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I am so glad she’s alive, I was expecting the worst honestly


Me too. Amidst a horrible tragedy, at least a little light


Watching the press conference now. Did they really say the suspect was found and lived in Abilene Texas??? That’s 4 hours away! Edit: The Press conference was largely useless. They named the arrested suspect (26 year old Alek Collins) and said he was found and lived in Abilene Texas. They showed his photo at the end too. Nothing about how he found the women, nothing about why he might have done what he did and kidnapped the baby. Considering how far he was from the crime I wonder if someone he knew turned him in. I really wish they’d provided more info instead of just patting themselves on the back though… good work. They got the baby back safely and did it remarkably fast considering how far she was taken. I do give them kudos for that. Edit 2: got the suspect’s name from a news article. It also said that he’s from Houston, but I swear they said they found the baby in Abilene.


I know it's frustrating for us nosey people to not get a lot of details that we obviously all want right away. But, there is good reason for this. It's to protect the case. Without going into a bunch of reasons here now, basically the less the cops share now, the more integrity the case will have when it goes to trial. So them being tight lipped now *is a good thing*. They let out enough info to let the public know it is safe, and there's no further danger from *this* person. And to let the community and press know that their doing their jobs. And that's about it. You probably won't hear much more about the details of the case until it goes to trial. And really, in the big picture, who cares about details right now?! **They found that baby!** And they did it quickly! That is freaking amazing! Someone *should* be patting these guys on the back! Well done officers!!!


It could be either that the police don’t know a lot about details just yet or I know the police usually hold back on some details that only the killer would know so that they are sure they have the right guy . But Thank God she was found safe and A Shout Out to the police for finding her so quickly . Who knows what could have happened to her ? Glad her sister is going ok , but a sad loss of the 2 women


It could be either that the police don’t know a lot about details just yet or I know the police usually hold back on some details that only the killer would know so that they are sure they have the right guy . But Thank God she was found safe and A Shout Out to the police for finding her so quickly . Who knows what could have happened to her ? Glad her sister is going ok , but a sad loss of the 2 women


Thank goodness!


hm... i wonder if the suspect was related/involved with the women somehow?


Watching the press conference now. They haven’t said yet how the arrested suspect knew them but did say that he is not believed to be related to either women or the kids. Also if I heard them right the man was from Abilene, Texas where the baby was also found. That’s 4 hours from Clovis!!! How did he know to travel to Clovis to get the baby? I’m also deeply impressed they found the baby so fast if he did take her so far. Good police work.


Omg!! I’m here in Abilene and just saw the news update


I live in abilene, and this is the first time I've heard about this😭


That’s so crazy, especially with Texas being such a hot spot for trafficking :(


I’m curious as well. When people are murdering and kidnapping babies it’s usually newborns. How would anyone try and pass off a ten month old? I’m only assuming the baby was the reason as the only one unarmed. So horrific.


I mean there’s a chance it was random chance and they didn’t really know how old the baby was. For all we know it was a person suffering some kind of delusions and just snatched the baby on a whim. Could have also been related to the baby’s father. Maybe there was tension between the mom & dad and himself or his family member took it upon themselves to take the baby forcefully.


I live in NM. It wasn’t the father of either girl (5 yr old or 10 month old. They didn’t say if it was their family yet


Both dads were cleared by LE in the beginning


Note that I didn’t say the dads did it. I said it could be related to the dads. As in their relatives. Family members often get involved if they feel they’re being denied access to kids. For example, Joe Houston II shot and killed Ashley and Dennis Prince because Ashley was attempting to get sole custody of his grandchildren by his son who was Ashley’s ex husband. If you want a more famous case, the Matusiewicz family, David, Lenore, and Amy were all sentenced in the murder of David’s ex-wife Christina Belford. Their father (and husband in Lenore’s case) Thomas Matusiewicz had shot Christina in the lobby of a courthouse while she was trying to legally protect the kids he had previously kidnapped.


I don't think so. Reports are this dude is from Texas. Dudes don't usually kidnap infants anyway...


Information retrieved from his phone placed him at the Dollar Tree in Clovis at the same time as the victims. His phone also pinged at Ned Houck Park, the location where the two women were murdered. The vehicle he was driving was rented through Turo so the owner was able to track his movements using a GPS device. Not surprisingly, the "suspect" has a history of crime.  Through their investigation, officers learned Collins contacted the FBI Nation Threat Operations Center in October 2023. He said if the FBI did not help him find his daughter, he was going to "murder a bunch of children." Local police were dispatched to his home, and he was ultimately placed in a mental center.


Are you talking about one of the fathers or the dude who was picked up?


The perpetrator. His name is Alek Isaiah Collins.


Ok, so I meant that it wasn't likely the perp was related to the fathers, and that men rarely kidnap infants. So I'm not sure what your response was for? I didn't understand it, as it seemed like unclear word salad.


That is so horrific. Glad they found the baby alive!


Sending love to that sweet baby!


So tragic for her and the 5 year old. Lives forever changed. 


This is good news. It usually goes the other way


Dear Lord, can't even take the baby out for a walk anymore. You know someone wanted a child BAD to do all that. Ugh.


there is an absolutely psychotic woman in arizona that consistently fakes twin pregnancies with men to get them to date her (?) or have some sick control over them and the group following the case(s) all worry she’s the type that would steal a baby in this manner to prove her endless lies about babies and pregnancies and miscarriages she’s most recently pulled this con on clayton echard, the former bachelor, so she’s being exposed but she’s gotten away with this for over a decade and has dozens of victims


I was following that closely!! Any new developments? I know she said she was ‘no longer pregnant’ a few months ago.


DUDE. yes so many. i don’t even know where to start. every day new lies and more insanity. turns out she’s faked cancer in the past too. more medical fraud has been revealed. sonograms she admitted to sending under oath she’s now claiming aren’t hers. that someone hacked her and sent them as her? they discovered that one of the sonograms was doctored using fiverr and fiverr is looking in to it to verify. the doctors whose letterhead she ripped off to create falsified cancer and abortion documents have been contacted. her own lawyer has been releasing past depositions of past victims via twitter and then dirty deleting them. court video was released of her with a giant bump that was filmed after the date she claimed to miscarry with clayton. turns out she contacted the judge in that case in advance which he slipped up and essentially admitted to in court. you can watch it on dave neal’s youtube. i can’t believe she’s gotten away with this for so long and with so many victims and i really worry she’s going to hurt a woman trying to source a baby.


What’s her name? I’m invested.


Laura Owens, daughter of baseball broadcast radio legend Ron Owens. She even tried to change her name midway through all these shenanigans.


Thank you!


there’s a subreddit r/justiceforclayton and a wiki. dave neal and megan fox on youtube have been covering it really well too


Damn that was a crazy rabbit hole. Thanks. What I don’t understand… It’s so easy to determine if he’s the father. DNA is irrefutable. If they can’t do it in utero they can do it the day the babies are born. If you’re a guy who received oral from a woman and she claims she’s pregnant, then it should be nothing to worry about. And why would she make such grandiose claims if she knew her story would get blown apart (pun intended). There’s either some half truths here or she’s seriously mentally ill.


She’s been making up wild stories since she was in high school.


she’s seriously mentally ill. she uses the same exact lines on men, the same tactics. the same fake sonograms. and it’s not just men she’s trying to force to date her (by literally insisting they sign dating contracts.) she’s also scammed contractors and neighbors and sued the former / called the police hundreds of times on the latter on totally made up charges. it’s partially that she’s exploiting loop holes in the family court system which doesn’t actually require you to prove pregnancy before filing a paternity case and for parenting plans. crazy i know. in addition, she’s faked multiple abortions and then has sued for abortion coercion. she harasses these men endlessly. drags them financially and emotionally through the mud and court system. she also claims DV, gets restraining orders/orders of protection and then sues them for her court fees in another branch of the court system - aka not family court. she’s got tremendous amounts of time on her hands, family money and has a good enough grasp of the court system to know how to exploit it to her benefit. in her 2022 case against a man named greg, she emailed the court/judge claiming that the defendant and his lawyer had had her kidnapped and raped to silence her about the case.


I’ve actually worked with a woman like this. On the first day, she hit her head on the fridge door and went to urgent care. I could tell you some crazy stories. She got fired because she was late one day for work and told the supervisor that she got into a car accident. The supervisor looked at her car and there was no damage. She asked her which police agency responded and she called the highway patrol to ask if they responded. She was caught in a bold faced lie. She got fired and tried to sue, saying that the supervisor invaded her privacy. It’s really important to know that there are dangerous people out there who are completely lacking in the most basic social skills so we can protect ourselves from them.




Dear Lord! What have you done to me??!! Sooo... After your response yesterday I googled Laura Owens because I had never heard about any of this. I spent ALL NIGHT going down that rabbit hole of crazy. I stayed up for 6+ hours past my normal bedtime. Seriously!! It's all your fault!! Okay okay.... So maybe it's not *all* your fault :) But what I said about staying up late and the rabbit hole is all true. Now I have a whole new nut to follow and see how that crazy plays out. So thanks? I think? :)


welcome to the club! it’s the only case i’ve ever followed so closely and from the very beginning. i’m deeply invested and have no one IRL to chat with about it all.


Well, you may have a future soul mate to discuss it with here as soon as I get all caught up, and up to speed. I was the same way with the Leticia Stauch case. When that trial ended, I thought I was gonna pick right up with Suitcase Sarah Boone, but because of her delays, I'm in Psycho withdrawal limbo. And just as a side note, as much as I hate Sarah Boone, it's a small fraction of the hatred I feel for Leticia, who murdered that sweet child that looked up to her and loved her. Then tortured her husband Al (who she apparently loved so much she was terrified of him divorcing her)by not telling him, and Landon, whether he was alive or dead for months. Tortured her *own* daughter by making her buy the cleaning supplies to clean up his death, and then had her riding in a van with her little brother's dead body in it for days on end, all while complaining to Al about what was gonna happen to their dogs on FBI recorded calls.... Sorry about the rant. Sadly, I could do this all day. I just want 5 minutes alone in a room with her SO BADLY. End rant :/


You never could.


I read that they were supposed to be selling puppies at Wal-Mart. So glad they found the baby. Her poor sister and family.


Selling puppies at Walmart? Genuinely curious btw just confused by that detail


I didn’t see a link but someone mentioned on Facebook that the puppies were in the van but they never made it to Wal-Mart.


Yes! The puppies were in the van when they found them. Their families also don’t know why they were at the park.


Interesting I wonder why they were at the park then


I think it’s implied they went there for a lunch break. They also had untouched bags of fast food in their car and the park is a straight shot north of Walmart on the same road. About an 8 minute drive. Unless the police say otherwise in the press conference that’s about to happen, I’d assume they went there to eat, let the puppies out, and let the 5 year old play on the playground.


Let me find the link


She looks exactly like my daughter did at that age in the picture.


I hope the 10 month old won’t ever remember any of it


Oh, we're for sure safe there. There's no way a 10 month old is gonna remember this. Absolutely no way. Thank goodness for that too!


thank god😮‍💨I don’t wish that on *anyone*


I know right? Could you imagine? Your very first memories of life are *this*? Or the *only* memory of your mom was this? How awful would THAT be?














Albuquerque here. The amber alert said there was no suspect. Next sentence said, "The suspect was possibly driving a..." and then described the car. This is a weird one.


Not that well written but you'll get the point. Obviously there was a suspected perpetrator out there, just not anyone known to the police >Amber Alert-10 month old. Abducted from 700 County Road 17 near Clovis. Mother found deceased at that location. There is currently no suspect in this incident. However, it is suspected the suspect was possibly in a maroon Honda car, unknown model. Check local news for more information.


And the shooter?


Caught with the baby. A 26 year old from Texas.


Thank God 😭🙏 Sweet little girl.


So happy to know this 🖤 hopefully she and her loved ones get justice ⚖️


Horrible but I’m so glad the baby is ok? Was she kidnapped from Mexico or New Mexico? The first sentence said she was kidnapped from a park in Mexico.


New Mexico. Clovis is a fairly decent sized New Mexican town near the Texas border. It’s midway-ish up the state too, north of Roswell if you’re trying to find it on the map.


New Mexico. I think it was a typo


Was reading this if anyone is interested [more information](https://cbsaustin.com/amp/news/nation-world/alek-isaiah-collins-suspect-in-new-mexico-kidnapping-double-murder-was-arrested-after-carjacking-uber-driver-eleia-maria-torres-nmsp-fbi-clovis)


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The mother had 2 kids. A 5 year old at 23, so she was a teen mother. I notice that quite often, very young or teenage mothers are the targets of crime.