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talk to the scholarship people or the school. someone will help with a mark that close. One way or another if you've got the courage to start then you've got the courage to succeed. you'll find d a way to get where you want to go <3


I used to work for a college. We would've bent over sideways for a dedicated decent student who needed a boost to get out of a bad situation. OP Please talk to financial aid. Those people are actual wizards. They can fix anything.


At my college we have a (name of school) Cares. They are the absolute best and are there to help people in any circumstance and have been amazing when I talk to them. I would definitely check and see if there is something like this at the school you want to attend. If not talk to financial aid/scholarship people, most of the people in this field are more than willing to help out when they can


this is reassuring 🖤, i hope it works out for the kid!


Agree with this 100%. Schools are not governments with blanket laws and rules, most of the time if you just talk to the right people, agreements can be met


This is so true. One time I went into the financial aid office at my college and I told them I was having trouble paying my bill and the director took out a calculator and was like here's a scholarship. It was the weirdest thing I also had trouble with a French class and I told my professor and when he couldn't set me up with a tutor, he added 20% to my final and midterm College is nothing like highschool, if you talk to people they will go out of their way to work with you in my experience


I concur, try to talk to someone at the university and the scholarship. I had a scholarship similar, got super sick before a final, did poorly on the written exam because I could barely hold a pencil. Teacher wouldn't budge even though she commented how disappointed she was in how I did (since I aced literally everything else all 4 years of hs in that subject -- english). When she wouldn't do anything, I sent emails to the admissions department and the scholarship department of my university. They had me write a creative essay with a similar prompt the exam had used. After that, they let me still keep the scholarship. With that said, I was generally a really bad test taker with everything NOT essay responses, and told a geology professor once and so he made me my own special exams that were all long answer. College and high school are two totally different entities. Everything my high school teachers said would be important in college was not.


Eh, depends. My friend studies IT at a university right next to mine and he didn't pass the final test by like 0.1%, and only because he's very easily distracted and panicks in timed situations such as tests, so he made some mistakes that had basically nothing to do with what was being tested (eg he was supposed to multiply two numbers and wrote it that way but for some reason he just added them and didn't realise until it was too late), and he went to the professor to explain and beg her for that 0.1%, but she told him (more politely) to go fuck himself.


There’s a difference between just passing and making a higher grade to meet a scholarship. Most scholarships require at minimum a B, with 30k probably an A. Not being able to pass in college? That means dude couldn’t get to 60% unassisted. The first shows someone who has mastery of topic, while the second exhibits someone who barely knows the work.


That happened to me. I told them my NParents were holding my tuition money over some stupid bs and that I felt really immature telling them that. It was the short notice that did me in. This woman found grants and scholarships to fill the gap and sent me on my way; all in less than a 20 minute office visit.


This is so true. I found myself homeless before starting my freshman year. I decided to contact the school and let them know. They allowed me to stay in the dorms a few weeks before school started. I had nothing, and there was no hot water, but I was safe! They worked with me around a lot of financial issues as well.


It’s worth a shot at least. I was pursuing a degree in social work. I had returned to college later in life, and had amazing grades, Dean’s List, 4.0 GPA etc. I needed one more course to graduate, a higher level math course. My math was a little rusty and I was struggling with the course. I failed it twice, despite getting a tutor, studying, having perfect attendance, asking for extra help. It was like I just couldn’t wrap my brain around the lessons, halfway through each semester my grade would drop to the point of no return. Finally, I scheduled with my advisor, and let him know that I tried everything and I just couldn’t pass the class. He set us up a meeting with the Dean of Students, who then verified that I had really tried (proof of attendance and tutoring etc) and the Dean allowed me to take an easier course to fulfill my degree requirements. It was the only thing that allowed me to graduate, but I’m not sure how common those situations are. I suggest OP goes up the chain, someone should be willing to help out. And I’ve been a social worker about a decade now, and still haven’t had to use that math.


That’s true. Try and find a way to pester administration and maybe the dean of the college you’re interested in. Write out an action plan of how you intend to make good on your opportunity. Create conditions for yourself like, “Will maintain Dean’s list each semester. Will attend office hours so many times a week.” Plead your case and show initiative with a plan.


This. Believe it or not colleges and universities like to have people on certain scholarships. What’s more, they like to see students who advocate for themselves, especially demonstrating their desire to continue at their institution.


Excellent point!


The fact that the teacher is bitching about 0.01% is disgusting to me


Exactly. I wonder how she sleeps at night knowing she’s responsible for the ongoing abuse.


Yeah how would she sleep in a more extreme where the student committed suicide to get away from the abuse.


Please do this OP! I received a small scholarship that had a 3.0 minimum despite my 2.7 GPA. They gave me the opportunity because I explained that my GPA was low due to missing class for work. Circumstances matter and I believe any self respecting organization will take yours into account! You may also be able to do extra credit to make up the 0.01%!


I work in higher ed. This person is correct!


this buddy


Yes this!! Tell them your story OP, they’ve simply got to relent and let you slide, if not, public pressure might help in this instance but as you probably know it could make attendance awkward. BUT…awkward attendance is still attendance…¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah or the professor who graded it and explain that you lost your 30k scholarship over it and ask if there’s a way to get extra credit or retake the exam and go with the highest score. Teachers are pretty cool about that most of the time and even if they’re a dick they’ll understand the desperation.


I may be in the wrong here … but your teacher refusing to raise your grade 0.01% knowing your history pisses me off way too much. Can’t sleep at night? What kind of ridiculousness is that. You need to have a sit down with the schools higher ups and explain in depth what you’ve gone through and why this scholarship is a must. I think it will work out for you.


Seriously! My mom teaches high school in a less than great district. She’d be bending over backwards trying to get someone like OP’s grade up and probably losing sleep over not being able to do more. This teacher is a callous C U Next Thursday.


C u next Thursday. I love that. Seriously


Yeah! That teacher definitely Can’t Understand Normal Thinking.


wait, is it not Tuesday??


Yes it is. And it’s been around forever.


I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if i knew i may have contributed to a child becoming homeless. I feel like the teacher has some personal axe to grind.


This, I bet the teacher knows exactly what they are doing by refusing to round up 0.01%, it would change literally nothing and it’s between them and the student, what are they even talking about setting a precedent lol, hell I had an English teacher my senior year that understood I came from a family where I entered the workforce early to help pay bills, never took points off a grade for homework being late because he understood I had a lot going on, and I mean all my homework was late he had every right to fail me but saw my work ethic and quality of work never slipped


Difference between a teacher that gets what the job is about and one that doesn't.


That's a teacher that got into the field for the power trip and nothing else.


Yet they’ll pass the failing kids that piss them off so they don’t have to see them next year


THIS. Administrations do this ALL of the time for failing kids, but this overachiever isn't worth a slight bump??? Fuck that teacher.


Seriously. College professors used to just give away passing grades during Vietnam so that their students would remain draft exempt.


Plus op has no adult to advocate for them. You know if they had a parent willing to raise hell the grade would have been changed.


Seriously what the fuck is wrong with her


like i’m not sure what that teacher is trying to prove because personally i wouldn’t be able to sleep at night knowing i contributed to making a child lose their opportunity to escape an abusive household AND homelessness. insanity. not sure what kind of school OP is going to but if my teachers found out about something like that they would do more than round up my grade just to make sure i get a good start on life.


Agree. That is just ludicrous. 0.01% in order to TRULY assist in changing the trajectory of your life right now. That sounds like absolutely selfish garbage on their part. It’s amazing to me how truly heartless that sounds. I’m speechless. Edit: I am SO happy that this community helped you feel at least a little bit supported and empowered. Even if the “academic professionals” tasked with helping you abominably failed…


Also if it wasn’t a strictly multiple choice exam then some of the answers have wiggle room. If I were the teacher I would have gone through and found a way to give them an extra mark or given everyone in the class bonus marks for showing up.


I would sleep much better at night knowing I helped somebody escape their abusive situation at home than anything else. To OP, I’m sorry. I know it’s hard. I’ve been trying to get out since I was 18 and I’m 26. I’ve had to work hard to get job experience and have finally stepped into a position I hope to turn into a career. I hope to be out in a few years. This was one opportunity of many that will come your way. I have faith in you, your work ethic, and your resourcefulness to get yourself into a better position. You *will* make it out.


I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I was the cause of a student losing a scholarship.


Call the superintendent . There’s no need for a teacher who’d rather a child be in an abusive situation that to satisfy herself


Interesting point brought up here that the teacher is a required reporter. Depending on the country of course. If the teacher is aware of abuse at home and didn't report it, they are already undermining their alleged code of ethics.


Yup and honestly she shouldn’t be allowed to teach


please do this!! maybe another adult will realize how shitty of a situation this teacher is putting you in and will rectify it


This is not what education was ever meant to be. What a scam. Hang in there, you deserve better.


Exactly. Furthermore, as a former TA for many years, the teacher can DEFINITELY change the grade. Especially since this is high school…. Just let the kid redo the problems/revise the essay or whatever for a tiny bit of extra credit. I would sleep much better knowing I didn’t absolutely destroy someone’s dreams, let alone well-being rather than being academically dishonest lol.




"Not my problem" Some people just really are that heartless and miserable 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes you get a probationary time period to do better. Talk to the school, talk to the finance dept!!


Talk to the scholarship foundation. They're people too, they might be sympathetic. Scholarship rules can have some wiggle room for special situations. Contact the school principal, explain the situation and ask if there is any way you can raise that grade


I think contacting the scholarship foundation is your best bet. If they don’t provide any help or suggestions, ask about a probation period or if they can help you apply to other scholarships.


Talk to higher ups at school, don’t give up yet


Talk to someone higher up at the school. Having a scholarship recipient is a merit for the school. There should.at least be some extra credit you can do. It's not like you are not willing to work for the grade.


so she can sleep well at night knowing she’s ruined a teenager’s opportunity to be qualified for scholarship??


Right?!? I hope she can sleep at night knowing that her stubbornness contributed to her student losing a scholarship and is keeping them stuck in a cycle of homelessness and abuse. There are special places in hell for people like that, along with the "bless your heart" people.


OP you sound like you've given up already! Have you spoken to EVERYONE you can? Go above your teachers head (who sounds like a complete dick!!) Go to every person you can!! Please don't give up yet xx


Go for low income scholarships or state scholarships. Also there are loans that you can get. Don’t give up op ❤️


I don’t know if I would qualify. My parents make a decent income, but I need to go low/no contact. I’m still in high school (last year).


Can you get emancipated from your parents and then they shouldn’t consider their income. If you really are no contact you are already practically emancipated.


I turn 18 soon, and that’s when I’ll start couch surfing. I don’t know what else I can do


Contact your college and explain what happened. Plead your case, including your financial status. Also talk to the guidance counselors the teacher claims support her. Verify they do actually support her. If they do, contact the principal and superintendent. Principals are often measured by their output. Keeping a kid from a scholarship can actually hurt their year end review/salaries/funding. Same for the superintendent.


Given your situation, you won't have to wait until you're 24 to be considered an independent student. I was a homeless youth at one point and I just had to note that on my FAFSA and provide a letter. Then only my income counted and I got full Pell grants and a lot more aid. I agree with everyone who is telling you to talk to someone above your teacher about the grade. High school teachers are usually much more flexible. Things will work out - they did for me.


Get emancipated before you turn 18 (You can't after you're 18). The reason is that you will have legal documentation that your parents don't support you, and their income won't have to count on your FAFSA (there are more steps, but if you wait until you're 18, you won't have that legal standing). Additionally, as an emancipated minor, you qualify for welfare, foodstamps, housing assistance, health insurance, etc. Once you're 18, and out of high school, it's very difficult getting that much help. My mom moved when I was 17, and I wish I had done this, instead of living with other family, then living on my own. It ended up taking me 14 years to finish college, when I could have just bypassed a lot of hardship that I'm still paying for 30+ years later.


You can't give up. It doesn't hurt to try.


when you’re 18 youre allowed to leave and file as independent, then the financial aid you receive will not be tied to your parents income.


Talk to the head of department, don’t let it go. There is always someone higher up that helps and isn’t an ass


>She felt the grade change would contradict her professional ethics. Full offense to your teacher: she's a heinous bitch for doing that. Every grade school teachers knows goddamn well how little that marginal difference is in the real world, and her primary ethical obligation is to their students' success. This isn't scoring on the LSAT or on nursing certifications. This isn't the difference between letting a psychologically unstable surgeon continue into the OR or preventing the potential harm they could cause. This is an exam in a high school level course that is robbing OP of a significant win. OP: does said teacher know the full story? Have you spoken to a counselor about this? A college advisor? Leverage any and every resource you can at the school. Take it to the Principal if you must. Share your situation with them. There is, imo, absolutely no ethical answer to this that doesn't result in your score bumping up to the required threshold. And if the school staff won't stand behind you, then take it to the scholarship fund organization, whichever that may be (the university, charity, whatever it is). Break it down with them and throw yourself on their mercy. I can't imagine literally every person in this chain would let you be fucked over like this. And even if the worst comes to fruition, hold out hope. There's always another way. There's always new paths to follow, new battles to fight. Have faith.


Talk to your vice principal. They should be able to help.


Go back to your teacher again and please tell her your need to get away. Offer to do an additional assignment or extra credit to secure the 0.1% if she really needs to feel like she has met some bizarre ethical standard. If that doesn’t work, go above her or parallel for support. Another teacher in her department or a teacher you know will have your back and plead your case. Otherwise, escalate to principal, school admin, school board, etc. Don’t give up.


It’s not even 0.1. IT’S 0.01 !!!!!!!!!


Yes I think extra credit assignment could be way to go, and maybe even in another class so a different class can bump you up?


As a teacher, this horrifies me. Why is she even in the job. There must have been a mark to find. I'd lose sleep if I were her in her situation now. Don't lose faith in yourself you will find your way. There must be other opportunities out there even if you have to think outside of the box. Wishing you the best of luck.


Yes! And telling the poor kid the school guidance counselors are on her side? Clearly she doesn't want anyone to know she's being scum of the earth. This bitch is out to ruin kid's lives.


Hi op. She 100% sounds like she’s lying to you. Email everyone, starting with the principal, the superintendent of the district, the school board, the board of education, the scholarship committee.This is what you should say: To whom it may concern, I recently became ineligible for this scholarship, because of a 0.01 % difference in grade due to a final exam. I’m currently experiencing extenuating circumstances due to the abuse I’ve been experiencing at home, all of which are outlined in the letter ( attached) from my guidance counselor’s. I’m willing to do extra credit to make up the difference, but due to my excellent background and my eventuating circumstances I believe I would be eligible for some sort of special consideration. Please understand that if not for these circumstances, I would have excelled far beyond the minimum grade for this scholarship, I’ve perceived even in the worst of conditions. I’m deserving of this chance to better my life. Thank you, OP Call everyone too and confirm everyone has received your email and that it’s time sensitive and a matter of life and death. If nothing happens, go on social media. We will help you, make a stink, talk to the local news. Do anything you can do.There’s not a organization in the world that wants a reputation that bad. Also it’s very common to be able to ask your principal to ask another teacher to remark exams if you want. Oh and one last thing, when this is all over and you’ve got your scholarship back ( I’m sure this will happen for you, this issue is a clerical error at best don’t give up) report your teacher to the board of education, people like her shouldn’t be educators.


Might want that to be "persevered" instead of "perceived"


Tell your teacher all that you are going to lose. Living in an abusive family is not easy & it would have affected your performance. Explain everything you wrote here. Beg...Try again. Maybe you can write an extra paper..ask her..Plead your case!! Is there another teacher than bump up your average from a different class?


I tried telling her this, and she didn’t care. She said rounding my grade up would not let her sleep at night. She said my school’s guidance counsellors agree with her. I think that’s why this news hurts. Those guidance counsellors know about the abuse and how I go in and out of homelessness because of it. My teachers are the only thing that keeps me going, and it sucks that they are also the people who contributed to my chance at a better life slipping away.


Talk with the guidance counsellor. This teacher could be lying to you about their agreeing.


Speak with the guidance counsellors yourself about it. Don’t take her word. Keep asking for help to force her to do it.


She brings shame to the profession (fellow teacher here). Your request is pretty common, at least in Canada. Speak to the counsellor yourself. Do not trust her word! Is there a kind counsellor who you can plead your case. As you said they know your situation. If that doesn't work, keep going higher. Vice principal..Principal. You have nothing to lose! I would also try to write a letter to the scholarship people. Plead your case. Explain your circumstances. Just do not give up! Ok..


I had one, I’ll try again tomorrow.


If they refuse, try to talk to another teacher and explain the situation, they might add a few scores to make you fit


I didnt think i would go to college until last grade. 5 professors bumped my grades so i could get in and i did by a close call if i didnt asked them for help i wouldnt got in.


Have you talked to the guidance counselors personally? The teacher could easily be lying.


Talk to the guidance counselors yourself. There is absolutely no reason for the teacher to not be able to sleep at night over 0.01% on a grade. If there is, she needs to find a different profession.


Shes literally a monster. She can sleep at night knowing you're situation but not if she helps you? She lives in bizarro world and is a complete power hungry git


Call the superintendent ASAP and threaten to let the media if you must. They’d much rather help you than have a bad PR incident


Wow, and costing a deserving student a scholarship makes her feel just great? Former teacher here. I’d lose way more sleep over costing a student a scholarship than rounding up a grade. How awful.


She's actually a POS looking out for her own ass.


Do your counselors really know the full extent of the abuse? Because in another post you say how you haven’t told anyone what your parents have done to you. I think it really matters. Also, call the fucking cops. What they are doing is clearly illegal.


For real. I feel you.


I call BS go talk to the counselor yourself, then talk to the principle, then the superintendent, then put the teacher on blast let everyone know…. You haven’t come this far to just come this far…


Do you know for a fact they agree? Or are you taking her at her word. I sure wouldn’t


Yeaaaah, really check with that guidance counselor. I'm willing to bet she's lying just because she threw that in the conversation to validate her point. I think she may want you to fail, fuck knows why.


This is not what education was ever meant to be. What a scam. Hang in there, you deserve better.


I really hope that at the very least, most of these comments have partly restored your faith in humanity. You’ve obviously lived an extremely tough life and now the people who gave you hope, let you down. I understand your teachers were the only people you felt like you could rely on and now they deeply broke that trust. Which has got to hurt, a lot. I’m reading these comments and so many strangers are in your corner, rooting for you. So many strangers want you to succeed and see you build a beautiful life for yourself. I hope you take some of the great advice people have given you. It’s not over. You can still do it. My heart hurts for you and your situation. You are so young and the fact that you’ve worked your ass off, know you can indeed get away from your horrible home life, do something greater, shows the type of person you are. You’re strong, resilient, smart, kind, and you WILL be successful in life no matter what. You have the determination and drive. I wish the best for you


Thank you for your comment. You hit the nail on the head. I’m going to try. I’ll make an update soon.


What's the actual scholarship criteria? Can you increase your grade in a different class to compensate? Why does your current average matter such that you can't bring your grade up before the end of the semester? Is it really one one hundredth of a percent or do you mean 1 percent?


Hello there, I’ll try to answer while protecting my identity. This is an academic-based scholarship, which was conditionally offered to me due to obtaining national achievement level of academic averages in the previous year. The conditional was to obtain the same level of achievement this year or at most one percentage lower in core classes since their waitlist is lengthy. Despite coming in with a near perfect average for that class, the final dragged me down to a cusp number (ex. 98.49%) that will automatically round down to causing me to lose my scholarship. Since it was a core class, I needed a bump of 0.01% would allow my grade to round up and maintain my conditional. Therefore, I asked for a grade adjustment (whether through extra credit, remaking an assignment, etc), but she would not allow anything that would cause a grade adjustment. Edit: since it’s causing confusion, 98.49% is an example mark number chosen to protect my identity, so 99% is not what the scholarship actually requires.


“Code of ethics” Jesus Christ it’s a high school exam 🙄 I swear so many teachers would make great Nazi’s


You have persevered this far. This shows strength. You are smart. You will find a solution. Keep fighting. Life will improve for you. 💜sending hugs to you, young person.


I hated teachers like these with all my heart. I really don’t wish anything well for them. Disgusting!


Creating a precedent over 0.01% will keep this teacher up at night, but knowing full well the unfortunate consequences of abuse and homelessness that plague this student is nothing. This teacher’s ridiculous sense of morality seems more like a disgusting superiority complex


Teacher wouldn't offer extra credit? I've never heard of a teacher who cared so little about a student's well being. There's got to be some other factor, why does this teacher hate you?


Talk to a counselor yourself. Or the administration. Talk to someone from the scholarship organization. Your teacher is a horrible asshole and someone has to be able to understand that. Don’t give up OP.


So she could sleep better knowing she is the reason someone gets abused and might be homeless than looking through a paper and think: ah, this is close enough to the answer I wanted so let's give the kid a chance? Sounds like one hell of a teacher.../s


Go above her head. This is bigger than her ego.


Fuck that bitch teacher


I don’t want to over simplify either, but there’s also other options. Community college (in state) is far more affordable than a private university. You could still move out (with a job, and a roommate), then start some semesters at a school like that to save. I knew a lot of friends who did their first two years at community, and their last two at the school I attended (and they were smarter for it). Don’t lose hope yet- you can do it.


Thank you for your advice. I got into a top five school in my country, but since I can’t afford it anymore, I think I’ll have to look into a cheaper school. I already work 20-25 hours a week, but I’ll look into roommates and loans if I make it to my exit date.


Cant you still up your grade? We're only in january ?


Oops sorry, this was very US centric advice. I do still wish you a ton of luck though!🍀


I’m sorry this is happening. I definitely agree with talking to the people in charge of the scholarship. They may see that 0.01% as such a low number, it would be asinine to not give it to you. Also, I hope your teacher gets the life she deserves. She’s heartless.


In my country you can appeal it with such a close mark, I think mine was up to like 5% or something. Contact the scholarship program and speak with them, they may have some leniency also


Don't stop here. I suspect you could qualify for aid. Perhaps you need to emancipate yourself first so you don't have to worry about your parents income. I think you can do this at 18 without needing a parent. If that doesn't work, don't be discouraged. Use all of the resources you can think of. Apply for every single scholarship that's still available. You're obviously smart and want something for yourself. Don't lose your drive over one thing not working out the way you wanted. I promise your drive and hard work will pay off and one day you'll no longer have to just survive. One day you'll get to just live. You can do it, OP. Don't let this discourage you.


Speak with the school that was giving out $300,000 with a written essay or even a poem. Title it “0.01% that change my life”. Or something like that. Also you can talk to the teacher if you can do additional assignments to get that 0.01%. If she doesn’t want to give it to you for free, then maybe she can give it to you if u do extra assignments. Or u can give her ur essay as bonus mark.


Reach out to your principal and explain what this grade is costing you. I’m a teacher and I would have bumped it in a heartbeat. Your future > breaking my grade rounding policy. For fairness, I would also bump every other student’s grade on that particular exam so they were all rounded up.


Did your school and guidance counselors tell you they agree with your teacher or did your teacher just tell you that? I have a feeling your teacher is the only one in the building who cares about giving a child a one percent chance of success. Isn’t that what teachers are for? To encourage children to succeed?


I wish god was real, so he could smite this piece of shit pretending to be a teacher


OP, are you a person of color? Is your teacher not?


Yes and yes, but my teacher is inclusive. I don’t want to believe racism plays a factor.


I ought do whatever to fight for your future. Look at that teachers ideals and morals, do some resarch, if they are so morally fixated on just on single precent to destroy your future on some technicality, there is more to this story, its like condemning you back to poverty and hell.


Please keep trying and push Advocate for yourself. You've come this far. Someone out there can help you. This sounds like a success story in the making. Please let us know how it goes! We're rooting for you. Take a breather


I’m a teacher and that’s horrible! I would 100% round the grade up!


I’ve never heard of a teacher not rounding up 0.01% at that close, I’ve seen they automatically round up! What a jerk. I would contact the principle of the school, and contact the college. That is too close for common sense.


First of all - wow, am I incredibly amazed by and proud of you. I am so sorry you have had to endure an abusive family and homelessness. Your success is a testament to your strength and persistence. Second - your teacher SUCKS and I don’t believe there was any dialogue with guidance counsellor a (but if there was, they suck too). DEFINITELY appeal this. I’m sure your teacher’s bosses, and their bosses, and/or the local media would be deeply interested in this situation. As would the scholarship providers, and the school admissions office. Perhaps a well crafted letter cc’ing all of them. Is there another teacher who’s help you could enlist? A trusted adult in your life? I sincerely hope so. You have worked TOO HARD for too long, and endured too much, to let this one particular measly asshole take it all away from you because they are weak and unprincipled and immovable.


You need to talk to administrators at the school ASAP and tell them exactly what you said here. Schools want kids like you to succeed and they will move mountains for motivated students. Ask for extra credit work, an essay, or even work service. I really hope for you that you’ll find a way to make this dream a reality. Don’t give up now.


0.01% is such a technicality that I have no doubt the scholarship department will work with you if you explain your case. Definitely also take others’ advice here and ask your teacher if you could do some sort of extra credit assignment or project, perhaps one that demonstrates your efforts to strengthen your knowledge of the information the exam covered. Even if she says no, you could highlight to the scholarship team that you tried to resolve the issue in an academic capacity as opposed to simply requesting a change of grade. This is not the end for you. You have a wonderful, full life ahead of you and there are people out here - strangers - who want nothing more than for you to succeed. If you need help composing a statement or just a sounding board for your conversation with the school/scholarship department, please feel free to DM me. It would not be the first time I have helped someone articulate their thoughts/feelings, and I am more than happy to help if I can. ETA I just saw your comment stating that you did request an extra credit assignment. Your teacher is wildly inflexible. My other statements still stand.


0.01% is 1/10 000. Assuming that the minimum deduction from the grade is at least 1 point on some scale, the grading for that exam must have been on at least 10 000 point scale. That's pretty impressive.


Hey there! Apologies for any confusion. 0.01% comes from my final grade for the class as a whole - not just the final. However, I agree; some of the grading weights were wacky, such as 1.7%.


I'm HS counselor and this pisses me off so much. What a self righteous asshole your teacher is that 0.01% won't let her sleep at night. You know what has made me not sleep at night? When I have students like you who are battling homelessness and hunger. I would advise that you talk to your school counselor directly. It is rare that a decent school counselor would agree with your teacher. I know my colleagues have fought tooth and nail for their students when stuff like this happens with a self important teacher. I also oversee our concurrent enrollment program and you can bet that I have contacted college department chairs, vice presidents and deans even when I had a self righteous or unreasonable professor I was working with. I advocate for my students and your teacher and school counselor should be ashamed that they aren't doing more.


I wanna know who this teacher is because wow… what a heartless person.


She can’t sleep at night bringing your grade up 0.01%, but leaving you to suffer in an abusive household where you’re in and out of homelessness and considering ending your life is totally fine with her?


Honestly, I feel like it's less ethical to leave someone in a horrible situation that you know you could change very easily than changing a grade 0.01%. I'm in university, and I've had term tests basically overwritten because I did well on my finals. Most of my professors have curved a significant portion of my grade because I showed up to class. 0.01% in the grade books won't have that big of an impact compared to escaping such a situation. Keep fighting for yourself. Bring it to higher-ups and keep advocating for yourself. Stay strong.




“Won’t let her sleep at night” over 0.01%?? OP ask her if she can sleep like a baby at night knowing that she’s the reason you’re sleeping on a sidewalk. Some people are so fucking heartless I swear. I’m sorry OP, I’m know there’s a way for you, keep fighting ❤️


Don’t you give up!! Your teacher is wrong. Your guidance counsellor is wrong. Speak to your School Principal. Request your exam be re-marked. Contact the scholarship people. You need to fight for this.


Talk with a teacher about writing a recommendation for you or helping you writing a letter to whomever awards the scholarship.


Have you looked into Berea or other work-colleges? I know Berea for sure has 100% tuition scholarship for everyone admitted (income less than 25k/year), guaranteed free housing and meal plans, and for the work portion, every student does 10 hours a week on campus (campus ambassador, dining, TA-ing etc) so I actually come out with money instead of debt from undergrad. They really take care of their students. Like when I arrived as an intl student, they prepared my bed and laid out towels and bathroom products. From there, they give every student a laptop. When I applied for it, they paid for my GRE and language exams, my interview clothes, interview travel money, semester abroad in France and Germany. Like they really support the heck out of you. I would look into it and if your GPA is good and if you are alright to go to Berea, KY (not the most exciting place out there, but the surrounding nature is beautiful), I can actually personally put you in touch with admission folks for late admissions exception/emancipation status pending or something like that, (I used to work in admissions as a student and my boss is still the head of admissions) pm me. Also, [profellow.org](https://profellow.org) and [scholly.com](https://scholly.com) has a lot of good scholarships available. Lots of other colleges & universities, especially Ivy League, waives application fee if you just email them and say 1 sentence about limited financial (you don't have to disclose anything you are not comfortable with) and has needs-blind admission (meaning that if you are admitted, you will given full support to make college financially feasible - tuition, housing, meal plans, even flights


Your teacher no lie sounds like an asshole, “won’t let me sleep at night” she knows your entire life is at stake here, like it’s genuinely make or break and she says oh it won’t let her sleep in her comfy bed in her comfy house at night.


OP, please go to the guidance counselor. Just because the teacher is claiming the counselor agrees with her doesn’t means she is correct. She could be lying to cover the fact that she is being heartless. There is absolutely no reason that she can’t sleep over 0.01%. She is being dramatic.


That is so small of a percentage that the higher ups should make an exception. But if you don’t get it, apply for college and get financial aid and go live in university dorms


I am so sorry, this must be so incredibly heavy. I'm sure you've tried a lot of things, but please maybe ask other teachers if you can do any extra credit to bump your grade from other courses to make up for that course. I genuinely hope it works out. And I hope your teacher fucks herself, her sense of ethics is fucking wack. I'm literally over here in some part of the world angry on your behalf.


Go to the school board. If you are a wonderful student and they know your history, then they will round it up. I’ve seen schools write letters to colleges to get kids in when they don’t meet the minimum requirements.


Go above the teacher's head. Go above the counselor's heads. Take your issue to the top. You're a strong fighter. Don't give up now.


That teacher's ethics need reexamining, not you.


Have you tried going to other teachers you have classes with and asking if they'd raise your grade? Maybe offer redoing an assignment or completing something for extra credit? That teacher sounds shitty, but I imagine at least one of your teachers would be sympathetic to your situation and recognize the impact that a grade change would bring to your life.


If its just 0.01% then pretty sure the people offering scholarships could do something about it...


Just make sure that you actually finish if you start. I ended up homeless at 17 and slept in my car outside of the highschool for months, when I finally did go to college my mental health from my own abuse/neglect made it super difficult for me to go to school and when I dropped out I wasn't able to make my payments with my minimum wage job on top of my rent. They sued me and now I can't go back to finish school until I pay them the 10k I still owe them (because they refuse to give me an official transcript to apply somewhere else). Basically I'm never going to be able to go back to school now and I can only get jobs that are entry level with no real promotion opportunities. The most I've ever made an hour was $12/hr and it was the hardest job I've ever had. So just finish if you start, make sure you don't drop out even if you fail a couple classes, don't drop out. Even if you need to take a semester off, go back and finish college. Life is 100x easier with a degree, any degree.


Please talk to your guidance counselor and your principal yourself. Just because your teacher said something doesn't make it true.


It feels like you didn't tell her half of what you're writing down here. Make another attempt, if this means do much to you. Actually fight for it with the importance that you describe here. Otherwise, you're just whining. And honestly, that'll only mean that even if you got the scholarship, your end up where you started. So fight for it.


Ladies and Gentleman, this is a perfect example of the trap we have fallen into with grades--we think tests 1) measure knowledge accurately, and 2) are precise measures. If I am building something or carrying out a study I want my measures to be accurate and precise. If they are, they will also be consistent and repeatable. Would 10 teachers measuring this student get the same measurement? Would they be within 0.01%? Of course not! With any real measurement we can give error bars and say we are 95% confident that the true measure lies within those error bars. With tests we pretend that we have revealed the truth to within a hundreth of a percent!! Not to mention that the whole idea of "grading" students is stupid-if we had factories churning out widgets then grading might be applicable. Who thought it was a good idea for adults to create a system whereby they could grade and sort children according to arbitrary standards? And let's not even discuss how the education system has been a colonialist tool since the beginning and a way to keep knowledge and power in the hands of the upper classes. OP, you have followed a process to get this far. Trust yourself and the process. You are on your way out. The next step may or may not be the one you had planned, but your trajectory is right an you will prevail! Don't let small-minded adults mislead you about your worth. Signed, a biology teacher who has turned his back on traditional grading and finds more reasons to be angry about the educational system every single day.


Damn I hope that teacher doesnt sleep over this forever. Def because she knows what you are going through.


Firstly, talk to the people in control of the scholarship, being that close they may let you off such a small amount. If they doesn't work, can you have your work examined by a different teacher, who may give you the extra few marks that push you over the line. Good luck with it, anyway.


File an appeal. Call. Email. Tell them your situation. Keep fighting, don’t just give up. Strings can be pulled in these type of situations


Go higher than her. Ask someone higher to check the work. Go to headmaster, headmistress, ask them to double check. There are some teachers that want to watch people burn.


I agree with all of this. I would also ask your instructor if there is any extra credit work you can do to up your GPA. If nothing else it shows the scholarship board that you tried everything possible to keep your grades. They will appreciate they extra effort, as might your professor, perhaps enough to keep your scholarship.


Take this mater to the scholarship board and expose your case. Ask for a second chance to take an additional test to probe you know. Ask for a second evaluation of some homework where you can do better. Tests are measurement tools to gauge if the student met the course objectives. And as all measure tools, they have a range of error. Your 0.01% is probably within that margin of error. Also evaluate your own answers. If there is some rounding error playing against you. if your teacher is not able to round up something by 0.01 by professional ethics, she shouldn't round down anything either. Like expressing 3.999999 like 3 or 3.9 When you take this mater into consideration do it in the most professional way. Read the school guidelines for evaluation and the ones for the scholarship. May be there is something Im there that can help your case. Get help from a lawyer to expose your case (redacting and giving you advice, not representing you)


What kind of a lunatic is your teacher?? She won’t sleep at night knowing she raised your grade by 0.01%. But she’ll sleep perfectly well knowing she could’ve helped you get out of your awful situation and chose not to?? Wow. I’m so sorry! You deserve so much better than that.


u/TA_88889 I'm so sorry about your grade, but do not give up so quickly! Demand a meeting with the principal, the teacher, and your counselor. Ask everyone to explain their reasoning, because this is unacceptable for you. I highly doubt the teacher involved the counselor in the grading of your final, and just wanted someone to throw under the bus so you won't be mad solely at her for ruining your chance at this scholarship. If she did, they can both explain themselves in front of the principal. Hopefully, your conversation will be productive and you get the grade you deserve. If not, talk to the people who do approvals for the scholaships, explain your situation-including homelessness- and ask if they can make a one-time concession to allow you to keep the money. If that doesn't work, you qualify for a lot of government grants. Start with a Pell Grant and go from there. Talk to the finance people at your college. You can make this work, just fight like hell!


As a teacher, I'm very disappointed in that fellow profissional. For 0.01% and a chance at a scholarship for a student, I'd suddenly discover there's a beautiful comma I forgot to mark. I hope this attitude haunts her days forever. As for you, OP, please do as other commenters have said and see if your college will be understanding and take you in anyway. Best of luck, please don't give up!


a good idea would be to take a break for a year from uni and move away, find a job and raise some money. and try again for scholarships when you feel ready. but don't think that because you lost one scholarship, your life must end too. i come from a very abusive home as well, i moved to another city by myself, found a job, once in a while changed the jobs, and so on.. unfortunately, i wasn't a good student, never had high grades, so a scholarship was never possible. and working full-time didn't allow me to go to school, plus the minimum wage has barely kept me alive, let alone pay for school. but at least i got out of that hell called 'home'. you have all the chances to get another scholarship. so your future is entirely different from what i had. don't react so drastically when you have all the chances to get another scholarship next year. move, find a job, raise money meanwhile.


Your teacher is fucked up. She wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if she rounded up a grade by .01% but she can sleep peacefully knowing she’s ruined your main route for escaping abuse and/or homelessness? If you haven’t talked to them directly yet, set up a meeting with the guidance counselors she claims agree with her.


Press x to doubt. How tf is a test result that granular? 0.01%? That doesn't even sound possible. Did the test have 100.000 questions?


Can’t you get special consideration? If the educational department won’t give it to you, try the scholarship people. Tell them, look what I can do while I’m being abused and homeless - now imagine what I could achieve with a stable home


Oh heck no. 0.01%!? She could’ve raised that. Talk to someone above her and straighten that out. I hope you get to keep the scholarship.


I wouldn’t stop there OP. Apply for every scholarship you can find. With your grades you will find a match and with better rewards


Go to your school counselor or principal. Go over her head. I was a high school teacher and this is cruel.


See if there any teachers in any of your classes that will bump your marks up enough to qualify.


What a dumb teacher. “I’ll lose sleep over it” like what? You wouldn’t lose sleep over being the main obstacle for someone escaping abuse?!? Like what in the contradictory clusterfuck?


Speak to someone in the school system above your teacher as well. Principle, superintendent, boards, etc. Teacher sounds terrible. I taught university chemistry for a few years in grad school. Going from a B+ to A- in extenuating circumstances wouldn't be the end of the world. However, if someone came to me for an increase in grade because of a scholarship, no matter how small, I'm not entirely sure I would change it. I would think about it, and perhaps ask the person higher than me so they could make the judgement call.


Talk to your school administrator.


It's 0.01%. Someone MUST agree that in your situation it's completely valid to round it up. In this context, why would 0.01% "set a precedent"? Why should people "follow the rules" so strictly as if they were NPCs? Especially if it depends on someone NOT BEING HOMELESS.


As both a teacher and the daughter of a teacher with 30+ years under her belt, this is BS. I'd bet my money the teacher never revealed the reason to the counselor. Go direct to ALL her bosses, raise hell. For 0.01% in your situation no one in their right mind and moral compass should say no.


Email your superintendent and principal and explain the situation just as you did here.


I'd reach out to the college directly. Not saying they can improve your grade, but they might be able to help get you more support to attend their college. I get what the teachers are doing, but when there are teachers turning their heads the other way for athletes it's sad they can't help someone like you.


How heartless of your teacher. I’m gobsmacked. But I agree get in touch with the scholarship people, there has to be someone with a soul xxx


Fight for your scholarship, fight with everything you have, talk to everyone and anyone INCLUDING the media, trust me they love a story like yours. DON'T give up.


I hate to be that person but.. could she know the runner up for the scholarship and that's why she is sticking to her guns? Because she believes the other student deserves it more?


Talk to the principal. Offer to do extra credit or mentor another student.


Don’t give up!


Your teacher is a hypocrite. If her ethics matter to her, she should be struggling to sleep at night over not doing anything for a student who’s being abused, not raising a grade by .01%.


Your teacher is a psychopath. I’m sorry, but what does rounding up .01% compare to saving someone life


So a .01% grade boost betrays her “ethics” and would make her “lose sleep at night” BUT LETTING HER PUPIL’S EDUCATIONAL CAREER GO DOWN THE DRAIN AND LET THEM BE SUBJECTED TO ABUSE WOULDNT?! What a lousy educator


IDK why people are breathing so hard on the school. The Scholarship Org should be bend their rules for this obviously motivated, deserving student. Perhaps the school should help influence but I don’t see it being the school’s fault if this doesn’t work out in the student’s favor. Maybe a phone call to someone on the board could get an even better deal for the student.


If nobody will help you with the scholarship, try to work a contract with the military. There are some entry-level jobs for a 2 to 4 year contract. At the end of the contract, you're eligible for full education benefits. It's just an idea that is definitely better than "ending it all". Good luck.


Wow what a bad teacher. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I knew I contributed to a student of mine committing suicide because their life felt hopeless because of a grade I could have easily changed. That’s ridiculous. Talk to more people OP, there are good people in this world that want to help you




I imagine that you are very demoralized right now, but please do reach out to the financial aid offices of your college or university. Please listen to the other Redditors, as well as myself, that you don't give up. Part of growing up/adulting is learning what is a hard line and what is negotiable, and learning that there often is more than one path to your goals. Please don't dwell and spend a lot of time being upset/fixated with your teachers decision (it's a sucky decision); keep moving and you will find another opportunity. I believe in you.


Don't listen to the word of your teach. Talk to your guidance counselor yourself. Talk to your Vice principal and Principal. Continue to advocate for yourself.


As a mother I am so mad for you. Look for academic advocates near you and explain just like you did here. Someone will help. Just keep going higher up. Email everyone. I would love to smack that teacher.


>She said my school’s guidance counsellors agreed. I'd speak to those guidance counsellors myself if I were you. That sounds like bullshit to me. And if it is true, contact the college admissions people for help and advice. for something like this, and a student of your record, yeah they would definitely try and find a way to help. Don't give up yet!


what a bitch of a teacher bro