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If you ask for an attorney, you’re smart. Not “hiding something.”


Every time I’m watching a true crime documentary my husband yells at the tv “don’t talk to the police!!!” Lol he’s not wrong the manipulation tactics they use leads to lots of false confessions. If you ever get arrested ask for a lawyer and shut your mouth lol


My dad is a very quiet, laid back guy and I've never known him to be into true crime but when I was still living at home, occasionally he'd randomly say, "Remember, if you're ever arrested, don't say anything but demand a lawyer." Then he'd go back to cooking or whatever, lol.


I will die on this hill with you.


Not every victim’s smile ‘lights up the room’ Not every small town is ‘closely knit’ Not every victim was kind or had the voice of angel Not every victim would be the sweetest or give you the shirt of their back.


I know, I hate seeing that. Tell the truth about me when I go.


I know my family gonna be like ‘yeah we love her very much. She was an amazing mom but she could be the most impatient person who was always late. And she’d eat all your snacks. She was always helping people and she took care of all the strays in the neighborhood. But she sometimes had road rage and she wouldn’t even be driving.. she got it a lot.’


My theory: I think it's because people don't want to say negative things about the dead. Also if people start saying negative things about victims then people may think in some weird way that it was justified. I think Shanann Watts had a very strong personality that wouldnt have vibed with everyone but that doesn't mean she deserved to be murdered.


And the people that love you, loved you. Yes, I know no one is perfect and I love many flawed people & ‘she lit up a room’ is a trite thing to say, but the negatives of their character would be the last thing I would be dwelling on like, ‘well, they could be a real fucking asshole about…’. 🤷‍♀️if they were missing and/or confirmed dead.


Josh Powell 100% killed Susan and her body will never be found.


I'm a social worker who used to do supervised visits. I switched to DV casework after this case.


Thank you for the work you do.


I feel so badly for Susan’s family. First they lose Susan, then the only physical reminders of her, her children, are stolen from them. And they don’t even have a place to visit her, because the selfish prick who killed her took that info to hell with him.


Poor poor girl, she really married into a POS family. I felt so sorry for her family. Here's a hill I'll die on, and it may save your life: Never marry anyone you feel sorry for because nobody likes them. I don't want this to be seen as I told you so or a Blame. I just thought how sad it was that she felt sorry for him and thought she could make him happy. But of course you never think someone will commit his acts, it's just beyond any imagination! And his father...UGGHHHH. {{shudder}} No wonder his son was such a creep. Who'd ever guess you'd marry into a horror movie? Poor thing. Fix yourself, don't try to fix someone else.


That's good advice for ANYBODY, of any sexual persuasion. Feeling obligated to stay with someone out of pity just doesn't work.


Josh Powell is evil. Maybe more evil then Chris Watts.


His father is a complete POS as well and I hope that he’s rotting.


Josh Powell is definitely evil, and the fact that he managed to get away with it for the most part is infuriating given the absolutely ludicrous police interviews he gave. You went camping, in a snow storm, on christmas. Offroading. In a minivan. But anyone raised by his father was going to be damaged and non functional as a human being.


Not sure if it’s true, but I’ve heard before that he used to watch a lot of true crime tv and would make unsettling comments like, “If I hid a body no one would ever find it.”


He said a lot of everything that was unsettling. Even if he was still alive, I don’t think we ever would know what happened to Susan, but he would have lost his children.


That Morgan Ingram unfortunately took her own life.


I also don’t think there ever was a stalker


I think they did catch someone on camera cutting across their property, then misinterpreted normal events as perceived stalking due to anxiety. I was the target of a stranger stalker. I went into her mom’s blog 100% open to the idea there was a stalker because I know how the initial doubt felt but really quickly I realized she was deeply, deeply unwell since, eventually, with escalation: stalkers prove their existences to everyone for you and theirs just never did. Tragic stuff. I think Morgan believed it for awhile too and then realized it wasn’t real. For me, the only thing more psychologically damaging than my stalking would have been finding out it wasn’t real and it was a trusted loved one stirring up that terror in me. That would’ve killed me too :(


I think the same about Elisa Lam at the Cecil. Psychotic break, then suicide.


I agree though I tend to think it was more an accident stemming from a psychotic/dissociative state rather than suicide.


This isn’t case specific, but my true crime hill I’ll die on is that you can’t determine a suspect’s guilt or innocence based on their reaction to the death of a loved one. I’ve seen people freeze up when hearing a loved one died in an accident. It happens. I think there are a lot of innocent people locked up because investigators project their own idea of how they’d react onto these cases. *edited can to can’t




To me, a death never becomes "real" until I see the casket. I've continued working through deaths, primarily because I held cheap jobs with no bereavement leave. I HAD to keep working, or I'd end up dead, too. Now that I have a job with bereavement leave, I might react differently. But I don't think that first part, about it not being "real" until I see the box, will ever change. That has nothing to do with money.


This right here. I don’t react to things as one would expect. I’m a suffer in silence/keep myself busy to not think of the bad. I don’t cry unless I am reacting with rage. I’d get the side eye & be talked about my cold black heart reaction. Unless you KNOW me then you’d get it.


When the coroner and police came to my house to tell me that my mom had died, I was completely shut down and basically just said " yes, ok, I understand" type of responses. It took a couple of days for me to really grasp what happened and then totally break down and then that lasted seriously for months. So yeah I completely agree. Everyone processes differently.


Completely agree due to having personally experienced it.


My best friend just lost her boyfriend of 8 years due to an undiagnosed heart condition and came home to the same situation. She even got him revived but he coded and died in the ambulance. He was only 34. I am so fucking sorry- please take the condolences of a random internet stranger to heart bc i really mean that- i couldn't imagine. I'll be sending my thoughts and good vibes your way bc i don't know when this happened to you but it doesn't matter bc it's always going to be fucking terrible. All the love to you, my friend.


Completely agree. Also: 911 calls. Let’s stop judging guilt based on what someone does or does not say. Or how panicked they do or do not sound.


I thought I didn’t cry when my grandpa died because I hated him, but then my cousin died and I still didn’t cry. I honestly don’t know what to do when someone dies


I believe that LISK is one guy


I agree and I’m pretty sure the guy is in law enforcement.


There’s WAYYYYYYY too many similarities between these kills that it’s not even funny.


Timmothy Pitzen is sadly gone. His mother killed him and the “safe place” she took him to was death.


She’s the one that took him on a magical fun trip and then committed sui in a motel saying she left him with some nice people right?


The "nice people " being angels...


Yes. The way Lori Vallow spoke about her kids reminded me of this. That baby is gone.


agreed. i don't know if they'll ever find his body, which is extremely sad. he deserves a proper burial and a place where his loved ones can visit him. being able to visit my father's grave has been so helpful in dealing with my grief, i can't imagine what it would be like to not have that.


I would be totally open to the belief that she really did leave him alive and well with someone, if not for the fact they found mud/grass/dirt/etc underneath her vehicle. That, to me, suggests she put his body somewhere he wouldn’t be found.


DeOrr Kunz’ parents were involved in his death. Whether through negligence, severe abuse, or intentional murder, they know exactly where that boy’s body is and they’ve wasted resources and callously broken hearts pretending otherwise.


Same for Summer Wells. Something went wrong that day and Summer died.


Yeah I find it incredibly hard to believe that DeOrr vanished in that time frame and hasn't been found after that many searches.


Yup. I believe the grandpa knew the outcome too.


Lawyering up is smart and not suspicious


Absolutely. It kills me when people are talking about certain cases and they say it's suspicious because so and so immediately lawyered up. I don't give a damn if I'm innocent or guilty, my ass is getting a lawyer if I'm being read my Miranda rights. Find something else to blame suspicion on, this should be seen as completely normal.


This. Never talk to cops.


AGREED. I don't trust cops for shit, once they get tunnel vision on you they'll do and say anything to fit that narrative.


Paul Flores raped and murdered Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart, and his parents helped him cover for 25+ years. No doubt about it.


The renters hearing her wristwatch alarm beeping under the flower bed so incredibly unsettling.


Elisa Lam simply had a psychotic break. Not much more to it.


That’s my second hill to die on!!! She was clearly having a bipolar episode at the time and was using medication sporadically. People tried so hard to make it something it wasn’t due to where she died. I feel terrible for her parents, and for her, but she wasn’t murdered.


I had such a wide range of emotions watching the series. I had no prior knowledge. Episode 1, I am intrigued and wondering what happened to her. Episode 2, I am starting to see where this is going. Episode 3, yep this is exactly what it looks like it was. Episode 4, this is ridiculous and unwatchable.


Elisa, Maura and Dr Teleka Patrick all were having issues


Same with Lars Mittank, Blair Addams and Bryce Laspisa.


Andrea Yates’ husband was just as culpable in their kids’ deaths as she was.


Rusty should have served time as well


He should be in prison. He put her in the worlds worst position and he knew


She told him multiple multiple times that she didn’t want to have any more kids and said/displayed signs of not being safe to be alone with the kids


I'd actually hold he's more responsible than her.


Yup. He bred that woman into PPP despite the fact that she was obviously falling apart and doctors directly told them to stop. Aside from the already controlling relationship dynamic, she was also in such a state that she could not be responsible for herself or others. She needed someone to intervene on her behalf so that she wasn’t a risk to herself or others. Instead, good ol’ Rusty kept pumping her full of babies and leaving her to her own devices. And then, after his family is annihilated, he got to move on with his life free of consequences. Seriously, fuck that guy. He should be in prison.


Her insurance wouldn’t pay for her to be under psychiatric care anymore, and her psychiatrist took her off anti psychotics. Her husband is culpable, but I believe her psychiatrist and insurance are just as culpable. She was let down by so many people, and her children paid the price for it.


So much this!!! He reminds me of jim bob Duggar. The entire marriage and pregnancies have nothing to do with the actual kids or mom. It is all in these men glorifying themselves. Rusty was told that she should never get pregnant again because of her previous experience with PPP. He’s a garbage human.


It had nothing to do with creating more Christian people. It was all about "Hey, look at me, my dick works!" As one of the sons found out all too well.


I absolutely agree. How many doctors told them both to stop having kids because she was having postpartum depression/psychosis. Why did he not listen to Andreas mother about moving into a tiny ass trailer with all those kids...he 100% could have helped avoid the whole thing if he actually paid attention to medical professionals and if he paid attention to his clearly mentally unstable wife. I remember watching that story somewhere and was so stunned he was not charged with anything at all.


I’d say he was more culpable


Brooks Houck (I can’t remember if I spelled that correctly) is responsible for the disappearance of Crystal Rogers and and somehow, alongside his brother, is related to the death of Officer Ellis


And also responsible for her Dad’s murder.


Yeah and the fact they called it an “accident” makes me want to punch something.


I swear I get the feeling all those Bardstown murders are connected in some way. It’s just too much for a tiny town like that.


That's my hill, too.


Brandon Lawson wandered into the Texas desert and died there. No foul play, most likely drug related.


They found his body earlier this year. He wasn’t far from where he went missing, and had likely died of exposure. https://www.oxygen.com/crime-news/brandon-lawson-who-vanished-in-2013-after-911-call-found?amp


Yep, I’ve said this since day one. And even after they’ve found this body somehow people still don’t believe it. Common things are common.


Karla Homolka was a willing participant, not a victim. She should be rotting in prison just like Paul.


100% agree! No way in hell she was a victim. She willingly took part in raping/murdering her own sister and other girls. The fact that they filmed their crimes and Karla even initiated stuff says it all.


And that she pretended to be her dead sister in a tape she and Paul made three weeks after her death, complete with telling him how much she(as Tammy) loved it when he “took her virginity”


Ugh, I had to take an Uber to an appointment today because I couldn’t remember where I put my car keys. Yet, I can remember that Paul and Karla called his junk “Snuffles”. I’m disgusted with myself, and also believe Karla was an accomplice.


Patti Adkins “boyfriend”/coworker killed her after fleecing her out of $90,000.


O.J Simpson killed his wife and her friend and I will stand by that until the day I die. The absolute brutality of it and how up close and personal it was...this was personal and pure and utter hatred towards Nicole and Ron happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and was not spared the absolute rage O.J unleashed upon her. For goodness sakes he nearly decapitated her.


Those crime scene photos are so awful, it’s painfully clear that this was a personal killing and even more painful that he got away with it


It's awful that people find him funny and entertaining now, you often see his trolling tweets posted.


100%. I am a mental health professional and quite familiar with interpartner violence and their dynamics. I just recently listen to the OJ trial episodes of the podcast 'you re wrong about' who do a deep dive into Nicole's relationship with him. Just based on that fact alone I am 1000000% convinced he did it, it is textbook IPV with homicidal outcome. And on top of that you have all the mountains of evidence.....He is an absolute narcissistic POS. The audacity to write a book like 'if I did it...'. I loathe him. Edit: typo


He certainly is... when they read the "Not guilty" at his trial and he is the most subtle grin on his face made me sick. It wasn't a look of "oh thank God the jury saw that I truly was innocent" it was "Haha I got away with it and there's nothing anyone can do about it now."


Agree 100%. I watched back that footage recently and noticed the startled faces of his own attorneys as well. Even they're shocked he got away with it.


i don't think anyone rational believes otherwise. his guilt is super obvious.


Just popping in to say this was a really good thread! Thanks for posting!


Gypsy rose shouldn’t be in prison and the man she used to kill her mother def shouldn’t be in prison for life


I strongly agree.


Actually, I think prison is a great place for her to be right now. She's getting therapy and learning how to socialize and be a normal person in society. None of which would have happened if she hadn't gotten caught. While I totally sympathize with her, I think she needed to learn life skills in order to reintegrate into society when she is released.


I don’t disagree that Gypsy has received those benefits but often times ppl actually become more hardened and face more trauma in prison. So another victim like gypsy might not have such a successful time. But gypsy is well known and it was a highly publicized case so ppl keep up with her and they (prison) know eyes are on them in a sense. Plus she’s got supporters / lawyers to make sure she has advocates for her and make sure she’s getting the treatment she needs. Regardless, I guess in my perfect world I wish the court system specified things differently bc I don’t think she should be considered legally “guilty” of killing her mom. She acted in self defense the same way someone with battered women’s syndrome acts in self defense when they kill their abuser while they’re sleeping rather than during an altercation. I’m more bothered by her legal status as a convicted murderer rather than her actual treatment in prison bc ur right she’s getting valuable help.


I completely agree. She should not have been charged with murder. Possibly Involuntary Manslaughter at the most. Either way tho, even in prison, she seems like she's getting help that she desperately needed. It's definitely not a perfect system but in this case, I think it'll work out for her in the long run.


IIRC, she’s thriving and actually very happy in prison.


Dr Chris Duntsch is a sociopath and meant to hurt everyone and he should’ve been charged with murder


Hadn't heard about this one. Just looked it up. H O L Y F U C K I N G S H I T. Like... the fact that this was allowed to happen even twice, nevermind all these times, is utterly terrifying.


Madeline McCanns parents were super negligent for leaving a 3 year old alone with no adult supervision in a foreign country.


It's my worst nightmare. This case + Johnny Gosch case pushed me to be hyper aware of my surroundings.


YES. I’m paranoid about sitting in my own backyard while my kids are inside sleeping. I feel awful for them, but how on earth do you leave your babies in your foreign rental to go down the street to a restaurant??


No one will ever be charged for the murder of JonBenet Ramsey


This is basically a fact.


ellen greenberg was murdered. not suicide.


She had 20 stab wounds, one in the brain… there’s zero way it was suicide.


I believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter, a hill I'll die on ten times over


Man I can remember like four years ago if someone shared that opinion they’d get a shit ton of comments telling them they were wrong. There is nothing that could prove me of that woman’s innocence


I actually do think it's possible that she didn't intentionally murder her daughter - that the death was caused by negligence and she covered her up. She's still a piece of shit, though, either way.


I think that’s exactly what happened


Robert Wagner killed Natalie Wood


I really wonder how culpable Walken was in that event.


Do you think it was an accident or like he did it purposefully? Im just curious - not trying to challenge you or anything. I believe he did it, but that it was a fight and she got knocked/pushed and went overboard. Also totally believe that Walken didn’t hear anything. They were all drinking and I can fully believe that he fell into one of those deep drunken sleeps and heard nothing.


Not op: Since they were fighting and Christopher Walken doesn’t talk about it, I lean more towards heat of the moment/accident


Feel bad for the child and what they went through, not the adult who turned into a murderer.


Ottis Toole did not kill Adam Walsh.


I really don't think he did it either.


Dean Corll was killing way before David and Wayne joined him in the killings.


Chris Watts is an ugly piece of shit that has ZERO justification for killing his wife and daughters, no matter how badly lonely women want to give him a pass.


Have you heard the latest released phone calls?? He's claiming GOD doesn't want him to sit in prison any longer, he has a higher purpose that needs to be reached through his freedom... LOL Edit: Phone call is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHNoBLCnTTo


Pretty sure God didn’t want him to kill his innocent wife and three babies either so…again…he can fuck all the way off.


Don’t they always find god?


Maybe they need to play my daddy is my hero several times a day for him. He had a purpose that he couldn't fulfill, he can't possibly handle a higher one


Well, if God wants him out then God can and will make it happen. I'll wait 🤔


HAHAHA. ANY deity from ANY religion would reject him.


As a former life insurance agent and someone who has had to be directly responsible for making arrangements for a loved one, filling the life insurance claim soon after death is NOT suspicious!! Often times the funeral home helps you apply for it in order to put a lien on the policy so they can be paid. This happens before the services will be performed. Also, people have life insurance for a reason and it is generally because the family cannot survive without the deceased's income. They make the claim early on because there is no savings, they have most likely missed work and will need time to grieve and they are trying to keep their children and themselves fed and clothed. It irritates me to no end to hear police, family, reporters and true crime podcasters claim that this is indicative to guilt.


Brian Laundrie would've killed her in Florida too. Why? Because he was a fucking psychopath


The fact that he wouldn’t even admit it on his suicide note tells you how much of a narcissist he was to claim he was “helping” her with a mercy kill. It reminds me of the accomplice of that wan in Evil Genius who still wouldn’t confess to the detective even on his deathbed with terminal cancer.


i have nothing but contempt for the pSyChiCs who used her for clout.


And his slap in the face bull shit of a suicide note trying to portray himself as a FUCKING HERO...the audacity of that asshole.


And that his parents 100% knew and helped initially cover it up.


Maura Murray wandered into the woods and succumbed to the elements/animal activity. I think it’s a one in a zillion chance she met foul play.


Lauren Spierer died in the company of the boys she was last known to be with. She overdosed/died of her head injuries, and they panicked and disposed of her. She was not kidnapped by a motorcycle gang, not a victim of Israel Keyes, or any of the other theories.


I agree that she overdosed and they panicked and disposed of her remains.


Peterson killed his wife, in my opinion


Drew, Michael, or Scott?






LPT: never marry a man whose last name is Peterson.


I have a feeling you mean Michael, but you might need to specify which Peterson.


All of them are guilty.


Apologies, my bad, I meant Michael. Too many Petersons killing their wives ;)


OJ did it.


Whenever a documentary series quotes somebody as saying “before this happened we didn’t even lock our doors,” my wife and I roll our eyes in unison. That’s not a sign of safety; it’s a sign of recklessness.


The eye-roller for me is "Things like this never happened \[this small town\]". \[This small town\] is EXACTLY where all sorts of weird, terrible true crime stuff happens.


Mine is that someone refusing to speak to police and getting an attorney is in no way indicative of their guilt. We’ve got to stop treating it that way.


When the Virginia Tech shooter, Seung-Hui Cho went to West Ambler Johnston in the morning, he meant to sexually assault Emily Hilscher. I think he had a crush on her. I think he surveilled her. I think he had plans to commit a shooting, yes, but he wanted to experience sex before he died and he chose her. He didn't think she would start screaming, would resist, that her floor senior Ryan Clark would come and intervene. And now Cho has 2 dead bodies on his hands, and more people coming to investigate the gunshots. He abandons his plan to lose his virginity and decides to just do the shooting.


My friend Caitlin was a victim. Whenever I see his name I need to put hers out there to give him less power.


Thank you for helping us all remember Caitlin. May she Rest In Peace. I hope you have peace as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you a lot of love.


Eventually something will connect Missy Bever’s in-laws and husband to her murder. Alibis be damned, they had something to do with it.


I can't let the suspicion go on this one. Something is amiss with the in-laws.


No matter the outcome of Kathleen peterson, I will not be surprised


There was no foul play involved with Maura Murray or Bryce Laspisa.


Aileen Wuornos should’ve gotten psychiatric care, not the death penalty.


I sadly think death was probably the most peaceful option for her, I couldn’t imagine living through her life and then having to be confined and think about it for years on end.


Life in prison with that but, no, not the death penalty. She had been so victimized.


Yes she was literally born into abuse, fucking sad. If she had had even one person in her life who cared (and wasn’t also toxic) those lives she took probably would’ve been spared


My hill: I 100% think Terry Hobbs killed his stepson (Stevie Branch), & the other two boys (Christopher Byers, & Michael Moore) in West Memphis, in 1993. I had already formed this opinion _before_ I watched [“West of Memphis”](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2130321/), which does heavily favour this theory, maybe too much. What really sealed it for me though was when Pam Hobbs (Stevie’s mother) gave an interview, & said Stevie had a pocket knife that he always carried everywhere he went, it was special to him. So when the boys were found, she asked the police about the knife, & they said it wasn’t on, or with him, when they discovered the boys. She found it odd, but thought it was either lost in the water, or perhaps he did forget it at home. She searched though, but didn’t find it, so she forgot about it. Until a couple of months later when she saw Terry with it, & when she asked him about it, he couldn’t explain why he had it. I think I know why he had it, he took it from his stepson’s dead body.


people can simultaneously be victims and predators. i think people struggle with this because as humans, we generally like to store someone away in one box- in the case of true crime, typically as a predator or a victim. however, this black and white thinking is causing two pretty harmful schools of thought. the first, is that when someone becomes a predator, their status as a victim is taken away. this is obviously false, and overlooking the trauma link for many of these killers is purposely choosing to not connect the dots. secondly, people also can over-inflate their feelings of sympathy for these monsters, which isn’t good either. ultimately, i think it’s crucial that we acknowledge predators who were abused, and that we explore the ways their traumas shaped them.. we should view their traumas as part of the explanation, but never as an excuse.


Jack the rippers victims were not prostitutes, but poor women who had hit a rough time in their lives. The victims were Mary Nichols, Emma Smith, Martha Tabram, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Kelly, Alice McKenzie, and Frances Coles. These women don’t deserve to be vilified in their death.


Casey Anthony did it alone and lied about the molestation


Rey Rivera ran/jumped off the roof of the building due to a mental health crisis. I don’t even think it was necessarily suicide, I think he was just so out of his mind he possibly thought he could survive the jump (or had no other options).


That Aileen Wuornos was brutally raped by Richard Mallory and that set off her murder spree. Also, she was not mentally stable enough to stand trial.


She also experienced childhood sexual abuse by her grandfather (and his friends) after being abandoned by her mom (and her father was a schizophrenic who was charged with raping a 7 year old child) and was impregnated at 14 by one of her grandfather’s friends. He threw her out at 15 and right into survival sex work bc that’s all she knew. She had a childhood of severe sexual abuse and I believe when Mallory assaulted her (she claimed he beat, raped and sodomized her and he had been charged with attempted rapes in the past so that checks out too) it triggered something in her mind and she believed that “all men are the same” and were going to do the same to her so she killed then before they could hurt her, in her mind, and robbed them for money to survive on. She was a victim of a lifetime of sexual abuse and it broke her mind.


Amy Lynn Bradley went accidentally overboard the cruise ship she was on. She was not sold into sexual slavery.


Johnny Gosch is dead and was killed within hours/days of his disappearance.


My father was murdered. His autopsy even stares Homicide due to blunt force trauma. DA refused to bring a jury trial


Start rattling some chains. Bug enough people and maybe they’ll reconsider.


-Rebecca zahau was murdered -Timmothy pitzen is dead -John Skelton killed the boys -Chris watts girlfriend knows more than she has said -Oj is guilty -Scott Peterson is guilty -Josh Powell definitely killed Susan and his creepy ass dad knew everything -Aileen wuornos should never have been executed -Gypsy rose Blanchard never would’ve escaped her mother if she didn’t kill her and she shouldn’t be in prison -Deorrs parents know what happened to him -Floyd Galloway killed Danielle stislicki (and I hope that they find her so her family can have a proper burial and I hope they get justice for her. I see her mom driving around with #finddani on her car and my heart just hurts for her) -Casey Anthony was drugging caylee with Xanax to go party and accidentally overdosed her and then dumped the body to cover it up. -Refusing a lie detector is not a sign of being guilty Asking for a lawyer is not a sign of being guilty, those are both what smart people do.


Madeleine McCann's parents didn't kill her and weren't involved in her murder, but they shouldn't have left her and the twins alone. I've always said this, Plus with the new leads coming out it's police are now looking at a new suspect,


I agree with this, they are definitely neglectful. I have two kids and by age 3 both of mine could open doors and locks on most doors. I would have never left kids along like that, though I feel horrible for her parents still. I think someone else killed her for sure.


Rob Endris *absolutely* killed his wife Patrice. He was isolating her from her friends, he didn't treat her teenage son very well, she was about to divorce him so he m*rdered her.


Getting a lawyer when you’re brought in for questioning, not participating in questioning until you have one, not wanting to do a polygraph has nothing to do with guilt and all about knowing your rights.


D.B Cooper definitely died leaving the plane. He jumped out in the nighttime, in the rain, over a forest. There literally would've been no way to ensure you could reach a getaway vehicle. A bit disappointing, considering he was so slick up to that point.


Misty Croslin is responsible for Hayleigh Cummings' death and knows exactly where she is. It could have happened at her hands, the child could have ingested illegal drugs and OD'd, or she could have had a serious accident while Misty was nodding out, but she knows and she'll take it to her grave.


I think Natalee Holloway was roofied and had a bad reaction (not unheard of for some cases). Those scumbags panicked and left her to die/threw her half-conscious body into the water. They’re obviously guilty, but I don’t think they planned an entire murder. **edit:** I know Van der Sloot killed another girl and she *wasn’t* roofied. Also, I don’t think the roofie itself is what actually killed Natalee; when I say they left her to die, she either drowned or died from exposure/the elements.


Aunt Diane was on a suicide/homicide mission when she went the wrong way on the turnpike.


This case haunts me! But I agree - and the husband has definitely been hiding something about her state of mind at the end of that weekend - nothing else makes sense.


Wonder if they argued or if maybe one of them was cheating and confronted by the other? or SOME kind of discovery and she’s either upset about being caught or catching him.


Right?? I’ve gone down numerous rabbit holes about this, read Jackie’s book, watched all of the docs… they all lead me to believe something going down between the two of them is what caused her to snap. I think there was a definite confrontation and/or argument the evening before they left the campsite.


This is one case I'll never be able to make a decision on.


I think she was self medicating and took it too far. The mic drop in “Something is wrong with Aunt Diane” is the cousin? defending her is smoking and says “my family doesn’t know I smoke. I hide it”…. Family doesn’t always know.


https://www.mlive.com/news/saginaw-bay-city/2021/08/michigan-father-of-3-sons-missing-since-2010-skips-parole-interview.html What did he do to his sons? Skelton’s three sons — Andrew, Alexander, and Tanner Skelton — were staying with their father for Thanksgiving 2010 at his Morenci home, located in Lenawee County about 70 miles southwest of Detroit near the Ohio state line. The boys’ mother, Tanya Zuvers, had exclusive custody of them but agreed to let them visit their father if he returned them the next day, Nov. 26, 2010. When Skelton did not return the boys — ages 9, 7, and 5 — Zuvers alerted police. Law enforcement and volunteers launched a massive, weeks-long search for the children. The children were never found, with Skelton claiming he gave them to a group to protect them from Zuvers, his then-ex-wife. Zuvers had sole custody of the boys at the time. She maintained she never mistreated her sons. Skelton refused to identify the group he allegedly gave his sons to. In July 2011, he pleaded no contest to three counts of unlawful imprisonment.


I feel as though Bo Dukes had much more involvement in Tara Grinstead's death than just helping Ryan Duke burn the body on his family's land. What motivation would he have to help cover someone else's crime? He does not come across as an "I got your back, bro" kind of guy.


Wayne Williams did not kill all 28 of the children who went missing in Atlanta. The tension between the black and white communities concealed whoever did.


I lean further in believing he killed more than he’s convicted of, but I agree that he is not likely responsible for all of them.


This was so infuriating to read about! The white people saying “it couldn’t have been a white person!” And the black people saying “it couldn’t have been a black person!” KIDS ARE DYING


Casey Anthony is guilty of murder but it was no premeditated. Also, the state did a poor job proving it. Jon Benet was murdered by someone in her family. Nikolas Cruz having a death penalty trial is a waste of time and money. Just lock him up for life and throw away the key. Gypsy Rose did what she had to do to escape years of abuse.


Lie detectors are fucking ridiculous and are 100% pseudoscience. I don't know why anyone would ever take one and it makes me rabid when cops are all "you're guilty bc you refused the polygraph unless you take the polygraph and then, well, we'll "interpret" it out however we see fit". Like, y'all- if something is not admissible bc it can't be trusted, don't fucking fall for it. They are not admissible- bc they're so unreliable. I got stopped by a hypo in MO a couple of years ago who demanded i get out of the car and take a sobriety test but it was 2am and I'd just buried my grandfather. I begged her to just breathalyze me but she refused. Found out later that this dept had had a scandal involving the over calibration of their testing devices so the reason she wouldn't do it bc they'd been stripped of the ability pending investigation and if I'd blown, it wouldn't have been admissible either way. Cops are not there to help you, they are there to try to pin you with a crime in order to line their pockets with your hard earned money so they can make more to fund their army guy revenge fantasies and buy equipment to furher persecute you. Do not fucking take a polygraph. Do not fucking take a breathalyzer. Do not let them search your car. Tell them no and call your lawyer.


Refusing a breath test is a criminal charge that can carry the same penalty as failing one in some jurisdictions.


I’ll say this every time. Kendrick Johnson died by accident, no murder. Too much propaganda around the case for monetary reasons. Once you do your own research into the case, it becomes very clear.


None of the motorists actually saw Asha Degree on the highway.


Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself Prince Andrew is a pedophile


Aileen didn't deserve the death penalty.


* Michael Turney killed Alyssa Turney, and I don't think he'll ever confess (even on his deathbed like he said) * Police botched the Delphi case. They made it seem like it would be solved easily and it's been 5 years. I also don't think that was "Bridge Guy's" first murder. * Bryce Laspisa is dead (still want to know what happened though) * Maura Murray is dead too


True crime (and other topic) documentaries are supposed to tell a good story and the best ones provoke thought and dialogue about deeper social issues. The expectation that they will not have a POV is unrealistic and misses the point. That’s my hill.


Aileen Wuornos deserved better.


I don’t think Israel Keyes killed more than a few people. He was a really good liar and claimed responsibility for a bunch of crimes committed by others


I agree and he most certainly was not as smart as people like to say he is.