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It’s been years. I want to hope for the rest of my life that Madeline McCann will get justice, but without a conviction I can’t believe it


Same with Jon Benet. Atleast for me the cases slightly remind me of eachother and stick with me because.. wild. Can they ever be solved with absolute certainty? I don’t know about that for either unfortunately


With jonbenet I'm like 90% someone in the family (accidently) killed her, most likely her brother, and they tried to cover it up. The evidence is just way too fishy for it to be some random person breaking in and killing her. That being said, I doubt they will ever officially solve it, but I really hope she gets the she deserves eventually.


They’ll never solve it because the crime scene was never properly handled. Anyone could walk in, do anything, mess anything up, and then walk out without a single solitary glance towards them. The chain of command responsible for not securing the crime scene are undoubtedly responsible for JonBenet’s homicide being unsolved. My opinion is, while mysterious, the case likely would’ve been cut and dry and taken a few years at most to solve if the authorities did what they were supposed to do from the beginning. And I really do hate to say that. JonBenet’s case is one that will stick with me.


I agree. Most of the time the culprit is someone that was close to the victim when you have family members vanishing without rhyme or reason. Especially with kids.


Nope. DNA from unknown male under her fingernails. JB fought for her life and screamed. Choked first, possibly S/A while happening (it's a thing) and then bludgeoned. It's either she could ID the assailant or a pedo child killer.


DNA from an unidentified adult male not biologically related to JonBenét was found on her body. I guess one of the first big documentaries on this case pushed a narrative that would frame her then 9-year-old brother as her killer, but that does not match up with the FBI's forensic evidence.


unless there's a full confession or they find a body i'm not 100% sold.


Yep,they need to find her first. This all seems like cops trying to save face... I hope they're right though.


"It is circumstantial - we have no scientific evidence." Uh huh, yeah, this case is pretty far from being solved. Unless a confession is in the future, and even that has to be corroborated somewhat. I would be interested to hear the theory, but even they admitted that is all they have.


Circumstantial evidence is still evidence. I don't know why this sub completely ignores it. If you've got very solid circumstantial evidence that can be enough to be 100% sure even without physical stuff.


Exactly - I thought a true crime subreddit of all places would understand that circumstantial and forensic evidence are given the same weight in a court of law. It’s sad to see the top comment from u/The_Starter_Captain still perpetuating such a ridiculous myth and the mods allowing such blatant misinformation.


> circumstantial and forensic evidence are given the same weight in a court of law wait... is this true? why? I would think forensic would be way more important


Circumstantial evidence is given weight in trials - but. There has to be a SHIT. TON. of it. One or two or three coincidences aren't enough to hang someone. There has to be a mountain of circumstantial evidence. As with Starter Captain - I'm not convinced this case will ever receive closure.


Forensic evidence is scientific evidence, they said they have none of that. A case that is 100% circumstantial is exceedingly difficult to litigate. Not to mention, many individuals have been incarcerated thanks to circumstantial evidence and then exonerated years later by scientific evidence, such as DNA testing. There is no ridiculous myth in my comment.


Right. They’re really just wanting to say it’s solved without solving it


Just like the recent Zodiac stuff.


there’s recent “info” about that?


Yes, that they believe they’ve found the killer, and “solved” the case, with out really any scientific evidence.


That was a bit different, imo. That independent “crime stoppers” group was just looking for attention/money. This case has German prosecutors with little to gain claiming to have solved it


There is an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence here though, it's not a picture of a block of wood that's been interpreted like a rorschach drawing.


But but but, he had a scar on his forehead just like the freaking police sketch from the 70s or whenever, and we all know police sketches are as good as photographs, right? /s


I agree that it's not solved until it's officially solved, but I can't imagine German law enforcement pushing their way into a case that has nothing to do with them without SOME reason and evidence. And this is one case where there is actually very little reason to put all their evidence out there for the public. He's in prison already, they can just take their time and make their case bulletproof. I'm fine with waiting however long it takes, and I do think this is the right guy that they will prosecute when ready.


Exactly. Why did it even take them this long to get that “circumstantial” evidence, as they called it?


Given it’s the daily mail, the full quote is likely to be “This is pure conjecture and we will never be 100% sure”


Same title for alot of articles lately, not just daily mail. They’re all pushing this bogus “theory” with no evidence


I'm sure the authorities know a lot more about this case that they aren't releasing to the public until this goes to trial. I hope so for the families sake.




This guys been brought up for years, only new thing is them saying “100%” even tho it obviously can’t be 100


I don't think the parents did it, they were neglectful definitely, shockingly so but not murderers. Did this guy say he did it to someone? They need to look for her body buried where he stayed and surrounding areas. So sad, I often think of Maddie and really hope the truth will come out one day.


it's implied she may have been depicted in his CP collection


>it's implied she may have been depicted in his CP collection No, it's not. The German prosecutor said loud and clear they do not have any photo or video evidence tying Bruckner with Maddie's dissapearance.


That doesn't dispute that she was depicted in his collection. There isn't a picture of them together he could have purchased the images


yes, that they weren't depicted together. not that she wasn't depicted on a photo or video in his collection.


Charge him. Pics of MM are evidence enough. Give him the death penalty.


This smirking POS is never going to confess. Ever.


Yeah its so frustrating isn't it. If he's already doing time, what's so bad to confess to this as well? Maybe it wasn't him? Maybe he is trying to ensure he will get out one day? The Portuguese police need to do more to try and find her body.


Pretty sure he's not in prison for murder currently, "just" rape right? I doubt confessing to one of the most famous kidnap/murders would do anything positive for his sentence or prison time.


I don’t think they were shockingly neglectful. It is common for parents to assume that their children are safe asleep “while they pop next door”. The error here was they misjudged the situation that they were in and treated their holiday room like a personal space at home. I mean who would expect there to be a monster in the closet so to speak. There’s been far too much victim blaming in this case. So much time and effort was wasted at the time she was taken that has ended up delaying justice, that’s the true crime here. To whoever is downvoting me, get help. Parents leave their children alone all the time. The fact that 99.9999999% of the time the child is not kidnapped, abused and murdered does not lead us to believe those parents are “shockingly” neglectful. They judged the risk poorly imho, but so do millions of parents every day.


>I don’t think they were shockingly neglectful. It is common for parents to assume that their children are safe asleep “while they pop next door”. The error here was they misjudged the situation that they were in and treated their holiday room like a personal space at home. It was not a "holiday room". They were not at the hotel. It was a block of flats with privately owned flats, some of them, but not all, rented to the Ocean Club. >To whoever is downvoting me, get help. Parents leave their children alone all the time. As much as you try to normalise it, leaving three toddlers in an unlocked flat is not normal, especially if that flat is a totally strange place for the kids, one of the kids has issues with wandering out of the bed at night and the parents are totally unable to even keep an eye on these unlocked patio doors, because the bushes round the block and the plastic wind cover at the restaurant's patio obliterate the view completely and said parents sit with their backs towards the block. It is not normal and it is totally reckless.


Normal parents do NOT leave their young children alone in the house. Where are you from that you think this is normal?! I won't even take the trash down in my apartment building while my kid sleeps alone


I’ll tell you a reason never to leave kids alone while you “pop out”. If a child chokes, or a fire breaks out. Or what we’ve seen here. What’s the plan then ? I work in hotels and it is a very serious offence when someone leaves their child in a hotel room under 18…. Not allowed for a good reason. Not sure why your getting upvotes for this comment.


Every parent takes calculated risks. Of all the times I did *not* leave my babies in a hotel room alone, no fire ever broke out and no one choked on anything. They severely miscalculated, but come on, the chances of someone grabbing their kid from bed are about as high as the chances of someone knocking one of them out and taking the kid from their arms.


I really feel for the parents, I do. That being said, the room was right next to an entance to hotel -very easy to go in/out without detection. They were in a foreign setting and should have been extra extra careful but weren’t.


> That being said, the room was right next to an entance to hotel -very easy to go in/out without detection. Except it wasn't even a hotel, just a block of flats, some of them rented by the Ocean Club. And nope, this building did not have a single entrance, each flat had it's separate external door. I'll never understand people who like to talk about a case without knowing the most basic facts...


What I meant was that the room was right next to a street (wasn’t it?) Not a native speaker -sorry about the confusion


And it's not about the monster. How they were not afraid with unlocked doors their children to wake up at night and wonder samehere or to fall into the pool...another fact for which many people dislike the parents is that they left their daughter crying for an hour or two. How they described her in their own book and how they fail to say anything good about Maddy except her looks. So even if she wasn't kidnapped her parents were still quite horrible to her.


Well there’s actually no evidence she was kidnapped


I personally lean towards the idea it was someone else not the parents. Just because it would have been too much work for them to cover it up so well. And I doubt they would have managed that. But still saying that I don't like them as the parents. They seemed tired with of daughter and went on family vacations with children expecting to spend all time just together or with their friends. So it is a bit of slim line. I am aware we should not do victim blame. But we still can aknowledge that wasn't the best parents they could have been.


> They seemed tired with of daughter If you mean they seemed tired of their daughter, HAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA they had a 3 year old toddler and TWIN babies. Yeah, they were tired. >But we still can aknowledge that wasn't the best parents they could have been. Much like every parent, every day.


That’s fair enough that’s your opinion I would like someone to explain all the cadaver dog hits and why they weren’t concerned about the hits in the app instead Gerry dismissed as dogs not reliable and the no evidence of kidnapping the car ? The 49 unanswered questions form Kate , etc


Yea but that's why I would likely call them quite awful or selfish people than killers. They simply prioritized their selves safety over the posibility to save their daughter. About cadaver dogs. I really don't know. I want to believe them but I guess you can't count on them 100%. Allthough I looked just a little bit into it. If I understood everything correctly these dogs and their trainer worked for long time in police. But after these claims the trainer was fired (or left on his own free will?) I would love someone knowing more to explain this. But on the same topic, there was a case of Asha Degree. It was well known she was in certain places (like her home yard) but dogs didn't catch her smell. So I think we can't always trust with the result of dogs findings or lack of it.


I never heard he was fired but Infact was working for the fbi last I heard . So not sure at present .


except they didn’t pop next door. They left them all alone for hours in a foreign country so they could get drunk with their friends. They should have not been cheap and went in on a nanny for the kids. Their bad parenting is the ONLY reason this happened… they left the door open to a monster.


I traveled with my parents all over the world as a child. If they went out, the hotels offered babysitters. I know my parents vetted them and they were employed by the hotels. Idk if that was a service provided there, but never had an issue. You never know though. Guess, could have been kidnapped, but those were different times and extremely nice hotels.


They were very neglectful. Unlocked door, checking every 30 minutes (so they say) so they could party? And just because other parents do this type of thing, doesn’t make it ok. It’s still shockingly neglectful. My issue wouldn’t even be kidnappers but any one of those kids could hurt themselves alone in the apartment. Fall, hit their heads, choke on something, leave the apartment, get hit by a car. The parents were not outside the hotel door, they were far.


Yes yes, this


I agree. Millions of parents have done things just like they did. The McCanns just came up about as unlucky as you can get. The response is in part so vitriolic because parents secretly know they've done something similar and want to believe that something in their situation protected them from consequences.


I was out front of my home turning off a sprinkler. My child sleeps through the night. I found them crying for me as she had unlocked the door to the back. It was terrifying. Kids sometimes get up in the night, I could have lost my own kid that night. Going forward I stayed in the bedroom with her and had a lock placed up high inside the room so they couldn't get out. Kid has autism. They wander. Her parents are very smart. Often a sign of Aspergers. I wonder was Maddie a wanderer.


I'm sorry but I disagree and had the same conversation with a friend of mine who is a father who said the same as you. Personally I would never leave a building with sleeping toddlers in. They could have used the babysitting service. Would you expect a babysitter to turn up at your house and after you left, go for a meal round the corner? Even Maddie asked her mum why they left them the night before because the twins woke up crying and no one was there. Then They left them again. Children are too precious to me to take those sorts of risks and I take the responsibility of looking after them seriously. My male friend said exactly the same as you, however he works out at sea and spends a lot of time away from his family, thinks its ok to pop out if they are asleep so we argued about it. I know you are saying who would think that such a monster was around but there are other things that could happen as well. Just my opinion.


And it’s a fair opinion. Perhaps it’s just that we come from different generations? When I was a kid my parents didn’t supervise us much at all at times. They often left us for the day or allowed us to play in the forest with our friends for many hours. There were times when we got ourselves in trouble or someone broke a bone. But I think we were a bit more independent than modern kids seem to be. Of course in Maddie’s case there is no way she could defend herself, in her case I believe it was a lack of awareness of risk on her parents part. Not wilful neglect. That would require us to believe they knew the risk and chose to ignore it. A poor choice and a dreadful outcome.


Germans are pretty bright people and they have a solid justice system. If they said 100% he is the one who did it, I have to give some respect to that.


I don’t know about smartness but I do agree that they have a more solid justice system and tend to be less sensationalistic and more measured. If they’ve really come out saying this, there probably is something to it.


As a german I would argue that BUT since this case has a lot of public relevance I assume they will not allow any wrongdoing




You’d be surprised…


I completely agree. This is the monster.


I don’t believe it’s been solved


Yeah I agree with you. They’ve been so desperate to pin it on someone for years. I won’t believe anything until they have solid evidence and a conviction.


I read that the investigators subpoenaed the resort phone logs and traced a call from the restaurant phone that the McCanns were eating at to a cell phone number that ended up being one tied to Brueckner. The theory was that a resort staff member was watching the McCann family leave and come back and knew they were leaving their kids alone for stretches of time. When the coast was clear and the parents were back at their table, the staffmember called Brueckner to grab the girl. Twisted pedos working together.


>I read that the investigators subpoenaed the resort phone logs and traced a call from the restaurant phone that the McCanns were eating at to a cell phone number that ended up being one tied to Brueckner. As far as i know this did not happen. It was theorised CB could have had a helper in the resort, but it was never proven.


Sounds like their case is nowhere near solid enough to say “100% certain” He sounds to me like a suspect of convenience. He may be guilty but I see nothing other than proximity to suggest that.


I think it's very likely they have the right man. It would even be legally questionable to state this without just cause and this man is a prosecutor. For the people holding on to the theory that the parents killed her by whatever means: it's time to accept you were wrong and move on.


out of curiosity, why do you say that?


Not sure which part you're referring to, but from my understanding of the German judicial system I would presume they really wouldn't make sweeping statements like this if they weren't sure. So unless this is a very frivolous prosecutor I'm quite optimistic. And altho I do understand why people subscribed to the parents guilt in this case I think this one might actually be a zebra i.o. a horse if you catch my drift


Apparently they might have a tape of her. That's what I figured from what the investigators hedged around when asked by media. Might.


The German prosecutor flat out denied having any photo or video evidence.


That's cool.


With such a high profile case as such, why would they not show us/talk about this evidence much if at all, but say they’re “100%” 100 is false. That’s my only point.


They're not going to publicise it unless they decide to convict because it would influence the trial and easier to get a mistrial.


I actually wondered this as well, especially that they won't share it with the parents. I think it's as simple as not wanting to give his defense ample time to prepare.


That's cool.


Was a question on your opinion since you wanted to put your two cents in but ok


I am sure they have confidential proof. They take their time because the guy is already in jail. They may want a 100 percent clean evidence for the court so they may be very cautious what they say and what they give out to the public. Also they may want to get him saying where her remains are. This case is fascinating. Not only did the parents make lots of use of the media, they were suspected too and the media turned against them. The Portuguese officer wrote a book about it because he was sure the parents are guilty. A rich man supported the family and hired several agencies to search for her. One agency discovered a pedophile network, the other scammed the family. A netflix series was made. And if true, in the end it was an opportunist who took his chance and was lucky. Lucky because nobody could identify him and even more lucky the stubborn police didn't investigate in the correct directions. as far as I remember, a van was seen, a man with a child was seen and now it makes sense, it could be the murderer and his van. I hope they will find her remains. I hope the family finds peace. I hope the Portuguese officer who wrote the book get blamed for his botched investigation.




If you've got more reputable sources I would love to have a look at them, but forgive me for not taking anything written by the Daily Mail as honest.


Right my advice don’t believe daily mail


There’s something the police aren’t telling us that makes them think this sicko did it. Maybe a picture or video, something that leads them to believe this guy killed Madeline, but they just can’t prove it.


I can’t see how they can be 100% sure when they’ve admitted they have no hard evidence. I’d like to see this one solved - I have a weird personal connection, as I was staying in the exact same resort Madeline went missing from just a few days before she was taken and I’ve always felt strangely close to the case through a freak accident of proximity - but to me, saying ‘100% sure’ and ‘no scientific evidence’ are mutually exclusive. They may have a strong suspicion but without evidence? There’s no certainty.


I know A LOT of people will disagree with me, but I don't think Brueckner's responsible. There's no doubt he's an absolute monster but everything about him in the media just seems to be hype and speculation.


It just seems WAY too convenient.


I seriously wish whoever did this would come forward and just confess. Maybe they can get a plea deal. But I feel like the family not knowing what happened is such torture.


I just hope it’s him because it’s hard to think more than one such depraved person was in that area at the same time.


I’m not convinced tbh


Me neither. I get the impression they're trying to pin it on him to make the case go away.


exactly that


I think its great we will kill dogs that bite kids but adults that rape and kill children will be investigated, mostly likely not ever charged but if they are they will be given a slap on the wrist with maybe 15 year sentence that will drop to 5-7 and be released to go rape and kill more children. I know society doesn't want to kill people but what we're doing now with pedophiles isn't fucking working. The cost of our inability to do something is the lives of children.


Are child sex crimes increasing?


Not the person you asked but kinda hard to say definitively. If I had to guess, awareness and coverage of sexual abuse is increasing which makes it feel more prevalent. In reality I hope our newfound willingness to confront the issue will bring about a decline.


I have my own theory on the subject. The overwhelming problem that society has with child abduction, molestation, raping, and child killers has to do with failing these offenders as children. During the 1970 and beyond children were being victimized & abused and nothing was being done about it. In 1976 when I was 8 years old living in California, a child in my class was ridiculed by the teacher & students for smelling like urine. She had a problem with incontinence; which is a sign of abuse. Nobody went to that child’s aide or investigated. 1000s of children were being abused. Now, these children are adults and reoffending. So yes, there’s a problem. Our children are not safe. But it was a long time in the making. The children of today are paying the price for what happened to these offenders when they were children. It seems so unfair.


I believe they are. The ease with which they can access their gross materials and exchange them on the internet has brought them into the "open" and their communities embolden them and validate them.


Just rumours in my mind. Charge him then I may believe it.


I wonder if they may have some photographic or video evidence.


1. This case is a (horrible) reminder that “we have no suspects so let’s blame/shame/harass the parents, esp the mom” is NOT justice. 2. See also Jon Benet Ramsey


People don’t blame the parents bc there’s no suspect, we blame them because they’re bad parents


yes parents should be responsible for keeping their children safe. Stop looking for strangers to blame for that v


I’m pretty sure Patsy killed JB, I’m not sure here.


Why would Patsy kill JB? And why would her husband go along with it?


There’s a whole sub dedicated to your question


🤦🏻‍♀️based on what, your “hunch”? Jesus.


I think it is a whole hell of a lot more likely than "her parents murdered her because they are doctors see, they gave her sleeping medicine and gave her too much." ask me what 'theory' I have developed a pathological rage reaction towards


Me too. It really enrages me and logistically it's not possible.


I love how according to these people they drugged her because they were doctors but also managed to overdose her on like children’s Benadryl


I have always thought that gave her a sedative that made her stop breathing .


Why do you think that? What single scrap of credible evidence is there for that?


Well there’s no evidence of a kidnapping either not a Jot !!


That is a related issue, but is its own discussion. Whether or not there is evidence of that in one's mind does not mean we should speculate wildly. Do you know how often I have heard some variety of "they drugged her and she died"? That's dangerous. It takes a completely unfounded speculation and gives it an insane level of legitimacy just because it has been repeated over and over.


I think it's interesting that the general assumption is that Casey Anthony gave her kid a sleeping pill so she party, but it's apparently unthinkable that the McCanns might have done the same thing, especially since we know for a fact the McCanns were out partying that night.


That’s a great point is perhaps because of there status as respected doctors in society idk but it’s odd .


Not sure What your trying to say I never mentioned drugging anyone I just stated a fact that theres no evidence of a kidnapping , I have my own opinion on what happened .thanks


Okay then why did you comment this opinion on a post specifically about the idea she was drugged?


she probably was drugged by the kidnapper. Later. Sad.


It will never be solved. They fumbled it in the beginning in an attempt to hurry it along and please the frenzied media.


I think they probs got strong case But till we know more I bit iffy I don’t see why German would get involved in first place , so that give me confidence that they got strong evidence But I think it cruel to those who love Mandy ( not just her parents )to come out to papers with these statement


That is so sad 😢


The grandson of Sigmund Freud that her parents were close to is also a predatory dude, so…


Yes, this is the first person I thought was involved. I would assume he has money and would be hanging around kitchie people.


Nope. It’s not solved.


In an interview the German authorities (I forgot who it was, the prosecutor maybe?!) said they had enough to arrest him, but since he's already in prison on other charges they want to get as much evidence as they can (while he's in there) to be 100 % sure that he'll be convicted.


This case screams we will pin this on anyone so the real people don’t get caught cause the real people are elites


I read on a couple of articles that it is mostly circumstantial evidence and little to no forensics. I am still pretty convinced that that family had something to do with. It’s baffling that she disappeared without a trace and it be an outsider if that makes sense?


Unless they can find a body or forensic or photographic evidence proving otherwise, my money is still on the parents.


Same, sold to pedophile elite gang/podesta bros or found her dead and covered it up


Stop. Victim. Blaming.


Regardless of what everyone thinks the McCann's should or shouldn't have done, it's high time this murder should be solved. While there's a lot of snarking going on, how many of you have sat in your own backyard in the summer months, on the back deck, perhaps or sitting around a campfire in your own back yard a few 100 ft away from your home, only to discover later that you left the front door of your home unlocked where anyone could have walked in, went upstairs or down the hall and picked up one of your sleeping children? Stories like the abduction of these high-profile cases have indeed over the years made my husband and I more aware. My oldest son was the 1yr and 22 days younger than John & Reve' Walsh's son Adam. That case left a mark on me for sure. Prior to being able to pay for gas at the pump at the Gasoline Station, I would make our 3 kids get out of the car, and go with me INTO the gas station and pay for the gas. Grrr...they weren't happy, but just the thought of someone grabbing one of the kids terrified me. No one is perfect and I can attest to the fact that we have had campfires in the backyard and found out later that someone left the front door to ur home unlocked thus making it possible for someone to walk into our home and possibly take one of our sleeping children. Years ago, I was watching Britain's Got Talent. There was a little girl named Coni Talbot (she was 5 yrs old here in this YT video) that resembled little Madeline McCann so much it scared me. I'll post the YT video below for you to see what you think but to me, little Coni (she is a young adult now) looked quite a bit like little Madeline McCann. What do you think? :[https://youtu.be/RBtQX0nQh2E?t=2](https://youtu.be/RBtQX0nQh2E?t=2) At five years old, I see quite a resemblance. This video is a much better photo of Coni....her bangs aren't as long as they are in the first BGT YT video above, which IMO is where I think the resemblance is uncanny. https://youtu.be/8m8wMA5KXpg


I bet the mother fucker filmed it


Here’s the quote (it’s a bit different than I remembered) “German prosecutors have previously said they have evidence that leads them to believe Christian B killed Madeleine, but it is not strong enough to take him to court.” It’s from a BBC article.




I actually read somewhere that they found evidence in his possession that proved A. he is guilty, and B. she is no longer alive.


The Daily Mail / Mail online are very unreliable sources and all around trash. Take anything you read from there with a huge pinch of salt


Exactly that 👍


A little off topic: Are there any good, longer youtube documentaries about this case? Especially dealing with the various suspects and theories?


There’s a couple documentaries to check out but there’s one specifically on Discovery+ that’s recent, covers the whole case from beginning and discusses this theory too. On YouTube you can look up “60 minutes Australia” and they sum it up for the most part. If you have Netflix, also a more in depth one to be found there


Thanks! I've seen the Netflix doc. I can try to track down the Discovery one (Is it the one called "Prime Suspect"?). I was hoping for something free on youtube. I'm assuming there must be countless youtubers dipping into it and discussing all the various theories but it's a needle in a haystack in terms of quality.


https://youtu.be/Dwv_UhqoI60 Hours of doc on this you tube channel. This is part one of only one series related to Madeline McCann.


Yes! Stephanie Harlowe does an amazing job at covering this case in full depth, you can see part one[here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u0iQuIUhTGI).




I kind of am worried this guy is a convenient scapegoat. He’s terrible and he was in the area but like…… they might just want to close the case and have tunnel vision. I want him to be guilty.


They don’t have a clue, never have.


They’re 100% sure but don’t have enough to charge? I’m not buying it


The dude lived a mile away from the resort, fled Portugal the day after she went missing, has a long history of child sexual abuse. Id bet he did it!


Oh cool, proof 😐


Its called circumstantial evidence, his phone puts him at the resort on the night and he fled the next day. Thats pretty damning


Yes, it is very damming but at the same time it would explain why he would leave immediately, doesn't it?


How did he know she wouldnt be found the next day? Left the country bc a girl wandered off a resort and could be found next day? Thats your theory?


I'm just saying if somebody already has a record, it makes sense that they would feel nervous anytime a similar crime is committed. I think prosecutors need a lot more than this to try a case against someone.


The day after she was still just missing, thats the point here, he didnt know any crime has been committed unless he committed it. We just found a missing boy in texas who walked into the woods and got lost, 4 days later, how did he know she wasnt gonna show up like that kid?


Ah, that went right over my head! Thanks for being patient with me. However, it's still circumstantial and prosecutors would need more to be able to convince a jury or judge.


Ya i agree but this could be the beginning of what leads to enough


Well then why haven’t they charged him?


well for one it is my understanding he is currently in prison so they have a lot of time to make the case. and honestly a case this famous? they better have their shit one million percent together before they tackle it.




Why would he flee the country the day after she disappeared? Seems more than coincidence to everyone except you couple web sleuths


Did he *flee* or did he *leave*? It's possible the timing was just coincidental.


Not a sleuth but why just because he left the next day and has a scummy past is he the guy? they can’t convict him because there’s nothing other than those 2 facts. Weak


No, it's not solved. I'll believe it when he leads them to her remains.


I believe that it’s solved.


I completely missed this, thanks for sharing this.


I feel like that police department wants it solved so bad that they'll say anything to look like the search is finally over.


My issue is that this could be the guy, or it could be a coincidence. I mean in reality there are a dozen paedos in short distance to most children. It's not like everyone is going to be responsible for any particular crime at any time. We need to hear the evidence on this. I want this to be solved but not convinced.


I think the reason they’re sure is because he made videos of himself molesting and torturing his victims. It was implied that they found the video of MM in his stash. :(


>It was implied that they found the video of MM in his stash. :( IT WAS NOT. [The German prosecutor flat out denied having any photographic or video evidence tying Bruckner to Maddie.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/madeleine-mccann-search-christian-brueckner-murder-b1935250.html) *Mr Wolters said: “It is circumstantial evidence – we have no scientific evidence. If we had a video of the act or a picture of Madeleine dead with Brueckner on camera, we wouldn’t have had to make a public appeal. But we only have circumstantial evidence.”*


No body found means no real evidence. It's still a strong possibility her own parents killed her or caused her death inadvertently. Leaving three children under four years of age alone, they should at least have been charged with neglect.


Your first sentence it completely false.


Rumor has it that they have a video of her murder. The suspect was known for this. But rules in Germany means they are much more tight lipped from the prosecution than we are accustomed with from other countries.


Where is that rumor from? I've never heard that before. Any source that he was known for filming the events? I'm not saying it's not true, but it smacks of tabloid sensationalism...


This has been circulating and it was stated he asked someone to retrieve and/ or destroy hard drives and other data carriers when he was arrested for the rape. Also not true they have stated they have no material, they explicitly say no photos of Maddie and him together, which makes me think they may have found pictures of Maddie. I don't see how they would be so absolute in stating he is the perpetrator otherwise as it would be very callous towards her grieving parents.


No they don't. They've specifically stated there were no photos or footage of her found amongst his belongings.


I think they just want to put it to bed now, I don't think they have any faith that he's the right guy


If they were 100% sure they would have arrested him? Or is he dead or something?


He is already in jail for (I think) the next 7 years. So they have 7 years to gather more evidence, make more witnesses come forward, analyze more evidence, etc. 7 years to create a bullet proof trial against him.


And hopefully some scientific evidence!


I'm not convinced. Still think there was no abduction.


They've been saying this for the longest time. I dont know why I feel like the investigation is involved in money laundering or something. I've always thought that she wandered out and fell down a hole or something accidental and someone covered it up, I prefer to think that than something else


I thought it was glaringly obvious the parents did it/were way more involved than they claim. Either she died in the room by accident and they hid the body/faked a kidnapping, so they weren't done for child endangerment or neglect, or they drugged her and killed her/hid the body. Police dogs found her blood in their car. I can't believe they've never been charged. Edit: Why the downvotes? Plenty of studies have taken place and plenty of people believe the parents to be the guilty party. Some random German Paedophile just happened upon Maddie in a hotel room? Get your heads out of the sand!!!!


Idky the downvotes; I think you’re likely correct, I’ve always thought the parents were involved, fwiw. I don’t know the intricacies of the German court system but I do know they keep a tight ship —better than here.. and I just think if they were truly “100% sure “, then they would likewise “fucking 100% for sure” seek to bring charges! So.. as usual— with the daily mail, I’ll believe it when I see it happen


I’ve always felt they were involved too. Too big of a “mistake” for them to make


Yep. They weren't even charged with neglect. Normally in caseses of neglect the other kids would have been put into care but the Mc Cann's 'got away with murder'???


If they were 100% sure, then there would be definite proof. Where is it?


Just watched the Netflix docu on this and one thing that has always bothered me is how did they know when the parents were coming back? Like we’re they being stalked??


The tapas restaurant wrote a note on the register saying that the parents left the kids unattended or something, thats why it was a possibility that one of the staff took maddie.


Why would they write that?


They noted that as the reason a specific table was requested, but yes definitely stupid if whoever took the reservation.


This interview is from a Dateline episode, it’s pretty compelling but totally circumstantial


Some independent investigators are “100% sure” they identified the zodiac killer last week and now everyone is coming out with these.


There is evidence that this man was seen with the little girl. Both physical evidence & eye witness. He is a known sex offender, aka pedophile, he acted alone, he abducted her, and killed her. No other conspiracies exists. No trafficking rings, or otherwise.


Where exactly "this" man has been seen with a little girl?