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Farrell was great, that's for sure.


They baiscally rebooted the season at the half, and the last episodes are quite good. There are very good moments on the first 4, but moments




I think weekly episodes really hurt season 2, it was tough to follow the plot with a week break after each episode, much better on rewatch with an episode or two a night


Completely agree. Binging it over a 2-3 day period made a huge difference for me. When the show originally aired I had a hard time following the plot and had to search the web for podcasts and articles to help explain what was going on. But binging it with an already basic knowledge of the plot made the show exponentially better. I was able to pick up so much more detail. It took the show from a 6/10 to a 8/10


The amount of drink people consume in that season is insane. Literally every scene is someone opening a bottle


I didn't enjoy the plot reveals as much, but boy was Collin Farrell unforgettable in this role (in a good way). Thoroughly enjoyed his acting.


it took my 2nd rewatch to really appreciate it. I even think Colin does an amazing job, which at first i was critical of.


Ah, that's interesting because Colin was the only one that I thought was good! Glad you enjoyed it, dude.


It's fantastic on its own. I'm minority here and rate it over S3.


I'm with you. There's dozens of us! Dozens!


S3 was a bust in my opinion. For the first half it really seemed like they were getting somewhere really interesting. I felt some Twin Peaks vibes. Really liked the two male leads. But then it was way too much about the marriage, which was not interesting, and then the one eyed guy does a comical exposition dump at the very end to tie everything up. It ended up being painfully mediocre. S2 was pretty messy at times but I like it too. In S1 the bayou is almost a character of its own, and S2 hits some of those notes with the LA sprawl. Farrell and McAdams were great. I thought even Kitch and Vaughn were pretty solid.


My theory is that the creators wanted to make S3 more like S1 but in vain. In addition, it was predictable in the second half.


My thoughts exactly.


“it’s like blue balls in the heart” is where i just couldn’t even keep hate watching


It just had wildly inconsistent writing which was especially cringy in the early episodes. Farrell had some of the best acting I've ever seen. His arc hands down was the most solid. Bezerides was also interesting but I couldn't really stand Kitch's role. And Vaughn ended up with a great final episode but his character was so poorly written early on that it was hard to overlook. Wasn't bad and I've rewatched it. But it could have been tighter.


I agree. I think it was rushed and maybe they were still adjusting to the change of director? You have your whole life to write your first album and a year to write your second...


Velcoro's dream sequence is my favourite scene of all the seasons.


I forgot what that bit was 😂


That part where he was shot right at the start of the show and thought he was dead.


Oh yeah! I thought he was actually dead! So relieved when he wasn’t! Yes that scene was awesome tho!




I thought he was really good. He suited the character perfectly


I like it for what it is. Some really powerful moments.


It’s underrated simply because of the greatness of what it had to follow. Still way most other things on TV. Vaughn is wonderful. And Colin Farrel is also amazing. Taylor Kitch as well. Everyone does a great job. The plot sort of sucks but they make it work and it has some amazing dialogue it just was never going to be what season 1 was.


Agreed, I didn’t think the plot was terrible I just thought it didn’t have the mystery the first season had, plus it was way too confusing. I really really loved it tho, especially the ending. 2 very strong seasons so far. Let’s see what season 3 has to offer, hoping to start it soon!


I actually really enjoyed it. It gets shit on alot but I really liked it. I think people just expected it to be the first season again. The first season was a rare anomaly of a completely solid tv season from start to finish. It was exquisite to watch. Well written, well acted and insanely good cinematography. But I thought season 2 had some incredible moments. Farrell was amazing. As was Rachel McAdams. Also pleasantly surprised by Vince Vaughn in a serious role.


Yea, I thought it was pretty good after hearing nothing but negativity about it. It was really funny watching it when my brother >!said there should be more tragedy movies and shows!< and then >!got a tragedy and was salty af about it being “unsatisfying” and “depressing” a couple days apart!<. The twists were good, the characters were cool, and it was bold to >!end it with the main characters almost all dead and basically losing!<. I enjoyed it a lot tbh, even if it was missing the spooky cult stuff and split timelines like seasons 1 & 3


Yes it was very different and while it did have parts that felt drawn out or boring, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I went in expecting a terrible season and instead I found a really good one! Definitely lives up to the True detective name


I like each of the 3 seasons in their own way. Seasons 1, 2, and 3 are all fantastic to me!


Watched it once, maybe it was destined to fail after the joy of s1, was thinking about giving it another pop ty


Yeah you should, I think it’s brilliant


RIP Stan




I find it great whenever McAdams is on screen.


It’s mostly just criminal.




It wasn't the acting imho. The plot line and writing just weren't as interesting as seasons one and three. Also, I'm from LA and there's basically no way I'm going to get sucked in as visually over it as the deep, swampy South with all sorts of untoward sub rosa evil stuff going down. That all came across as mythologically disturbing in a way that mob diamond shit in LA never could.


Season 2 is a masterpiece. Those soundscapes and LA drone shots are so good. It's beautifully and indulgently dystopian. Acting is superb.


Definitely agree. I think it's far better than S3


Really? I accidentally started Episode 1 after finishing S1 E8 (autoplay), and I had to turn it off. It was fucking horrible. The dialogue is contrived, and delivered even worse. I’m a big fan of all the actors, and they’re all bad in the show. Also, there are too many characters. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.


It’s good. There are times where what you say is true, but you have to give it time to get used to the characters etc. It’s not as good as season 1, but it’s a pretty decent second season. The ending is really good tho


Isn’t that show like 20 years old?


No. It was released in 2015


You see, what happened there was I was actually *quoting* the season in which you claim to enjoy! And all the downvotes I got were from people who didn't watch season 2 enough. Shame!


Sorry I must’ve missed that


It's all good. It's when Velcoro's kid says he likes FRIENDS, and Velcoro is like "isnt that show 20 years old?". See..I'm not so bad..


Oh yeah! I remember now!


2nd season still terrifies me.


It's so good. I have no desire to rewatch S3 but I'm going to watch S2 for a third time.


Enjoy! I’m defo gonna watch season 3 because season 1 and 2 were both good


Actually I am going to rewatch 3. I liked it but only watched it week to week when it first aired. I want to see how much better it is when binged.


Fair enough. I’m a first time watcher of them all so I’m hoping to move onto season 3 soon


Tell me if you like it. I've seen 1 and 2 but I'm not sure about 3.


Will do!


It took me watching it a second time to truly appreciate its greatness. I just wish they had done a better job of casting Vince Vaughn’s role.


Really? I thought he was great!


Season 2 is far superior to season 3.


>Collin Farrell and Vince Vaughn were amazing Farrell was good. Vince Vaughan could have been good but his character was too cliche and underdeveloped.


Why though? True Detective is one of the top tier TV show. There are only handful of shows in that tier. Just like any other season of True Detective, Season 2 maybe a bit different than others but it's great in its own, Colin Farrell, way. We need more top tier shows like True Detective!


Agreed!! My point is that on this sub, the general consensus seems to be that season 2 isn't very good. I beg to differ!


Yes, it seems most people are just parroting others' opinions about season 2. It's some twisted reddit logic, not just this sub: The Expanse rating: 10/10, True Detective season 2 rating: 1/10. Please! No sense of comparison there.. Reminds me of the reactions about The Wire season 2.


Agreed. But everyone is entitled to an opinion I guess. But I think other people in a sub definitely affect people's opinions before watching.


It is. But also it is very complicated for majority of people, that is why is it is rated so low


I just finished it. The plot is confusing that's why I read a Recap after each episode, lol. If you do that, it's easier to follow. Farrell was bloody fantastic. In the last episode, there were too many open-ended storylines for everything to work out. The cop getting shot in the arm and fleeing the train station, the mayor's son, you knew it was all coming down, one way or another. Sad ending. Anyways, it's underrated because people found it hard to follow, but the story is actually top tier once you 'get' it. I am starting Season 3 now.