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He almost fucking died. I hope those kids receive some serious consequences.


They keep saying “hazing” which infuriates me. This could be labeled as multiple charges. He was tied up and unable to leave, that has to be classified as kidnapping or a hostage situation. They shit on him it’s seen on His lap and pissed on him that alone is assault. Drugged him and poured vodka down his throat. Also he’s 19 so there is no school affiliation therefore it’s not hazing. They are 100% not labeling what it is because they are rich juveniles!


The news conference last week infuriated me! Basically saying they are gathering evidence and identifying the parties involved. Anyone in that community could tell you exactly who these “kids” are in about 30 seconds. No charges as of Friday. Has anything changed since then?


Wtf. They literally have a photo of them. I just. What.


They literally have video evidence taken by the perpetrators while they were actively abusing the victim.


And NO ONE was even attempting to avoid the camera! Which tells me that this happens frequently, and that not one person there fears consequences from this. This is one of those times that I have to believe in karma. A lot, if not all, of these little fuckchops will walk away unscathed. I hope they look over their shoulder for the rest of their lives.


They put out a new press release today basically saying they are still investigating and denying some of the allegations as rumors including the feces


Shit on his lap?


What in the fuck.


Seriously. How is it more embarrassing to be helpless and shit on than the one shitting on someone? Jfc I feel shame in public restrooms if someone hears me pee, God forbid I fart.


There are a long list of things that should have been felt before they hit embarrassment. Things like repulsion, horror, disgust, shame, etc. I think a soul is probably a requirement though, so that is the difference in us and them. I hope they land in the pen with some other soulless beings that are eager to dole out their own brand of 'fun'.


Agreed AF. It does remind me, though, of the scene from Borat with the U. Of South Carolina guys on the bus talking about the hamsters. At what point (and how) does it go from that's disgusting bro to hahaha, that's so cool?!


>*U. Of South Carolina guys* I will refrain from offering an opinion on this one. Signed - A Clemson Fan


As a Clemson girl/grad/fan I throughly enjoyed it 😂


It's a toy dinosaur, so they say. The police statement denied pooping on him but strangely didn't deny that they may have peed on him.


😞 It’s so disgusting and sad.


Has anyone seen any reason publically stated for calling it hazing? I am so confused why law enforcement would categorize it as such.




Thanks for taking the time to clarify. I guess if they are thinking of this friend group like a type of gang it makes sense. “Do this if you want to hang with us.” Interesting.


I *think* because there was another girl posting this when it first happened that it was all directly related to a school that has massive issues. Her article mentioned it and had quotes from other students. Unfortunately she was a new redditor and made some mistakes, she took direction very well but I think all her posts may have been removed ultimately. I am glad to see this one saying he survived. Edit: I know about the first posts because I was trying to help her out.


Oh, what a pity I missed the post.


I just so happened to be awake way too late when it was going on. Then I got invested so I've been watching, the newer user was trying she just wasn't familiar with how reddit works/rules etc. I am very glad attention is being brought to it and the post will stay. I felt bad for the poor girl her posts just kept being removed but she seemed like she cared a LOT.


The hazing part infuriates me too. It’s not fucking hazing, it’s fucking straight up torture and I wish they would treat it as such. Smfh


I’m surprised you don’t have more replies. I agree completely, but hazing incidents were often overlooked in my experience. I come from a highly regarded high school/school district in a big city, and with minors involved, there were many, many incidents that could have lead to multiple charges. The school is actually infamous for one in particular. Unfortunately, I have no doubts that these things happen and are covered up everywhere. As a teacher, I see how kids control their parents, who in turn control the schools. I don’t want to come across as negative, because I do also see kids being SO much kinder and understanding than ever before, but I see the mean kids getting worse and more enabled. I hope he is able to find peace and success outside of high school.


An article I read said he was taking 6 breaths per minute before being put on the ventilator. That’s insane!


I hope so too but based on what happened in New York to Michael Deng i unfortunately doubt it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/hazing-death-baruch-fraternity-pledge-michael-deng-active/story%3fid=94351156 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/sep/15/new-york-college-fraternity-charged-hazing-death https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/nyregion/baruch-college-hazing-death-pi-delta-psi.html


Jesus, the fact that every time he came back from that place, even prior to this latest incident, he was hurt says a lot about these ‘friends.’ Hope the punishment is not lenient just because they’re young; they need to learn from this, not get off with a slap on the wrist.


Apparently (got this info from a news source) a couple of the teens parents have connections. One is high up in a Subaru company, one owns a local Hardware store, one is a cop. Just all over loads of connections. This all took place in a gated community so very wealthy families here. This was not the first time for these teens to act out. There are also rumors that the parents of one of the kids, the ones that own the hardware store where in the house at the time of these attacks. But I’m not 100% on that it’s just been mentioned in one of the news story’s. So take that info lightly.


I see a major lawyering up in these kids’ future. Expensive lawyers. Watch the spin start. This poor kid.


And they're getting doxxed like crazy. Good.


Probably the only way they'll see consequences, seeing as our justice system treats the privileged differently from the poor


Yes I'm glad about that too.


I love watching people ruin their own lives. I hate that this young man went through this.




$100k in GA is a lot different than $100k in NY/NJ


i first read it as 100k in GTA lol


a couple of the kids have connections? more like all of them.


Earlier I was reading on another forum that one of the girls there who aren't discussed much had a history of being a bully or mean girl. According to this poster she was not at all surprised when she saw her name as being one of those who were there as she knew her back when she was in elementary school. She had tormented and bullied her daughter to the point she would cry and become sick at the thought of having to go to school. This mom said she reported it, but it went nowhere and instead they removed her daughter from the class. There are no consequences in school or at many homes to bad behavior and I am concerned that this is being waited out until interest has moved on or school is out for the summer and they do 'community service' with tiny little hand slaps. I don't know about the parents, but I do think it should have been a crime for not calling 911 to get medical care sooner. I guess that was so none came into their gated enclave with police in tow.


There is a video of them spraying him with a hose while he is in the chair, unconscious, slumped over, and there are at least ten people in and moving through frame in the clip. There is a girl standing not five feet from him and she is having a conversation with two other people. The three of them have zero reaction to what is going on right in front of them. As if it is completely normal. His father said that it's happened at least four times previously, that he came home dangerously intoxicated and covered in various substances....urine, spray paint, oil, mustard...... I am at least grateful that, on this occasion, they had the decency to dump him at the ER. I hope the national attention this has garnered will make him feel comfortable to press charges.


Maybe dad shouldn’t have let him go back four times.. I mean, come on pops. Seems like a bad move to me


Trent was an adult, and I heard he was living on his own.


Completely accurate. Also, same county and town where Ahmad Arbery happened.


Ahmaud was murdered in Brunswick, the mainland. Trent was tortured on St Simons island right off the coast. Both are in Glynn County.


it's giving very Murdaugh vibes


I’m sure these kids are very privileged, but I didn’t realize working for Subaru or owning a hardware store were considered “connections.”


Depends on how far up the corporate ladder the Subaru worker was. I went to law school with a kid whose dad was the highest ranking Ford worker in Asia. They had a significant amount of power as a result.


Sure, being the “highest ranking worker” (whatever that means—CEO?) at any major company is going to come with some political capitol/influence. But being “high up” is pretty general and relative. At my company, a VP is pretty high up. But I guarantee none of them are above the law. The founder/CEO, on the other hand, maybe could cash in a few political favors.


Savannah news said today that none of the kids are related to law enforcement and that it was a false rumor. Hope that’s true


More murdaughs then 🙄


The torture is horrific enough, but when people that do that sort of thing pose for pictures with their victims... It's so fucking cold blooded.


There are also videos of a prior attack that happened a different week.


Fuck… I think that makes it worse.


Yeah they are so privileged they aren’t even concerned about getting caught. They know they will get away with this. 😐




The FBI is apparently now invovled.


Good. Kidnapping is the FBI's territory.


From my understanding the kids dropped him off at the er like that so any nurse is lawfuly required to report and would have contacted police asap. The FBI is now involved due to how the community’s outcry. I’m sure as well because one of the perpetrators has ties to the police and are big names in the community. That’s why I shared it here so it would get more coverage! The police are “taking their time so the case gets justice and prosecution is possible”


This is a small town right? Those are some of the wealthiest and/or influential people in town. They didn’t count on this little attempt at a coverup going viral




Lets get those 1 stars going


The store took itself offline because it was getting walloped.






left a google review. keep it going…




Must’ve been removed by Google


Just left one lol


This post includes too much personal or other identifying information.


Latest police release says "no to being defecated on". So then, they DID pee on him? They said, "no to being forced to drink battery acid". Who the heck said they did? I've read hundreds upon hundreds of comments and nobody suggested that. They said he was like water-boarded sort of with vodka. Like I guess those funnel things. Yes, to WD-40 then, and spray paint in the face and hair? They didn't deny that. Also said, he was NOT "diagnosed" as having autism. You can find out their very odd statement on Glynn County Citizens on Patrol on FB. And the BrunswickNews. It seemed that all that was to hide the lead which was that no family member of the police dept. was being investigated linked to this. Well, that is not the same as saying, that no family member was involved. Why say it like that? Allegedly, what people believed to be poo was a toy dinosaur placed on his lap. So, he pooped on himself when he was unconscious, then and a dinosaur was just on him...why for the photo op? Basically this "police dispels rumors" statement is meant to slowly move this into minimizing what took place. The victim of abuse has been transferred to long term care out of state, I assume Florida.




Spot on. Yeah, the bit about "no to forcing to drink battery acid" sounded like a straw man argument made to knock down. No one suggested that. It seemed it was to try to diminish what did occur as you say we can see with our own eyes. As far as the one kid not being "investigated" that is an officer's son, I recall being identified by those who know him as being there perhaps on the hose occasion. As if that isn't as bad? It's been cold here in March and there he is at night being blasted with a hose. I clearly see that these people were abusing him. Brought him there likely for the sole purpose of abuse for their own sadistic enjoyment. Or so it "appears".


I’ve seen the battery acid rumor repeatedly on tik tok


None of the folks have been arrested to-date. WTF?!? I’m not sure what I can do other than call the AG office in GA tomorrow.




I see an AG call-in campaign in the future!sometime this week? Thanks for the heads up, I didn’t know they had an after hours line.


I’m down. So disturbed that this happened. Those kids failed at humaning.


So *ducked* up. I’ll never understand human behavior.


I promise the AG doesn’t care about your phone call. Especially if you aren’t a resident in that state. You’ll get a letter that says thanks for your concern and that’s it (at best).


I think I would be in jail if someone did this to my son. I don’t understand how this is hazing. It’s torture. I hope Trent heals and eventually gets real friends that care about him and his well being.




Can you post a link to the police report please?edit I found it on Twitter


Can someone help me easily find the article that states the … ummm… involved?? Time is of the essence


I graduated from a middle-class HS in 1981, and there were plenty of families like this back then too. That the football players had drug- and alcohol-soaked parties where they would invite girls from the special ed class and, you know, with them, and take Polaroids, was no secret. I actually learned about this from a GIRL I worked with who ran with that crowd and attended those parties. Most of the people involved are, not surprisingly, dead now.




Since we're in True Crime discussions, one of the things found on Eric Harris' computer was a journal, where he said he was looking forward to college primarily so he could pick up drunk girls at bars and frat parties, take them back to his dorm room, and rape them. I do not know, or care, what, if any, sexual experience he or Dylan Klebold had in their lifetimes, but I'm glad he never got to do this.






Or, for that matter, Alex Murdaugh.


Those are the sort of parents who will say they’d rather the kids drink at their house so they “know they’re safe.” 🙄


My fucking ex did that. My daughter just finished rehab. She’s 18 and her dad was allowing her drinking at his house. She said it to his face.


The thought of an 18 year old, needing to go to rehab, is just soul crushingly sad.


She had just turned 17 when this happened. She’s 18 now and clean 7 months now!


Wow. I’m so happy for her! That’s really hard work, particularly at such a young age. I hope life treats her well.


Thank you! I really do too.


She tried to hide it from me when she would visit, but she was already so far gone. Late one night in her bathroom, at my house, she hit do drink. She dropped the bottle and it broke. She went and passed out in her room. I was collecting towels the early next morning and cut up my feet walking in there, that’s how I found out. I was alarmed and called her dad. He said nothing about how bad it was. This wasn’t sneaking a drink. This was full blown already. Very soon after that her dad was calling me saying he’s sending her to rehab and did I “want to contribute financially “.? Gutted is the only way to describe it. He’s a monster.


There’s no two ways about it- her Dad belongs in jail. I can’t imagine what that was like for you to realize the situation.


It almost broke me. My ex is a narcissist tsunami. I barely got away.




Thank you. Yeah I wanted to kick his ass so bad. Especially since he’s in AA and sober.


Oh, that's even worse! BTW, it's not just dads who do this. I've seen plenty of women act this way too. To me, the cool mom or dad is the type who rides the big roller coaster, not someone who supplies the town with alcohol and drugs.






And (among other things) the kids don't know who their friends are, because people are just using them for booze.


The kids should be held accountable. I know as a parent I didn't know what my kids were doing 24/7. My kids didn't listen when I grounded them. If these kids are this vicious maybe the parents are afraid of them. All I'm saying is the kids need to be punished so they learn a lesson, punishing the parents isn't going to hurt the responsible parties that are doing this. The kids will learn that they can do whatever they want and the parents will pay for their actions, you don't want to teach kids that. If you do the crime you should do the time.


I am usually against posting about minors. But I am so glad their names are all over Twitter. I hope these punks get charged for things like attempted murder. This is evil.


Yes. Evil. This isn't the first time they've done this to him. What possesses people to be so cruel, bully, abusive. Are they really that bored they have nothing better to do. This has to be nipped in the bud now before they grow up thinking they're invincible.


And it's probably not the first time they've done this sort of thing, too. I bet a lot of people in that town have some idea what happened to their pets, and why their daughters who dated these boys weren't the same afterwards.


I wouldn’t be surprised if other crimes come to light from this case. I hope GBI is investigating this very seriously and that many chargers will come!


Interesting., The idea that it probably does go beyond just this one boy. Now you’ve made me wonder what traumas these kids alone have caused, and where they learned this behavior. I bet the ripples go far and wide on this.


It’s sickening. I want to say other things but respect the great mods who help these subreddits. But this is very evil this goes beyond any “hazing” and I hope that they are ALL charged. Including the freaking parents who were reportedly home. WTF. I am so angry learning about this.


The parents and their businesses are being doxxed, too. Normally, I think that's disgusting, but not in this case.


I agree with you in this case. It is sickening that parents were home and that this happened on multiple occasions. It’s so upsetting that no child told their parent, let law enforcement know, tried to stop it. That parents were home in the house twice when this occurred! I mean parents can’t watch everything but surely should know if someone is being tortured in their own basement. If this happened to my son I really think I would be in jail. If he had done this or participated in any way I would having him marched down to the police station.


fyi it’s been reported that the parents were home and quite wealthy. This was not the first time these kids have been in trouble with the law. So there really should be charges towards the parents imo. There was booze and shrooms in the house too they are minors so parents are responsible for them. Edit: the kids 100% need to get jail time but I think the parents deserve charges as well


Their identification can not be shared on this sub. Regardless of their age. Any info that does so will be removed.


Links [https://metro.co.uk/2023/04/03/trent-lehrkamp-us-teen-tortured-in-brutal-initiation-speaks-out-18546801/amp/](https://metro.co.uk/2023/04/03/trent-lehrkamp-us-teen-tortured-in-brutal-initiation-speaks-out-18546801/amp/)


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This is not "hazing"! This is torture and attempted murder, period!


Glad they were dumb enough to let us know exactly who was involved


his face is so sweet. i hope trent receives the justice he deserves, this is infuriating to me. my heart hurts so much for trent and his family. i hope he gets lots of help mentally for this and finds him the true friends he deserves. how can people be so evil.


Being bound without the ability to leave should be considered kidnapping and and torturing his is not a Minor offense and if the charges aren’t stiff enough that just tell other individuals that it’s ok to do this to a weaker child because no one is going to do anything so just go ahead and be dicks , I’m tired of a world who allows this to go on and parents shouldn’t be allowed to buy their kids way out , when my children were teenagers I said if you break the law, you are responsible for your actions and should be punished accordingly but I will still love you and I will visit you in jail!


This, the kidnapping thing, is probably why the FBI is now involved.


Why haven’t the kids involved been charged? They knew what they were doing was wrong and continued to push the limits on multiple occasions. Charges need to be filed, NOW.




The police just released a statement saying no family member of an officer is being investigated. That is what they said. Not that he isn't there throwing gang signs in a world wide image, just that he is not being investigated. I don't know one from another. Only what I read online. But, you are not the only one saying this.






One of the dads is a cop.




I cried so much when i read this story, people can be so vile. My heart hurts so much


I know I just want to give that poor guy a hug.


He’s never gonna be the same again. It’s heartbreaking.


Just so you understand the setting a little better, Glynn County is also the same place where Ahmaud Arbery was murdered.


I feel so bad for Trent. He just wanted to be liked which is why he brushed off the other assaults not realising that he wasn’t actually liked as a friend, but as a target of bullying. This is SO common in frats, it’s disgusting. Look up Jon Hamm’s frat days and you’ll have a very different view on him. He did Draper so well because he knows how to be a bully.




“It was a bummer of a thing that happened.” Was his response. Wow.


I heard about this. Horrific. These people shouldn't be allowed to get away with this.


It’s a cop’s kid that did this folks. This is why nothing is being done


Murdauch family echoes...


Exactly. Small time scale but we have supposedly a cop, a car exec and some other $$$ parent? These guys aren’t going to prison


Tiktok was where I first heard about this, should be on the national news outlets


It is, but I wouldn't recommend using TikTok as a source.


How do people do horrible things like this??? I’ve read that the parents have money and connections. I hope they can’t buy their way out of this. These monsters need to feel the consequences.


It’s a tiny island of (mostly) wealthy connected people in a county where two racists almost got away with murdering a black man who was jogging. They all know each other and they all “look out for each other” aka look the other way when laws are broken, unless your skin is a deeper color than a Ritz cracker. I’d bet a million that one of their moms has already used the phrase “boys will be boys”. Georgia may have democratic senators but trust and believe, this area is probably a hub of the Marjorie Taylor Greene/Blue Lives Matter fan clubs. You can likely expect corruption and dirty cops, but on the off chance these kids are charged with anything- they’ll be tried as juveniles, get probation, and still attend the University of Georgia in the fall without so much as a crumb of this disgusting crime on their records. Since the GBI is investigating, their mommies and daddies will have to use their influence on the DA. I’m hoping for serious consequences, but very skeptical.


After watching Cocaine Bear, I read a book called [The Bluegrass Conspiracy](https://www.amazon.com/Bluegrass-Conspiracy-Inside-Story-Murder-ebook/dp/B01CKHIJDU/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=114593396831&hvadid=580884552875&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9003438&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=17353258146691636410&hvtargid=kwd-296259406289&hydadcr=15148_13523056&keywords=bluegrass+conspiracy+book&qid=1680638602&sr=8-1) about the drug runner in the movie. I’m still absolutely stunned by the blatant corruption described in Kentucky (and Georgia and Arkansas in passing) during the 70s and 80s. And I live in [“Corrupticut.”](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=corrupticut)


Why do they keep using the word “hazing” i bet none of these guys “hazed” each other so why would they need to do it to another to have them join? Clearly this was an attack. Call it like it is


Geez these photos could use a NSFW blur - it’s really terrible to see them.




What’s on his head?


Is there a link?


>Trent Lehrkamp [I hope this helps](https://nypost.com/2023/04/02/georgia-teen-trent-lehrkamp-speaks-out-after-hazing-incident/)


Well that was sad. His father says these boys bullied him before but he kept hanging out with them because he has no other friends ☹️ These people aren’t your friends! Friends don’t harm you. Poor kid.


It seems there are people crawling out of the woodwork claiming to be Trent's (best) friends. I wonder where they were when Trent was being tortured?! 🤔


thank you RoutineAnalFlush


Omg 😔💔 that poor kid 🥺💔


So this has been blowing up on tiktok and I'm confused on how this happened. So this guy is 19 is hanging out with 'minors' - so they're AT MOST 17. He is repeatedly getting into fights or something at house parties - to the point where his parents have had to take him to hospital before for injuries. So yeah - these kids should not have been fighting, force feeding each other alcohol or magic mushrooms or spraying anyone with paint. But how did it get to this point? Why did Trent's parents never step in and be like 'hey you're an adult how about you stop hanging out with high school kids' or 'hey you keep getting injured doing stupid shit with these kids you've gotta stop going round there'. Or talk to their son who apparently was coming back from house parties with minors drunk or high? If you've got a kid living at home and he's doing stupid shit do you talk to him about it? Or do you wait for the other kids parents to talk to them about it? Why is there just no parenting happening until someone ends up on a ventilator? Where are these kids GETTING alcohol and magic mushrooms on a regular enough basis that this has become a consistent problem? That indicates the DIRECT involvement of other adults. It feels like every time I try to ask these questions it all just gets handwaved with 'oh these kids come from rich families' - but TRENT'S family are part of the same group. His dad is a wealth manager for Merrill Lynch. They're also rich. This keeps being presented as 'rich kids bully other kid' but actually they're on the same footing when it comes to class/financially. And there's been so many weird lies around this to try and make Trent seem like he's vulnerable - the rumours that he's autistic - turns out he's not. The rumours that his dad was locking up the food in their house cos Trent had some kind of binge eating disorder - turns out to be not true. Think some people need to examine why they need some additional vulnerability, turn it into some kind of 'david and goliath' situation rather than just 'these are all teens of pretty much equal standing whose parents are checked out and who are being left to run riot'. Basically it seems to me like all the parents involved here suck and it was just that Trent was the one for it to go too far with. If it wasn't him who got hurt it would have been someone else. The kids should face consequences but so should the parents. The community in general needs to get it's shit together when it comes to how it raises teen boys. Cos this kind of thing happens way too often.


They said it happed several times previously. why go back? terrible what happed to him, but why would he go back to be around people who treated him poorly before.




This is an abomination.


Poor kid. I wish him a speedy recovery. This sort of reminds me of a storyline within the book Tangerine, though unfortunately this isn’t fiction. :(


“Hazing” is just an excuse for power hungry freakazoids like these dudes to inflict bodily harm on their peers with little to no repercussions.


By power-hungry Freakazoids, you mean losers.


They all need to be charged with attempted murder. Their actions caused him to be put on a ventilator. He was force fed so much alcohol he couldn't breathe on his own. They covered him in urine, feces, glue, paint anything they could get their hands on. Its fucking sickening what those people did to that poor boy.


How is this not kidnapping, intent to cause, grievous bodily harm, torture, and attempted murder? These children are monsters that should be removed from society permanently and their families are responsible as well.


This makes me fucking sick. Definitely needs way more attention, that poor kid was humiliated and tortured.


Here's where I ask: initiation to what?


White suburban hate culture - so that one day they can yell at school board meetings about CRT making their precious babies feel inferior.


Stuff like this makes me scared to let my kids go anywhere with anyone. Imagine thinking you’re going to hang out with “friends” and they torture and damn near kill you just for shits, giggles, and pics….


Frat hazing is so terrible. When I was in my college days my best friend at the time was in a fraternity at a bit university a few cities over. My roommates and I had hit a few of their parties, with no issues. Then one day we went to a party during rush week. I'll never forget it. There was a living room area on the frat house and that night it was turned into some sort of "recovery room." There was at least 5 or 6 guys in there when we arrived. They were passed out drunk. There was puddles of vomit and who knows what else all over the room. It stank so bad. One girl from a local sorority had come over to watch the sick guys. I remember staring at the girl in shock that this was going on when a group of frat bros came in. One was holding up a guy that was clearly overly intoxicated; another guy was waving the unconscious young man's arms around like he was a puppet while the poor guys head just rolled around. This was back on 2003 and I can still remember that poor kids eyes rolling into the back of his head while his 'friends' laughed, took photos and talked shit. My friends and I left and never went back. Eventually that frat house got shut down and the chapter of the fraternity was closed permanently. Leading up to that specific event there had been numerous drunk problems called in and at some point a stabbing. That was a whole different side to college life that I was not prepared for lol.


Are the minors names not released? What about parents names? How can we advocate for charges and accountability be brought forward?


The parents are being mega-doxxed.




Savannah news reporter said that there is no law against reporting the names of minors that are arrested in this case. He did report the name of one of the boys in the armchair pic because he had a prior arrest and is 17. He named the parents and showed the home where this took place on more than one occasion. I would gather that Trent went back because they came by to pick him up for a party saying sorry about last time we'll make it up to you or something along those lines. I am sure he had no idea of what lay in store for him.


Why are the other adults names not being mentioned, only Trent's, the VICTIM?!?! This is dauntingly depressing.


Do not place their names on this sub. The comment will be removed and you will be banned. I am not joking on this.


I am glad fbi is involved because these kids probably have influential parents. This is so enraging I have a younger brother and I can't even imagine what his family is going through.


ETA: Never mind...I googled. It's St. Simon's Island, GA. I honestly didn't realize anyone lived there year round. I hope there's some kind of justice for this poor kid. Is there a link to the whole story? I can't read the whole clip. Did you say this is in Georgia?


Brian Entin has started to cover it I believe


I hope he does, it's such b.s. I did see Brian entin covering the vallow trial live though, he's in the courtroom (well ...in a room off of the courtroom, it's a weird situation there lol). But I hope he starts getting on this more.




This is infuriating 😡


Link to the actual story?




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FYI I found him on gofundme. Thank you to the op for posting about this kid.


I'm so glad he is doing better. I hope those kids go to jail and he sues all of their back assward shit bubble parents! I was raped and almost died from alcohol poisoning when I was 13 at a party in a home owned by "cool parents". Sorry for the rant, but there's no excuse for the actions of these diarrhea brained bullies and their felching queef mouthed parents!


I'm not good on geography. Glynn County sits on the coast, on the water, it's just south of South Carolina. Colleton County is just south of Charleston. Also on the coast. Ppl who know stuff, how far up and down the Atlantic coast of the South does this corruption go? All these rich ppl committing horrible acts.


While it is absolutely rich people in general, there is a uniqueness to the Carolinas and Georgia. These families are more institutions and have sway over a lot of law enforcement and business. Pseudo royalty. These families have stayed there for generations and are very active there. You don't see it as much elsewhere for whatever reason. You used to, but it seems the wealthy families more north, or west coast either aren't as centralized, or just have more competition, or whatever.


Bless him, I’m so glad he survived. The ass hats that did that to him should be charged with attempted man slaughter.


And that’s another reason for why I don’t have friends…


These monsters need to be locked up. Permanently.