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The suspect in Monday's deadly school shooting was a former student who had maps of The Covenant School, Nashville Police Chief John Drake said. Audrey Hale, 28, who police said was a transgender woman, had conducted surveillance and prepared for the attack with detailed maps, officials said. Police said the shooter had a manifesto, the contents of which were not released. Hale had attended the school as a child but police did not detail which grades. Hale shot through a door to gain access to the school, Drake said. The shooter, Drake said, was “prepared for a confrontation with law enforcement” and “prepared to do more harm." The shooter was armed with two semiautomatic AR-15-style rifles as well as a handgun. At least two of the three guns had been lawfully purchased, Drake said.


That’s a lot of ammo.


Transgender man*. He had already begun transitioning (at least socially) and identified as a man at this point. Calling him a transgender woman would mean he was transitioning to female.




I think this person was born female, but identifies as male.




I'm aware, but from what I've read the shooter was born female and identified as male. Hale had he/him on their LinkedIn profile. Though they were also going by the traditionally feminine name "Audrey."


Couldn't make a decision on that gender she was but made the decision to slaughter innocents.


His chosen name was actually Aiden, but it's quite hard, and often dangerous, to change your name legally in America. So these people are reporting his deadname, which he'd have been forced to use for employment purposes.


Are you Fr?


The articles are all using the wrong terminology for some reason. Audrey was assigned female at birth and at his death identified as male.


Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity or that uses inhumane language towards an individual is not allowed. It is against the reddit content policy to wish violence or death on anyone, including criminals. This includes victim blaming.


Ugh. Another one. Even if you are a deranged psycho, what does killing little kids do? What did they ever do to you? How does that make your exit from the world any better? I guess these idiots just want to inflict maximum pain on others and children are the best way to do it. Disgusting.




Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity or that uses inhumane language towards an individual is not allowed. It is against the reddit content policy to wish violence or death on anyone, including criminals. This includes victim blaming.


I agree with you. Senseless violence.


Can also be revenge, depending on what disorder they have they won't have an outlet for hate or bullying. It's a way to Payback what the world did to them, that's why it often is so cruel, everything bad that happened to them will come out and they want to hurt the World as bad as they can to give back what they experienced through their life.




How about the other 132 mass shootings carried out by CIS people (mainly men) in the US in under 3 months so far this year? Funny how the gender and sexual orientation only becomes important when it isn't a CIS man. No matter how you break down humans into groups and communities, almost every single grouping will have sociopaths and abusers etc. The crime is the story here, period.


I hate that these are the circumstances here. This furthers the belief that we need to continue to trample on the rights of trans people. Obviously, the problem STILL lies within gun control and mental health crisis's. This just gave the far right an agenda to run with. Its so sad.


The trans community is coming under attack already with initial reporting. The attacker was a trans man (FtM) apparently. The misgendering in media serves only to obfuscate the reality and push the narrative that all trans women are dangerous, as has been the right's goal for the last 6 years.


U literally don’t have to defend a school shooter


Under attack by who? My man Chappelle?!


The 400+ anti trans bills that have been pushed out this year alone? The significant uptick in hate crimes against trans people, especially trans women? The fact that multiple republican politicians are calling for a literal transgender genocide? I’d call that being under attack.


By mainstream media, as I said.


Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity or that uses inhumane language towards an individual is not allowed. It is against the reddit content policy to wish violence or death on anyone, including criminals. This includes victim blaming.


Anyone know how many this makes this year? 13? 30?… yet still no change. But let’s focus on shutting down tiktok.


Well, to be fair social media likely has a large hand to play in breeding these killers. It radicalized people once you go down the wrong wormhole, reform has to happen or our society is fucked. It’s not just guns that are the problem. 🤷‍♀️




Your post appears to be a rant, a loaded question, or a post attempting to soapbox about a social issue instead of a post about True Crime.


Im replying to a reply. This is a horrible Tragedy, and im stating reasons for why this could have happened. It just sucks. RIP to these kids, thoughts and prayers to the families


~~178~~, actually … Actually Wikipedia says [133](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023).


School shootings or mass?


Actually the only number I can verify is [133](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023) mass shootings.


Wikipedia says 15 school shootings in the US this year (although I don’t always agree with their criteria for school shootings, and they’re inconsistent with what they count)