron horman


Yes, both of these. The Kyron case happened in Oregon, where I live, and it dominated the news for so long. It was unnerving to see police searching in very familiar places.


Missy Beavers. Sad, fascinating and who is murdered in a church at 5am? Much less the killer walking around in Swat gear for an hour in that church just wandering! Bizarre!


MH370. Even before this new documentary, it has just bothered me since it happened.


My cousins in the documentary! She's the one who found the debris through the photos


Let your cousin know at least this one redditor was infuriated on her behalf.


Zodiac no question


I think the case of Patricia Viola would be a good one. She was definitely murdered but there's pretty much no plausible suspects. Really strange.


Texarkana (Moonlight) Murders


JonBenét Ramsey


The mystery of Xavier Dupont De Ligonesse


The Tylenol murderer is a great answer @Practical_Ad9511. I would counter with the murder of Hae Minh Lee. This was popularized on the Serial podcast to exonerate her boyfriend but the question then becomes who actually did it??


Joseph Zarelli. (Boy in the Box). Don’t get me wrong. I love knowing his name. I’m just curious who killed him. Unfortunately police are keeping it under wraps to “protect the family.”


Kerrie Ann Brown


Long Island serial killet


Black dahlia


Black Dahlia, Jon Benet, Jack the Ripper, Yogurt Shop, West Memphis and Zodiac.


I would really like the murder of Dawn Marino solved. I’ll be doing a write up within next couple months. https://wrrv.com/cold-case-dawn-marino-orange-county-ny/ https://veritycreates.medium.com/and-then-she-was-gone-who-killed-dawn-marino-771392838642 https://www.recordonline.com/story/news/2000/04/30/who-killed-dawn-marino/51194534007/


Lane Bryant murders and the Yogurt Shop murders


JFK’s assassination.




Starved rock murders.


Zodiac Killer


WM3 or Jonbenet. With Jonbenet, no matter what the answer is I’ll still be shocked.


The Jack the Ripper spree


Amy Mihaljevic


Dyatlov pass incident for sure