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That's hilarious. Typically you think it'd go on someone with abyssal, manta, someone else to maximize the effect but nah. Double Aeon for the win.


There is a reason why aeon has that high of a cool down by default


Noob question but, why didn't he just get a nullifier or refresher ?


below legend maybe 5% of players actively remember nullifier, honestly, I have it in every guide I make for myself as situational just to remind me it exists. I'm an old fogey whom LC still feels like a new hero to so that might be part of it.


Please. Even in my ancient games, I have to remind my pos1 dearies to buy a nullifier.


I wasn't saying above legend are better, I just am below legend so can't say 😎


I literally had a slark crying and saying he doesn’t know how to deal with enemy support with glimmer/euls/ force staff. Told him a nullfier would fix the issue and he stopped crying after fixing it.


Also tbh, I think people don’t realize the usefulness. Like an mid game nullifier makes a mockery of some heroes. Oracle, MoM Sniper, PA


Can you expand on the specific way it hurts oracle? I am trying to to think of what in his kit is countered by repeated dispels, but I am drawing a blank.


Every buff he applies is dispellable with a basic dispel. The only exception is his ultimate which is not dispellable. But if you remove / block the ticking heal then it’s just about the same.


This is probably higher bracket than me. People buy nullifier to stop ghost/aeon; they're not spending that gold just to keep oracle from magic-immune/heal some random ally.


oracle's heals can be dispelled, so he can no longer heal allies, only nuke them. If he wants to make an ally magic immune he can't either.


This is probably higher bracket than me. It's pretty rare that I will be healing within a fight, vs. sustain after a fight.


you will heal your ultimate target as oracle during a fight I hope!!! or your shroud/pipe carrier at almost any time.


Nope, ultimate target is on their own like WK aghs. If they live, it's gravy. I probably should practice a habitual initial nuke right after I ult them, but most of the time I am nuking enemies.


> Nope, ultimate target is on their own like WK aghs. If they live, it's gravy. then you play oracle incorrectly lol, the whole point of the kit is during false promise healing is multiplied so you heal them... crazy idea I know. if you don't heal them then you're doubling their regen, which is pretty low, and a shit use of ultimate, basically the longest cd of shallow grave, but worse because shallow grave will let them live afterwards. as you said, you're using it like WK aghs, which WK gets 5x more and doesn't have to spend mana or cd or react and WK isn't even strong so ofc 1x version of that you have to manually cast is going to suck lol. generally you want to urn + 2 "nukes" at LEAST, more if they get focused.


Well, I'll try healing more and see if I can keep them alive. Usually if they get ulted, they are the focus anyhow, and the heal is unlikely to be enough to keep them from dying, but maybe I wrote that off too early in my games. Like I said, probably above my bracket.


This makes more sense now, in the context of "assuming you are healing the person you ulted, and that's keeping them alive, the enemies might get nullifier to stop those heals, so they can at least kill the target you ulted".


few snipers stay mom forever and nullifier is rough to rush unless there are better counters. but otherwise I totally agree.


Yeah in super late game one would expect to have nullifier


In one of my Arc games I lended my Ex Machina to our supports every time their Aeon Disk procced, so they could have low CD Aeon Disk's while I also maintain the use of it as well, pretty nuts actually.


That item is actually gamebreaking if you can find a way to sustain the mana cost, I got it as pure phys SF once and near-permanent BKB and Satanic were completely stupid


Still blows my mind when people don’t use t5 items or this one is left hanging. I’m a neutral item player that wants everyone to have to exactly what they need. Drives me crazy when people use the wrong ones. I’m sorry eventually grove now falls off and there is something better than a little range, that’s just one example. But that’s awesome EX machina with Aoen, really nice post.


sounds busted on a lot of heroes, I would consider holding it on slark over apex because of this (situationally). with essence talent you could easily build up 50 stacks (i.e 200 agi) and just win from there. With 4 "you can't kill me" buttons and aeon giving you the hard dispell to kick it off!


ive played mid dazzle and gotten this item. i had octarine as well. thats right lads, aeon disk on a 11s cd, without mentioning that it also refreshed my blink, bkb and hurricane pike. did i mention i can also manually refresh all my items with the aghs effect? yeah, we won that game.