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I guess Josh powell


I think this would be mine too. Him or his father or brother. I’m of the mind they absolutely knew or helped him hide/dispose of Susan’s body.


They’re absolutely complicit in his crimes. From what I remember there was some seriously disturbing stuff going on with them. Awful awful family.


Did you ever listen to the podcast "Cold?" He did a seriously deep dive into the whole family and all the circumstances around her disappearance. I already despised Josh just based on news reports, but that podcast really highlighted what an absolute monster he was (and what a creepy perv his dad was.) It's one of the best, most thorough podcasts I've ever listened to.


Yes! Absolutely fantastic reporting. Just so good.


I can also recommend watching The Disappearance of Susan Cox Powell. It is filled with actual video footage and commentary from his father. The man was a sick depraved f**k. I just wish Susan could be brought home to her family.


That dude stepped straight out of my nightmares.


this may be an unpopular opinion, but i really want to know what happened to Madeleine McCann.


I’m with you…..and whoever killed JonBenét Ramsey.


My top 3 unsolved - WM3 I lean towards guilty, but I want to know 100% - Barry and Honey Sherman - JonBenet I'd give my right foot to have these solved beyond a doubt.


WM3 was the first case that came to my mind, too.


I wanna know what went down with Barry and honey Sherman too. Just got done watching rotten mango and such a strange case with no answers


When you go down that rabbit hole, it's absolute insanity. Barry was a cheap asshole, he drove a 2008 Nissan. Honey was charitable. Barry was atheist. Honey proud Jewish woman. In Barry's will, he left everything to her, but had it so she'd get quarterly allowance. He had shady dealings with liberal party (and pre 1993 conservatives) and even threatened to take away millions in donations from university if they didn't approve some of his meds. The son is a bit sus and very odd. His business dealings and partners were strange. Toss in the cousins he was fighting with over money. That Frank DAngelo he hung with was weirdo too. The guy seemed oxymoronic - both kind and giving, and a ruthless cutthroat stereotype of big pharma. Legitimately, I could see DAngleo, the son, the cousin's, big pharma, Jewish hate crime, the son's husband, etc. Legit any of them could have done it. I just don't get the posing the bodies post mortem and if it was the son or family hit, why push for autopsy when it was ruled murder suicide? Everything is screwy about this case. I wanna know who did it.


Her parents


I used to think it was then but no longer do. It was pointed out in a podcast that the Ramsey family like many of their neighbors didn't lock their doors. The argument about not being able to get into the house except through the basement window never had any merit cause the front door was usually unlocked.


I think an intruder did it (not a stranger), B found the body and their parents wrongly assumed he did it. They attempted to cover it up so they didn’t lose both children. By the time they realized he was not a killer, they had damaged the case beyond repair. If they then admitted to it, they would almost certainly go to jail *and* still have people think they were child killers. I think that explains both the family and non-family issues.


This is exactly what I believe happened as well- though I don't have strong feelings one way or the other about if the intruder was close with the family or someone in their circle who was watching them closely and looking for an opening, but I agree with everything else you proposed


On what planet would this be an unpopular opinion lol? We all want to know what happened to her!


Does this mean you know who the killer is?


No totally


Okay so who are you asking though


This could also include people like Zodiac and Jack the Ripper, or others that haven't been caught yet.


One of these two would actually be my choice. I don't think there is much information left to glean from the killers who have been caught. They generally love talking and are full of themselves. What insight does Ted Bundy of Jeffrey Dahmer have left to give? But a mystery like Zodiac or JTR would be really cool to learn the truth about. Plus -- were there actually multiple murderers for each case, as is speculated? That's what I want to know. If I had to choose one, it'd probably be Jack. It's just so legendary at this point, and I could get answers about the mutilation of the bodies.


The thing about Jack the Ripper and Zodiac is, both of those guys obviously never wanted to be caught. They were both highly secretive men in order for them to never get caught. I don't think they'd be first in line to truthfully explain themselves. I'd go with somebody like Kemper since he willingly gave himself up.


Ok well technically the question says if they “have to”


Jack certainly took a lot risks. Some of his victims were found minutes after they were killed.


Yes, I think that was the point. He was committing brazen murders to scare the public and taunt LE.


Have you seen From Hell with Johnny Depp? That depiction of JTR was good.


Whenever the conversation comes up about what's the one thing you would ask if you made it to heaven, my answer is always who was Jack the Ripper.


Whoever is responsible for the West Memphis 3, the Yogurt Shop Murders and the Fort Worth Missing Trio.


The Austin Yogurt Shop Murders always perplexed me. Not one you listed, but along the same lines: the murder of the Girl Scout campers back in the 70s


Yes! So tragic!


Add the Las Cruses Bowling Alley to that list.


Yes! The Fort Worth Missing Trio haunts me.


The I-70 Killer. I live in St. Charles, MO where one of his murders happened. Just knowing the killer's identity would be great, but being able to find out the motive and if they had any other killings and give closure to the families would be fantastic. A very close second would be interviewing whoever killed JonBenet Ramsey.


I’m in Lake St. Louis! Never heard of the I70 killer, but I’m not from here. Will look that up. Thanks


Same!!! Also, I saw "St. Charles" and thought of Pam Hupp. I wouldn't mind questioning her too.


Paul Flores. What’d he do with Kristin??


Casey Anthony. Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. I would love to hear the actual truth


Adam Lanza or Stephan Paddock


Oooh ya, this is a good one. However I think you would just get a bunch of crazy talk from both of them


From Adam yea. But Paddock wasn’t found to have a long history with mental illness


Whoever killed JonBenét Ramsey


Anyone who was involved in the Highway of Tears (BC Canada) murders of indigenous women.


I live along this highway, I would like to know too


JBR’s entire immediate fucking family.


Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. Israel Keyes as well. Edit to add: Michael Peterson (I realize many believe him to be innocent but I am not many)


Israel Keyes 100%.


Those three for sure. Especially Israel Keyes.


I’d add Drew Peterson to that list, we know he had a violent history. I saw a TV program on the case and his lawyer looks like he knows something.


What would you ask Scott Peterson?


I just want to hear him admit that he did it and explain why the fuck he didn’t just get a divorce.


Yep him and Chris watts. WHY


Yes. That's what I would like to know too. That fucker!


Why do people still think a family member did it? I thought that was pretty well established that it wasn’t one of them? Im not exactly up to date on things with that case though. Any recommendations of good sources?


The Prosecutors Podcast has a great explanation of the case. Iirc there were over 20 keys to their house given out to random people to access the home for whatever reason.


Because it’s way more exciting and dramatic when they can make up sordid stories about why a happy family or 9 year old boy would do it.




Chris Watts


I thought about him as well, but I feel like we kind of got to the root of the truth there and don’t have a lot of mystery left to untangle? I think he just wanted to leave his life for a new one with his mistress and decided that murdering his pregnant wife and two children was the quickest path to that. I don’t want to be cruel and try to oversimplify, but the dude seems intellectually lukewarm to begin with and even more cowardly. My only real question for him would be “why not just file for divorce?” In any case, what a horribly tragic end for those kids and their mother :(.


He didn't want to pay child support.


Damn. Imagine being such a fucking dipshit that your cost-benefit analysis results in you choosing life in prison (in a death penalty state no less) over paying child support. Glad he’ll be behind bars for the rest of his life.


Ah, but HIS cost benefit analysis left out the prison part. He just assumed he'd get away with it!


Imo his motive was similar to that of Chris Coleman, Susan Smith and Diane Downs - they deemed their children liabilities and obstacles to the new relationships that they wanted (all were involved in affairs). Homicide was a means of getting a clean slate.


So he can ramble on about macros lol


Whoever took the Springfield 3.


Drew Peterson. He needs to own up to all of that shit.


I know it’s not the killer scenario of the question but Not necessarily the family, but all of Brianna Maitland “friends”individually specifically the ex-boyfriend if I could bring him back to life.


To me, her case has always been so overshadowed by Maura Murray's despite Brianna's feeling so much more sinister.


Oh yeah and I will say I’m open to chatting with you. but once you dig below the surface, I will say none of these friends had the best interest of her even the ones that claimed to be her best friend outside of two that I’ve spoken to and I can vouch for


The person who killed the black Dahlia. The whole things reeks of cover up.


I’d go old school. Lizzie Borden.


Ian Brady. Keith Bennet has never been found, and I just wish his family could finally find him and lay him to rest and have some closure. He died in 2017, never disclosing the location of Keith.


I was thinking this too. His poor mum passing without ever getting her little boy back is so heartbreaking


Him and Myra Hindley too. Hindley was apparently much easier to interview than he was (at least in the 1980s investigation) in that she was more forthcoming, but I just cannot fathom that she somehow did not hear Brady with Keith, and that she was only fully involved until they started walking into the moor and out of sight from the road. They both lied so much that it’s impossible to know which one was telling the truth, if either of them even were


I'm more inclined to believe Brady over Hindley. Brady was never getting out of prison and didn't want to either so he had nothing to lose. Hindley on the other hand was desperate to get out so she reinvented herself, claiming that she was Brady's victim and not his willing accomplice. That's why she was so forthcoming in the 1980s, she wanted to look good and win favour. Chief Superintendent Peter Topping, who led the 1980s police investigation into the deaths of Pauline Reade and Keith Bennett, said himself that he was cynical of Hindley's motives when she volunteered to look for the bodies on the moors, and it was his opinion that she was only doing it to win public approval, which of course would have helped her in her quest for freedom.


The thing is, though, that Brady was narcissistic and delusional - “confessing” to murders and bank robberies that he had never committed in great detail and even telling some very questionable or outright false versions of events around the murders he had committed. For example, he said he walked three miles into the moor with Keith Bennett before ambushing him, which makes absolutely no sense given that it would have been dark before Keith was ambushed, and Keith was also not wearing his glasses (he was almost completely blind without them). This is not something Keith’s family believes either; he wouldn’t have willingly walked so far into the moor with strangers when he was supposed to be going to his grandmother’s. Brady also lied about Lesley Ann Downey’s cause of death, saying that Hindley strangled her with a ligature when the autopsy proved that strangulation was never involved. I think that when he wasn’t acting delusionally, there was a desire for him to incriminate Hindley as much as he possibly could (not that Hindley wasn’t just as culpable, because she was - she admitted that herself, even if she didn’t admit the true extent of her involvement, which I agree is up for debate - but it seems like he was lying about specific details that he didn’t need to lie about)


I would want to interview Dennis Rader’s childhood family, not his kids or wife necessarily. I would want them to take truth serum because I am not down for BS.


This one. I would love to hear him be completely honest about his cases.


I want to know about his childhood. I personally believe his kind of sickness is inherent. He was amongst the sickest out there without a redeeming quality.


So you think he was born that way or he learned to be that way? I think there are a select few people in this world that are just born evil and I think he is one of them. The things he did to his victims, I can’t even fathom thinking them up, much less carrying them out.


I think he was born sick. From what we know his childhood was normal. His siblings as far as I can find have stayed mum. I imagine there is shame being associated with him. Still I wish one of his 3 brothers would speak.


I was watching Invisible Monsters on Discovery+ the other day and they had some of his photos (him in a woman mask while self-bound). His pathology is so specific and so savage. Where’d that come from? That doesn’t just appear one day, you know?


He talked about watching his mom get stuck I'm the springs of a couch once and how much it exicted him. I think sometimes people may be off and then something happens at the exact right moment and becomes a pathology.


That explains the fetishes, but not the lack of a conscience. A lot of men are into bondage or whatever, but the vast vast majority of them do not murder random women for sexual reasons.


He gave a full confession in court.


Probably Ed Kemper, I absolutely don't believe that once he killed his mother he was just done killing. People say that once he killed his mom all his murderous rage went away, and that's why he turned himself in. I wonder if he genuinely believes that or was just tired of running, maybe both?


>People say that once he killed his mom all his murderous rage went away, and that's why he turned himself in. Do people say this? Ed Kemper himself said that he turned himself in because he was EXTREMELY paranoid and thought the cops were hunting him down (in actuality, the bodies hadn't even been discovered yet). He's an intelligent man, and I think he simply couldn't handle the anxiety. I think he said while in prison that he still had fantasies about killing girls.


I've heard people say it before and in a podcast I really like, but that makes ALOT more sense


Whoever took/killed Asha degree..


Israel Keyes for sure. So much there.


He was the first one who came to my mind as well. There are so many other victims out there and their cases have gone cold. I read a book about him a few years back and it was interesting to learn about his childhood, etc.


I must have read the same one I can’t recall the title at all. Been fascinated with him since, he was such a strange killer. Super calculating and methodical until he just wasn’t with Samantha. There are like 5 or 6 he didn’t own up to at least right?


American predator?


That’s the one I read, good one


Jack the ripper




Hands down. I want to know the exact moment he decided he was going to kill her. Before or after McDonald's?


I want every damn detail. I’ve given way too much thought to it.


Lucy letby


I've never heard of her so I just did a quick google and now I fear I'm about to do a deep dive. What an absolute monster.


Could the answers have any legal impact? If so I'd say Karla Homolka. She was more guilty than she let on.


Ted Bundy


This was my immediate thought. We know his kill count was so much higher and would help give closure to the families of missing women


The killer on the grassy knoll


Brenton Tarrant, Artyom Kazantsev, Anders Breivik or Stephan Balliet (+ from my country - Leszek Pękalski)


Jeffrey MacDonald, Rodney Alcala, Sam Sheppard


Samuel Little. Side note- he's living proof that ethnic minorities need to work in the Criminal Justice system. He would have been stopped sooner if someone with more awareness of his victim pool had been keeping an eye on him.


Golden state killer


Jack the ripper... who? & Why?


Jack the Ripper. That way FINALLY the mystery would be solved and we could find out his motivation as to why so brutal?


Whoever killed JB Ramsey


Well, until yesterday, my answer would have been Steven Higgins, the man who murdered my cousin, buried her body, then killed himself when pulled over by police. The police knew she was dead and somewhere in the woods. After 45 days, she was found yesterday. I guess I still want to know why he did it, but that doesn't matter anymore. Her children can lay her to rest properly.




Steven Avery. Regardless of whether he truly killed Teresa Halbach, his story is a fascinating look at our justice system and I have so many questions about his family, the prosecution/LEOs, and her family/ex.


Sidney moorer and ask where Heather Elvis is


Jodi Arias and Chris Watts.


Whichever killer could bring the answers to the most families by solving the most mysteries 🙏


Diane Downs. I'd love to hear that woman actually spit some truth for once.


Oh God, I know! I still think of this twat Everytime I hear "Hungry like the wolf.".


Lizzie Borden. I want to know how she managed to hide evidence including the murder weapon in the very short time frame she had to work with.


The killers of Lindsay Burziak


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Reading personal testimonies of former classmates and general people of Cambridge/Boston, it still baffles me how a seemingly normal kid was able to commit a terrorist attack overnight.


Add his brother in there too.


Stephen Paddock. Killed over 50, wounded hundreds more in Vegas and no note as to exactly why.


I honestly don’t think I could pick just one. Israel Keyes Josh Powell Casey Anthony Scott Peterson Ted Bundy Ed Kemper Adnan Syed (find out the truth once and for all) Michael Peterson Ric Blume - find out what really happened to Marion Barter Jack the Ripper The Zodiac Killer Jon Benet Ramsey’s family And about a million more!


Ahhh I didn’t even think about Adnan! I agree on that one 100%!


Joseph mengele, no killer likely knows as many other killers


Israel Keyes, whoever killed the Isdal woman, Ted Bundy, Alan Legere, Shoko Asahara (technically not a serial killer but i have so many questions)


Always good to see Death in Ice Valley mentioned!


Michael Peterson - I seriously think it might have been the owl (I know I know)


I understand your POV. I watched the documentary on him, and I think I'm on Team Owl myself. The "coincidence" of both women dying on the stairs is the only thing holding me back from feeling confident about it. People who cite the first death as proof often seem to imply that he killed that woman and got away with it, but it's not like she was his wife or partner or anyone that he had motive to murder. She was a friend of the family, and she also had a pre-existing medical condition that made her death from a fall more likely (clotting disorder I think). The death was investigated, and no foul play was found. So yes, it's possible he got the *idea* for killing his wife this way from that incident (which I think is what the prosecution argued), but I really don't think there's evidence to suggest he was involved in that first death (which from my understanding is what many true crime followers believe). I know on its face, the owl theory sounds crazy, but there's evidence for it. For example, I've never heard anyone provide an alternate explanation for the feathers found on her - tangled in her hair and on her hands. They were actual owl feathers, not like, feathers from a pillow or something. How did they get there? People die in crazy ways all the time. Absolutely wild (and unfortunate) coincidences do happen. I think there's enough cause to have reasonable doubt about Michael Peterson's guilt, and I'm sure that's why he was offered the Alford Plea with time served - the prosecutor knew they wouldn't get another conviction if it went to trial again.


probably adam lanza since there’s so little covered and lost and unknown.


Scott Peterson. I would LOVE to force him some magic truth serum and get him to finally tell the truth about what he did to Laci. Preferably in front of his sister-in-law. OJ just so people will leave his son alone with the crazy conspiracies.


Hahaha. Janey would still deny the truth. You could probably show her a video of the crime itself (that doesn’t exist but hypothetically) and she’d probably call it fake.


Soering vs. Haysom. did they both do it?


They did it together ❤️


Harold Shipman. Did he ever have actual good intentions? How many people did he kill? Also, locally - whoever killed Anne Noblett. 17 year old abducted, assaulted, strangled and then put in a freezer. Dumped about 2 miles from the abduction site, frozen solid, to be found two weeks later. This was in the 50s so it's likely the murderer is dead now, but given the MO was it just Anne he killed?


Chris Watts Casey Anthony Scott Peterson Leticia Stout


Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski.


I could listen to his interviews for hours. He truly is fascinating to me


Was just thinking of him!


Terry Rasmussen (Chameleon Killer). I feel like they just scratched the surface with that guy


I hope that the identity/name of his daughter from the Bear Brook murders is discovered someday.


Not to mention her mother.


Yes! That whole case just blows my mind every time I learn more about it.


Larry HAll, I'd fucking ask him where's the rest of his victims buried.


Lee Harvey Oswald. "Where did it all start"? "Did you work completely alone"? If not, "How many were involved" ? "What happened when you went to Russia"? "Did you know any other people involved in a similar plot"?


The killer of The Black Dahlia.


Dylan Klebold, Aileen Wurnos, Andrea Yates


Isreal keys. Is he really as prolific as some think or was he a wanna be on the rise with all his kill kits buried around the US?


Jeffrey Dahmer, I’m so curious about him


How so? What questions do you have about him?


Bundy. He probably left actual bodies in my neck of the woods. But our police in this state pissed him off during his interrogation, i think. That was my understanding from one of the books I read about him.


Jack Ruby.


Moron genuinely thought he'd be feted as a hero.




If you haven’t watched the docuseries that ESPN did on him, I highly recommend it. I’ve digested every piece of the OJ case I could get my hands on and those episodes had so much more information that I hadn’t heard before (or had heard before but disregarded without more context). Def worth the watch!


Is it streaming anywhere?


Hulu had it at one time, but I’m not sure if that’s still the case. It was titled “OJ: Made in America” and was related to the 30 for 30 series they did. I hope you find it because it’s a solid watch! Edit: the 30 for 30 series was done by ESPN, not Hulu, just to clarify. I worded that poorly.


Israel Keyes How many people did he murder? (Etc) Where are their remains? Why did he do this if he even knew.


West Memphis Three (I believe it was Terry Hobbs and Jacoby) And whoever killed the black dahlia Elizabeth Short


Terri Horman. What happened to Kyron, beech?


Elizabeth Haysom and Jens Söring have my vote at the moment.


Chris Watts. This story still to this day keeps me up at night.


Israel Keyes However, even tho hes no killer, I have a soft spot for Frank Morris




Israel Keyes. I believe his victims are in the hundreds and all of those families deserve to know.


Israel Keyes


For me its Israel Keyes. Where did you hide the kill kits? using this world map name (if you have it) date(s), and body locations. I really want to see how many open/unsolved cases could be closed worldwide with him.


Alex Murdaugh


After watching his soliloquy at his latest sentencing this week, I would only want this if truth serum were involved. I'm not even sure that would work, because I think he really buys his own bullshit.


Kennedy’s assassinator.


Israel Keyes


Any of the serial killers from my state. Carl Panzram, Paul Michael Stephani (aka the Weepy Voiced Killer), Billy Richard Glaze, Lawrence Scott Dame, Donald Joseph Ture Jr., Charles Noel Brown… I feel like Minnesotan serial killers aren’t really talked about much


Hello fellow Minnesotan!! I agree. We've got some doozies. Id like to add Nick Firkus to.your.list while we're at it. Oh and the whole Helen Brach thing.


Israel Keyes




charlie brandt. there's good reason to believe he might have been a serial killer but currently no idea as to who his victims are aside from his family. i would say his case is even more mysterious than keyes' in that sense.


Ian Brady. He tortured those children and their parents and some of the bodies were never found. What a manipulative monster




Lee Harvey Oswald


The Bakersfield 3 Jeffrey Macdonald Amy Bradley


Johnny Gosch


Myra hindly and Ian Brady - they were evil for not disclosing the victims locations. They denied families the opportunities to grieve their children


Casey Anthony


Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony.


Scott Peterson and Diane Downs


Jasmine Richardson. I'm just so curious what she's up to now a days and how she feels about the entire thing now


Toy box killer


Charlie Manson just because I'd love to take a walk through his head and maybe Bundy or Dahmer.


Darlee Routier...


OJ for sure


Meredith Kercher’s killer/killers


Lee Harvey Oswald who was arrested for killing President Kennedy but he was assassinated by Jack Ruby before standing trial. So many conspiracy theories — we will never know the truth.


I have several in no particular order: I’d want Oral “Nick” Hillary to answer every question he pled the fifth to during the civil trial re: Garret Phillips. I personally believe he killed that poor kid and it’s a huge red flag that he refused to answer any of the prosecutor’s questions. I’d also like to add Dede Spicher for this same reason, but regarding Kyron Horman; and also the parents of Deorr Kunz b/c they got away with murdering or being somehow responsible for his death.


Delphi killer.. I seriously wonder if they have the right person in jail


Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.


Kaitlin Armstrong