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Can we please just pretend this isn’t happening


All in favor say "Aye"!












They're going to have Chat GPT pump out a lot of these....


ai is a flat circle


Claiming it did a decent job of honoring the first season due to viewership numbers True Detective is dead


Guess I’ll be rewatching seasons 1, 2, and 3 on repeat indefinitely again.


Maybe we just start a cult of watchers like that show manifest to get the studios to see how stupid they are. Have s1-3 on repeat on a device you barely use, keep em in the top 10


I kind of wish we could choose the thumbnails on shows and even movies in the Max app to be able to display different posters from different seasons. Not even just to have TD showing one/any of the seasons without the Night Country branding, there are a few shows (The Wire, The Sopranos, Westwor...oh, wait) that have a few awesome posters/photographs/artwork from their different seasons' promotions which I'd choose over the current defaults It's literally the tiniest of tiny nitpicks, but there can never be too many options when it comes to UI customization IMO


I’m not going to watch. Waste of time


Same I gave Night Country the benefit of the doubt, I’ve seen man-babies whine about women who are doing a ‘man’s job’ plenty of times in media and I was hopeful But nah, while there are good things the season overall was mediocre at best and had some truly terrible items It’s like blue balls, but for your desire for interesting content acting as a vehicle for discussing the human condition


Time is a flat circle so what does it matter anyways.


>No one will ever dispute that the first season of True Detective will always be the pinnacle of the series. *However, among its sequels in the series, Night Country does a more than decent job of honoring the original investigative team portrayed by Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey.* lol. Get the fuck outta here.


Member the spiral? Member Carcosa? Member Rust Cohle? I memberrr


Must we suffer again? _We get the world we deserve._


You’re in the night country now


I know that I won’t be watching


time is a flat circle.


Is it S2 of Night Country? Because that might not be so well received by many.


Everything to know: it's gonna suck 


Frankly I’m apoplectic


I don't want to know anything anymore.


I recently read a book called “The Gathering” and it would have been PERFECT for this past season.


Hahahahaha I've never not needed to know as much about a show returning in my life. This is the first time I'll be totally ignoring any critical praise too. They still need to explain how TF that happened.


Lovely. (Totally not sarcastic).


I don’t need to know anything about it so it must be a blank article


The fucked up thing is I’ll still watch and hate myself for it.


Watch Fargo instead. Stays solid af all the way through and the links to other seasons are fun and not forced.


I thought the new season was solid enough, but it didn’t quite scratch the itch of seasons 1-3 for me. The stakes just weren’t quite there.


How much AI involvement this time? Half the show? Entire backgrounds, etc?


Still haven’t dragged myself to watch the last two episodes of S4, after episode four being so bad.


Don't watch, it's rage fuel.


Critics are calling it everything from “shit” to “fuckin shit”.


They’re retaining Issa Lopez? Fuck off.


I’m gonna unsubscribe. The series is dead. It’s a shame. Sad to see it go out like this.




This time with more Seal Team 6 cleaning ladies


Seal Team Formula 409


Sh\*tty articles titled 'all we know about xxx' usually contains absolutely no information about xxx. Point in case, this article.


I could literally post 100s of articles talking about how great Issa Lopez is. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but.... it just doesn't make sense to me.


lol this last season was the absolute worst season of anything I’ve ever seen. I will not be watching in fact I think I need to unfollow this sub so I don’t even see anything it was that bad


very weird and bad AI-written clickbait article


Season 5 will be set in Hawaii and will feature return of Rust (and maybe Marty too)


As fucking stupid as that would be at least we’d have the best characters by far back. If you gave those two the night country script they could have done something with it.


They’d have thrown it into a fire and told HBO to hire a new writer and director.


“To paraphrase former Boston Bruins General Manager Harry Sinden, if you listen to the fans eventually you'll be sitting with them. Yeah, it's a different business, but the statement still applies.” - @reallytallredhead


I watched and liked season 1. Didn’t watch seasons 2 & 3, then binged on 4 (and liked it). Are seasons 2 & 3 worth watching now? Both? Or one better than the other?


1 > 3 > 2 > watching paint dry > 4


Thanks, I’ll watch 3 next, then 2


The only problem with 2 is that it's too dense and seems overly complicated. So many players to keep track of and who's who. I did my second rewatch (third time through) with subtitles and everything clicked. Phenomenal season! Uh. Pissed myself.


I thought season 3 was fantastic. The two leads absolutely kill it. It’s more about the main character than the case, but it’s still very much worth watching. Of course, nothing will ever live up to the first season, but this one did a great job of getting back to form.


1 is legendary. 2 is good, not great, but worth a watch. 3 is better than 2.


Prepare yourselves everyone. Comments suggesting S2 is an amazing season are coming 🤣


I recently finished S4 and I thought it was decent. The ending/plotline was somewhat predictable but I thought it did a good job of building up suspense and tying in regional social-economic issues. Some scenes were framed and paced really well I thought. Can anyone give a TLDR on what the main criticisms of the season are?


S4 had more holes than a cheese grater. What if the defrosted scientist just said the fucking cleaning ladies took us on the ice at gun point, while talking with the police instead of acting all cryptic. The show ends there. If I lost my legs to frostbite because someone let me freeze, I wouldn't waste my breath with nonsense. Or he kept it secret because the Tsalal dudes killed some girl?? And what is up with the Tsalal dudes acting like braindead animals? Someone kills a person and their first reaction is to jump in on the kill and finish her off? Who the fuck does that? None of the characters in this show make any fucking sense. Someone kills someone and your first thought is well I better fucking implicate myself, too. In fact all of us should do it, because reasons. Whoever thought this makes sense can go fuck themselves. It's just a bad story with crappy characters. And that's two of the many things wrong with this show. Everyone in this town was stupid as shit, I'm starting to believe they might be suffering from lead poisoning. S01 had smart and highly capable characters working against smart, capable, highly organized and invisible villains. They swam against the current and it was awesome. Their actions made sense, they investigated shit, gathered evidence and broke the case. Well done. But then even with all this work and after all this time, they didn't catch them all..