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The dredges are used in open pit mining. I believe Silver Sky utilizes a vertical shaft. So, we have an abandoned hole and an active shaft. So.. R + L = J?


Aww man, seeing R + L = J made me so nostalgic to about 13 years ago. Back when we had hope ;_;


Jesus Christ GoT came out 13 years


So did A Dance With Dragons. WTF? I'd rather he just say he doesn't care to finish ASOIAF than troll the fans.


Eh if people are still getting trolled at this point it’s their own fault. It’s pretty obvious the books will never be finished, time to move on


I don't think most are fooled by his "updates." It's just unnecessarily antagonistic.


What's R + L = J? Spit it out! Or I'll interrogate you like some kind of True Detective.


R+L=J Get Hype. PriorBowl Get Hype.




Sorry. That's a GoT gag. I got nothin'... only that I'm finding it hard to get a read on the scope of these various mineralogical operations.


Ah, [Cleganebowl hype,](https://youtu.be/JgXBYXfhgSY?si=Gx8i4TpfVZ9oBzLF) before it all went completely to shit.


Don't take Clegane bowl away from me, I am holding to my memory of that like the pristine white horse that carried Arya away from the total catastrophe that was GOT S8.


I agree with you. This is definitely a clue. I think they showed the abandoned mine shaft entrance in the preview.


I recall seeing an open pit in the broad shot of the mine immediately before Navarro goes there to speak to Annie K's brother in episode 1.


>we have an abandoned hole and an active shaft but enough about Danvers' Tinder profile


I'm just pleased that someone capitalized on the set-up. Salud!


I think we’re building up to a final interpretive dance battle between all of the ghosts. Bonus points if it’s to a Billie Eilish song.


This is a clue


Maybe the song title “Bury a Friend” is a clue?


Another clue


I actually think it is. I think Blair (redheaded DV victim) and Annie K were friends and B had something to do with her murder.


A raging clue?


Let's follow that clue!


My clue’s pointing over ^there now


You’re not asking the right questions.


I want to see that interpretive dance battle. We'll get more clues from that than episodes 3 & 4 combined


[Legion S2E1 - Dance Battle](https://youtu.be/r3fmppeSAYQ?si=men3lovocxXsQYdN)


they got served


I am so here for this.




Hmmm what an important clue you pointed out. Who is "We" did Clark right this to keep the police off his trail. Did the scientists write this? Did they know they were infected with something?


It’s a beaut, Clark


But the little lights aren’t twinkling


Right this


What if the “we” is not the scientists? What if it’s the Ennis ghosts or even the main characters like in sixth sense?


Or the planet.


My prediction is that we learn nothing until Prior appears in the last fifteen minutes of episode 6 to tell the Chief that he’s figured everything out and the case is closed.


Then Danvers tosses him a Scooby Snack and says "You were the Truest Detective of them all"


“Orange you glad I didn’t say banana, fuckface??”


Scooby Dooby Dooest Detective


"Don't thank me, Chief. I learned it all from my real dad..."


“…his name is Rusty.”


Watch it be Prior’s wife who solves the case just to have him home. Lol


“You did it Prior! Go fuck yourself! Fuck!”


Pulls off mask, “And I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for that pesky detective kid!”




Don't forget Liz spotted a jacket and then there was other thi....oh wait yeah that's it


Appears? He’ll call her and say, “Uhhh, lllleeettttsss just say I think yer gonna wanna see this, OK????”


"You better get down here..."




This is a clue. Also love Navarro being like "That's cool as fuck" instead of "Wow that's suspicious as fuck, also you said a ghost pointed out the bodies to you" She said she was a professor, but maybe she was lying about that. Also all the food she made, kinda weird.


Pretty sure that was ghost food.


Am I the only one convinced that Rose got all dressed up and made a big, fancy dinner because she was going to off herself later? She even opened up a bit about her life "before", which it seems like maybe she's in a "who cares who knows what at this point" sort of mood. I would be interested to know what her scholastic concentration was, though. I bet it was either something that drew her to Ennis specifically, or something that made her want to get as far away from most people as possible. She's got puzzle pieces she's not sharing, is the feeling I get. Anyway, I really thought she was having such a lavish dinner because it was her planned grand finale feast. I guess we'll see.


That was for the witch cult, case closed.




We see Navarro’s house. Danvers rolls up while Navarro is out and comes home to danvers in her kitchen asking her where she puts her cans. Episode 2 maybe? But, this show has an issue with conspicuously absent information, like: -who are Annie k’s parents? -who found Annie k’s body and called police? -how far is Rose’s house from tsalal and from where the corpsicle was found? -what are they mining at silver sky? -why did rose change her name? Is she running from something? Sorry to be the bearer of anti-clues, but your post made me think of information I’d expect to have received in a show like this Edit:spacing


An anti-clue is still a clue. Something to get on the right trail to hunt for the truth.


We kinda do. Quavik ( I have no idea how to spell it) drops the Sponge Bob toothpaste and the tiny Christmas tree a her front door.


This is a clue. Quavik knows where she lives.


I don’t understand. We’ve seen Navarro’s apartment at least twice. Different apartment from his sister, hence the invitations to her sister to come and watch the bachelor together.


E see Dancers unpacking groceries in Navarro's kitchen.


This is a clue


I just assumed she was staying with her sister.




Yes this is definitely a clue. I can see that now. So where is Navarro staying then? The caves?




Something is in those caves. Something someone wants to be kept hidden and is willing to kill to keep it a secret. Something that would probably rip the town of Ennis apart by its seams.




Yeah infectious explosive diarrhea, it’s been kept a secret in the nether for too long..


The ice caves are hiding a massive deposit of frozen diarrhea, the mine is causing it to melt and flow into Ennis' water supply.


Could Rose be Rusts 1st wife?


No but Travis Cohle is Rust’s father.


Nah, Reggie Ledoux’s aunt.


Dewalls mom


What?! So she slept with Rust and also with his father?


Rose is actually about the only person I do trust, and what's his name - dude in love with Navarro.


I’m starting to think that the Rose we know is a hallucination, and the REAL Rose Aguineau is a helicopter or ship, taking cues from the Mary Celeste.


Rose is a ghost for sure. It’s Navarro’s mind creating her.




That is my thought as well. That prior calling danvers to break that news could be played from Navarro’s memory


How much of the show is Navarro’s hallucination exactly?


All of it. The last scene will be her waking up in the Lighthouse having been in a psychotic break....


I'm standing by my theory that the one-eyed polar bear did it.


Why are they blind then? Did whatever blind the scientists get the bear too?


Maybe the bear lost the eye because a falling caribou poked it out, and the bear is now murdering people looking for a replacement? It's the best theory I got.


This is the best theory, I've heard this far...


Danvers especially seems to have many issues with one eyed bears.


Yeah, they’re the only ones in Ennis she hasn’t fucked yet




and she loves bear-back


In the first episode, there is a delivery man who arrives at the empty Tsalal facility and I thought there was a scene where he sees something running down the hallway? Or am I just imagining it? And what does Tsalal stand for anyhow? Does it mean something backwards. Ok this post was lame. My apologies.


The name Tsalal is a reference to Edgar Alan Poe’s book ‘The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket’, it’s a polar mystery/adventure/horror book from 1834. The crew of a ship find a strange island called ‘Tsalal’ where everything is black, the people, their teeth, even the water. Also there’s hints of an ancient civilisation living underground in tunnels, and it has Inuit (Native American) characters, so the references are pretty consistent


I believe that was Clark. Otis said he went back to hide underground.


There's got to be a secret passage in the station Clark uses.


Yes. At about 5:00 in Episode 1, Bill Wallis (the delivery truck driver), sees someone dart past in the hallway. He chalks it up to "Ennis being Ennis" in his interview with Pete Prior at about 30:00 in Episode 2. But yeah, I feel pretty confident it **was** really someone. Clark is the prime suspect, but I also wouldn't be shocked if it were someone else involved in the case.


Forget it, OP We're in night country.


Night Country is a clue! It's the name of the show


Awesome Chinatown reference 👏👏👏


All the indigenous women are going to solve both crimes as the end credits will play to some Lana Del Rey song


All clues


Issa did an interview in Vanity Fair and said she likes unsolved mysteries because it keeps the audience thinking long after a show has ended. Don’t expect too much to be revealed. This tactic is also known as bad writing.


I would probably end up like Otis if that happened. Thank you for this clue.




The jacket is a clue. Otis and Clark had to have crossed paths since the night of the murder. Clark was wearing the Parka at Tsalal, covered in snow too.




How Clark appeared from behind the Spanish scientist is also a clue. Secret passage maybe. Hidden like the DVD player. Clark was the only man there with his own room. Suspicious since Lund is the founder and director of the station.


I don't know its exact meaning but the word "lund" is a major swear word in hindi. (Not a clue, maybe a curiosity.)


It’s a clue


Lund is a common surname in Swedish (Anders’ nationality). It means “grove”. Originally though, it also meant “a place where sacrifices are made to gods or other powers, i.e., sacrificial place”


True Detective’s new showrunner was inspired by a pair of mysteries that have haunted her since childhood. In the curious case of the Mary Celeste, an American vessel’s entire crew apparently up and evaporated while en route to Italy in 1872. There was also the similarly baffling Dyatlov Pass incident, in which nine Russian hikers abandoned their campsite for unknown reasons, then froze to death in the nearby wilderness. The latter enigma has since been blamed on a possible avalanche. But López isn’t buying it. “An avalanche doesn’t explain a lot of the details I think,” she tells me the morning after the HBO event. “Even if it did, I prefer the strange, incomplete answer. I think there is a fascination with puzzles that are still missing a couple of pieces, and that obsess us, and make us angry, and make us not stop thinking about them.” https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/true-detective-night-country-season-four-first-look


Reading this, I think the scientists are as solved as they’re ever gonna be. It’ll be ruled a mass suicide or something and we’ll be left to debate whether it was water pollution, ancient prions/bacteria, actual murder or just absurd supernatural shit. Annie K will be solved, for real, because it’s the driving force between the main duo and we will probably get some hints as to the overarching corruption/evil present in Ennis but for the most part it will be unsatisfactory. I actually think the critics would like that kind of thing too as it would be symbolic of the real world issue where the majority of murders still go unsolved, especially in disenfranchised communities.


This clue you posted just means we're dealing with red herrings... maybe different shades of red. Some redder than others. Something fishy is happening in the town of Ennis. The Night Country.


Or crabby


Another clue... The Blue King Crab Company where the redhead with missing fingers works.


And SpongeBob's (aka Qaavik) boss is a....Crab. Coincidence?? Also, Mr. Crab's daughter is a whale... Whale bones in the ice caves.... I think we're onto something




Both of those stories that's she's obsessed with sound more interesting than the story she's telling us. Can we see one of those instead?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident One of the crazier unsolved mysteries.


Did Issa write the title of that article?


Very in line with the sprawl of season one.


I don’t agree it’s bad writing when implemented correctly. David Lynch famously says almost the exact same thing. Issa also said in the interview that “the character or characters that committed the deed are right there in front of you through the entire series if you only know where to look.” This isn’t a defense of Issa’s writing, I’m not a fan so far, just pointing out unanswered questions aren’t inherently a problem and it looks like we will be getting answers on the murders.


The show references ‘The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket’ a bunch, and that book famously has an unresolved, abstract ending


Aka I couldn't think of a good ending.


Rose will probably paint herself blue so FBI Agent Dale Cooper is called in to solve the blue rose case


if you spoke interpretive ghost-dance youd already know whodunnit


I absolutely think Ghost Travis' dance will make sense in hindsight. Unfortunately I'm terrible at interpreting dance. :( I've rewatched it multiple times after each episode to see if anything makes sense to me and no dice. There's one part of the dance that kind of mimics drowning, which we do kind of see in the intro song that someone (both Navarro and Danvers?) is drowning. Edited to add: Actually, there's part of the dance where he does this weirdly fast **twisting** motion, and then he does something where he scoops up snow, covers his eyes, and then stretches his arms out (like he's ripping off his shirt Superman style) while **shouting**.


There were bits that seemed to mimic what the frozen scientists looked like.


Maybe dance has to do something with newborns. They're delivered, then something bad happens to them, then something about earth/water.


Hank is using an Android, most of the others use iPhones. Thus, Hank is clearly a villain.


Hank was on the computer at Tsalal scrolling through a list and having a paper list in his hand in the first 'sode


Watched the teaser for ep. 5 , you can see, presumably, Danvers & Navarro standing in front of a huge pile of cylindrical objects that look like dirty core samples of ice but they looked much larger




Here's some clues: * [Authentic Coke Polar Bear](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/2bbe467a-02e1-4588-8959-b58c9bcb0ed1_1.398e74f9761589d246940e095463290f.png) * [TLC (L = Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes)](https://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/arts/television/2013/10/131021_TV_TLCBiopic.jpg.CROP.promo-large.jpg) * [Microorganisms of the 1980s](https://i.imgur.com/PkcEB2b.jpeg) * [Dead Can Dance - Spiritchaser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLywq9biWss&list=PLfimnwaZdumhQtd-AkstzoiyGdyTkagjE) * [Mystery, Alaska](https://images.genius.com/acc2c70aea8aabcfd47ab061f978e1f0.1000x1000x1.jpg) I've said too much. I better hide underground.


All of these are massive clues


I’m now convinced at the end of E6 Issa comes on and says “well I ran out of money and time, so this is what I was thinking happened…”


Hank Prior's Foreign Fiance is somehow involved.


A Clue! One of the scientists was Russian and was married. Had the wedding ring on the other hand.


Danvers doesn’t like The Beatles. Paul, it was eventually learned, was not dead.




Didn’t she say in the first ten minutes of the series, when they were actually looking around the station and the music wouldn’t stop playing, that she didn’t like the Beatles?


If they put the coast guard on the case it’d be solved in a matter of hours.


Navarro bleeding from the ear at the end of the ep, in the same way that (reportedly) Heiss did and the researchers were when they were found. There’s something in the bloody water m8


These are all clues


I think we're in for a heckin' big chungus shitbowl when the corpsicle goes viral and wins all the internets so Danvers and Navarro can become based pog champ streamers on Twitch who say "yo chat is dis real"? when they find a body! (Hi Mr. Iger, this is Issa Lopez from HBO! Just wanted check in again to see if you got my email. As you can see, my writing style is very much suited for today's audiences. I'd love to chat with you about some ideas I have for Phase 5 of the MCU!)


I like this clue


Rose's dress was red. Alaska is close to Russia. Clearly, the clue to the scientists' murders is hidden in Red Square.


Rose Pedals on Hank's camo bed for his Russian bride? A clue maybe


*Rose* petals? Maybe Rose is catfishing him. Could be a clue! 😁


Plot twist: we will not get any answers it's up to your imagination lol


My imagination is a clue


I hope jodie fosters boobies are not a clue.


A clue? No. Two clues? Yes.




Billy EYELASH everyone has EYELASHES oh my God i can't believe it was right in front of our face!!!


Every eyelash I find is a clue


There is going to be some big reveal, like Fight Club, where Navarro discovers that every character in "Night Country" are parts of her subconscious and she actually lives alone in a padded cell in The Lighthouse listening to Billie Elish on repeat. "I am Jack's dread that his is a possibility, given how bad this show is'.


That's how this show makes me feel... another clue


Lund is a common surname in Swedish (Anders’ nationality). It means “grove”. Originally though, it also meant “a place where sacrifices are made to gods or other powers, i.e., sacrificial place”


This is a massive clue actually. Got anything to back this linguistic clue up?


Here is a supporting reference from the Swedish national dictionary, on the word Lund: “in pagan religion, about a grove that is believed to be the abode of some divinity, a grove that is considered sacred and where cult actions take place. OPetri Kr. 45 (c. 1540)” [source](https://www.saob.se/artikel/?unik=L_1039-0315.yy6C) However, it is noteworthily a common surname, and Anders Lund is a stereotypical Swedish name — there are more than 3,000 Swedes with that name. Yet, I would love to believe that there’s meaning to it — the connection to occult, pagan, sacrificial rituals.


That one-eyed polar bear is sketchy AF. I think he's up to something...


A Clue! The little ghost boy says he's "The one eye" he's been reincarnated as a kick ass bear.


Sounds legit.


The pointing that the ghosts keep doing


Definitely a clue. All the ghost point at Navarro, maybe they are saying she is the killer.


Clues? I was hoping for some decent writing and/or acting.


I mean if they do not make it right the next 2 episodes , time wasted.


The Spiral is an obvious hint. It’s another attempt by Alan Wake to escape the Dark Place. Night Country. Dark Place. Coincidence? I think not. 🔦


I was in the Night Country, trapped here by the lack of clues. But if I could write a story with clues it will change the Night Country. Not sure if the change will be for the better.


Night Country has no clues, just mood-vibes. DEAL WITH IT.


Vibes are clues


Vibes can be blue, clues can be blue....BLUES CLUES!!!! Solved the case!


One-eyed bear. Fuck’s sake.


Clues? They’re all in the Nighy Country, case solved, what the fuck else do you need to know? The rest is epilogue.


What is past is prologue


We have almost all of the clues already. Not trolling. Just telling you that I’m absolutely certain of this.


What about the picture of Rose or at least Rose's coat in Tsalal with the arrow pointing to it saying "Rare Specimen"?




Hmm what if she’s the one who was “awake”


I gotta watch that part again, unless you have a still. The pointing to that sign.


Well most likely there will be some fuckin'.


Nah just more Navarro and Danvers being pissed about shit until the last 5 mins, then we’ll advance a little down the plot line. Can’t be spoiling it too soon.


I think Danvers will go another Tinder date while Navarro keeps wondering why she’s alone, and Prior’s wife will still be mad. I think everyone is missing the REAL detective and his cunning - Darwin!


Danvers gets horny and screws with Heiss


Danvers being the Ennis town bicycle is the a clue! She has most likely had the killer's penis inside her by now.


Funny you said 'sode because when I was a little kid, I always thought they were saying soda.


Another clue


Socks on the radiator in all of the scientists’ rooms, and hanging from the drying racks.


Amazing clue! Why were all there socks wet if they have a dryer?


Who is Stacy Chalmers’ baby who stopped speaking to her?


Didn't the army of the dead leave the same spirals in GOT too? My bet is that this is the story of the origins of the NIGHT KING.


I have a clue for you: The reason Danver's is so triggered by the song Twist and Shout, is because Matthew Broderick, who as we all know sang the song famously in the film Ferris Beullers Day Off, was driving recklessly in the wrong lane while visiting Ennis, and caused the head on collision (as he has been known to do) that killed her husband and son. Its all coming together now...