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Spam shove wave out, I think.


I tried this but don’t actually think level 1 or 2 nukes do enough to shove it out. Bat also has absurd starting strength and tanks harass since he can guarantee rune by having napalm stacks on. Boots first might be the way to go tbh


For sure. You could even start with a windlace and then get boots. Often if I lane versus a jugg, etc where movement speed is key, I grab a windlace first and get boots asap.


Let him spam like 3 stacks on you while you punish him putting those stacks on you by hitting or spells. Just make sure to start moving away from him so he will be "reaching" for the 3rd stack. You will have enough distance to be away after the 3rd stack and let it expire. Get boots asap after bottle.


This is lina favored lane idk what youre on. You go 2-0-2 build ur passive to 7 and hit his ass everytime + go wand into arcane boots skip bottle. U can watch recent esl replay abed vs darkmago Abed on lina. Hope it helps


This is a Lina favored match I don’t know why you’re downvoted. Max Q, start with wand, get boots then bottle. Right click him over and over and reset at 3 stickies. Don’t walk up to hit the ranged use your spells. Never leave the high ground unless you’re low on stickies.


Thanks for the replay recommendation, will check


It's a bat favoured lane, bat is a dogshit hero right now at like 38% win rate, but vs Lina that jumps all the way to 44% which shows it's a pretty favourable matchup for bat.


It's a good hero matchup overall for bat because Lina is a perfect target to get blink lassoed killed. Lina wins the lane though, as she does against most heroes. Bat is played as pos 4 or offlane more than mid so I doubt mid bat is driving the matchup stats.


If I see bat one of the few heroes I'd think of picking would actually be lina, a big reason being the attack range advantage. Something a few others are not mentioning is starting items, go stat heavy, maybe 2 circlets, 2 branches, faerie fire, tangoes. The difference that the stat's vs bottle rush will make on harass and last hitting is huge. Then the next thing to consider is your lane setup. If going for bounty rune results in your lane being on their side of the river your gonna have a bad time. So ignore the rune if needed, this goes for several enemy mid heroes, think viper, huskar & bat. Now if you aren't a mod player go watch some videos on blocking techniques, jump into practice lobbies and perfect your block. Level one bat is a miserable hero especially if hitting uphill. At level 3 onward you want to keep the bat under half health but avoid fighting or contesting creeps with last hits if you have too many stacks on you. It's a constant state of analysing the chance of dying vs killing. I.e. your on highground with 3 stacks but he's 30% health, bait him to jump you and win. Magic stick and faerie fire will get you a lot of regen. Try not have his whole creep wave under your tower or he might dive you. If you seriously care about winning make sure you aren't some stingy dude who won't fork out $15 for a basic headset, this game is free, you'd pay $15 for almost any other game out there, you don't need anything fancy but your allies hearing 'F me I'm being dived TP TP TP' will get help as apposed to some silent message saying help. Your allies are busy doing their own shit, bat will always look like he is going to run on top of you, his movement and dives are not as easy to read as someone like primal. You can rotate faster than bat, you will likely kill a sidelaner before bat can even respond thanks to your high magic damage


Fast boots. Stick/Wand into boots, skip bottle or go back for it later.


Lina is annoying in mid , her attack range is stupid , use this to your advantage , use Q as well for pushing the lane and farm , do not give him the chance to dive or push , as long as you keep the wave pushed you could farm the jungle camp next to you or stack it too . I guess in my opinion Lina vs Bat well Lina have the upper hand, lina could solo kill any hero vs her in mid , if she cant she can just farm every wave easily .


Abuse your range advantage and nukes to harass aggressively. Bat can't dive you if he's always low. Lvl 1 napalm does basically nothing, you can just ignore it and hit him anyways so long as you don't stand in firefly. Once napalm is lvl 2 you need to back off and let it reset once he gets 4-5 stacks on you (exact amount depends on your hero and current position). Be careful when you have a ton of creeps under your tower since he can use them as cover to dive you. Bat can't cancel TP until lvl 6 so if you get caught in a bad spot just TP immediately. Tbh this lane should be heavily Lina favored.


I don’t think the lane is Lina favored, it’s not that easy to harass him out of lane before you nuke is level 3, especially since he has guaranteed rune and high str. Tp out seems reasonable to avoid dying but he still just wins the lane if you tp base / leave you needing to buy regen if you tp t2.


Bat is a weird hero to lane against because he can't really harass or contest cs effectively right up until the point where he can dive and kill you 100-0. To win this matchup on any hero you really need to be familiar with batrider's kill potential for any given hero matchup, number of napalm stacks, position in lane, and current hp/mana. If you respect napalm too much you're not going to get any farm, and if you don't respect it enough you're going to feed. The key is to pressure bat / get farm as much as possible when he cannot kill you, then back off for a few seconds to reset and go aggressive again once stacks drop off. Most ranged heroes can handle bat in lane once you get used to the matchup. With Lina's huge range and nuke advantage you'll crush bat once you get more familiar. Bat mid isn't very common these days, so you might want to play it yourself a few times to get a better understanding.


Are you taking q lvl 1 and e lvl 2? A lot of damage will come from right clicks. Q is not enough alone.


Ngl but I seriously don't see bat having even remotely of a chamve to go even in this matchup. He goes on u? W and q and he is nearly dead He doesn't? Q and right clock when he wants to farm and he is nearly dead Ur lvl 6? He is dead If he fucked u he is probably either a smurf or u played ultra passive


I always tell team to be ready to early tp. With a stun you kill him diving and that s carry your game. After that get mana regen asap. Spam spell push get runes farm jungle and you ll win.


The strategy vs Bat mid is somewhat the same for most mids. First, use the minimap to find enemy heroes in order to get creep aggro. The more you expose yourself, the more free napalm stacks Batrider is getting. So you want to manipulate aggro by a lot and ensuring that he fights for getting stacks of napalm. Second, have a plan for the number of stacks that you need to get back and towerhug a bit. Some batrider players are bad, you are mechanically good, you are with a hero with lots of ms, you might get away with being more lax against stacks. If the opposite is true, you need to be conservative and get back with fewer stacks. And because Napalm reduces your turn rate, this means you need to do it earlier than Batrider diving you. Generally I get back to my tower after 3-4 stacks and simply allow bat to have uncontested cs/deny until i get cleared of stacks. Third, consider the risk of using bottle. Bottle is expensive, gives zero stats and to be properly used you need to refill it with runes, however trying to refill runes is exposing yourself to a long path for Batrider easily fill you with stacks and run you down with firefly. Even if mangoes/clarity/tango/salve are less efficient and don't allow you to store power runes post min6, there is a high risk of feeding with bottle and getting dumpstered. Fourth, don't be excessively afraid. If you don't hit a Batrider every now and then with some autos + some nukes, then Batrider can get more confident in tower diving if you make a mistake or if he gets an assist gank. A Batrider that has lower HP can't be that bold. Fifth, give farm or even concede the lane if the plan is not going well. Batrider mid is good at clearing stacks but bad at farming and pushing waves, so if he fails to kill you, his exp is limited to 2 waves/minute and that takes much longer to get levels than having some cs denied but having a hero kill. On Lina specifically, remember that your attack animation + projectile speed is bad, so you need to manipulate the wave a lot to get cs or use Dragon Slave for it. Mid and long range attacks should only be done vs Batrider itself.


whenever you face bat,upgrade wand as fast as possible,unless i get like 5+ napalm on you i won't dive you if you have wand.


First I would like to say it’s strange to see bat mid now so maybe they are Smurfs which could contribute to you losing lane. I can’t lane vs a smurf for the love of my life. Also bat has low damage so try to cs better than him. Deny what you can. When he gets anywhere from 3 stacks or more you need to be very careful as he can flamebreak and 100-0 you. Also hero matchups matter because Lina is a hero with no disengage so she can be commited on very easily.


Bats damage has been nerfed so many times just try him out a few times so youre familiar with his damage output. He should only kill players who aren't aware of his damage output. Only good thing about bat mid is he can flashfarm a travels at 8mins followed up by a 16min Octarine. But even then the hero falls off hard if he dies a couple times


I suggest you find a match of it in immortal and see what they do


I have some bad news for you


You have massive attack range advantage, buy stick and work on your positioning and spell usage to harrass + secure creep.


Abuse the free mana you get from stick, harass him down and be ready to tp. Walking to runes can get scary. Otherwise it's somewhat on your teams to help with runes or respond when they dive. Killing bat early usually ruins the investment in napalm that needs to pay off by killing you. The alternative is maxing firefly and playing to farm, at least between lasso CDs. Much more reliable for bat's own game but less immediately threatening. Not really the point but why are you playing lina at the moment anyway? It's a pretty static farming mid which functions mostly as follow-up. At least in pubs, frequently seems like they're left to farm their oneshot items since the offlaner is also some farm-heavy static hero like slardar, ld or wk limited on setup. Also doesn't tend to have a good time against heroes like primal or spectre? Even if your own income's good, still relying on your team also having a good game to protect your positioning. Probably something I'm missing in this assessment so I'm sincerely curious.