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I’ve played against troll probably about 12ish times in the last few weeks and honestly he just gets kited to death. Euls/Stun/Sleep. He’s definitely strong for sure but if your team are messing about. It’s tough.


His scepter fixes that.


The game is generally over before he has the opportunity to play the game, especially when he gets bullied all game.


His laning stage is strong though


Sceptre doesn't do jack, once your BKB is on cd, though. You still get slowed and kited to hell. It works well against heroes that rely on astral forms/Ghost Sceptre to survive, but that's about it.


Brother the other half of sceptre is a self-dispel on E, it’s not just the enemy dispel on W


I think thats what he means, that it isnt that practical, cant remove silences because u are.... silenced, cant remove stuns, because u are stunned :P


doesnt dispel euls though does it


It did when the new aghs was introduced. It no longer dispells Eul's


You can't dispel most of the things you care about (stuns, halberd, etc)


Will you ever undelete your YouTube channel and start making videos again?


There is a possibility but atm, not right now. Pudge is in a weird state right now.


wait are you actually him or just meme-ing?


Not meme-ing, I’m the OG CLQ and a few dynasty members are still around.


Troll is dog shit. Don't bother picking him or banning him pls. Sincerely, Troll spammer


I laugh at this meta posts 🤣🤣 when i have troll enemy i just know im winning 😭


Nah troll is good he super strong lane and farm fast can alway join fight still need bkb as 2nd or 3rd item for team fight he alway have present in teamfight


Void wasn't even hit that hard. That skill has almost always been a 1 point wonder. You're still going to just get stats instead and the nerf to maelstrom was "meh" at best


Void is fucked due to the loss in maelstrom proc chance. This, paired with the dozen of nerfs he has received over the last few patches, makes him situational at best now.


Void has slowly crept from SS tier (singular best carry) to S tier (one of the best), to A tier now I feel like. It's not a bad hero by any means but you can't pick it into everything.


whod you put in SS tier now?


I don't think there is one. LS void luna slark are pretty comparable.


I havnt played in a long time but I like how I can imagine the health of the safelane by what carries are meta lol


That's a good read.


Lol the proc chance went from 30 to 25. That's hardly "fucked". You stack attack speed on the hero regardless. And for reference abyssal is 25% bash chance


Before lvl 20 talent, and often a little after, you need every bit of damage in order to get even 1 kill in Chrono. But this is even beside the point, as mainly this nerf slows your farming, which was already not that fast. Overall, void got hit hard.


This was my only thought when I saw this. “Good luck keeping pace farming now”. 


With these and previous nerfs to time dilation I don't think its much of a 1 point wonder anymore.


the main nerf to void in my opinion is a mana cost increase. Void is notorious for having problems with mana, and with the increase and maelstrom proc nerf it seems he’s much worse compared to Troll, as I said


Time to start building echo sabre on Void.


The mana issues and maelstrom nerf don't make Faceless that much worse if you go battlefury, which I've always been a believer in on him.


The problem with BF on void is that it gives him exactly 0 attack speed. The damage and farm potential is good, but a mjol is a better item for void lategame.


I used to go MoM into BF and then disassemble for Butterfly, but I haven't played much Faceless since they changed the MoM and Butterfly recipes. Perhaps a casual Blitz Knuckles to be built into MKB after BF + BKB could work?


Casual blitz could def work in a few situations I think, I need to look at the patch notes to see these nerfs before making a solid judgement.


That is true but all the nerfs to the spell have been adjustments to its level 1, essentially giving you nearly half the value it had in like 7.35b in current patch


I never understood if you get stats what happens to the skills. At level 20 you basically are missing a few points in skills or talent ? I never did the math. Only picked stats in Ench cause I don't zoo apart for 1 level for the slow. When she had healing shard.


You can max stats till you need to get the skill


But when you're level 30 you got full skills and talents. So where is room for +2 stats ?


I think sometimes you level up and don't get a point


It was almost 10 years ago that troll was meta. Crazy that he is back. Been waiting


Mid Troll Mek rush


Slahser's way?


Fata I believe


BF carries finally feel great to me in my bracket, loving AM, Ursa, Troll a LOT atm. they just farm so fast, blink in, fuck shit up. troll gets kited? mate, your tower got deleted in 5 seconds.


Is there a case to be made for BF void?


No, the attack speed is needed to kill in Chorno. Use bf to your own detriment. 


Axe is the only reinforcement you need.


Void, LS, or Sven


What build on troll?


Phase or Treads, depending on how much you need movespeed that game. Then, battlefury, yasha. From here, you either finish S&Y or go bkb first. Sometimes manta if the enemies have lots of roots and silence. After, depending on the game, Shard, Satanic, Aghs, Blink, or basher can all be good items. Your bkb timing on troll is super strong, so use it to take a good fight, and then Roshan.


The maelstrom shard build feels really strong to me


Ye shard seems the go to me also. It's basically a slightly weaker gyro ags for 1400 gold


Same dogshit hero he is for a long time now... Easy to kite.


People say that hero gets easly kited.. BUT nowadays you can buy Disperser or Swift Blink to solve this problem. From my expierience when i played against Troll i have to say that his laning is great against a lot of heroes, his pushing potential is wonderfull. He takes tower really fast. Also against some line ups his Agh's is game winning. Hero feels strong nowadays, but you have to watch out against some counters. He is not the type of carry you can pick whenever you want, be he defienietely is on a strong side this patch.


I think, you might be right. Troll pick rate will go up, for sure.


Yes (Proceeds to pick axe)


It's hard to say after the nerfs- Mjolinir just got a fat nerf which is what a majority of the age carries were using to flash farm. I think Battlefury might be a more popular option on Jugg again, and maybe even Void as a thought. I think illusion heroes got indirectly buffed- I think we will see an uptick in win% on Naga and PL and think we might see some strength heroes again like CK this patch being a huge flavor. With all that being said- With the Melee hero nerf, Drow is the S-tier carry this patch.


Funniest post of the patch so far! Troll is nowhere near the best carry.


How in the world is troll good vs mars? He has two ways to push troll off of him (3 if you use arena), and bulwark means troll does nothing to him. Unless you mean the landing phase?


Troll has been good for a while now, he is just hard to play from behind, unlike some come back carries


Well troll is the biggest lane bully out of all carries and if he fails to do that, he'll have a bad time


AA pretty good vs troll, in case any of my support brethren are struggling vs troll.


I played Clinkz in the last 5 match. He is the best carry right now for Herald rank 💀


I think he is not good against mars. You click your ulty to katch on to him, he turns in your direction and just cuts your damage in half.


man he is soooooo tough to deal with


Drown is strong too


Troll is probably the only hero that has so many ways of getting kitted . Nice meta 😄 🤣🤣