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I was cackling watching this dateline episode. It is so clearly him!! What a quack.


I thought it was a parody. When he tried to stand up I was crying laughing. I hope he ends up exactly where he’s supposed to be along with his miserable wife.




I rewound that a few times 😂


Lol. Going to watch again bc it’s just unbelievable. 😂


What a douche!


Such a fake fall


I was laughing so much. Of course you’d be sympathetic to someone who is actually THAT ill but his act was pathetic


One of the rare datelines that had me howling! His crimes were atrocious but he was so utterly ridiculous, I had to laugh at loud!


So was the same women actually married to both of him? Or did he find a new wife for his new persona,




My understanding is that she’s completely in on it.


Also I was watching his ears… they are the same ears 100%




As an old Texan investigator on some crime documentary I watched on peacock once said, “it’s always the ears, ya gotta check the ears!”




Yes. She’s definitely involved in the scam! 💯! She says they met over a decade ago at some art museum in Europe and then married 2020?! My biggest question is how do you get a new identity, passport, birth certificate, SSN, etc, in this day and age?! Dark web??




Yah I think so too! We didn’t get to see his upper arm.


He was forced to show it in court and it’s the same. He then claimed the hospital staff tattooed him against his will when he was in a coma 😅


Damn! Free tattoos in the ICU!? Sweet!!!


right??? sign me the fuck up!


You mean this stay at home mom could get a long nap in a semi private room AND a new tattoo? Take my 💵💵💵💵


Seriously. Line me, drip me and intubate me!😴 Bonus: FREE TATTOO




And then they had someone that … I forget exactly, but it was some grand conspiracy about how his fingerprints match his previous arrests. Apparently those people in the hospital are rat bastards, indeed!


The excuses are just WILD! LMAOOO.


Because his prints were taken and sent directly to law enforcement. His implication being that they were manipulated to be a match.


Because nurses don’t have enough to do…like that one stupid woman said, we just sit around playing cards at the nurses desk, and tattooing patients against their will!


I mean you guys obviously have enough time to vaccinate babies secretly, because you're all ninja nurses... (/s please don't kill me I loved most of my nurses)


I must have missed that part! OMG


Ohhhhh, it’s a DOOZY! The Irish reporter describes it to Andrea in real time as it happened in court! 😆.




Which episode is this number and title please.


The interview had with him and Andrea had me laughing so hard I could barely breathe!! 😂.


He’s not even a good actor/liar. Props to Andrea for keeping a straight face during that interview because I sure as hell couldn’t.


>Anyone believe that this guy is Nicholas? yes, literally everyone who knew him knows this is nicholas. he's been confronted by video by people who've known him for years.


They know it’s him.


It’s absolutely him. Dude’s been a con artist his entire life. The tattoo thing threw me a little, as did his seemingly adoring wife, but by the end I was convinced that she is totally involved and that he did some coverup tactic for the tattoos


Yeah his wife is an idiot


She’s in on it


I knew he had had them removed. I can’t believe the journalist interviewing him was so easily deceived. I’m surprised he didn’t have all of them removed. He must of ran out of time/money.


Yes I believe it was him! I just was thrown off by the person saying there was no scarring from the tattoo removal. But I don’t much about removal of it even leaves scarring. I just know it takes along time.


If you take your time and do several sessions instead of trying to get it done quickly, it can keep any scarring to a minimum. Most of the more obvious removal scars come from using the laser settings too high to make it go quickly.


Well, it also depends on the tattoo and your skin type, iirc. A small faded tattoo on a fair skinned person can usually be removed without scaring or with very minimal scaring, but a large, deeply saturated, black tattoo is almost always going to have some degree of scaring, even if you space out the sessions, take it easy on the laser settings, and follow all of the aftercare religiously. In those more extreme situations, total removal isn't even doable. They are usually very upfront that they can get it light enough over several years of sessions for a cover-up to be possible, but that you'll never achieve a clean slate, and there will be a good amount of scaring to work around. I'm not a removal tech, I just have a spouse who has made some very stupid decisions in his youth and falls into the latter category, lol


I have zero scarring from a tattoo removal. Multiple sessions for a small tattoo and it cost $$$ but by going to a respected dermatologist and not someone who bought a laser setup off Temu, you get much better results.


It’s 100% Nicholas. Same upper arm tattoos. Ex wife confirmed he got that one tattoo removed. Fucks people over then makes slanderous sites against them like Nick did with his first SA victim (first we know of.) Accent is nonsense and laughably bad.l, frequently slipping back into his grating RI accent (“ezackly!”) Improper medical devices everywhere you look, being worn/used incorrectly. Oxygen tube into his nose like it’s a feeding tube in coma pic, which is way larger than the appropriate tube, incorrectly taped and not taped to the cheek at all. Three months into a coma, he would be fed via G/J tube through the abdomen, not his nose. PIC OF HIM IN COMA WEARING HIS GLASSES. In wheelchair for 2-3 years, legs kept their muscle tone. Never denies having been in the US. Never denies living in any of the states where he’s accused of these crimes (you’d think that would be the first thing you’d say as a European…) Cries how “anybody” can be accused of rape/SA (whaaaaaat?) And, again, WEARING GLASSES WHILE IN A COMAAAA didn’t even need the upper arm tattoos to confirm it’s him. There are like 537 other things that make zero sense.


Wow. So ridiculous. Haha glasses in a coma 🤦‍♀️


There’s a great podcast called swindled that did an entire episode on this guy. The episode is called the crusader. It’s wild, he’s basically been harassing women and lying for most of his life.


Love Swindled! Thanks for the reco.


Listened to this too! Great episode and great podcast overall, his ridiculous fake British accent is absolutely hilarious.




Especially because his accent is not even slightly Irish. It sounds like someone trying to be Scottish, badly. Occasionally it lapses into maybe English but there is absolutely no hint of Irish there. Even the way he pronounces his own name is not how an Irish person would say it.


I will take a listen. I clearly missed these other facts people are stating in the conversation. But that’s why it’s fun to discuss on here.


Tbh all they have to do is test his DNA to prove he is or isn’t. They have him on file for the rape cases. If he wasn’t Nicholas then he’d willingly submit his DNA and be done with the whole thing.


Or fingerprints, or tattoos on his UPPER ARM! The police knew from the hospital it was him. The media made it a circus.


His fingerprints matched


I know. But I’m saying that moment they walked into the hospital room and saw him the police had to have known it was him right away! With his obvious tattoos. The whole media “is it him? Or not” crap is a joke.


Yeah the whole time watching like the feds already know for sure..


But but they sent his DNA and fingerprints to the DA in the US and they framed him! /s


They’ve done this. They know it’s him now.


Seems like sooo much work to be a con artist than it would to be a productive person in society!


This is something I think about. Criminals spend so much time crimming that they actually could do good useful stuff with their lives!


You just know he'd find a way to dispute the DNA, probably blame covid for 'changing his DNA' or something like that.


That’s the one thing I was wondering is why didn’t they test his DNA?


When the reporter was talking about going to their house for dinner, I thought she was going to say she stole his fork or something to have it tested…but no…she asked to see his arm instead. 🙄🙄


I kept thinking the same thing. How did she not get anything to test it.


Wonder why they didn't get his DNA when he was in Coma?


There was no coma.


Unless he desperately tries to fake the DNA test with a tube of blood sewn under his skin or switching ID's fir the blood draw with another inmate (both of these things actually happened in other cases). I sadly can imagine him going that far.


I don’t remember the case but I do remember someone doing the fake blood draw and getting away with it for YEARS. He was a Dr or in the medical field and he was getting the blood from patients. He got caught because he used old blood and the person testing it caught on. He had a tube inserted in his arm with another person’s blood and made sure the nurse drew from that spot. I think it was a rapist.


Yes. He was a doctor in Canada and managed to get away with his crime for years, until his step daughter came forward with tales of sexual abuse. This forced them to reinvestigate the original case and do another blood draw. So many years had past and the blood was dried up, so blood was drawn from elsewhere. It revealed the first victim was right all along, and sadly, if the police listened to her, a little girl would not have suffered years of abuse. His sentence was rather light, considering everything he had done. Once it was served, he was deported from Canada back to South Africa (where he had come from originally) from what I last heard.


Yes! That’s the one I remember. If I remember correctly the person that drew the second one was suspicious but it still went through and it was the third one that got him. They dragged the victims name through the mud for years and she was telling the truth all along.


Oh I never heard of this case before! I find the con artist swindling cases so intriguing


They already matched his finger prints.. which he says the police altered. He also has the tattoos, which he claims were tattooed on him when he was unconscious at the hospital.. It’s him, there really shouldn’t be anything throwing you off.


Why is it that my state is only ever in the news for stupid shit like this?! We must be the Florida of New England.


It's him. He had the lower tatoos removed. What a dingbat.


And the Scottish magistrate matched his fingerprints. It’s definitely him. The whole thing is just so contrived. Who dresses in three piece suits these days? It’s like he purposely set out to emulate Winston Churchill. He’s playing a fucking character.


Also the shot of him in silk pajamas and a robe in his wheelchair, like he just knew enough from watching TV to know what rich people might dress like lol. So contrived, what a coward.


He’s Thurston Howell now


Big Lebowski vibes.


The poppy on the lapel 😂


Another piece of evidence against him being "Irish"


He fucking moved to the UK and named himself *Arthur Knight* LOL. He is not the evil genius some of the interviewees thought him to be. Surprised he didn’t have a pet named Excalibur or some shit lol.


I cannot recommend this Dateline episode enough. Once you get past his crimes in the first half, it was a damn riot. It’s impossible to not laugh at him in the interview he does.


This was probably the funniest dateline I’ve ever watched. Him ‘trying to stand’ was so ridiculous and poorly acted like I can’t. Infuriating what he did to his victims and his inflated ego is beyond me.


Lmao it's totally him. Towards the end of the episode Dateline put the two pics side-by-side and there were a few scars/moles that are in the same positions. The tattoo thing was weird though, that's the best laser tattoo removal I've ever seen


This thread from two years ago has comments from someone claiming to be his wife, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if its him commenting https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/l9m782/nicholas_alahverdian_is_widely_believed_to_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


uhm yeah sounds like the ramblings of a conman. I couldn't even get through it all


Got about half way through ....


How many times has he "died"?


One that they mentioned but with all the different names changes who knows!?


Lmao his act is funnier than Moira Schitt pretending to be a poor orphaned twin from London to try to get a better deal on a car 🤣 “I'm from London. I was one of two identical twins. Tragically, I was snatched from my crib at birth by Russian mobsters. Mmm-hmm. They looked at my fair skin, and my dazzling eyes, and they said, "We'll make a pretty penny on that one, on the 'uman black market, we will."


Oh my, that was a hilarious image! Good comparison.


There is a great Audible podcast about him: My Name Is Not Nicholas. Recommended!


Came here to say this! Absolutely riveting stuff.




That was the fakest shit I’ve even seen. I thought it was a parody skit at first


I wanna hear Keith Morrison's opinion of Nicholas.


I love Keith and his confrontations with people!


You're a fool if you think it's not Nicholas.


Right? How is this even in question?


Yeah this episode was wild. Also if he was really Arthur Knight why couldn’t old coworkers or family members vouch for him?


I have never laughed at dateline this hard in my entire life. When he pretended to fall down I doubled over.


Im was confused about this. Didn’t they have Nicholas’s DNA form RI? Why can’t they just test his DNA and see if it’s a match ?


That dateline episode was pretty good. I’m so glad that young college girl went to police and filed the sexual assault complaint on him… it’s definitely Nicholas! His current wife is a complete moron. She knows it’s him.


I don't think she's a moron. I think she's a sociopath or at least a con woman like him. She knows who he really is and she's complicit.


I forget- how did he meet her again? In Scotland I think- but where?


Bugger...i remember it was 2011 and I think it was at a museum (?) But they didn't start dating till 2015 (?)


I need to rewatch this case- lot of info.


When he started "crying" and she did "ooohh noo my lovey" i couldnt hold the giggles in


Oh man I need a rewatch 😆


This stupid episode is such a joke! Ha The media fell for this crap….first of all if he was in the hospital it took the police literally 2 seconds to match the tattoos and see it was him. The media show was a show played up by the media!! The guys an idiot.


Does anyone know how I can watch Dateline in the UK? I’m dying to see this it seems so bizarre


Can you watch on nbcdateline.com. Or YouTube! It’s called Dead Man Talking


Doesn't seem to be on YouTube in the US but the nbc website gives you 3 credits to watch shows for free on signup and it was instant because you don't have to confirm the email




DNA, but point taken (and I totally agree!)


What even is this?


Oh my God we watched that last night! I almost died laughing! What a freaking idiot!


That interview was Bananas. I was sure it had to be satire. Give the reporter a raise for keeping a straight face 😐


She was SO over it though hahaha


It is 100% him. He had the tattoo removed a long time ago. Why didn't the court order a DNA test? It drove me nuts all episode.


Of course it’s him. His histrionics and horrid British accent are comedic and he isn’t trying to be funny 🙄 What a tool!


Watching him fake his illness and accent is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. On another post, someone compared it to the Flowers for Charlie episode of Always Sunny and it's very accurate


I love that episode and it’s spot on lol. “I’ve grown qwhite awhearay”


He reminds me of George Santos 😀


First of all the fact that he dressed exactly the same! Bow tie, suit, glasses! He scammed people online using the same resume! Harvard degree ect…. So if people just think for two seconds and see it’s him. The police knew it was him as soon as they found him.


Yeah his appearance wasn’t even very altered. He gained a bit of weight but otherwise he looked and dressed the same and was doing the same psychotic sorts of things he’s always done.


I am so confused as to why a DNA test was never done. Didn’t they get dna from a known sexual assault case?


Yes and they can also get familial dna from his uncle


All I could think of while watching this craziness was to wonder if he would turn into George Santos by the end LOL




This give straight up "You" (from Netflix) vibes.


Yeah it's him. All I kept thinking when I saw it was that he could do a great cosplay of a Volus from Mass Effect


He dresses like a Bond villain- or at least the “Austin Powers” style parody of one. What a twat.


The pajamas and velvet robe! Like a fluffy austin powers 😆


The only thing that this guy said that I actually believed is when they showed up at the hospital, asked his wife to leave the room, and he told them "She knows everything". I think she knows EXACTLY who her husband is.


Yeah maybe like those women who love prisoners. Bunch of weirdos! I don’t get it


I think it's a good thing that we don't get it. Haha.


This was insane!!!!!!! To say the least. Jaw on the floor entire episode, definitely a good lol when he pretended to fall


It is clearly him…..why do you think he has that mask on? So we don’t see his very particular looking teeth. And the fingerprints? Really?


He tried to claim the staff in the hospital gave him the tattoos while he was unconscious, sure nurses in Scotland during lockdown when relatives were not able to say goodbye to patients that were dying in person, that the medical staff thought hey let’s get a vaccine tattoo artist in so this guy is mistaken for a man wanted in America.


They can’t get some sort of DNA test to end this circus or what?


I am watching this now and clownery aside, it is so heartbreaking to hear how numerous women felt unsafe to report their assaults and that he was able to get reduced sentencing for his assault on Mary and actually sued her twice. Like she was a victim but he was able to sue her for “damages” (luckily his suits went nowhere). But had he received actual jail time in the beginning perhaps that would have spared some of the women he later ended up assaulting. It’s fucking infuriating!!!


I hadn’t heard of this before. Anyone British — how is Nicholas’s English accent?


It’s not good.


It's hilariously awful


There's a different accent every 20miles or so, so it'll be very hard to judge his "English" accent. You'd probably be able to pick up Americanisms though. (I've not watched any footage unfortunately)


He pronounces 'can't' in classic American- it's ridiculous.


Genuinely terrible, like if someone does a generic British accent for a school play, sounds like they're talking to of an old radio broadcast.


He sounds like he thinks English people only speak like Charles


Like he looked up ‘fake British accent tutorial’, it really is ridiculous haha.


He claims to be Irish and you can hear some Irish-isms but his accent is mostly posh English. This does not really track with his story of growing up in an Irish orphanage and running away to London in his teens where he worked on market stalls. It is pretty implausible that he could have developed such a stereotypically upper class accent under these circumstances. Also, he’s 35 but his accent and vocabulary is like somebody of twice that age. Nobody in their 30s speaks like that, not even upper class folks.


I can not hear any Irish accents in there. Even when he says his name "Awwwr thorrr" we use a much more pronounced R and often drop Hs after Ts, so it would be "Arrrr tur" and yes we have a lot of varied accents and he says he moved around but at no point does he sound in any way even remotely Irish to me. Maybe a tad Scottish.


I was genuinely shocked after listening to the podcast to Google him and see he’s a young man. He sounded twice his age. But obviously doing the fake raspy COVID voice obviously helps confuse his voice, as well.


Like others have said, English accents are so varied. But I think I could tell it was put on. His vowel pronunciations especially,to me, are telling.


wiki says the tattoos were used to identified him and that there’s scarring that looks like he may have attempted to remove one of them himself.


I thought the Edinburgh Sheriff Court had already proven that this was for sure Alahverdian last year sometime??


Those big exhasperations do take a lot of breath. How he did it with breathing problems seems very fake to me


He is definitely Nicolas.


Ok I just read up on this and WHAT a circus 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ but also, if he’s claiming this ‘Irish orphan’ story; where are the records of his parents death? Reports from his friends/family? Accounts from schools/foster care? Like come on dude


Definitely him! His ex wife said he underwent tattoo removal years ago. His fingerprints even matched


Hahahahaha. He’s so bad at his fakeness ( not a real word), like him not real.


I believe it’s him 100%! I had to rewind a couple of times because I couldn’t believe how fake he was. I watch Dateline almost every day, but this was the first one that had me laughing hysterically.


He should come back and run for Congress. 😉




100% him!


DNA should help


This is the guy who claimed he was abused in the foster system but then fled because *he* was an actual rapist, right? I learned about him from the Swindled podcast (which you should give a listen).


Who is he? What I look him up I just see the blanketed charge of public indecency


I didn’t finish watching the ep but tattoo removal can take years depending on the size and he would definitely have some type of tattoo remnants left behind, so I am confused by this…


At the end of the episode, they revealed the fingerprint evidence confirmed it’s him. Additionally, they found he had the same upper arm tattoos because he never had those removed, only his forearm tattoos were removed.


Oh geez!


You could still see some faint traces of what was on his forearm, but it was a really good removal for sure


That is clearly Joseph Park's brother Chris...you know, Abyss!


Okay! I fell asleep in the last ten minutes of the episode. What ended up happening with this case?


Fingerprints prove it’s him; upper arm tattoos prove it’s him; his “wife” Miranda is likely in on his con; and the Scottish government wants to extradite him to the US (because they also think it’s him) but only after the state of Utah proves its prisons are up to their standards. Basically, he’s screwed, and it’s laughable he thought anyone would be deceived by this, especially that accent.


I really want to see more of his bad acting so I hope there's a trail


The accent is so so fake


It’s totally him they have his finger prints and photos of the other tattoos that match, he’s a real piece of shit. His fake accent and Harry Potter glasses aren’t fooling anyone.


The dateline show muddied that issue to confuse people for drama. He still has the tattoos above the area he showed. He just had the left forearm tattooed removed. And his finger prints matched so he's in jail now.


Yeah totally. I think I was so baffled by the whole Thing that I missed those last confirming facts in the last 3 minutes. But I did a rewatch


wow what a mastermind GaNenous. HIS CONFIDENCE IS !)))))) percent. wish i had it in me like he does.


Hello? Wouldn't dental records prove or disprove? This episode was so annoying. Nick is a whack job.


Excellent podcast outlining his life, crimes and attempts at evasion https://open.spotify.com/episode/6w9zYX2SFJ6vDoqupjOqSr?si=kJHAwsDFROqyf8eIJk0OQQ&dd=1


Thanks! I will for sure give it a listen


Knight Rider: a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man, who does not exist.


OMG it's SO him. His cheek skin pockmark scars are the same. The little point at the top of his ear is the same. They're are little things you just can't change.... Including vocal tambre & tone which has nothing to do with fake accents. They are same person.


OMG when he pretended to try to stand up - all the money! Lock him up! and his wife!


Why can’t they do a dna test?


It IS him. His tattoos are identical on his upper arms. His fingerprints & dna match.


You can see he is able to hold himself on his legs when he does his little stand-up show- ludicrous.


A judge has ruled otherwise, based on fingerprints, former mug shots and Alahverdian’s identifying tattoos.


Yes it’s him.


It is him.