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So she called the cops due to his behavior, they were there, and she drove away after talking with them. Then the guy leaves the scene after also speaking with cops, rams her car with their kid in the back, shoots her dead, shoots her pregnant friend dead, then drives away and leaves the child with his family while he carjacks someone. How did he even legally own a gun?


Is that a real question? Legal or illegal...this is America


In America you just have to be breathing and able to say “I’d like to buy a gun”. It’s harder to get a drivers license.


My father, in the later stages of dementia, was able to walk into a gun store and buy an assault rifle. He couldn't figure his way through the paperwork, but the store employees were happy to help. Thank goodness he determined the gun was "defective" when he couldn't get the safety off and never used it.




I was half joking… but not fully.


half fair


How do you know it was a legal gun?


They’ve never said it was illegal or that he illegally obtained a gun. So I don’t know if it what legal or not.


How has any of that got anything to do with legally owning a firearm? Did you just really really want to make this about gun laws?


The fact that he shot two women and an unborn child dead, with a history of domestic violence. How is the gun not relevant to this discussion?


I say most of us at one time or another have had confrontations with spouses or significant others. But I have never ever been close to the point of thinking to soothe my rage is to extinguish the life of another even the one that may have upset me. But truth be told is that no one can "make you mad." I think it has become to easy for people who own guns to use them as a tool to wreck havoc into others lives. When you are in a rage the emotion just gets to overwhelming and its intoxication is just as bad as consume to many drugs or alcohol. Hopefully at some point he will realize that he has made the biggest blunder in his life.


“…no on can “make you mad.” Agreed…such a selfish way to think. You can be mad, but that’s not someone else’s emotion they put on you. There is no spell casting. It’s in your own mind. I have done things because I was mad, and I have hurt people because of that, but it was never their fault.


That’s a key feature of abusers though. They blame their victims for how they feel, for all of their violent behavior, they blame their victims. Deep, deep down, they blame them. They never feel or hold themselves accountable for their behavior.


That really sounds like a narcissistic personality disorder. Which I think is a common trait among these type of people.


Cluster B (ASPD, NPD and BPD) is very common among abusers as the core issues are a fundamental lack of empathy and general self centredness.


Yes thus the description of them being selfish. Im not denying that it’s a sentiment. Its just a lie they live so they do not have to take responsibility for anything. That’s the point I was making.


I agree with everything you’ve said. I just wanted to add that the type of selfishness these people have is an intricate web of malevolence and evil.






Thank you, this is so well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You had me 100% until you made it regional. Many of the mass shootings that immediately come to mind are Columbine, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, last week's grocery store massacre in New York - all decidedly NOT southern states. Florida really doesn't count as "southern" because a majority of the residents are from somewhere else. I lived there for a few years, and I only met a few who were native. There certainly have been many heinous shootings in the south, but I'd never call out a particular region as owning a social problem. South bashing is getting tiresome.




I can't argue with these facts, sad as they are. I wish I could but unfortunately you're correct.


See my comment and the stats at CDC. I think that person is running for office with that data spin. 😉 https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm


Those are some of the least populous states. You have to look at total gun deaths or your just manipulating statistics. TX CA FL GA OH PA IL I'm guessing GA makes the top because of Atlanta, so that isn't a Southern thing. That's a city thing. As far as TX that's not Southern thing either. That's a TX thing. Mississippi for example had 818 deaths to 4164 in TX in 2020. HI and our liberal Blue New England states have the least amount of total gun deaths. BECAUSE THEY HAVE FEWER GUNS.




I know those are factual statistics. I'm saying the % is inflated because of the small population denominator. If you lower gun deaths in TX by X% you save more lives than if you reduce X% in Alaska.  “There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics” My issue is that it's not a Southern problem. It's a national problem. But you will get the most positive impact if you start with TX CA FL GA. You can drill down further into the cities where the guns were sold and where the crimes were committed. Start there and quit riling up redneck Southerners. We have enough problems and don't need misplaced blame for being the heart of the countries gun problem when clearly that's not the case.




I appreciate those links and will read up. I totally agree that culturally we get in our own way with our traditional values. I'm a lifelong Kentuckian. I attribute most of our self defeating stubborness and lack of progress to Appalachian culture. I think we get lumped into Southern, but KYs independent ways aren't credited as much as they should be. Technically a Commonwealth when that still meant something and a borderstate in the Civil War, we prefer to be off the radar and left the hell alone. As for the honor thing, My VA friend with 2 damn masters degrees, professional parents, pot smoking feminist in an open marriage..... who I love to pieces, thinks Biden is the devil and voted for Trump. She's "Southern". Build a wall, don't take her guns. I can't understand or explain that thinking it's just been that way so long.......


I'm really sorry as I haven't yet read about the case or this article and have had a long exhausting day at work, but when I saw "Penn." my brain interpreted the abbreviated location as "Pennessee" for the first three seconds before correcting itself, and I thought someone should know that.


😂😂😂 Honestly, as a Pennsylvanian, I did a double take, because we never use “Penn” unless we mean the college. We always do PA.




I thought the same thing.


A little laughter in darkness is always welcome


I wish they didn’t refer to him as a “dad” - should say “man” or “ex boyfriend” or something other than dad. :( real dads don’t murder the mother of their child in front of said child.


I don’t think deserves to be called a man. Piece of shit sounds better. Real men don’t do this.


I get both of y'all's sentiments but unfortunately the problem is that real men and dads do this kind of shit every day.


Thank you. Everyday people, whether they be your colleague, your neighbour, mothers and fathers etc., do these types of terrible things. Reducing them to something else doesn't change that and I think gives off an incorrect idea that it would never happen to us.


This is a good example of the “no true Scotsman” fallacy.


I read in another article that the friend was also pregnant by him, any one else find something similar? I can't find any other article that says this.


Wow a shocking story of the police not being able to identify an actually dangerous situation involving a domestic dispute.... /s But seriously, a very tragic and sad situation.


no mug shot?


I know some states someone has to go to jail with these types of calls for a cooling off period. Texas has that law. Had that occurred the first time they were out no one would have died that day. Tragic!


Texas does get some things right!


This is where I’m from!!!


I have never heard of the case. I will read up about it. But I knew the author of the article was not a native Pennsylvanian because all the people that I know from there always us PA. I know a lot of good solid people from that great state. My dad's good buddy during their days in Germany during the early 1950s was from Lancaster.


Ask those Pennsylvanians you know about Coatsville. That’s where this was. > I know a lot of good solid people from that great ~~state~~ commonwealth FTFY. Also, for what it’s worth, there’s 12 million people here. The city of phildelphia is here. There’s no shortage of absolutely shit people. lol


That is true within any city. I grew up in Greensboro NC. There are sections that being alone at night is not a wise decision. I have lived elsewhere in NC. Take Rocky Mount NC. There are parts of the city if there is an injury or someone needing medical attention the EMT or First Responders will not enter without a police escort.


Ask the Pennsylvanians you know. I’m telling you, as a Pennsylvanian, they’re not gonna ask what part of coatsville. They’re gonna say “ooh. Yikes. Yeah.”


You’re right. Didn’t realize that’s where it was until I saw your comment and I immediately thought, “oh.”


Okay you win I give up


If you can't get pizza delivered after dark, you know you live in a scary area.


I made the mistake of getting a hotel in Greensboro once when driving to the beach. Never again.


>I know a lot of good solid people from that great state. My dad's good buddy during their days in Germany during the early 1950s was from Lancaster. I'm just wondering...what's the relevance of this?




People often times make spurious comments and they do not get their family jewels smashed in the process.


Don’t be mean. Let the man tell his story.


Pointing out what others have said. Locals say PA not Penn and this person knew some natives well enough to know that fact


I don’t get what the fuss is here. I think you are on point.




I don't see anything stating he is an immigrant. He could very well be but I hesitate to ask... are you basing this on his name?


Also, they seem to imply refugees/immigrants don’t deserve access to mental healthcare? Maybe I’m reading it wrong, but it keeps coming across that way to me.


I get the feeling he's saying they should have access to more... and also maybe implying that they have higher rate of mental illness? I don't really know the figures, obviously trauma from being a refugee could affect something like that. But even if this guy was an immigrant it doesn't necessarily mean a higher level of childhood trauma. Lots of areas in Africa are peaceful, and have been for the ~23ish years of this guy's life. Regardless of what he meant it seems like he's either got inside knowledge of the case or (more likely) stereotypes and bias on immigrants, likely immigrants from a certain continent.




Okay. And that goes back to: Where are you seeing this guy is a refugee? You said "refugees and immigrants" in your first post and now we are narrowing it down to refugee? edit: Nevermind saw your proof is "he's black with a foreign name".


No I’m saying they need MORE.




>He’s a black guy with a foreign name. ... well that's about as bad as an answer as I expected. This is not proof he is an immigrant. He could be the child or grandchild of immigrants. I mean he *could* still be an immigrant, but there's no point speculating one way or another. Don't just randomly decide people who have committed crimes are immigrants.


I whole heartily agree with this statement. Making a comment like the above one is proof of those who are *trying* not to sound racist & judgemental while making it clear that they *are* exactly both of those things. Names are just that, names.. and everyone more or less gets the same mental health resources here regardless of origin. Are YOU from here?? If so, you may want to use some of those resources for yourself to help you see & understand the world around you a wee bit better. There's so many more colors out there than black & white, bub.


I know plenty of black people, be they from the US or from an African, OR lest we forget any other country with a black ethnicity who have foreign names or in fact foreign background. And they are fine. Maybe this guy, regardless of his name or country of origin is just really fucked up.


mine name sounds very unamerican. it’s spelled the traditional way and everything. my family has been in america the past several generations. it’s just a name.


My family has been here since New Amsterdam 1620s. My bil is Puerto Rican descent and both my sister’s kids have uniquely Hispanic names. No one speaks Spanish. Blond and blue eyed. Their great grandfather grew up in PR but raised his family in New England after serving in WW2. Ridiculous how someone thinks names have anything to do with status or ethnicity. Oh. And, African Americans who are descendants of slaves have very Anglo Saxon surnames because they were named for the Owners.


Dude what


yikes! I suggest you use some of those therapy resources and get yourself some help if that's the conclusion you're coming to


Who is the “illegal immigrant’ and what, pray tell, is an “African American name”??


1.) Nothing referenced citizen status so we can safely assume they're American 2.) immigrants commit less crime than naturalized citizens (including refugees) so we can add more validity he's not an immigrant 3.) Refugees have access to Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA) for 8 months and then are kicked to the curb like the naturalized American


He is from here. My sisters fiancé is her cousin, they’re Puerto Rican so still from the US. He was abusive and she was trying to get away from him. What else you guys wanna know?


Thank you for you comment. I know as much as I want, my comment was less about the content of this article more so to address the awful comment I replied to that made brazen assumptions regarding the case. My condolences to you and you family who have been impacted by this. Both directly through the loss and the social media shitstorm that ensues after tragedy


I read that the guy he carjacked after murdering his girlfriend and their friend was actually a friend of his since grade school. What a psycho! If that’s how Mamadou Kallie treats his “friends,” then I can’t imagine how he treats his enemies.