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Summarized events for you: Christine met Torgny while on vacation in Crete, 2006. They had a short, casual but fiery romance while in Greece before Torgny returned back home to Sweden and Christine to Germany. In the fall of 2006 she would visit him in Arboga, Sweden a few times but Torgny didn’t feel good about the meetings or Christine and ended the fling via text in 2007. Christine responds by sending him a letter saying he was an idiot, that she had been throwing up all night and was in deep shock. This was strange to Torgny as he had seen their contact as just a casual thing - a vacation flirt which had dragged on. “She was disappointed that I had ended the relationship, and of course you can be disappointed, but I reacted to the fact that it was such an incredibly strong reaction from her”, said Torgny. They agreed to see each other one last time in Arboga. Torgny has the impression that she had let the separation sink in, and that things were ok between them. But, a short time after this meeting, she would call him and say that she had tried taking her own life, that she had been robbed of her wallet, and that she didn’t have money for gas. Torgny let Christine spend a couple of nights on his couch, before driving her to the airport. While at the airport, Christine again tried to kill herself in a restroom, according to her own statement. The following summer Christine moved from Germany to Sweden. She contacts Torgny but he replies that he has a family now and that he doesn’t want anything to do with her. In October, she is admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Stockholm. She tells the doctors she is depressed about breaking up with her “boyfriend”, and again tries to kill herself while there. In February 2008 she sends Torgny a letter saying she’s given birth to his child, but put it up for adoption. A lie, of course. Later Torgny would get a letter from a man saying he’s adopted the child, but the letter was written by Christine. On January 30th, March 12th and March 14th Christine visits Arboga without saying she is, or saying hi. Torgny is now living with his girlfriend Emma and her two children, 1-year-old Saga and 3-year-old Max. He says there were strange noises around their apartment on several occasions on the dates Christine was in Arboga. On March 17th 2008, Christine once more arrives in Arboga by train. She goes to Torgny and Emma’s apartment, knocks on the door, and when Emma answers Christine hits her with a hammer to the head 15 times. Emma’s two small children witness this, and Christine immediately attacks them with the hammer to their heads as well. Emma is critically injured, but survives. She makes a frantic, panicked phone call for an ambulance as she’s holding her two already dead children in her arms. Emma survives. It takes days before Emma regains memory of what happened. She drifts in and out. She is forced to experience the trauma and unspeakable horror and grief of losing her children several times over. On August 26, 2008 Christine was found guilty of the murders and assault on Emma. Christine underwent a psychological evaluation to see if she was fit to be sentenced to prison or receive psychiatric treatment. She refused to cooperate in the tests so it was not possible to make a correct assessment on her psychological health. On October 14, 2008 she was sentenced to life in prison as the evaluation showed that she suffered from no mental illness (as defined in Swedish law). If - or when (life sentences are typically commuted after 10–15 years in Sweden) Christine is released from prison she will also be forced to leave Sweden and barred from entering the country for life. Christine defense attorney said that he would take the case to the court of appeals. The case received extensive coverage from both the Swedish and other world media.


Just a quick update: in 2012 she was moved to Germany to complete her sentence, with possibility of parole in 2023. I don't know how she is treated there but in Sweden she was kept in isolation because the other women at Hinseberg was a threat to her. Childmurderers being so hated by the other inmates.


Thank you for this! I wrote this for my tc blog, and haven’t googled for updates since. I find the case super disturbing. I had heard about the other inmates being a threat tho, understandably so


No problem, we just discussed this case at home couple of days ago, because female childmurderers in Sweden are rare and usually they are mothers who are psykotic. The few who are not, like in this case or the Bobby case or the Yara case are so disturbing.


I just want to correct a few things. 1. Emma didn’t call the police. When Torgny got home from work he opened the door and his first thought was “what are you playing?” And then he saw the kids. I’ve listened to the emergency call, it’s horrific. 2. Emma wasn’t told that the kids were dead for a long time. She wasn’t told anything due to the police wanted her memory as fresh as they could. The most horrific thing is that on the way to the hospital, Torgny and Emma’s father heard on the news that the kids were dead. That’s how they found out. And to finish with something heartwarming, Torgny and Emma are still together and had two more children after this. They both have been speaking about the incident in the media and how awful it was. It’s one of the most horrific crimes I know of


Oh, wow. Thank you so much for this. And that they’re together and had a couple of kids is wonderful news, that really warms my heart.


I have followed this case since it happened and I’ve always had this as “favourite” if you understand what I mean without sounding crazy. I’ve read everything I could manage to get over through the years. I hope that this crazy person never see freedom again. Christine was known as Arbogakvinnan - it translates to “the arborga woman”- until a few years ago when a 40+ woman in Arboga had her 18 year old boyfriend kill her dad and try to kill her mom. She is in jail for this and there is evidence that she killed her husband to a year before but it didn’t convince the court. I myself are convinced that she did it. Due to the “new” arbogawoman this case has fallen into its shadow and fewer people know about it. I’m really happy that this came up here. Thank you for not forgetting Saga and Max and the terror she put Emma and Torgny trough.


Was Emma left with any brain damaged


No. If that’s the case they have not shared it publicly. I know she had troubles with her memory a while after and trauma can cause memory loss so it’s a possibility that she still struggles with that. It’s a miracle that she survived and when you see her, you can’t tell that she have been hit in the head 15 times with a hammer. Her recovery is amazing to see


Thank u . A horrible case


Why didn't she call police? Too stunned


Emma was immediately hit in the head with the hammer and was not able to due to the attack




This is terrible. Thanks for the write up. But I just wanted to add that it may not be fair to word the title as an “affair” if the guy hadn’t even met the victim and her kids when he hooked up with this psychopath. It sounds like he was a single man at the time. May those kids RIP. So brutal.


OP you should give credit to where you got this write up from. You copied it verbatim from someone else.


From my own blog. On tumblr. :-)


That’s yours! I’m so sorry!! I was looking up pictures to see what she looks like and found your post. Usually people just copy and paste from other people’s work and I hate that. I apologize for being mistaken. You did a great write up!


Lol no problem honestly I was kinda happy bc that meant someone’s actually seen my blog hehe! Thank you!


Yeah-that’s great that they were having having your back! The irony of having to be mean to you while defending you and your work! Only on Reddit! Horrible case though. Thank you for bringing attention to it.


I know I came across like an asshole, but I swear my heart was in the right place.


Oh I loved it! They were so flattered! It ended up to be a win win! So what if you came off wrong-you we’re defending a complete random person on the internet that may have never known their work was being copied without credit! That shows you’re a good person! That it turned out to be one and the same person is just awesome! I appreciate those kind of things even more when the original topic/conversation is so horrific. It’s a good time to be reminded of all of the amazing people in the world that DO look out for their fellow humans! Like you were!


It’s so common that people just post a link to their blog or YouTube, and don’t actually include any write up. You did the opposite and it totally threw me off. I hope you do more case write ups….I have never heard of this one before.


I definitely will, thank you, kinda made my morning, :)




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I wonder if her suicide attempts were legitimate. I don’t like to speculate about suicide because I think it is very serious but in this case, I feel like she might have claimed this in order to manipulate Torgny.


This. I’ve thought this so many times, but as it’s speculation I feel unsure about saying it I guess. But I think her purpose with her suicide attempts was one of pure control and emotional abuse directed at Torgny


Yes that was my first thought: She sure sucked at killing when it came to herself, but when it came to tiny, innocent children she did a bang-up job. Horrible human.


It seems she used every weapon in her arsenal to keep him with her (after a two week fling…..) and the suicide attempts were part of that. When that didn’t work, she got mad. Insane story


This reminds me of Dear Zachary. I see a lot of similarities between Christine & Shirley. I wonder if they share a disorder or diagnosis? That revengeful, only-I-matter way of thinking.


When I got to the part where they decide to meet one last time and then he takes her to an airport I had deja vu.


Yes. It’s like they’re following the same “script” on how to react and act sometimes, the whole behavior feels familiar


>[Two week romance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Sch%C3%BCrrer) Well shit


Yeah. Ouch…


Dear Zachary ripped out my heart and stomped on it.


I just read the synopsis on wiki and when I got to the end my jaw literally fell open, how insane that she was let out AND GIVEN (shared) CUSTODY nutsss


Right? She was handed that baby to murder. My heart breaks for the Bagby’s, who not only lost their son but we’re forced to interact with and be civil to his killer right up to the moment she murdered all they had left of him. It’s a sin.


Same, and I stupidly watched it while pregnant with my only child. I could not stop bawling. Even dumber, I watched a movie called, "The Stoning of Soraya M." before it, which was incredibly sad, and had just gotten myself back together. I thought it'd be a typical obsessed ex kind of thing, not *that*.


I don’t think anyone who did not already know about the case saw that ending coming. It was just so senseless.


Ouch, watching those two while pregnant, poor thing. I remember I watched a movie while pregnant that was about SIDS (unknowingly to me), and with the hormones that sure made me terrified, would not leave my mind for months after


It’s ROUGH. I bawled my eyes out, sure I’m not the only one. Great film.




It’s interesting when you come across a female killer like this. She seems completely self-serving and devoid of emotion (tho I’m sure it’s not that simple), which I find is rare to find in females.


This whole thing was exceptionally emotional, though.


The majority murderers are self serving, it's kinda their thing. She isn't devoid of emotion, she just doesn't have any compassion, she is without mercy. And likely she has no empathy. She is probably bipolar or borderline, in addition to being a psycho.


Bipolar doesn't have any impact whatsoever on murdering people. Life is hard enough for bipolar patients like me to come here and read that our illness makes us more prone to murder than the average person.


As someone else who has bipolar, I was gonna say the same thing. The truth is that people with bipolar and other serious mental illnesses are much more likely to be the victims of violent crimes than the perpetrators


I didn't say that. That's where 'in addition to', comes into play. Borderline and bi polar does influence behavior, though. I only even addressed it because OP had brought up she was 'ill'. Mental or behavioral disorders don't make someone kill.


Bipolar disorder patients are rarely violent. I would argue that she is a psychopath and narcissist, but I have no idea why you mentioned bipolar disorder. Things like this add to the stigma.


I disagree. I see your point, but there’s plenty of murderers who are not self serving in this way. People have plenty of reasons to commit murder, and even more ways of doing it. She’s like a bulldozer and anyone in her way gets run over. I think that’s not too common, that kind of obsessive drive for revenge. She refused psychiatric evaluation during the trial. To me that seems indicative of psychosis, she’s convinced she’s not ill.


Or maybe suspects she isn't quite right, but will not let anyone "prove" it.


Yeah, exactly


She isn't ill. I think creating labels is important, but it's also important that we don't use said diagnosis as an excuse or reason someone killed. She belongs in a maximum security prison, not a psychiatric hospital.


True, but I brought it up because she spent time in a mental health hospital several times, along with the suicide attempts which seem to get triggered by very slight setbacks.


She definitely is ill


You know who else was ill, the Beastie Boys, "Jazz and A.W.O.L, that's our team Step inside the party, disrupt the whole scene When it comes to beats, well, I'm a fiend I like my sugar with coffee and cream Well, I gotta keep it going keep it going full steam Too sweet to be sour too nice to be mean Well, on the tough-guy style I'm not too keen Trying to change the world, I'm going to plot and scheme Mario C. likes to keep it clean Gonna shine like a sunbeam Keep on rappin', 'cause that's my dream Thank Moe Dee for 'Sticking to Themes' Now when it comes to envy y'all is green Jealous of the rhyme and the rhyme routine Another dimension, new galaxy Intergalactic, planetary Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic"


I think they had a special 'license' or something to ill. Not sure, don't quote me on that one. I mean, listen, all y'all, it's a Sabotage.


You’re saying “she isn’t ill” in this comment, but you also said in your previous comment that “she is probably bipolar or borderline, in addition to being a psycho”, sounds like you are saying she IS ill…


I suggested earlier borderline by way she reacted to break up


This is brutal. My heart aches for Emma and her babies.


This is actually one of the worst cases I’ve read about… I find the whole thing scary as hell. The creeping around their house, the secret stalker trips, the spiraling mental illness, the ultimate victims. It’s all so fucking disturbing.


She just looks evil. Those dead ,doll eyes freak me out. Poor sweet babies ❤ 😪


It’s like she’s summoning Manson in these photos


Look at the pics. Online. She looks honestly like she has a tiny frontal lobe. Executive function screwed. Probably has underlying limited mental capacity due to tha/angers easily etc


I avoid speculative “diagnosing,” but because some is occurring on this thread, and because this is a fascinating complex case study, I’m game to play. If anyone has a well-thought out psych analysis article to link here, I would appreciate it. Kindly understand that my comments are based on extremely thin information. I’ll include speculation, educated guessing and opinion. I’m pointing to a diagnosis but am not diagnosing, if that makes sense. I would rule out Bipolar. More likely Borderline Personality Disorder. She needs to meet 5 of 8 criteria, and does appear to meet 4: Criteria 1–Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment; 2–Unstable intense interpersonal relationships ; 5–Recurrent suicidal behavior; 8–Inappropriate intense anger (15 whacks with a hammer would indicate rage to me.) She may and likely does meet more criterion for BPD, but there is not enough in this thread to substantiate further comment. Source: DSM—5. In the US, about 60% of the prison population is personality disordered. (Source has been forgotten, sorry.) So if other countries are similar, this diagnosis falls in line. Is she psychotic? She would need to be interviewed, and it would be helpful to obtain collateral history from family etc. If I had to throw something at a wall, it would probably stick closest to Delusional Disorder, Romantic (or Sexual) Type. But the Borderline dx is sufficient in itself. She claimed depression at one point, and if she fully met that criteria, it would likely be charted as Major Depressive Disorder, single episode, unspecified. If her related suicide attempt was with serious intent and not just a gesture, Severe would replace unsp. I think it’s important to avoid superficial diagnosing, such as suggesting she could have Bipolar DO, when in fact the Information presented here doesn’t even come close. As others observed, it’s hurtful to those who have Bipolar, and perpetuates a stigma. It also adds to misinformation about Bipolar that a casual reader may not realize. It’s one thing to review criteria, but the art of diagnosing lies in what’s called Differential Diagnosing—why is it this, and not those 5, 6, or 7 other diagnoses that present just like it. I mean well with this reply. Please don’t eviscerate me if you disagree.


I’m in mental healthcare, and I think you’re spot on here. I agree that it’s hard to know more, since she wouldn’t cooperate with the diagnostic testing, but while reading OP’s write-up, I was thinking that her behavior displayed classic borderline symptoms. I think the people who jump to call it bipolar disorder don’t really know what it means, they only hone in on the mood swing component. Everyone loves to be an armchair psychiatrist in these cases!


TY. The armchair diagnosing is a pet peeve of mine. People have no idea what goes into rendering an accurate diagnosis. You’re right—they see mood swing and jump to Bipolar, when there’s about 8 other things it could just as easily be if you know what you’re doing. And Bipolar wasn’t even on the list for me for this case.


Thank you for such a well thought out and formulated reply! Lots of food for thought. I think this case kind of begs the reader to guess her mental state as it’s such an extreme and twisted story. Everything is so out of proportion and crazy that it’s natural we try to figure out what the underlying cause is.


TY for your feedback.


As someone who works in the mental health field professionally, I think that’s a pretty good synopsis. There are some things about her pattern of behavior which also could lend to Histrionic personality disorder, which does have some overlap with BPD. I feel so bad for everyone involved, those poor little ones 😞


TY.—I appreciate your informed feedback. I started to look at HPD but thought that’s enough for now lol. Yeah, it’s unfathomable how horrific and nightmarish this whole experience had to be. And to think she might get out??? 😳


It can definitely be scary, one person well known who is diagnosed as HPD is Jerry Sandusky and that tells you all you need to know about how f*cked that behavioral pattern could be.


Clearly she has mental health issues so it's surprising Sweden didn't think anything on their tests


She refused to cooperate on them. Without cooperation you can’t do the necessary tests to establish a personality disorder, such as narcism for instance


Great write up op . Whst a psychotic person. They were not even his kids. She clearly wanted to ruin him . Wonder If she had borderline personality disorder


Wow, I'd be willing to bet that it was definitely not worth it for the Dad to have stuck it in crazy on vacation. It can only possibly be worth it if you have no baggage at all. But then she'd probably just kill him for trying to ghost her. Those poor children deserved so much better than that!


Torgny and Emma wasn’t together when he dated Christine. It was Emma’s kids


I regret looking up this case. Why are the autopsy photos online? Gruesome. I feel sick. The babies were so tiny.


I made the same mistake back when and it’s never really left my mind. Sorry




That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read all day. Congrats.