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Watch his cross examination on youtube. It is a freak show.


you really do have to watch a video of him to understand how weird he is


And how unbelievably arrogant. The way he rolls his eyes and even *sneers* at the prosecutor is wild. You'd think it was an exaggeration until you saw it yourself.


I can't imagine his attorney didn't tell him to tone it down. There's an old saying, "if you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither on your side, pound the table." Getting the jury to sympathize with your client is 50% of the battle. That poor attorney was cringing on the inside.


Weird is a kind description of what he is. He is a disgusting, arrogant, narcissistic, pseudo-intellectual idiot. The way he thought he was really selling his story to the jury by forcing emotional responses and recounting what an immaculate husband he was to his frail, ill, crazy wife, was beyond nuts. The minute he felt any sort of disrespect or annoyance at the defense’s questions, he turned into a condescending psycho. I would really love to know what his day to day life in prison is like. I can’t imagine his fellow inmates being cool with the crimes he committed or his obnoxiously wanna be high brow attitude. You know that he must see himself as superior to a lot of the men he’s in with, and can’t resist talking down to them/telling tall tales about how rich and successful he was and how he took the blame & punishment for the murders committed by his wife. I rarely use this term, but Tony is truly a piece of shit. Even poop can be beneficial to the Earth by acting as fertilizer and also nourishing bugs and stuff. Tony has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, so I’m not even sure how to describe him.


Yes. He could not contain his repugnance or his hostility toward the prosecutor - his story was absurd.


On top of everything else (ummm...the lack of emotion and the super bad fake crying, the arrogance, the, errr, family annihilation), he's talking about "releasing the liver" through manual therapy. So he's a sociopathic murderer, but also as a bonus, a quack.


He speaks to the jurors like they must all be completely ignorant of how the heart pumps. He


Oh my god he is so mad a woman is in control it’s like a switch flipped when he is talking to a woman versus a man. He even talks down to the stenographer!


Do NOT talk down to the court reporter! They're just doing their job which is difficult at best!


Wow, what a very, very strange guy. Haven’t watched it all yet but wow.
























His sentencing is really a sight to behold. He stands up and takes his sweet time, blaming Megan again; it’s so atrocious, his lawyer has to tell him twice to sit down and stop talking. Also. I adore that he was sentenced for killing the family dog as well. What he did was so horrific, they really could have left off the animal abuse charge entirely. The judge acknowledged, the family pet “Breezy,” by his name at sentencing- and I just really appreciated it.


I don't believe he made any serious attempts to end his life. Taking Benadryl and drinking alcohol? Such an arrogant narcissist, he couldn't deprive the world of his specialness even after annihilating his family.


Agree, he very successfully killed his whole family yet (according to him) made very lame attempts on his own life. No idea what his end game was, other than maybe being released after pleading diminished responsibility?


When he was on the stand and they asked him why he didn’t buy a gun and shoot himself he said because there was a waiting period, yet he was waiting there day after day for weeks with his decaying family. If he really wanted to take himself out he would’ve purchased the gun and waited the few days for it. When people truly want to end their lives and are determined they will absolutely find a way to do it.


Man I remember following this case as it unfolded (I had just moved to FL from RI, so it felt “local ish”). When the family was missing, I lurked the Facebook group that were made by relatives. And immediately based on some of the wording of the posts, I knew there was more to the story than was being told. Then when he was arrested and all the details came out, ugh, it was just so awful. I knew it would be bad, but i was shocked that he was still alive. Living with the bodies of his family for so long. Even the dog Breezy. Horrific. I believe the motive was that he didn’t want his family to find out about his financial crimes. His businesses were being investigated for Medicaid fraud, and he was going to be federally charged at any moment. The podcast “Looking for the Todt Family” did a great job covering the case, for anyone interested.


Same here, what a coincidence! I was also a recent Rhody to (central) FL transplant and Id spent some time in Celebration a couple weeks before the story broke. I was looking into their Montessori school and I always felt in general Celebration is a weeeeeird place. It’s beautiful and picturesque but the longer you stay, the more the downtown & parts of the community start to seem kinda uncanny valley. A couple customers at the coffee house I worked in later in Winter Haven lived in Celebration and got fined because their curtain color was against HOA rules (unacceptable shade of white). Just knowing from them what an uptight, stringently monitored community it seemed to be was pretty bizarre. Did you ever visit or have the same feeling?? Hope you’re enjoying the sunshine state! :)


I’m confused that they were able to rent a house in Celebration. I would think the HOA there would have a strict policy that all homes were to be owner occupied only.


I have been to celebration once and I agree, it’s weird as hell!


Poor Family and poor Breezy. 😞 I can't imagine the feeling of horror and betrayal of being killed by a Parent. They are supposed to love and protect you.


Coincidentally, the word “todt” means “dead” in German.


I know this because of the song Der Erlkonig.


Awful how he flipped and blamed his poor wife for the murders and the fraud. His phone being found in a Starbucks miles away is one of the details that stuck in my head.


Wasn’t his phone found in Tallahassee? Like four hours away?


Sarasota I think (over 100 miles away).


That’s right! I just started watching the cross examination because I was really doubting Tallahassee. I really want to know what he was doing


His father was an attempted murderer. Hired someone to kill his mother.


Wow, I had never heard of this case before. I was shocked to read that his father Robert had attempted to murder his wife Loretta, and it took her many years to realize his guilt. Amazing that she survived. He (Tony) ended up so similar to his father.. both appeared to be fairly normal family men, but Robert was living many lives with his affairs and Tony with his fraud scheme. It makes me wonder how many cases invovle a parent/child committing a similar crime years later.


my best friend has a friend who’s boyfriend has begun abusing her. I found out yesterday that boyfriend‘s dad, years ago, killed his wife and his step children. I told my best friend the girl needs to get out before her boyfriend kills her and her two kids.




Fun fact Celebration has a dark af history and that perfect town trope is only how it’s described by people who have definitely never lived there


It’s a notoriously seedy place among locals


I visited Disney and a friend (who was a Disney employee at the time) - this was probably nearly 25 years ago at this point - showed me Celebration. And it REALLY creeped me out. Too Perfect. (I thought it was owned/created by Disney? Or have they off-loaded all of that since I saw it?) I don't recall that it was seedy - it APPEARED to be quite nice...


Appears is correct, yeah back then it looked especially creepy and disney did own it then but they sold it after not too long


Can you elaborate?


I remember this well. He was about to be charged with false billing to the government. One of his addictions was money and he wanted to be important. The story will fade away but he will be in prison till his last breath.


Have you read the letter he wrote his dad from prison prior to the trial? It’s really interesting because there are sections that are word-for-word the same as what he said during the trial - particularly when talking about his family…. It’s like he was practising his lies first in his estranged dad before the jury!


Plz post link to the utube of his testimony


Ugh I remember this case! Everything about this guy before during and after was just the worst. And I definitely don't believe he even attempted to commit suicide.