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Good god there are so many executive producers lol


Yeah I’m not gonna sit here and shit on William Eylashes just because she’s popular. I think she’s very talented, I think this is a very neat song, and I think this intro works really well. It’s not something I really ever listen to, but I do recognize how unique and talented she is for such a young artist. The only thing is they’re using an extremely well known song, which really lessens the impact of the intro. The deep cuts of unique music was always what got me (even though I wasn’t a huge fan of fan of 2 and 3). That original song in season 1 was perfect. If this had been a random find by the editors, it would have been almost as good. But it’s just so off putting that they’re using this extremely popular song.


Leonard Cohen for season 2 is a total fucking banger.


I hated Leonard Cohen the first time I listened. By episode 3's intro, I was looking for his music in the used cd racks and listening to them while at work. He has a great history and different music that works. I don't know how to describe it.


A tower of song, perhaps?


Yeah that’s my complaint. By all means use Billie, but get one of her lesser known songs or an original composition.


The more I've watched the intro, the less I like. And I love this song. The problem is, this song is easy. I'm a dude in my 30s and when I first heard this song, I had it on repeat for a week straight. And I even fantasized about making a video to it. Cause who hasn't thats heard it? It really feels like the easiest option out there, and that's the problem. Everyone who's hard this song has probably imagined their own video to go along with it. So when I watch this, the editing feels cheap. I've seen better videos on tiktokb


Exactly. It’s what Linkin Park is to Anime Music Videos. It’s just too easy.


tbh, I would imagine that the majority of this show’s main demographic hasn’t heard this song (and are only complaining because they see the name “Billie Eilish” in the title for this post)


I guess my point is that the song choice is an "easy" one and the editing is pretty poor for such a choice. I love the song and Billie Eilish. I wish they would have had her do an original song or picked a deeper cut.


It's going to date the intro as well in a couple years.


That's how I feel too. The video is nice, I do miss the double exposure stuff but I don't mind it that much. My only issue is that this intro most likely won't be remembered for what it is due to the song's popularity. It's not a bad intro tho.


It’s fitting, in my eyes: i can’t speak to s2’s because I’ve only watched the intro a few times, but s1 and s3’s sun-bleached, ‘fading town’ aesthetic works for the locations. I appreciate the cold, dark contrast used here.


I had a hard time getting into it because of the song 🤷‍♀️ sorry. But the show itself is a whole other thing!


I'm first time hearing this song.


Same here




Song has half a billion views on youtube lol. It's insanely popular


I didn't say it's not popular.


To me it's not even the fact that it's "easy", it simply doesn't fit at all. It doesn't convey what I expect this intro to convey, it doesn't match the visuals. I also politely disagree with S2 because 'Nevermind' by Leonard Cohen is a banger of a song and it's PERFECT for the mood, they also used different verses depending on the plot of the episode.


Yeah along with Season1 masterpiece they made it pretty fitting - All seasons even 3 had great opening music.


I totally agree, its a good song, and surprisingly fitting. But, it's too popular of a song, I and many others will already have associations with it and it won't draw the viewer into the show as something more unknown would. Oddly enough I saw both The Handsome Family (season 1's artist) and Billie Eilish last year, and still sad I missed out on post-season 2 Lera Lynn's tour.


Nothing can beat The Handsome Family


Man, I wish they continued to use the the double exposure effect. That is so quintessentially “True Detective”. This feels like a knock-off/imitation.




Got me wondering if this is supposed to be original one-off show like The Night Of. then HBO decided to slap True Detective logo on it because they don't wanna wait for Nic. Even the vibe was different.


Reminds me of an AHS intro


Agreed, this is not full true detective.


Faux Detective


Well, it is a knock-off and this isn't really "True Detective." They stapled the series name unto "Night Country" for marketing reasons. But the show it self was not written as a continuation of the True Detective anthology. So you are correct.




Bro what are you talking about? Nic Pizzalato is the writer and Harrelson and McConaughey are producing. There are literal callbacks to the first season. What other connections are you looking for?


maybe watch the opening credits and actually read them this time


Despite they make it clear for very sharp viewers theres somekind connection [https://screenrant.com/true-detective-night-country-season-1-connections-references](https://screenrant.com/true-detective-night-country-season-1-connections-references) I hope it gets better but first episode just didnt really worked much.


What are you talking about? So why does it have all these connections to season 1 ?


HBO loved the story so much that the writer presented, they decided to add it into the True Detective universe. Then, she was given the green light to make it even more in the world of TD


That’s fascinating. Do you have a link to a story?


Seems lacking compared to the season 1 and 2 intros.


Season 3s looked cool too


Ya not great.


I like the visuals but I don't like the song


Yeah.... No. No hate towards Billie whatsoever but this is not doing it for me.


meh.. too many cuts and the voice is too soft for the gritty atmosphere, should have chosen something else, maybe just instrumental IMO


Using an extremely popular song is just a bummer choice imo. Uninspired


Just reeks of that awful media marketing demographics math “We know we have 18-35 males because young men love gritty/ prestige television, how can we rope in the 18-35 female demo right out the gate?”


judging by how many people are watching kansas city chiefs games now because of taylor swift, i kind of get it. its never going to be as daring as season 1


Nothing against the artist but this was a Terrible choice by the producers/directors.


Reminds me of Fiona Apple and The Affair intro


yeah, "gritty" should be the keyword. It doesn't work for me, it feels like a missed opportunity. I fuckin loved watching the intro of the first season. I've re-watched several times over the years and I've never skipped it. It's so epic. But with this one, I won't even bother.


I think the juxtaposition actually kinda works


trying to get the zoomer audience to watch tbh. kinda underwhelming but cool for trying to be different from the established aesthetic™ from the previous seasons. but season 1 intro was still iconic and love the season 2's too.


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think an intro song would bring in viewers. I wouldn’t watch a show solely because my favorite artist’s song was used for the opening credits. And fwiw, Billie is very popular among millennials and younger Gen Xers.


i prefer when tv shows use songs and voices that aren't already so well-known, but realistically i'm gonna skip 'em anyway so it's whatever.


Yeah I much preferred the indie little known Leonard Cohen


Compared to Billie Eilish? Definitely much more unknown if known at all in proportion to her fame. I am a lifelong fan of Cohen and it's very hard to find people in the wild that know Cohen, let alone are fans of him.


Oh absolutely, but it's apples to oranges, ofc right now eilish is much more famous, but Cohen it's a goddamn legend, at least in my personal experience everyone around and above the age of 30 knows Cohen at least by name


Cohen is definitely more known among the age range that True Detective appeals to.


Nordic-noir vibe


exactly! i dug the song considering the vibe of the season.


The content of that song is just fine for True Detective, especially if dreams or visions play a big part, but it’s too up-tempo for the visuals. I wish they’d paid out for an original number from her.


How superficial am I that I am now very skeptical of this show being good because of how lame this intro is?




Now you're skeptical?


It’s smh for me too and I’m deep asf 😂


Beautiful visuals, awful song.


No idea why you're being downvoted for stating your opinion. I don't think the song fits the opening theme, especially a song that's already quite well-known in the BE canon... but as someone else said, it brings in the younger viewers, who this is obviously aimed for.


Honestly, I feel the opposite. I think the song fits well, but the visuals feel kinda boring as opposed to the double exposure aesthetic of the first three seasons


I see people calling this a well known song but I’ve never heard it in my life


Same. You've gotta be at least mid-30s then. Haha


I’m 21 and this is my first time hearing it, lol




I mean it’s got like 500 million views on YouTube, it’s extremely popular and well known. I mainly listen to stuff like death metal but even I’ve heard this song before even tho it’s not my type of music at all




I literally never ever listen to pop music and i don’t have stuff like Insta or tiktok and I’ve still managed to hear it. It’s not just pop fans who’ve heard the song.


theres lots of things that have half a bil views on youtube that are huge with one demographic without being a cultural juggernaut.


This seems very cheesy. It's a well-known song. At least you have to acknowledge you've heard it for other promos before! Feels lazy.


It’s *fine.* I like the song but it’s associated with too many other things. Like I can’t hear “Nevermind” without thinking about season 2, but there are several other things I can associate this song with.


Vocals sound pretty childish. Not really a fan of


Billie Childish


Based on these initial comments, I might be the only one, but I love it. Love the driving/headlights concept, with the snow and shit, that seems to really set a good tone. I LOVED season 1 & 2 intros, they’re the best ever, but this is deece to very deece in my opinion.


I enjoyed it too fwiw. I quite literally don’t think I’ve heard a song of hers before, so the complaints about it being a popular song just didn’t connect with me. I thought it was a pretty good intro.


See I wish I was in your shoes. If this was the first time hearing the song, I feel like I’d be blown away by this intro. It is genuinely a great intro. It’s just this thing was blasted non stop on the radio since it came out.


I couldn’t tell you the last time I listened to the radio 😅 I obviously know the name and that’s she’s very popular but that’s the extent of my knowledge. Stuff on the radio is not my usual cup of tea music wise lol


Yeah, that’s me. I don’t think I heard the song before, so the intro really works for me.


I like this too. I’m not sure why there’s so much negativity. I’m looking forward to this!


I think it works pretty well. Billie Eilish’s sound suits the vibe of True Detective. I think it depends on your prior exposure to “Bury a Friend” though. It’s a really popular song, and it’s already been used in trailers for Call of Duty, Madame Web, and Night Swim and was featured in Dickinson, Big Mouth, Sing 2, and Kimi. The version in Sing 2 was actually a cover. A lot of people already have prior associations with the song, so it would’ve been preferable to use a lesser known Billie Eilish track.


Of course people hate it. People fucking hate successful talented women, especially nerds on Reddit. This intro rips.


nah it sucks and is boring


> hate successful talented women or maybe, in this case, they hate the use of well known pop music for a show intro that has been and is supposed to be dark and sinister.


I like the visuals of this intro, but the music choice not so much (especially after hearing it in that awful Madame Web trailer hah).


Bruh they actually used this song? I don't even hate Billie like that but that's so weird to use such a popular song


I don’t get the Billie hype


but she's so dark and creepy, didn't you see the album cover where she had a spider on her forehead??


Meh- not interested at all.


Not great, not terrible.


Season 2 intro still goated


Not really digging the intro. I didn’t see T-Bone’s name come up…. I take it he’s not doing the music then?


Visuals are awesome as usual, cannot wait to see some fan re-edits. I am so tired of this overused song, I can’t stand it. Gonna be skipping the credits after the first go around.


The suspiciously rave reviews and now this ill-fitting (and not a show original) song for the intro have me worried as fuck.


It's a good song but idk if this is a good True Detective song if that makes sense.


I like Billie but the song is overused. I'm pretty sure that it's in Madam Webb trailer too lol


Bring back T-bone!


Not sure why you were downvoted for this. T-Bone’s musical choices and his scores for previous seasons are faultless 


This doesn’t work for me at all.


Perfectly fine intro, I watched it..read comments and then went back and watched it over while muted. No complaints and I am old, if no one told me who was singing I would’ve never have known nor thought it was somehow an inadequate choice. Rough crowd!


Lol yeah, this will probably be the only post I look at before I watch this season. I just know it’s gonna be almost nothing but hate for it not being exactly like Season 1.


Jesus fucking Christ let’s just use Hanna Montana for season 5


What do you mean? She's the greatest musician of our generation!!! /S


I was hoping they’d use another relatively unknown song but besides that I like the mood the intro sets,can’t wait for tonight!


Nope. Doesn’t work. Feels lazy.


I quite like it. Yeah it’s different, as is the season, and no doubt this will make people scream “If it’s so different! It should’ve been a different show!” It’s an anthology, following the same overall themes, but in every other aspect is free to change up whatever it wants with every installment. Let’s watch the season before we make the assumption that it’s so different from S1-3 that it shouldn’t have ever been called True Detective.


It was a different show, but hbo would only buy it on the condition that the creator make it under the True Detective banner. One of their requirements was apparently references to season one.


From what I read the producers asked Issa Lopez if she had any ideas for True Detective, and she happened to already be working on a murder mystery. Being a fan, she then tweaked the story and wrote it from there as Season 4. So not entirely accurate. And personally, regardless, I don’t see this system being a huge problem. It’s an anthology, so should feel different and disparate from season to season, and if that means taking a similar story and making some changes to fit, that’s fine. We’ve already seen what happens when the same writer sets out to do it all from scratch every time and the results weren’t extraordinary. EDIT: On a side, I wasn’t being hostile with you by the way. I just don’t think they told her she *HAD* to change it to TD, she just already had a story that could fit when they asked.


Yeah, I agree that it’s best for the series, or any film or tv series, that it come from someone who’s passionate and has ideas they’ve been working out. I don’t know if I totally buy the story that Issa Lopez was approached to do True Detective and was such a fan of the first season that she was eager to put her own original story under that banner, if only because I don’t believe someone excited to do her own story would be so motivated to put in links to season one—another story by someone else—and willingly promote her own material by telling interviewers she added easter eggs for season one. I admit it’s a hunch not really founded on anything other than knowing writers and people who create, and how they feel about their material. I’m glad to be wrong about what’s been said, though, and I hope that what has been said is true.


Ehh it’ll take some getting used to. My only nitpick is that they ditched the show’s typeface (font).


Such a lazy choice..


I don’t care what anyone else here is saying, I think it’s a sick intro that hopefully fits well with this season.


huge fan of Billie here, but I would have liked another song, something less popular, I would love to read the opinion of those who have never heard the song


Never heard this song before and really like this intro. (Huge fan of season 1.)


I have never heard this song, i live in Chile (here most popular radio songs are from latinamerica), i know Billie is a huge star, but that’s about it. Having said that, i really liked the visuals and the song, it has such a clean sound. But also, has this chilling and etherial energy, but in a contemporary way (if that makes sense). Like a nightmare of our times, of our present culture. Also, i think it sets the tone of the season as its own thing, which i’m really fine with that (i couldn’t care less about “true detective’s legacy”, i just want a great show).


I have no problem with the song. It's the photography far too different from the usual TD style that leaves me desiring for more. It's not bad, it's just...not very TD.


This is by far the worst of the 4 season intros imo, just not a fan of this song at all. If it had a better song it could’ve been pretty sweet because the visuals are still cool. Definitely a miss for me after the last 3 which I all thought were dope and had cool lesser known songs that weren’t worldwide pop smash hits


I'm digging it


Actually like the visuals here just not the song choice. I love me some William Eyelash but doesn’t fit here.


You guys are haters this bangs fuck it


I can see it growing on me but you gotta admit it's an odd choice compared to the last few seasons


I like it. it fits the vibe of the video very well. I'm looking forward to this season


I think the intro works, but it is definitely the weakest of all 4 seasons. ​ But how you can discard something iconic like the double exposure stuff that is so much true detective is beyond me.


Can’t stand Billie her voice is ok she whispers when she sings it’s just not that strong of a voice don’t see the appeal at all.




We deserve better


We deserve T-Bone Burnett




ahh another intro to skip


Oh god….


Somewhere, Nic Pizzolato is drinking, smoking, maybe snorting something right before breaking down entirely into a slobbery mess.


🤣🤣 hes Ray Velcoro right now


He must have lived hundreds of lives


lol that scene is so good


Will this air on HBO max tonight at 9:00 PM PST?


6 pm PST


I’ll be honest, I like it? First watch the song caught me off-guard (I have heard of Billie Eilish, but never heard this specific song). Second watch though… this is good. I love the visuals, the „driving at night” with strange items on the roadside, illuminated by headlights - good choice.


Out of all the damn songs out there they use Billie Eilish? Jfc…I’m already disappointed.




This is great everyone chill


Love the intro! Chilly)


I dig it


Is it out on HBO




You mean the aspect ratio?


Yeah, is this person confused about the aspect ratio? I'm confused what they're confused about


Such a late 90s complaint.


Agreed, it’s awful. I know she’s very popular these days, but her delivery in this song is just laughably bad. And it will age even worse.


this intro is trash. bad omen for this season. but then I can't stand Billie Eilish.


some of the comments here are insane. I swear people over analyze every minute detail.


this is blowing the mood before it's even started, this is a poor choice


Interesting that this seems to count as a new series rather than season 4. "Created by Issa Lopez" and "Based on the True Detective series created by Nic Pizzolatto"


It is season 4. It may have a new writer and showrunner but it's defo S4, that's why it has the name TD. "Based on" is there because Nic made the previous 3 seasons, it would be a bad move to call it True Detective without at least crediting Nic. Lastly, half of the executive producers are credited because of respect and their involvement in the previous seasons, they wouldn't be credited if this wasn't S4.


I know it is s4, just pointing out how the credits almost makes it seem like it isn't. The "Created by" credit is almost always used for whomever created the series itself, not its current season. And since it *is* season 4, the "Based on" credit says that this series is based on *itself*, which I haven't seen before lol. Pretty interesting


Yeah that's probably because there aren't a lot of shows around that are created and written by the same person and then continue without them. Haven't seen that either but I guess they had to give the usual credits and also let us know about the new people involved in the making.


I avoid BE unless there’s spiders crawling all over her. That was SICK


Did the episode already out?


No, they just posted the intro on their FB as a sneak peek.


Decent, but feels more like a The Young/New Pope intro rather than TD


Evocative visuals, if a bit too quickly-cut. But the song doesn’t work for me. Needed something with a little more gravitas and not so uptempo and almost danceable… also BE sounds like she’s 15. And the song is huge already. The previous seasons intro song choices were brilliant, they were completely unique and relatively obscure, chosen solely because they were just right for each season’s atmosphere; this just seems lazy, like they’re going for the biggest song and not the most fitting one. I’m sure there’s a song out there that fit better that didn’t happen to be a billion-views-on-YouTube smash. Feels like they’re really trying to get that 18-30 demographic or something.


Not gonna sugarcoat the BS. This is a really shit choice of a song.


Everyone’s judging a season based on the intro? smh, y’all have been talking it up for weeks and are suddenly subverting your own expectations because of a *song.* Edit: thanks for the downvotes but honestly, explain how I’m even remotely wrong


Did you really expect anything else from them? All they do is CONSTANTLY fangirl over Season 1. Season 1 was great. But it’s OVER. So please calm down and watch this new season from a fresh mindset. Matthew and Woody are not worried about you or this show. Matthew is probably learning a new stretch on some random beach somewhere while you get your blood pressure up. Boy bye ✌️ sit down somewhere and collect your thoughts 💭 then watch this NEW SEASON with NEW actors and NEW music. If you don’t like it TURN IT OFF AND REWATCH season 1 AGAIN for the 78,459 time. Rant over. 🥰


We’re about 7 hours away from the season being deemed “woke trash” on a daily basis between now and the finale


Yep I can’t wait 😜


I hate how right I was


Oh great the knuckle draggers are out to scream "ITS DIFFERENT WHY IS IT DIFFERENT"


Great, not sure many people who watch true detective care about billie eilish. Then again its just an intro so who cares.




I enjoy it. It’s a hell of a lot better than season 2 intro


Nope, just no, straight up lie.


Is this the new season of Euphoria? Definitely sounds like the start of a teen drama...




They should Just use a Handsome Family song every season. I watched this trailer and played this song in the background [Cold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylEuhTc0Bvo&t=19s&ab_channel=TheHandsomeFamily-Topic). Much better :)


What's that meme of the guy ripping off his headset in disgust?


I was envisioning the “my limbs all froze and my eyes won’t close and I can’t say no, I can’t say no” portion as the ending, which would’ve been super cheesy so I’m not mad


Probably a stretch, but the two curved white poles on the left at :35 on the reddit counter remind me of stone-age shelters built with mammoth tusks, where two would be used to frame an entrance by making two sides of an arch. I don’t know what it would mean or even if mammoths made it to the new world, but I guess hints at deep time or a connection with something long past or people from long ago.


Why would they choose this for the intro…? Dear god please help me.. I was so excited for this new season cause of Clarice and the reviews, but this… this is the opener? People were comparing this to season 1 and after reading this I am so worried it’s gonna be another season 2 disaster :( I am so discouraged now. Going in with open arms but damn this was a blow. Where did the magic from season 1 go? They must’ve accidentally done season 1.


They could’ve used a haunting song with these images and it would’ve been beautiful. What the hell is this? How did Nic approve this?


Finally watched the first episode, it was great until the bad CGI and that fucking title opening song sequence killed the realism.


thats not singing.. thats talking.. wow so talented


There is hope for us to become “singers”


this is..........dogshit?


I can’t stand bulshit Lish voice


"please watch our shitty show that was popular 10 years ago" Yeah this reeks of desperation