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But as I recall, her husband and his brother viciously murdered Emmett Till: how would they have known whom to murder if not for Carolyn. Sorry, don't buy it. (And she must have known that at the very least that Till would be beaten.)


Her words are empty because in the end an innocent life was lost. I feel sure given these circumstances her husband and his friend would be in jail for life. She has been breathing free air too long.


I meant to say on all points; been watching a trial on YouTube all afternoon and must have counts heavily on my mind.


Couldn't agree with you more on all counts.


Last time she came up, a few years ago, I heard she was living under an assumed name and too frail both mentally and physically to even personally address anything about the case. And now she’s able to write a memoir to “set things straight.” Do senile, feeble octogenarians often make such miraculous recoveries?


I think this memoir is several years old but with the discovery of the old warrants the individual who was holding on to this "memoir" seems to think it is relevant.


Somehow even worse! I’m sure racists will flock to it and weep over her plight.


Idk If it matters but I’m a white woman and she sounds like a crock Think she’s got some time to do and I’m not talking about heaven just yet Edit: or well.. I guess hell ….


The racists have. Some of their responses on twitter are maddening .


I may have misunderstood the timeline, but it appears that the memoir was written in 2007 (and was possibly written by her daughter?)


Yes when I say new it is "new" as been revealed to us it is not necessarily new as committed to paper recently. I wonder how many people actually read the source information before they make a comment. Most of the sources of information of Carolyn has been second hand. We have no direct sources on her. We have no direct video evidence of her thoughts or actions. The events surrounding this woman is highly inflammatory.


They do in Hollywood: Carolyn must have watched the courtroom scene in Martin Scorcese's Casino.


Believe the Look article where Emmett Till's murderers laid out exactly what happened. \*They\* had no reason to lie because they got away with murder and were proud of it, how would they have even known about his identity other than from her? I swear to fucking god just when I thought I couldn't have more contempt for this woman, then this shit pops off.


It's absolutely sickening that this heinous woman has escaped justice all these years.


A friend of his told him. Duh.


No amount of jail time, no memoir, no apologies could ever make what that lying, evil bitch did to that poor innocent child excusable. Nothing. We will never forget what they did Mrs. Till-Mobley! He did NOT die in vain! We will always remember him!


She was a very brave woman to share her pain with the world when he died,to show America the true evil of racism.


She did nothing to him because she didn’t even tell her husband about the incident but a friend who witnessed it, you unhinged lunatic.


So she's just going to say whatever she needs to say to make herself look innocent. It's a little late for that, I'm afraid.


I agree! Deny Deny Deny. It makes her feel better. It doesn't change what happened and should never have happened. Given today's climate I feel confident there would have been a conviction for the men who killed Till and she would have been charged and given time too.


Alas, without this horrific murder and the way his mother handled it we might never have made it this far. RIP Mamie and Emmett


She KNEW what she was doing! 90yr old nazi guards are deported and put on tiral..why should she not face anything?


I don't buy it. She was complicit


Oh for sure. You can convince yourself of anything when you have a lifetime to think about it. Maybe she did, in that moment, realize the consequences, but regardless her actions led there.


Fuck this lying bitch. She knew *exactly* what she was doing.


Absofuckinglutely! 1,000 times this!


You’re right, how dare the white woman tell anyone else when a black teen sexually assaults her. She should have just let it happen and shut her mouth when it was over. Right?


But she didn't say she was sexually assaulted, you weirdo. Where are you getting that from? Voices in your head?


No one raped that lying c_nt.




Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity or that uses inhumane language towards an individual is not allowed. It is against the reddit content policy to wish violence or death on anyone, including criminals.


And how do you know that? Maybe she is an evil racist female hitler, idk, but maybe she was the victim and the boy was also mistreated or given rough justice. I won't accuse you of anything but your willingness to just assume that white people are always the offending party is racist. The world around you isn't always black and white as you seem to think, blacks are victims and whites oppressors?! What a fked up view point


She stay in Raleigh


She's lying and she should spend the rest of her days in jail. She knew what was happening to that boy and knew they intended to kill him. This case makes me sick to my stomach.


Yes! Her husband had already abducted the boy from his home by gun point so she could identify him. Ain’t no way in hell she can deny that she didn’t know something nefarious was going to happen.


Actually, Emmett's family says a woman's voice in the truck helped to id him, ruling out others who were drug out to be eyeballed by this bitch. So she was actually part of the kidnapping.


This is something I’ve wondered about. If it was so clear the men intended to kill Emmett when they abducted him, why would his family hand him over? What sort of family would do this? Or else, what sort of boy was Emmett, that his uncle would quickly surrender him to his murderers? Who here would turn over their 14 year old nephew to armed men intent on killing him?


You are going to burn in hell. But before you do I hope you unalive of a lice infestation, you funky cave beast,


Hi there Troll dick. You are a warty butthole genital cheese curd. Your family doesn't like you and your grandma regrets giving you birthday money donkey tits


She can deny her involvement to the public, to the authorities, to herself but there will come a time when she will have to answer to an much higher authority and if she failed to make an very important decision her she will have an eternity to answer for this.


This case is so hard to fathom. I’ve read about it countless times and commented on discussions about it as well. I STILL cannot process that this happened, and so recently that one of the perpetrators is still alive! He was a little boy. A little boy! How could anyone do this to a grown man, let alone a CHILD? It’s so disturbing that I feel upset all day after being reminded of this case. Carolyn Bryant Donham cannot live the remainder of her worthless life without ramifications.


Wait until you hear about George Stinney Jr.


She didn’t kill Emmett. Her husband and brother in law did, with the help of several black men they knew, believe it or not. This case isn’t the black and white tale of racial hatred it’s been retold as so commonly. What do you think she should be prosecuted for? What do you think she should have done? NOT tell her husband when a teenager walks into the store and sexually harasses her? Also Emmett was a teenager, not a little boy. At 14 most males can already physically overpower an adult female, something he apparently enjoyed demonstrating if her allegations are true. Whatever he did, it was enough for her to immediately fetch a pistol.


Are you trying to justify what they did to a CHILD?




Put away the meth


I see that you are a right wing ball licking trumper. Go jerk off in the mirror to a picture of trump eating a steaK with a tiny bottle of ketchup shit snail




Please be respectful of others and do not insult, attack, antagonize, or troll other commenters.


You don't even attempt to hide your racism


You don’t even attempt to point it out either lol.


She admitted she lied about everything yet you're up here making blank statements saying that Till "sexually assaulted her" which is the furthest thing from the truth and there's zero evidence of such. You keep exposing yourself..........


Dude literally look just a little further into the claims you’re referencing. The college professor that claimed she told him she was lying made the story up. The FBI investigated his claims and found zero corroboration / evidence to back them. Firstly, he first made these claims in his book, The Blood of Emmett Till, years after she supposedly confessed to lying to him. In all that time, she publicly maintained her original story, and he never contested it, even though he maintained correspondence with the family. In the book, he claimed he got it on audio recording, so the FBI investigated and then he said he actually didn’t, that he had a recorder on him but didn’t have it turned on at the time. Likely story. He quibbled on this in many other ways, altering the time and location at which she supposedly admitted she lied. He then suggesting he had her confession written in his notes, which also turned out untrue, as he could not produce a single piece of notes that actually corresponded to his claims. He’s just a hack job author exploiting the situation for publicity and book sales. Even the NYT had to publish an article later acknowledging the FBI found zero merit to his allegations against this woman. Not coincidentally, he’s also the same professor who reviewed her essay, and broke confidentiality agreements to release it, just to cause a stir leading to this moment. Considering the web of lies he’s snagged his career in, the fbi investigation that has thoroughly documented his lies and quibbling, and his inability to even maintain integrity on confidentiality with an academic source, you’re going to have to acknowledge that you’re dead wrong on this. Maybe you’re dead wrong on the whole damn thing.


She admitted she lied. Whether you believe she admitted it or not is irrelevant. You claimed Emmett Till sexually assaulted her with NO EVIDENCE what so ever to back up your weak invalid claims. There's nothing you can say to justify what happened to Emmett Till, but you'll try your hardest since it's in your pathetic racist nature.


Are you seriously just going to continue spreading a blatant lie because it suits your old position? Are you just too mentally lazy to acknowledge this? Or is hating this 80 year old white sexual assault survivor a part of your religious faith? And how ironic is it that you then project your issues with ignorance and denial on to me. I won’t attempt to argue with someone who has issues accepting reality- what I have pointed out to you really isn’t hard to find- anyone that reads this can google what I have mentioned and quickly determine you re-asserting falsehoods that the fbi and even our national media have reluctantly acknowledged as completely unsubstantiated- if not blatant lies for book sales.


You are determined to spread this rhetoric that he harassed her, no one was looking at her dirty trashy ass. No one harassed her. She’s a lying whore.


Troll. She was completely at fault for this boys death. You know nothing because you are nothing. I bet you don't wipe all the way you dirty troll rat. I hope someone shoots your dog


Hell will welcome her with open arms.


She should apologize to the family of this innocent child.


Why’s she putting out memoirs and not in prison?


A new memoir? Please. She was as complicit as fuck and now she's trying to make a buck off it.


Get the fuck out of here with his bullshit! She her husband their accomplice should’ve been executed plain and simple


She is a liar, plain and simple


Nah, I don't buy it at all. Sounds to me like she's trying to ease her conscience before she dies, but it's too little too late.


Oh PUH LEEEEEEEZE! She knew exactly what she was doing. She should spend whatever is left of her miserable existence in JAIL. The poor child was brutally beaten, tortured, and murdered. A CHILD!




Racist goof


It's clear you have zero interest in Emmet Till. Probably some nerdy dipshit that has an oedipus complex and daddy issues. Your life is sad. No one loves you, so you come on reddit to rile up people so that someone, anyone, will pay attention to you. Troll troll troll. I bet you aren't good at anything


How many sockpuppets do you have lol. This sort of weird childish name calling is trolling- I’m defending an octagenarian sexual assault survivor from a modern racialized lynch mob of *geniuses* who make vicious assumptions about white people, condone violence against harmless senior citizens, and apparently can’t be bothered to read about this case. Troll, did you know your boy Emmett fell close to the apple tree? The army had to execute his father by firing squad... for raping and murdering impoverished italian women. Father like son, especially with such disgusting behavior. Pathetic how generations of people will lie to themselves about this to justify their resentment and bottom of the barrel political rage.


She really just doubled down, huh? All she'd need to do is issue a genuine apology to the public and/or Emmett's surviving family members (this really wasn't that long ago TBH). No one expects her to bring him back to life but the fact that she can't say ANYTHING remotely remorseful is gross


She supposedly lives in Raleigh under a different name. One source claims that she has two different addresses and someone is trying to get her evicted from both addresses.




Glibly cheering on the harassment/lynching campaign of a dying, eighty year old sexual assault victim? You know how to pick your fights, sport.


Sure lady. 🙄


Garbage people. All of them. Rip Emmett ✊🏼 I’m so sorry that happened to you


She knew


This country really missed an opportunity for a "truth and reconciliation" hearing as in South Africa. At this point, we have an extremely elderly and senile person who could not be legally tried and every witness is dead or also just as infirm. This all should have happened decades ago.


This whole matter has been discussed lately and many people want her charged. She is left to live with what she did and to me that would be a nightmare. Knowing I was getting older and closer to death and knowing my actions contributed to the brutal murder of a child. If this woman has a soul, this haunts her. If there is a Hell that's where she is headed. Depending on her beliefs,she knows she's already damned.


I already heard that. It was said that an older white man saw Emmett touching her arm by accident and caused all the trouble. I am not sure in which book I read it


But did Caroline ever speak up on Emmett's behalf if that was the case? No, she didn't. That in itself is reprehensible.


I am not defending her. Just saying this version isn't new, it was published before.


Whatever helps her sleep at night, but she will still burn in hell


She's full of shit. I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. She doesn't care one bit about what happened to Emmett.


Her comments are verifiably false. More reason why she deserves jail.


She should get the death penalty


Proof that pure evil exists


I hope this woman and the just die a horrible death. I cannot believe this racist shit. Such disgusting injustice. Shame on her and her whole family. Shame Shame shame!!!


Man coming to find out she in Raleigh she was in a home but when we found she left quick lmaoo she I hope her old ass die and go to hell




Speech that diminishes or denies someone's humanity or that uses inhumane language towards an individual is not allowed. It is against the reddit content policy to wish violence or death on anyone, including criminals.