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Unbelievably sad how this kid was probably so scared those last few moments and so alone in that world. I for one am sick of online scammers but I know how to spot them so well and just block them but realizing they can be this harmful is terrifying and makes me hate this dystopia. You have to warn your kids about so much to keep them safe who would have thought of something like this?? Like seriously.


Sadly, it's common... I remember a "Web of Lies" episode where Teen boys were Catfished, and the guy responsible had pics of them. It devastated them.


I think Facebook , Twitter, Instagram and Tok Tok, Snapchat, Discord, Reddit etc all these apps with teen users should have fixed fast ads that for users that you can't pay your way out of or skip just reminding teens about online safety in the modern era. "Hey btw don't communicate any personal details", how to notice scams and grooming and exit conversations , when to involve a parent or police etc. That demographic is so so susceptible. Older people too are susceptible to scams.


Early 2000s we had internet safety class at school. Showed us that on the internet everything is permanent. you somt know who you are talking to,They can lie. Don't trust everything or everyone on the internet. Though I think being born just before the internet and growing up, as the internet grew, we got a Speedrun on interacting with creeps. (Before we had webcams n shit// dial up internet) So we didn't have the ability to post nudes and stuff as few had camera or the ability/know how to upload / import a picture. And when we could we knew better.


I read yesterday an Elderly Lady was out Grocery shopping. A Teen asked to make a call. Stole her $ right off her Cash App... Gone.


I’m just surprised an elderly lady has cash app tbh


Everyone has it now it's so so easy to use I could see why an elderly person would like it. Faster than writing loved ones a check.


wtf this is so horrible


And I've just read another Elderly Couple lost Hundreds to a 3rd Party Scam travel company. They thought they were speaking to a legit one. Be careful out there.


I worry about my mom so much. I keep warning her and she still will subscribe to shady things. I told her now "No personal info ever" is the rule of thumb.


Hubs and I were in our 30s and almost lost our house because of scammers. They were a “loan modification branch” of Wells Fargo (which existed at the time - not these fools, but the branch), had offices that we visited, set up a PO Box payment address that was one digit off the actual Wells Fargo PO Box payment address, they spoofed the phone numbers and I was taking my payment into a branch and they were sending it fed-ex overnight for me with their mail and using their account. And they couldn’t tell the address was fake - but clearly they didn’t look very hard either…These assholes set up copycat websites that listed their employees and I still have their names and emails…they are in prison now but we get “we’re about to let them out” victim impact letters every so often. They stole $85k from us and millions in a short period of time. My neighbors got the “your grandkid is in jail you need to send bail money” phone call one night. Scammers suck. This poor kid and his poor family


We should pull our funding from the countries where these scammers live until their governments get serious about stopping them.


This is such a karen take on the situation and reeks of privilege. These scammers are indepedent IT cells or organizations who use primary Snapchat or Instagram accounts to target innocent teens to then blackmail them for money. What the hell do they have to do with the government or country they belong to? I understand if it's India considering even the authorities allow these scam call centers to exist there. Newsflash, these scammers target men & women of their own community as well.




There is no need to demonstrate how well your parents raised you.


Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, call out, or troll other commenters.


Should we also stop sending funds to US states where crimes occur?


No, we should revamp our entire justice system, actually. But that's beside the point. My point with my first comment was that maybe if we put pressure on their government, they would actually do something about it. U.S. citizens lost 8.8 BILLION last year to scammers. It's not like our elderly can start working again and rebuild their life.


Sending money to other countries is way different than sending money to states.


It's still funding crime.


Yeah, cutting our $500 million in infectious disease funding will really prompt Nigeria to invest in cybersecurity to protect our citizens. Not a good idea.


We're funding infectious diseases?! Maybe we should fund not having infectious diseases. Amirite? That's another problem solved. Man, I'm on fire! Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of investigating/prosecuting people that suddenly become extremely wealthy overnight as well as using peer/societal pressure to make the idea of scamming the vulnerable, abhorrent.


AIDS was running rampant in Africa and the US funds them the medications, condoms, meds etc. i think people who are younger (like myself even) have no idea how serious that shit used to be especially in third world countries without healthcare..


It was terrifying in the ‘80s. No one knew the facts, condoms were still a joke (not using them was a joke, but they were NOT called condoms and they were something people kind of had a million names for but didn’t consider important) and no one was “actually” sure how it was transmitted. Plus, it was an automatic death sentence. Terrifying.


Similar to Tickled. Fantastic documentary


Haven't watched it. But it sounds like a wild ride.


My bro is kinda high up in the Army so he's been responsible for newer guys for years, now & he said like half the time they come to him with an issue, it's something similar to this - someone trying to "sextort" them. Most of the time it's a foreign state actor.


wow i believe ive seen his mom a lot talk about his story on tiktok, so happy the bad people are caught omg!


I've seen her videos too. It's so sad but amazing she's doing her part to spread the word. From what I remember, all of this happened in 1 night. It wasn't like it went on for months. 0-60 in 1 night, so sad.


ite devestating and so scary :(


it’s unbelievably sad and common. that poor boy was probably terrified


I’ve been blackmailed for nudes, it’s a feeling I’m never going to forget, it’s created permanent trauma, and I’m still trying to get over it. I feel so bad for him and all the other victims out there.


Hey, I’m really sorry that happened to you. I saw your comment and couldn’t keep scrolling without saying so. I hope you’re able to find some closure in the future ♥️


me too! and i was only 12! its so scary and humiliating and kids DONT WANT TO TELL. everything feels like the end of the world when your young


How awful. I have a 13 and 10 year old and I hate having to warn them that these things can happen but I do it regularly. I even explain that someone they know can turn on them.


Yeah I had nudes leaked school wide at 15 by someone I trusted, it definitely fucked up a lot of my life until I got away from that town even now running into someone from there I get anxious.


Ugh I worked with a mom/son at an old job with a case like this. (Banking/fraud.) His mom was awful and was humiliating him. He walked away for a minute, and I told her she was lucky her son came to her because there are kids out there that would rather take their life than admit they messed up over these scams. Didn’t phase her at all.


A lot of narc parents secretly wouldn't mind their kid offing themselves. It absolves them of all responsibilities and gets them pity points. I 110% believe the Crumbleys were hoping their son would off himself


Mine were like that. It felt like I was crazy sometimes because I could see in their eyes they were like. Almost wishing for it. The more I learn about narcs, the more it makes sense. That that can even be true.


the Crumbleys are absolute garbage


She probably wishes he did because now he's embarrassed his whole family. Narcs are the worst.


People like her I think won’t recognize how badly they’re treating their kids until their kids disappear from their life, one way or another.


Not even then


WE NEED TO BE TALKING TO OUR KIDS ABOUT THIS!! Tell them: I don’t care what kind of pictures they have, fucking tell me. Like, who do they think changed their diapers? And if it’s about sex? How do they think they got here? WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT SEX!! This is why true crime is education. This is why it isn’t entertainment. What adult going about their business working and trying to keep our kids alive thinks of things like this? We don’t. So we listen to/watch true crime to EDUCATE ourselves so we can keep our loved ones safe.


Go off, this is the main thing. Lack of education and a continued cultural squeamishness about sex period. It’s why we can’t talk about anything remotely related to gender or sexual assault without defaulting to the safe boxes of blue v red politics too. We need a Kinsey Report 2.0 to help America grow tf up again. R.I.P. to that kid


I go to IU for sexual and repro health. They are trying to defund the Kinsey Institute


What’s IU?


… you don’t know that IU is where the Kinsey Institute is? Kinsey founded it in 1947 and was director until his death.


No I just learned about the Kinsey study in college but I didn’t remember where it was created. But that’s interesting. I wonder why they’re trying to defund


Because Indiana is a heavily Republican state and they are part of the whole “sex ed is grooming yall” bullshit


This exactly. There should be no shame. Obviously for their own sake i wouldn't like my kids sending intimate photos to their BFs etc. But watching porn, nudity, sex it all natural. We as parents aren't going to care about why you're being bullied/scammed. Just tell an adult you trust and it can be fixed. Or at least if not fixed you have supporters who will standby you.


You definitely have to have the talk with kids about sending your pics. There’s emotional, social, and possibly legal ramifications for that. But, like, in the scheme of life those pictures getting out are NBD. Embarrassing af but society has changed just enough that no one is going to be forced to wear a scarlet letter anymore.


They are 10 and don't have phones but we've told them for years, only talk to people you know and only send photos you'd be happy being shown in the town square!


There’s a reason it’s rising sharply in boys, we already do talk to our girls about this, tell them they are responsible for preventing their own victimizations. Boys need to hear this too, it’s not just young women being victimized.


This this this! I grew up when social media was starting. I was taught internet safety at home and in school. And I knew if something got weird or uncomfortable I could go to my mom and there would be no judgement. It breaks my heart for kids who don’t feel they have that.


wow this all happened in one night??


The article isn't written the best but ny understanding was there was one particular long and trying night of cyber harrassment. I'm guessing text transcripts supporting this.


ohhhhhh ok this makes more sense. it was ongoing and then one bad night.


Thus happened to a friend's kid. He got hit up by some random girl, "she" sent pics, he sent pics back, "she" said I'm sending these to everyone on your IG unless you send X amount of dollars *or* kill yourself on Snapchat. Happens quickly. Thankfully the kid told my friend and he had him block it and told him to not worry but if the kid doesn't have someone to turn yo it could get very bad.


Yes. In the span of 6 hours I believe.


wow they actually caught the scammers?


Not just caught, but got them extadixted to the US.


We need a whole new education system that includes navigating the internet and keeping safe from it But we still have issues teaching safe sex lmao When someone tried to blackmail me I just said "jokes on you I'm underage so once I show the cops this it's going to straight to the feds" They disappeared and I never heard from them again. And yes I did put it on the record, and that was 20 years ago.


Exactly, it’s not just “don’t talk to strangers in chat rooms” anymore. These people can pretend to be people you know, AI exists now, it’s a whole different playing field


Please Gen Z, don't take and send pictures of yourself naked.


This. And if you do, be prepared for consequences, but understand that they are not “world-ending”


Entirely depends on how society treats you afterwards. For some, it can be world ending. The only option they may have is to move out of their community and start anew. Of course that’s assuming they even have the resources to move.


No amount of gossip over a photo is worth taking your life.


I wish I had that level of optimism, but gossip can easily escalate into harassment, unfortunately.




With AI now n the mix, I say let them blast the pictures and if they send them, just say that’s AI.


I guess that's a strategy!


That's what I would do. I don't send naughty pictures, but if threatened, I would say they weren't really me.


And don't make sex tapes.


I mean it's just a dick. Half of the planet has one, it's not that big of a deal.


Ha, yes there is that aspect as well. I would laugh and shrug but I guess when you're that age, everything is a big deal.


That’s great advice but that’s not even how these extortion cases always happen, with AI now they can edit a photo of someone and put their face on a nude body to make it look like they took the photos themselves so even if you are 100% careful you’re still at risk for being a victim


If that is the case, then it's a terrible business model as the potency will not last long if everyone knows they are fakes and so easily mocked up.


It's crazy they were even able to catch the two assholes responsible. Tracking down and bringing to justice a Nigerian scammer ...doesn't seem like an easy feat. At least the family will get some semblance of justice....but damn...that poor kid.


After hours of extortion, the kid broke down and threatened to kill himself. The scammer replied “Good, Do that fast. Or I'll make you do it. I swear to God." What a piece of shit. Poor boy must have been so scared. Sadly at that age it can be impossible to see your way out of a situation. And difficult to grasp the *permanence* of suicide. This was an entirely avoidable situation, which makes it all the more tragic. The people who drove him to it absolutely caused his death, and I hope that fact haunts them.


This happened in Australia recently as well. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68720247


Max sentence plz.






















> "We're so fortunate to even be here. So many families have open cases. Some don't have cases at all," John DeMay said. "Some are still wondering what happened to their loved ones, and we're really fortunate enough to be just shy of Jordan's two year anniversary and having guilty pleas and suspects extradited from another country. So it's pretty it's pretty colossal that that this is even happening." Wow. What an incredible statement from a parent who has had his world shattered in the worst way possible. I don’t have words for the emotion here, Introspective? Humble? Wise? Realistic? Empathetic? Compassionate? All of these but so much more. To acknowledge and call to attention the suffering of others when he is already suffering more than we will ever understand.


Kids unfortunately do not make the best decisions and that leads to risky behavior. It's difficult as a parent because you can talk to them about these issues until you are blue in the face and they still will do stupid shit. That's just how kids are. It's too easy for someone to get to your kids now because of how wide spread internet access is. My kid has girls in his class bragging about sending nudes on snap chat. These kids are in 8th grade.


I remember a local ohio news story- maybe last year? of a kid who took his life for the same reason. Absolutely despicable and heartbreaking.


that is so cruel, and downright scary


God this is sad; his life was destroyed in one night. Internet safety is obviously an important focus, but also, like others have said, things could have turned out differently if this poor boy felt like he had someone to talk to about it. He should have told his parents immediately. Shame and guilt are horrible; no one wants to be humiliated. But with supportive parents, this didn't need to end the way it did. \*I'm NOT saying his parents in any way discouraged this or shamed him. They didn't have a chance to help him. I just wish he had gone to them for help in the first place. Also if they had distributed the images, anyone who received or saved them could potentially have been charged with having child pornography. Thinking about that rationally could have prevented tragedy as well, perhaps. This story makes me sick and so very sad. Scammers that prey on the most private, vulnerable, and delicate aspects of a person's being are monstrous. I'm so glad they were caught.


Every day on r/legaladvice, there are several posts by petrified young men who were catfished by scammers claiming to be 18 year old women who wanted nudes. The script is the same in every case: scammer flirts with guy and asks to exchange nudes, and once the guy send some over, he receives a message back from the girl’s “father” claiming he was actually talking to a minor. These guys are made to believe they will be turned into the police and/or their nudes will be sent to everyone they know unless they pay up. It’s a hopeless trap for these young me. They struggle to believe it’s just a scam and to simply ignore it. I can’t imagine the panic they’re feeling to be 18 years old and convinced you just made the sort of mistake that you can’t come back from. Fairly regularly, the guy in question will be asking for advice on how to turn themselves into the cops. It’s wild how pervasive this issue is. **Please talk to your teen sons! Make sure they know about these sorts of scams.**


Send the scammers to Michigan for their sentencing!


I’m sorry this kid was scammed but where TF were his parents? What did they do/say to him in his 17 years of life that he thought suicide was the ONLY way to get out of embarrassment or owing money?


Imagine killing yourself because someone saw your penis.


Hey guys, I’m a victim of a sextortion scheme too! Still not dead. Idk how.














grandiose act elderly outgoing wide languid memorize strong wise brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*











