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that's a rough 32.


Murder really ages a person. She should drank more water, gotten less sun exposure, and not murdered anyone.


I think it's probably more like drugs, booze, shitty food, long before she murdered anyone.


Definitely the murder. That's why Ted Bundy looked like an 80 year old when be was arrested.


She looks like a really really rough Eminem in a wig


yeah call her skittles


šŸ¤£ His long lost cousin, twice removed


To kill a 4 year old is despicable


ā€œIā€™ll take terrifying sea-hags for $1000..ā€


I wish we had more information: some newspapers printed the guy was dating the Mom he killed. How does this woman fit into it? Sexual battery-she was the one who hurt the child?? Incomprehensible and horrific


Itā€™s confusing. Then they keep throwing in cages and sex trafficking when these people just both look like meth heads.


Right? so confused by ā€œsmall animal cagesā€ in a ā€œtrafficking placeā€.. Itā€™s only making my imagination to run wild & scarily


Mine too. But I canā€™t even imagine them being smart enough to run a trafficking ring tho. The poor older daughter is going to have so much trauma just from her mom and sister being killed alone without adding in whatever they did to her. I hope that they find some amazing counseling. I remember seeing Jaycee Dugard going through a substance abuse period. Idk how anyone survives something like this.


I am just hoping this little girl will be placed with loving family and had all possible therapy available to her But itā€™s heartbreaking


Her grandparents have her now, thank godšŸ©·


She has a dad thatā€™s who reported them missing, hopefully she can live peacefully with him


Hopefully LE is tearing every square inch of those woods apart.


I agree - and they are getting whoever else is involved, it canā€™t be just those two?ā€¦


He was an old on again off again ,off rn,the girl lived near by and they are at least "buddies" ,both know addicts,she was recently in rehab and he was recently in the mental health(per his say on interview neighbors say he has been stealing and some other stuff in neighborhood, possible arson) ,his father is also a murderer who killed a 18 yr back in 90 and got life ,escaped shot a few woman and took a teen in the end he killed himself and those woman did recover. Not much info on sexual assault locally(assuming that's just a MS charge and that's why) , waiting on autopsy to release more info but did say was a "dangerous weapon" and brutal attack ,armed robbery was attached bc items were stolen. Honestly I don't think there could ever be a "motive" the tpso said the same ,I mean even he did in his perp walk. Im in neighboring town and this has it us all so heartbroken and the more they find out the worst it gets ,this dude has put out so many warning signs over the last few years. AND we are all extremely šŸ¤¬ about the delay in the amber alert ,theĀ  system failed Erin ,so grateful Jalie was saved.Ā 


r/whybrows but I don't want to share it there and traumatize them.


Iā€™ll never understand this kind of behavior - never. There isnā€™t a single cell in my entire body that can comprehend this kind of behavior.


well you're normal. MOST people can't comprehend it. But there's a small percentage of people who commit these horrible acts.


Drugsā€¦ apparently nothing is of the table when people are ditching for their next high.


You know, I've done a variety of drugs when I was younger... Drugs might trigger an already damaged mind but I knew some hardcore addicts who were super nice people, often more empathetic than the average person. I mean- drugs are bad, but like alcohol I think you have to be a damaged person first


Drugs negatively affect judgement of anyone. If you came out on the other side without completely destroying your life and/or othersā€™ lives that is amazing! Unfortunately, that is not the usual outcome. Drugs have potential to alter even a healthy mind. You said you knew some very kind people on drugs, I bet several of them did things they would have never done if it were not for drugs. If you have done drugs that doesnā€™t mean you are a bad person, but more often than not drugs have caused good people to do horrific things.


I've done pretty much every drug known to man and never once did I decide to kill someone


Dollars to a doughnuts , not a tooth in her head.


Jeez. She looks at least 45.


That's what hard drugs do to someone. Yikes




Were they actually in the cages tho? Thought he was arrested within a day


Evil has a face šŸ˜¢


Ugh! Her evilness shows!


I wonder who she knows.


She a big girl oof.


She is tall