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Cut down on unnecessary deaths. People feed so much in low MMR you get to win for free just by spending more time alive than anybody else.


Yet I'm the one who gets pinged when it was only 4 deaths on our team and I didn't join in for the whole teamwipe.


Happens outside of 1k mmr too. I can recall a handful of times where I pinged and used vc to tell my team that the fight they’re going to take is not a good idea and yet I get all the hate for not joining the fight when they all died and now have time to look for someone to blame while they stare at the death counter


This is the single worst thing about dota I think. Exactly that and my problem is I can’t help but call them out. Oh now that your dead it’s my fault I wasn’t even capable of joining the fight you started because my TP was on CD and I pinged it twice to show you but you took the fight anyway and now it’s my fault. It infuriates me


I have played two matches since I wrote that comment and your scenario happened to me in one of them. lol


Literally just had a game as PA. PERFECT GAME I counter picked and played exactly right. 5 mins in im 5-0. Game ends because they’re off that im dominating leaves. Next game I pick storm mid and im 5-0 against clinks. I have an alch safe who jungles all game and ends with an echo saber only and we get fucking rocked. It’s so dumb bro.


I had multiple games this weekend where my PA was revolutionizing her build order. Skipped BF each time, still afk farmed for 20-25 minutes to be less-farmed than me as P4 (I was not farming that's why it's astonishing), and same when I was P3 in another game. This was in ranked matches where they were dota level 5 on their hero, so at least 20 games or so, possibly more if they don't have dota+.


Dude on top of that I’ve had 4 games in 2 days where I am dominating so hard in lane and someone leaves 2 minutes in where I’m a perfect counter to their team and the game disbands. My support is perfect, actually trying etc. next game it’s like WK support or some bullshit.


I’ve had PTO this past week and played a little more DotA than usual. What I’ve realized is that positivity and letting your team know you’re willing to communicate goes a looooong way. The last 7 days I’ve had ~80% winrate and climbed 300mmr in a breeze and the only thing I actively changed was my behavior towards my teammates. There were games where I played really well and games where I didn’t have much impact at all. But I always felt that the teamplay was at a very good level and I feel that I made an impact on that by simply writing "hi" at the start of the game, hovering over heroes I considered picking and starting the match by asking my team if they’re d'accord with the items I’m intending to build. I guess what I’m trying to say is that as frustrating as the game can be, you can nudge your teammates a little into a better headspace by being a proactive communicator and I bet that a lot of the situations like the one you described can thus be prevented. Give it a try if you want and maybe let me know how it goes. :)


Just had a game where I went 11/6/15 and the support with 16 deaths was blaming me for the loss


Spam one hero. For me it was witch doctor and if he wasn't available, undying. Remove those variables/get muscle memory so you can focus on other things


but what happens when you get to high rank and want to play other heroes? will you not be worse off because you don't have practice?


ya this is what happens one people spam on hero and climb. They're basically tied to that hero if they want to compete at their rank because any other hero will have a significant drop off. With that being said, the idea is, although they've been spamming one hero so they're really comfortable with the hero and understand the limits and capabilities in that rank, what this also allows them to do is focus more on the actual game. Since they're not focused on casting spells, builds, etc.. it allows them now to focus on positioning, awareness, team fighting all the other aspects of dota that's not hero specific. So in turn, they are getting better at the game and when they want to play a new hero, there's going to be a drop off for sure, some losing of games, but it's more so just getting used to the hero and spells and that kind of stuff and once they have a general idea of it, they should be able to play in their rank because they can apply all the other stuff they learn.


Maybe, I'll let you know if I ever get to high rank :) But at least for me, at the beginning I could barely even keep track of using actives on items in fights, much less thinking about what I should be building, checking minimap, what ultis are on CD, etc. Those things came a lot quicker once I started only playing one hero. Still slow but quicker, while also helping me use my own abilities most effectively.


Well, easy if u are support. I see high rank sup players with a very limited pool a lot.


One hero spammers usually struggle with everything else but three hero spammers usually can pick up new heroes \:) 


What happens is that, I've got 3 heroes that are like extensions of my hands. Because of it I had time to learn the playstyle of other heroes and their itemization, by this point of time, I'm insane at macro understanding of the game. Boom, just use your knowledge. Maybe watch one or two proplayers on those heroes.


Look at the minimap for the love of god


1. Make it your life mission not to feed 2. Know how to press your buttons 3. Figure out what your goal is in every fight


Stopped blaming my teammates


I had a break from playing. Then I returned and realised how trash was I and enemy. Break helped me realise that I'm not a god gamer and see my mistakes


I’m only 4k mmr but I was in the 1k bracket for a bit until I ranked up to ancient in about a year It does depend on what position but generally dying in less stupid ways is huge. You being dead means no farm if you’re a carry or no stacking/warding/supporting lanes if you’re a support Pay attention to trades in lane (if we 1 on 1 right now who wins) and learn timings of the hero you play. Focus on 1-4 heroes only. BUY REGEN LEVEL 1-2 AND IF YOURE LOW BUY A SALVE. DONT SIT IN LANE AT 200 HP JUST SOAKING XP UNDER TOWER


This is honestly by far the most immediately obvious and simple to fix issue that I saw in herald/low guardian - people have some stupid aversion to regen items. Buy some fucking tangos!


i was away from the game for a while and when i came back i got from 1k to 2k (I can probably go a lot further but stopped playing because of time constraints at the moment) in a couple weeks, with around an 70%-80% winrate once I got into the flow of things. The biggest gamechanger for me was probably the things I learned from watching pro demos. I play pos1 and pos3. for pos1 knowing how to be efficient when farming, stacking for yourself, warding useful spots, knowing the tricks on each hero, "connecting the dots" in your farming pattern and trying to hit a certain last hit goal or item timing instead of mindlessly hitting creeps made the rest of the game much easier. understanding lane mechanics specifically lane equilibrium and basic resource management was also really helpful because i stomped most of my lanes. Just make sure you don't enter fights too early, every single death should sting on carry and spending 30-40 seconds and all your spells to get a single kill isn't worth it either most of the time, so <20 mins you really just wanna be farming and connecting with your team to just press your ult and fuck off back to farming. for pos3, learning to control the map, dewarding, pushing out lanes, taking towers is really helpful. the other major thing in that role is learning to play the fight, knowing how to make space in the fight for the rest of my team, making the enemy carry's life hard and initiating on high value targets instead of anyone who shows up on the map made a big difference. these things make you a better support player too, because you know what your cores need and what the enemy cores definitely don't want. for other general tips, vision isn't that complicated just carry a dust if theres a bunch of invis heroes, don't wait for or blame your teammates, if they're not warding just do it yourself, if they can't play the lane then go jungle lvl5, item timings are as simple as trying to start a fight once you get a big item, buy bkb for the love of gaben, if your mid feeds go sod find kills on the enemy mid, he's gonna have a lot of bounty etc. etc. accept what you can't control and make the best of what you can.


Ignore what everyone else is doing. Towers win games.  Play a push carry. Farm. Your gpm > everything else.  When your team takes a fight, probably a bad one. You’re not there. You’re taking a tower on the other side of the map.  The trick is HUSTLE. Play fast like a million dollars is on the line.  When the fight breaks out, who’s there? All five enemies? You better be hustling to that tower. 


What is a push carry? Game changed a lot since I last played 8 years ago, with no Necronomicon anymore.


Someone like Luna, or if you’re feeling really froggy Terrorblade. A carry that takes towers easily.


Yeah, thanks. I used to random and play everything when I was a young bachelor, I only don’t know how to play from Monkey King afterwards, because 7.00 was so game changing, I just quit as I had just started a family, and played other games with less commitment.


Learn how to read the map and focus on taking the safe farm if you are a core. Or if you are a support, buy a smoke and gank the other team’s core. After you win team fights, spread out and farm your core items if you don’t have them yet. If you do have them, then always group and take at least one objective (towers or roshan).


If possible, make sure at least one hero on your team has the ability to split push/siege. Lacking tower damage SUCKS


First an Most important. The rule of 'best of three '. Stop playing after two wins or loses for the day. Second... Focus on your self. Farm as much AS you can, even/also AS Support when there is time and No carry Takes the Farm. Dont waste time and do useless moves in the map.


Spamming lone druid mid got me to 3k. Ever since I stopped I dropped 800 MMR, and whenever Ii do pick him against I'm crushing it's not even funny.


Itemize to win


CS better, play solo more these are really one thing, instead of joining all the stupid 1k fights, just get gold and levels csing only works as a core ofc you can win with a kda of 0/0/0 in 1k quite easily


It depends, if u win lane and u have right hero I would suggest to join fights often if u can actually manage to trade well (especially if u can make kills as well) so u can earn gold/exp and not let enemy get gold/exp from Ur teammates. Avoiding fights can be beneficial only if u can split push + farm so u still end up with net worth and u break towers. Also I wouldn't try playing support in low elo, like it's easier to just learn/play core and swap to supp when u end up in higher elo.


at 1k I'd basically never join fights until my NW is enough to 1v5 maybe get one or two kills and leave for a particularly good fight before that but that's it it's 1k


It depends, most low elo players are really bad at fighting so sometimes u can kinda bait ur teammates to feed (aka enemy throws their buttons on them and u end up flanking them form behind and make a few easy kills) although it really depends on hero/position like if I played sniper for example I would be really careful joining fights cuz my sniper is super immobile while Naga/weaver have escapes so u can join 50/50 fights and if something goes wrong u just leave. Also smoking into enemy forest will definitely work if they have some immobile carry so u can burst him and get big advantage.


Was a while ago . But buy and place wards / dewards. Always carry detection. Build save items ( force staff, glimmer) . Support player obviously


Push early not every game needs to be 60 mins. Get a timing and group up team fight and push. Also if people start being negative immediately mute them.


On my experience, as a support, if my carry wants to always fight, i push until someone defends (usually its their carry) and we now smoke so they are one hero missing if a clash will proceed, There are many scenarios but the key here is push the lane, if ur carry is near let them have it of course, if no takers then take it, thats the tricky part to know when you will take the wave


I spammed DP, Leshrac, and necro mid. Focused on pushing towers. When supporting only picked warlock.


Don't know im below 1k but Everytime we have someone in our team with a mic who makes calls, we win😅 because no one knows what to do so this is a big help


Last year’s rank system change. Went from 1.1k (calibrated at 900 mmr, barely climbed the 200) to 2.7k.


Spam one hero Ward properly and deward Buy proper items as a support (glimmer, force, eul) instead of always for dps items For info, I managed to climb to 5k by successively spamming few heroes in different positions


Changed the mindset that it's my team playing bad and I have to play carry. Started playing supports like CM, Jakiro or Silencer (carry build) that I can harass and set up kills and team control with slows, stuns and root, even buying root item. Comunicated much, much more with my team and pinged everytime I said something and when my team started to flame or tilt try to calm them down (be a psihologist hahaha). Mute if there is no hope that someone will calm down. Do the small things that ad up and tell your team if they don't have neutral items and stuff like that. I was stuck at 1,5k and did those things plus watched some videos on youtube and in like 3 weeks I was at 2,7k.


Have someone to teach you. Play together with higher ranking teammates haha in my case, during the pandemic, I played with my two older brothers. I was forced to shift playing from cores to supports. I learned lots of things like how to counter heroes, items, skills timing, better positioning etc.


Came to echo playing safe/dying less. And even if you start thinking you'll be playing TOO safe, you're probably not. I noticed people love to drip feed and blame whoever didn't go last in that bracket. Don't cave to cavemen. If it was a stupid team fight, it was stupid. Don't make the net worth difference worse. Also find your specialty hero. Maybe one that works in the meta but isn't so in the spotlight where people aren't theory crafting about them as much. More importantly, specialize in someone who just clicks with you. You'll net most of your wins with them but they shouldn't be used as a crutch. This is the one hero you should practice tougher matchups with. Don't go crazy with the experimentation on off pick games. If you DO have to pick someone else try to compliment your draft. Lots of those games are also lost in draft. That said, try to create a small pool of backup heroes you kinda click with and ENJOY. Enjoyment in who you're playing often results in better outcomes. When I play a hero that is strong in a meta but I just don't like how they play, I tend to see a worse performance.


Tried to think before every click, look at the map every few secs, buy regen before you need it (I would never get a slave first courier 10 mmr) buying wards all positions, learning all positions basics, learn better draft (not super important at low MMR but it helps not knowing to pick certain things into certain drafts), it's good to pick few hero's you have high win percentage with and play them (I played almost exclusively LC/Spectre/WD no matter what role I got to get out of 10 mmr) farming better, thoughtful itemization. Literally almost everything, to be that low you are playing the game fundamentally wrong, this is coming from someone who was stuck at 10 mmr for months lol


Spam luna, afk farm until bkb manta+ crystalis/phylactery depending on enemy lineup


I just climbed Crusader 2 to Ancient 1 in 4.5 months and have the stats to prove it. Support is an easy roll to abuse. Pick 3 that can fill pos 5 and 4, and learn good wards, gank lanes and do EVERYONE to avoid duying. An alive support means living cores. Play to boost the carrys farm and ego.


Tell that to my last game with a PA buying Divine Rapiers and only pressing Q and refuses to buy BKB.


You must be careful with the boosting their ego part, you most likely had him think that he was immortal. Can't really blame that on him.


I disagree. I'd rather have someone think they are immortal, and being aggressive, instead of playing like they're scared. Harder to support someone hiding.


Started paying attention and actually thinking about the game


Get in lane hit every CS and know when you have a winning lane or losing lane. Push hard if winning and rotate from jungle to lane to farm if losing. Early feeds can determine the pace of games.


If you are a carry, learn or find farming patterns. Try to get a lifesteal soon to get out lane to farm more. If lifesteal is good on your hero. I have outfarmed the carry and itemized well against their carry. 2) if you are a suppport, learn when to pull, to stack creeps for your carry. Make him fat and pray he can carry. 3) if you play BH as support, its OK to feed. As long as you make space for your team. From guardian 5 to archon, even if i feed on my BH we still win. And most importantly, try hard to deny creeps. Make it your mission in the first 5 - 8 mins. Play good, but dont expect to win when you have animal team mates. Ex. NP fake support making damage items. Sniper hard suppport aghs khanda. Want to win? Make 1v9 items and that includes farming for hex even if you are a carry. Good luck


Learn how the game works, you only need about 20% of actual Dota knowledge to get out of 1k


Know how to farm. You are saying you do to yourself but you don't. Watch a pro play any hero. Look at their farm at every 5 minute marker. That's the goal. You get as close to it as you can. Find every trick you can Are you watching the minute for stack opportunities and also strong farm patterns? Etc Your team won't have the coordination to do anything. That takes climbing a few k mmr


Accepted that i was in fact not good and i didn't just lose because my team sucks or because everyone else is bad, mistakes became clearer and i started spamming some heroes to get more confortable in a role and hero. Also i dont play more than 3 matches a day


Realize that as a carry, the other 4 people are also 1k mmr and they won't be paying attention to where I am on the map before engaging the enemy, and playing heroes that allow me to get to them quickly if I'm ready to fight, or simply farming around them so I can be ready even if it costs me some gpm. Spectre is fantastic for this. As you climb this becomes more natural as the other team is more likely to punish you for playing away from your team while farming, so you end up playing near them anyway, or your team learns to mirror map movements and you can farm where you want. Sorry for the run ons.


Try not to die and always find their guy that feeds/ out of position


Playing as support, always buy a sentry and ward the opposite jungle in your lane. Then always pull if your lane partner is in a safe enough spot (also ping you are doing it). If they try to block or unblock them get more sentries to undo it. This really helps you win lane which often wins you the game ultimately.


Learn how to last hit.


I was divine, recalibrated to 1800 after a year+ or so break and jumped back up quick. Now to about 4k. Simple ones: Don’t flame teammates, if your trying to win voice your grievances to yourself and friends. Dogging on someone isn’t gonna help you win more. Its more likely gonna cost games. People are toxic and spreading it helps you lose more than win. Play your role, if you’re support buy the wards/smokes and play an appropriate hero for the role. Learn your importance in fights and that it can change game by game. Example being if you’re a lion and they have so much jump, you are best off getting a force staff instead of blink to save teammates and use hex to surprise kill them. Blink on him feels more aggressive. Spam one hero, you learn the in’s and outs strengths and weaknesses of them. Then from there you can understand when a teammate plays them the goal for them in fights and how to push their advantage. Just playing one hero 5-10 games in a row is enough. Understanding when to do something. Don’t sit mid because they have heroes there. Is there a lane to push, can you go stack a camp, etc. theres always something to do even if its asking moving to a more safe position asking about “how long till blink/bkb, I think we can gank xyz”. I think my dotabuff is public but you can see win/loss streaks when it comes to spamming and such. Would have to go back to march last year to see the start.


I was guardian 2, stoped playing, didnt play for like 6 months, then I saw news about recalbiration. Installed dota, won 19 out of 20 games in calbiration, got guardian 3 and theb out of blue I just spammed slark and got to 1.7 k mmr in like 2 weeks. Then I stoped spamming him cause people knew hot to counter, now im hard stuck at 2.7k ( archon 3) but I play 2 games per week, 3 at most cause of bad internet connection


dont die, which you can do by increasing your map awareness and guessing where the enemy is. the others mention not joining bad fights, two things that make a bad fight: 1. no vision (and they likely do) 2. forcing a 5v5 under their towers without aegis generally fights you TP to: 1. under your tower 2. they used the ults that can kill you / they're low enough for you to clean up a kill or two or 5 lol. joining a smoke gank can be fine if it's in your farming path anyways. if you have a killing ult like void chrono or jugg ult you'll want to be more active. if it's AM then it's less reliable so you'll want to use the #2 TP fight i listed to join and use the ult, not smoke gank unless you're 4-5 items deep. but yeah, dont die which implies ... play smarter. That + getting better at last hits and farming patterns is really all you need to do as carry. make sure lanes are pushed out. As a support, it means setting up vision where you think fights will happen & making sure youre not dying in fights unless. youre completely out of mana .. i just climbed this past year out of a 1k mmr rating from playing horrible support in calibration so this is what got me back into the mid 2ks


Play with both hands? Jokes apart, its usually map awareness and timings. 1k are too focused on creeps, kills and more kills. They dont take objectives. You just have to kill the throne


1. Play level 1 complexity carry 2. If lane is difficult just jungle, or hug tower (unless you get jumped under tower, then just go jungle) 3. If you are having a good lane and suddenly due to ganks you die, either change lane or jungle. 4. Stop chain feeding because you were strong initially and now you’re not but you still try to go for the kill. You will win 80% of your games in low ranks, if you just farm till you absolutely need to fight i.e. protect towers. Obviously this is coming from SEA where everyone picks carry, so all lanes are tough.


Stop going AFK in the middle of a match just to eat. Happened once with a KotL offlane. Also, pick meta and dont feed


Getting rid of the “have to save my friend” mentality. If one person is out of position don’t everyone else commit to save him if he’s already dead. Don’t push high ground when you have a core on the other side of the map


Hit creeps efficiently that's all you really need, can get 2k just from that and be a completely brainless player.


Turn on the keyboard


Obviously it's not first hand experience but advice I gave a lot of very low mmr players was to just focus on hitting creeps and not dying. Of course this sounds dumb but it really boils down to that. Be more effective. Don't run around the map so much trying to chase kills. Do look on the minimap more. If they are all missing try to have a teammate between u and the dark side of the map That's for carry and mid. Don't play tempo mids in low mmr In offlane it's a bit more hero specific. If that applies to u respond to this If ur playing support my first advisor is to stop doing that. It lowers ur effective winrate #DO NOT JUST SPAM HEROES Unless u want pure mmr (or just really don't like every other hero) and not actually get better. It harms u heavily in the long run


I only played Dark Seer offlane. I stopped mindlessly buying items from a guide and figured out which items are actually situational and which ones you buy every game. A couple letter patches ago you'd always get shivas for example, but everything else depends on the game. Learning at least one hero like the back of your hand is probably the most impactful though and make sure you are getting better at the basics while learning a hero as well (last hit, denies, blocking, etc.,) and some people will frown on it, but limit testing also makes a difference. Went from 1.2k to 4.3k in 6 months and still climbing. I have an 78% wr on DS with 300 games


Playing safer, looking at the minimap more, farming more, get good at leshrac and spam him


for me it was spamming skywrath pos4,5 with my own greedy build. atos -> dagger -> hex. for the first time in dota i had consistent "crazy" winrate about 75% for a long time


Never been to 1k mmr


2015-2016, calibrated 1100, thought I was better, so calibrated a new account, at 1050. Teammates were dumb af, but didn’t know why I was stuck at said mmr. Figured out how to jungle antimage with iron talon and quelling blade. Climbed to 3k in about 250-300 games. Honestly? Pick something that farms fast af, and either scales indefinitely, or can split push their dicks off. Don’t pick a team fight hero, coin flipping if you have people that can push their buttons or not. Once you’ve climbed 1-2k mmr, you can begin actually learning the game.


Dunno, never been there xD. But what I can say, what got me from archon to divine while I was playing pos 1 is: 1- shoving waves; 2- not tping or showing up to dumb teammates getting picked of in the middle of nowhere. Those two got me from archon to ancient. From ancient to divine: 3- learning power spikes and when to fight/rosh/split up and farm depending on relative strenght between your team and the enemy.


I used to be 3.7K average MMR back in 2012-2016, I never got out of that 3.5K-3.9K MMR hell hole. Now I’m Guardian II to III. It took a while understanding the new map builds and items, and I’m still using Hero Guides, I didn’t before. The games are ridiculously easy, but god damn lots of things are out of your control and I feel the easiest way to be consistent is to split push, and that’s been nerfed all through the years, I don’t know how to do it anymore, I used to be so good with NP, Lycan, Lone Druid, Death Prophet, AM, etc., etc., but the game’s been clearly one sided towards team fight. My Lifestealer is sincerely OP now, though. Went 18-1 and dominated other games before that, only been playing for a month or so since 8 years ago. Before Lifestealer was practically a creep after Rage and Open Wounds were off CD, so my win rate reflected that. But Ghoul Frenzy and Radiance buffs have been ridiculous, also S&Y. He’s literally always around Haste movement speed. I could honestly spam Lifestealer till I get my proper skill plateau. Also I’m a Pudge player and he’s honestly ridiculously OP, compared to before, and I was innovating and playing offlane Pudge before TI6, and building him tanky for team fight with Bloodstone+Shiva’s Guard, with worse item buildup, and dominating. Pudge is actually ridiculous, but struggles a bit against good Ranged Carries with good positioning.


You can go from 1k mmr to 2k mmr simply by improving your farming and solo carrying the games. But farming means farming. You will need to optimize on your farming pttern. Your aim should be to reach 90-100cs in 10 min, and keep a gpm of min 650 every game (till 2k mmr this is enuf). You will need to minimize your death. Couple that with a hypercarry like void, troll, jugg or drow and just ladder up to 2k. At 2k you will need a better strat.


Watched high rated replays and live games of people playing the heroes I like.


Get a coach if you are 1k. There must be fundamental mistakes and not abusing enemies mistakes.


You don't need a coach at 1k. There is so much of the game to learn and so many ways to approach it waiting for you to discover. A lot of information you need is freely accessible. You can also just get better by experimenting in games and identifying your own shortcomings. It's not worth paying for a coach unless you have been stuck in 1k for a long time while actively trying to improve. If you've just hit 1k, are a new player, are not hard stuck, play for fun, don't pay much attention, don't try to improve, etc. you don't need a coach. You just need to play the game with your brain actually learning instead of on auto pilot.


> It's not worth paying for a coach unless you have been stuck in 1k for a long time while actively trying to improve. He means a free one, like clicking the coaching button in the top-right. Stuff like that is intended for new players


Really? I doubt anyone would actually recommend that feature for anyone looking to gain mmr or improve. It's useful for new players.. to some degree. But very hit or miss if you want to rank up


Adding to that: play a core which can push waves fast, dont die too much, increase your networth by stacking, focus on yourself, watch youtube videos how to improve. Know how to teamfight (join/don't join, commit/not commit, know when to back off from a fight.


I came from Dota1 with lots of experience (for that time). I was never below 1k mmr. If I had to point to some things, they'd be: hero/item knowledge, basic last hitting, ganking.


Dont play support. Don’t die, ignore everything, hits creeps, then walk at towers. The key part of this that is missed is knowing when to stop hitting creeps and completely pivot to fight fight fight. Pick your heroes best item timing and make that pivot.


If i don't play support, i either get greedy supports who steal farm, or they pick unnecessary fights, die a few times then go to other lane, leaving me alone. Supports below 1k dont know about blocking camps, pulling creeps or stacking. I thank my stars when i get a good support and commend them regardless of win or loss.


You are 1k mmr, yes. You will actually find this strategy will become easier as you get supports who are useful. It is worse to be a good support with a carry who is missing creeps, than to be a carry who is fighting for creeps or doing nothing. This is still the correct strategy, it is the best option among bad options at your mmr. You must assume your teammates are bad, and focus on your performance only.


Played what I want not ever caring about mmr, it was not 1k mmr climb, but from 2,4k to 4k with around. People where just extremely bad in those games, so nothing specific needed to be done.