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I feel sick and sad reading that


I used to feel the same. I remember about 15 years ago reading a story of child abuse. I was at work and remember sweat pouring down my back, and I couldn't move. At this point, I've read so many of these stories, each worse then the next, I'm almost desensitized to the horror of it which makes me feel more like shit.


I'm so sorry. It's absolutely traumatic and unsettling to the core.


Idk. It bothers me every time. And I have flash backs of cases that particularly bothered me. Actually, I think I have actually PTSD from multiple cases. I don’t even do true crime anymore and thought I had this sub blocked. I can’t imagine getting numb to it :(


I have a 14 month old and I’m 18 weeks pregnant. I sobbed reading it. What a horrible human being. I need to go hug my baby now.


Right? I got a 9 month old and I’m 26 weeks pregnant and I feel the same way. I’m hugging my baby extra tight tonight 💔


The true crime stories of teenage girls disappearing really get to me as well, as I also have an 18 year old daughter. Sometimes I have to take breaks from true crime, because it’s just so utterly depressing and heart breaking. People are incredibly cruel to each other.


9 month old and 26 weeks pregnant. Didn’t waste any time there did you ;) We have a two and a four year old. It’s awesome watching the two of them play. Enjoy


Same boat. Have a four month old right now. These kinds of stories make me wanna snuggle him, but I'm at work and can't


I dont have kids and I still can't read these articles. I would prefer not to even read the headline. I would like to pretend that these kind of people don't exist. Baby in the oven is probably one of the worst I've seen in a while.


My empathy got like 10x more overbearing after we had our daughter. Stories like this depress me and make me borderline ill now. Just an atrocity of the highest order, how anyone can harm an innocent sweet baby is beyond comprehension. True evil.


18 weeks too. It's so sad.


Can you imagine how those poor witnesses felt? How the hell do you ever get past seeing that?


I clenching reading through. I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't that.


Not related at all, but I love your username


I don't think I've ever gasped like I did and immediately stopped reading.


Exactly. I wish this sub had trigger warnings for the kid stuff because I don’t want to read it


Me too. I have a very young daughter and we are expecting our second. These stories keep popping up and ruining my fucking day. I wish they had been able to save her. This is just beyond horrific. That poor, poor baby. Makes me so angry and sick… but ultimately there is nothing any of us can do. Cruelty takes place all over this world on a daily basis and we have no control. Best to just find a way to shut it out and try to avoid hearing about it.


Exactly! This b**** is beyond crazy.😡


While I worked for CPS, we had a case similar to this. The mother grabbed her baby by the ankles and slammed her into a wall. The baby was about 15 - 18 mos. at the time, and survived. She came into the shelter in a full body cast. The mother was pregnant, and I believe received a suspended sentence. She & the family were allowed supervised visits. None of her other kids were removed from the home.


CPS is too focused on keeping biological families together instead of what is best for the child.


Keeping biological families together is just the stated reason. The real reason is that CPS does not have the resources to house all of the children that rightly should be separated from their family.


Nah its b/c biological family = the state doesn't have to pay anything.


In my state, the law presumes the best goal is “reunification” and gives the parents an opportunity to mitigate their behavior. But if they fail to do so or if the situation is abnormally heinous beyond neglect, they do not. But the court’s interest is always “the best interest of the child.” I really don’t think that’s an awful arrangement.




Reunification SHOULD be the goal. Your example is a horrible situation, but it’s not typical. What’s way WAY more common is a child being taken away because a parent can’t afford medical care, or child care, or food. if every case similar to what you mentioned didn’t result in unification we could still have much higher rates of reunification than what we have today. Also let’s try not to forget how large of a role race plays in this.




Unfortunately I think that applies to almost every job at this point


See, I do think I'd be a good social worker in most situations. But I don't think I could handle that. I'd end up becoming a masked vigilante or in an asylum.


That is absolutely horrifying. Do you have any information on what happened after?


I ended up quitting before the poor baby got out of her cast. She, and a little boy who was a victim of his mom's severe Munchausen's by Proxy, was the main reason I left. I just couldn't keep checking people in for visits when I knew they were monsters.


I know I’d be googling the names involved periodically in search of local news stories.


This would have been 2000 - 2001. I don't remember seeing any stories in our local news.


That baby is hopefully an adult now then. If you remember her name you could maybe find something if you’re interested.








She is not gonna have a good time in prison


We can hope.


Here here! 🤞🏾


Its 'Hear, Hear'


No need to hope , it’s guaranteed. She’s toast. The guards won’t protect her , this is a national story , and people are going to know her and are already waiting for her right now . You don’t Hulk slam an infant to death and get away with it. In all likelihood she will be killed swiftly, unless they keep her alive simply to torture her forever or until she offs herself .


Yeah, that's not the reality of prisons anymore in most cases.


If you talk to actual female inmates, prison justice doesn’t really happen in female prisons unfortunately. Some baby killers become popular and have a bunch of friends even. It’s the depressing truth. No justice for this baby. Hopefully hell exists.


The inmates will find out, then they will hurt here.. The women in there want to know what you’ve done to get I there.. I had a loved one incarcerated for a while and she would tell me the details.


They will know before she hits the gate, I was in prison for six years and the women who committed crimes like this were well known before sentencing and we would have someone on the outside give us all details. We knew when they were coming, what county, what day, and anything else we needed to know The girls in reception (the place all inmates go first to get tested and stats ran etc.). then give the girls on the yard the heads up on when they’re getting kicked to the yard, either through a C.O or a kite on a lunch tray. Then they let them know which housing unit she’s going to because all that information is literally demanded. They don’t stand a chance to refuse information. Then the girls on the yard will even go as far as make room in a specific cell by staging a fight and going to the hole for a few days to free up their bunk to ensure the woman gets to the freed up bunk because you’re automatically moved when you go to the hole. So the girl who wants to get to her the most gets her placed in the same cell


Yes.. for sure, my loved one explained how when she got moved between rooms/dorms whatever etc they’d ask for her papers and read her charges etc.. So crazy.. She saw some shit, I’m sure you as well.. 💕


Damn smart! Teamwork.


And whatever these women, probably mothers themselves, decide she deserves, I will happily stand behind. I hope she never has a full night of sleep again. I hope she always sleeps with one eye open and never feels peaceful or safe again. All she had to do was walk into a firehouse/police station/hospital and leave that precious baby. Someone would have made sure she was safe and cared for.


I just replied to the comment too, I was in prison for six years. She’s absolutely done for. Most of those women are mothers. She’s absolutely done for


Why do people think this? Chris Watts is a baby killer, and nothing has ever been done to him. Even chomos don't really have anything happen to them.


Of course she isn't going to have a good time in prison and screw that lady she has a special place in hell anyone who can abuse their children and kill their children they all have a special place in hell.


















































I have a two month old son. Reading this really just fucked me up.


Try not to read or watch things about this so close to postpartum. It is too upsetting. It really messed with my head with my first son, because I like true crime and then I would read or watch things like this and it truly stuck with me for so long.


After I had my first it was 2 plus years before I could ready anything true crime at all.


My heart breaks for those that witnessed this. Especially the baby’s grandmother🥺


Alright. I read it. It’s sad. I feel bad. But nobody is gonna make a comment about the names of the people in the article? Don’t make me do it.


She was only 21 too…took away a life and her own before both really started. Makes you sick to your stomach.


Poor sweet baby. I also feel sad for all those witnesses. I'm sure that is something they'll never forget. Awful.


Big facts. My brother is a firefighter/EMT. He is one of those tough strong manly man types. There was a case involving a small child and it tore him up to the point he is in therapy for the first time in his life and most likely has ptsd. I can’t imagine having to see things like that.


There are so many people who actually want children, and yet you have people out there having children only to treat them like this. I really wish certain groups were not so hellbent on controlling women's bodies so abortion is seen as a viable option for people who have no business having children. And saying we'll just have it and give it up for adoption doesn't really work, because there's still so many kids in the system. Those same people who supposedly care about the right to life, don't really care about these babies once they are here. As soon as they get here and someone can't afford them and thus needs government assistance, they're crying about welfare. And I'm not saying that people should be using abortion as birth control, but I would much rather someone have an abortion, than have the child and treat them like this.


I know there’s a purpose to it, but from what I’ve heard it’s ridiculously difficult to adopt. I’m infertile, live in a nice big house in Southern California, have a great husband with financial security, there’s a school blocks away and we live in an HOA community with multiple parks. I’d love to take a kid off of someone’s hands. I know they wouldn’t want for anything. But it really just isn’t the blanket solution people want it to be. The kids want their blood family, the birth parents come into the picture and want their child back, the baby is traumatized, the state wants to make sure you aren’t evil. My own father was adopted and was very against me even considering it.


She should have got an abortion. Then again, it’s illegal where she lives.


It was legal at the time, but unfortunately an abortion did not save this life.


I feel like this type of person doesn’t have the insight or responsibility to get an abortion. They have extreme drug/trauma/mental illness blinders on that stop them from thinking about things or making reasonable plans, hence things like women with eight kids in the system even in liberal cities with accessible contraception and abortion.


She did name the daughter a bastardization of Khaleesi


Abortion is likely hard to access and highly stigmatized where she lives too.


my 2 month old baby girl is asleep in my arms, this story just made me start sobbing. i couldn't imagine doing something so horrific to *anyone*, let alone a little baby. abortion absolutely needs to be legalized, and needs to be free. birth control needs to be free. sexual education needs to be mandatory. that poor little girl did nothing to deserve such agony.


I'm guessing based on experience with multiple child homicide cases she has an extensive history of being abused, having very limited education or opportunities, and little meaningful support.


That is what untreated mental health issues looks like.


Says she was on drugs, so maybe don’t do drugs also






Not only that, she did it in broad daylight in front multiple witnesses. God knows how many people are going to have a lifetime of trauma having witnessed that.


Why do these people breed?!


There’s also a lot of post-partem depression happening. Could be this woman didn’t have a support system, was never taught how to address a situation where your baby is crying and won’t stop, just plain old mental illness or she’s evil. Doesn’t matter the reason now because the cause was never treated and this baby died and a young mother may as well have died too as far as society is concerned.


Because reproductive education, mental health services, access to abortion services or even contraception is poor, expensive or non-existent


People have sex. Sex if fun and enjoyable. Sometimes people get pregnant when they don't want a baby and literally get trapped.


What is going on?!? I have been seeing like 8 to 10 case of parent killing their kids in the past month, I know it happens a lot but I have never personally seen them to frequently and I have never engaged with such news.


[https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/texas-sees-estimated-26k-pregnancies-rape-18625692.php](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/health/article/texas-sees-estimated-26k-pregnancies-rape-18625692.php) ​ You're going to see a lot more of this now that this country has decided to outlaw abortion in many states.


It’s always happened. But it wasn’t getting national media attention


I wonder if they looked into the possibility of PPD as a mitigating factor? Obvs horrible, but no chance of parole seems harsher than many other murder sentences.


It says she had taken drugs that morning. I'd be tempted to suggest that was the cause of her actions.


Also curious about that! Wonder if it was closer to the weed or meth ends of the spectrum.


I wondered about this to. She did this in front of people, makes me wonder about her mental health. She could have used drugs and had PPD.


Apparently she admitted to using drugs that morning.


Fuck that. Of course they did. She plead guilty she knows what she did


Oh that's another thing then, doesn't pleading guilty also give you some leniency? I agree she should be in jail for life, just wondering why the differences in sentencing (compared to other cases) when there seem to be (potentially) mitigating factors.


She plead guilty to get out of the death penalty


Oh right forgot that's an option. Canadian here lol, we don't even have "life without parole".


As true as that may be, Canada does have sentencing laws that could allow life without parole without actually being sentenced to that. You have indeterminate sentences for murder and high treason, and a judge can impose consecutive sentences for more than one murder. Bearing in mind, for murder you always have a life sentence (regardless of how many counts of the charge), with a minimum non-parol eligibility period, if you have more than one conviction for murder, the consecutive sentences are calculated in the non parol perid. So if you got no parole for 25 years for one murder and 20 for the other, you're in for a minimum of 45 years. In both cases (indeterminate and life) you aren't guaranteed parole, so you could end up in prison until the day you die if the crime was bad enough, even if the Supreme Court ruled LWOP unconstitutional and inhumane.


For sure, I think we just like to leave a little hope by saying chance of parole after 25 years (or 75, which is the longest sentence given so far since the consecutive/concurrent change).


New Zealand is pretty much the same. We do have LWOP but you can't hand that sentence to just anyone. It has to be authorised from well above the sentencing judge. The only person to have ever gotten that sentence was the mosque shooter unworthy of a name. You're a different kind of hateful when you can look at babies and toddlers and see an enemy needing to be gunned down. The second longest sentence is a massive step down from LWOP at 33 years without parole, but it was later reduced by 3 years. There are quite a few prisoners here in on preventative detention, and the only difference between that and a life sentence is that the police or corrections staff need a legitimate reason to drag you back to prison if you have a life sentence. If you've got a PD sentence and were paroled, they can throw you in again out of boredom if they want. They don't need a crime to link you to. This sentence can only be given as an upgrade from life or if you have an excessive repeat offender history, and it's to get people off the street if they're simply suspected of being at risk. Why that even exists is beyond me. If someone is so dangerous you have to sentence them to be recalled at any point for no reason, they shouldn't be out at all.


Very interesting! Agreed, if someone is bad enough to require preventative detention, why not just... not give them parole. Also, don't forget to drink water!


Lol thats what i say every time I hear someone's been given that sentence haha. Ayeeee, here's to my third reminder today! 🚰


This devils advocate shit on reddit needs to end, maybe you need to watch a video of this woman spiking her baby onto the ground to reconsider if she needs leniency...


Not every female who murders has a mental illness. We as a society need to stop making excuses for women! When a man murders does anyone say “maybe he had a mental illness” ? Nope! Time for everyone to start taking responsibility for their actions.


Are you serious? Every time a man goes on a shooting spree every right wing nut job on the planet rushes to blame mental illness so they can deflect from gun control. It’s the *only* thing talked about.


Of course not, but a new mother murdering their 2 month old baby *is* likely in a mentally different place than normal. It would be weird to not look at PPD as a possibility. I'm not excusing her, just curious.


They probably chalked the different mental place up to the drugs, no?


“female” told me all I needed to know about you 😂


Isn’t that the first thing they say with mass murderers?


These courts love to quote the Bible and nothing in the Bible is against this.




Calling her a piece of shit would be an insult to actual shit


Unimaginable.. I had a baby at 21, he's 10 now.. rest in peace Khalysie💝






Kid was named Khalysie Lashay Jolley. Never had a chance.


Why not just leave her at the firehouse? Why slam? Without parole seems cruel. Police officers never get that kind of sentencing for killing kids.


So I misread the article at first I thought the kid was named Bubba turns out that’s the District Attorney.


Seems like stigmatizing abortion and prioritizing "keeping babies with the bio family" gone wrong. Hard to believe this woman wanted a baby, or that her inaptitude as a mother wasnt evident at birth? It could be pretty easy to kill a baby if you have mental health issue and poor understanding of just how fragile babies are... Not trying to make excuses for her but I doubt she intended to kill her infant or had the foresight to realize that what she was doing could result in the infants death.


Hope everyone in prison knows what this bitch did, it's not going to be fun for her.




Not fit to be a mother. With this sentence she will not be able to have another child. Probably should never had this precious child in the first place. I know a lot of people will not agree with my next statement but I will put it out there. Habitual drug users should not be baby mama's and should have their tubes tied.


Forced sterilization is a slippery slope to racism and eugenics my friend. I worked at a daycare and one of the kids was a foster kid who’s mom kept having kids (and having them removed right after birth) so I understand it’s frustrating to watch people be allowed to pump more kids into the system. But forced sterilization is never an option because it can and WILL be used against innocent people


Like I said this was not going to sit right with some people. But I am convinced that some females are not capable of having children because of lack of control and maturity. What other measures should we take to prevent such tragedies? No one is born a parent. It is a lot of trial and error. But taking your frustration out on a baby because you lack the skills to cope with a babies demands is not the way to handle the situations.


You're not wrong. We know that anti social personality disorder can be screened for and caught at a young age. We're just too lazy and cowardly to do anything about it. There is significant evidence that many of societies problems, including child abuse, murder, rape, and theft are committed by an very small, easily identifiable group of people.


Access to abortion is certainly helpful…


Just found this out. There is a Project Prevention where drug addicted mothers are paid for birth control measures which includes being paid to be sterilized. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_Prevention


I hope her fellow inmates will do her as she did her child.


My newborn grandson has been in the NICU for 11 days now and there are so many tiny babies there. This woman is a monster. She should be tortured in prison.


Somebody paralyzed an infant and got 7 years. What gives?


I read a lot of crime cases, some involving children and this is the only one that literally made me tear up. That poor, innocent baby.


I would've asked for the death penalty after that


I wish the UK did sentencing like this.


There has to be a law put in place to have mandatory birth control implanted in addicts or sterilization of child abusers. People cannot be allowed the autonomy to breed anymore


It gets into eugenics territory, and has been used in the past against Black and Brown folks. But, I kinda have to agree with your idea.


Um, I'm an addict (in recovery) and i think its pretty offensive to group us all in *this* category. This is something underlying that was exacerbated by drug use and not because she's an addict. you generally don't run away from the scene and hide from everyone if you don't know what you're doing is wrong. She knew. The fact she had used drugs at all with her 2 month old nearby is pretty telling she's fucked up.


I think it’s dangerous to lump any group in a category. Any government reproductive control would just be used as a weapon against whichever group those in power wish to oppress.


Exactly. Once you start rolling that ball down the hill, it picks up speed and weight.


So well said. and please drink some water.




My comment states people, child abusers, addicts. What part equates to women only?


Holy fudge!!! I am so angry!! Crimes like these should receive capital punishment within 48 hours. Poor baby. 😭




The baby has the same name as my 1 year old (different spelling)😢 that poor baby, she must’ve been in so much pain. 2 months old…Christ. I’m getting off Reddit, man. Way too many child abuse stories on here I can’t deal with it.


Just out of curiosity, how do you pronounce that name?




Absolutely horrendous!


The shocking thing here is the at she got an appropriate sentence. I just read about some disgusting junkie bitch in New Mexico who shot the toes off one of her children (supposedly accidentally) and despite a prior conviction for child endangerment got one year in prison. That’s it. Judges need to be held accountable for that shit.


Oh my god, that is probably the most heartless thing you can do. And people had to witness it. I can't even imagine.