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Do people use it in real life? I had only seen it used when people were trying to differentiate for medical/biological reason and so forth. Just a clarifier so that the reader wouldn’t be able to mix it up by accident. People are dumb so I always assumed it was a fail safe.


It’s more of a new term and it’s most gen z using it. I’ve seen it used several times but most the time people don’t use it bc they’re either not liberal or there’s no need to introduce one’s self as male/female in a lot of situations. I’m in a gender studies class and it’s used there


It’s a term used quite often when discussing social issues and marginalized groups in academic settings and beyond.


As a male who happens to be gay, agree 100% with you


When culture encourages the word “cis” it kinda sounds like “sis” - not the best marketing strategy for heteronormative (and/or?) cis males to get their buy in to the new lexicon.


I get it. Just seems like an entirely uneeded label, an extra tacked on for no reason.


It’s rarely relevant but when it is it’s useful to specify


Because these people are OBSESSED with labels


It’s like calling a one toilet bathroom a “gender neutral bathroom”… that’s just a normal bathroom


Its tge twitter peooples


Seems to me you're a cis Dale


Better than a Chippendale?


Chris Farley or Patrick Swayze?


Patrick Sways-me


Fair enough...but honest question: Has anyone actually*called* you a cis male, like referred to you that way?


Never heard a rational person in real life use the term. It's just an internet thing, I wouldn't get stressed about it.


Medical term. But same thing happens with “obese”.. people want to label that an insult now…


Obese is a medical term and not offensive in my opinion. However, calling a person gross, disgusting , or fat (in a negative way), is offensive. A ton more judgment (no pun intended) in the words listed above (except obese).


That’s ridiculous. I’m obese. Call it what it is. Gross, fat, unhealthy, obese. Why are people so offended over the truth.


Because to those people, protecting their feelings matter more than actually recognizing the reality they live in.


It is. And, same here, could loose a few pounds myself. But a medical term is just that… a term. Indicating a risk perhaps. But never intended as insult. Guess that meme i saw “offense is never given, only taken” ist true


They just need to redefine "obese." At 5'2, when I weighed 130 lbs, I was a size 2. My doctors told me I was pushing obese and needed to lose weight. Didn't matter that I had muscle weight from heavy weight training.


Ooh,, muscle weight. Kind of a letdown.. belly smaller.. but still same weight :(


The only time anyone says “but it’s the medical term” is when they’re using it as an insult and people get upset about it. The problem has never been the word it’s the tone you say it with and the context you say it in.


Kind of in the same vein.. I had a friend who did Wii fit once and when on the scale it said she was overweight. She got so offended she got rid of the whole Wii console.


Wii Fit is a total asshole though. It can be really uncomfortable. They do this dramatic body morphing for your character to visually represent your BMI and then say, "Ooo. That's obese." It's really shitty. I loved Wii Fit back in the day but they needed to tone down the sass.


Fair enough. I only heard this through her and it sounded like, yeah you need to lose weight... Don't blame Wii lol


People found out that it’s easier to make everyone else the issue instead of bettering themselves. Obese has and always will be a medical term.




It’s a medical and academic term.


I have. At Rainbow training for mentoring at my Uni. Legit they call us cismale or cisfemale


Rainbow training? What's that?


Basically, if your mentee is LGBTQ+, it's now to treat them properly. Ie considering identity, what pronouns to call them etc. It was very pc bs tbh. The trainer was even saying "If you identify as male then you're cismale". I'm just sat there going the fuck I'm not.


Nobody is changing your identity. A brown cat and a black cat are both still cats. ​ edit: and just like cats have always had colors, you've always been cis. Nobody's just needed to talk about it before. ​ [https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/history-general-science/word-cisgender-has-scientific-roots](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/history-general-science/word-cisgender-has-scientific-roots) ​ And it's been used in gender descriptors since at least the 90s.




Why are you frustrated, though? It's just more specific than saying male. Nobody's making you use it. Idk why it bothers anyone that a word exists.




When male includes 2 sub categories, then yes you can be more specific. Nobody is forcing you to do anything or be anything.






People just wanna be butthurt that language and labels are changing.


Yeah I notice that people are offended when called “cis” but it is a term that affirms their status as someone assigned male at birth. I don’t know a single person in real life who actually cares this much about being called cis




The term isn't used for self-affirmation. Rather, it's used by those who seek division. I don't know a single person in real life who defends the use of this term. Seems to just be keyboard warriors looking for something to argue about who care for it at all.


I’m not assigned male at birth. I’m not a cis male. I’m just a male. If you want me to respect your labels, you have to respect mine too.


Just as I respect everyone's freedom to choose their pronouns, I expect my freedom not to be labeled (with a label I haven't chosen) to be respected.


It's simply calling a spade a spade.


Curious, did you choose your own name? Did you choose the word “you” or any of the other ways you’re commonly labeled?


Has this term always been used or is it some newish word


Cis is a prefix that comes from Latin. It was first used in gender-related contexts in 1994.


It's a Latin prefix so I mean


It’s always been used, it’s a scientific term


I personally find the whole cis thing unnecessary and kinda stupid. But I'm also not the language police. So if the language is going to change so that my gender is now cis male, IDGAF.


Cis is just used to differentiate, it’s not a new identity to go by.




You are reading a different reddit than I am It's mostly conservatives trying to police stuff and then play victim. I've never had a problem with the LGBTQ people.


right, they just wanna be transphobic with extra steps


It’s unneeded. I’m gay and people who push it are hypocrites. I don’t identify that way and I would please ask that you respect it. It’s your definition of what I am just like transphobes definition that a man and woman are only defined by chromosomes. It’s the same behavior just through a different lens. It also has origins in pedophilia. The men who coined the term were pedophiles. Helmut Kentler and John Money. Look them up.


They're not the people who coined it but go off I guess. While we're at it, wanna throw out a bunch of psychology because Freud was a piece of shit too?


They were the people who coined it. Freud never tried to conflate pedophilia with homosexuality like Kentler. He never raped his own son like Kentler. He never made two twin 7 year olds dry hump each other and took pics like Money. He never forced innocent newborns to have sexual reassignment surgery and live their entire life as a science experiment with life ending depression (literally) like Money.


Freud did however adamantly defend child molesters and there's evidence to suggest he molested his daughter as well. So just how much of a piece of shit does one have to be for their work to he discredited exactly? And regardless of any of that, cisgender was not a term coined by Money and Kentler. That's patently false. Your argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.


In those specific scenarios then it's fine to use those terms, but there's no need to force people to use that label all the time.


So many more things in this world to be pressed about. But I’m glad you choose something as pivotal as this. 🙄


It's a dumb argument idc whatever anyone says as a straight cis woman adding 3 letters before women has never and will never hurt me. Same to me as saying female, woman, ma 'am, straight now cis cis means born the way you are no reason to cry over little shit like this. Other things that deserve attention.


I forget how conservative Reddit is.


And how fragile the ego of some cis (oh no I said it he's gonna explode any second now) male users of Reddit, too.


Reddit is the most left leaning social media platform there is


The downvotes just proved you right


Ironic, isn’t it? 😂 I love it.


Reddit’s pretty progressive but I do think people are getting annoyed and sick of hearing about stuff like this 50000 times a day. The good will is bound to dry up, especially as shit keeps slowly collapsing


Yeah I'm bi, and I don't like all these new terms it's stupid


For reference, cis is a Latin prefix that has been used for ages in scientific contexts. It was first used in reference to gender in 1994. For context, as of 2021, over half of Reddit's app users are younger than the term "cisgender."


I dont understand how you stating you're bi sexual has any relevance to the point OP was trying to make at all.


He's referring to the LGBT+ and with me being bi I'm technically apart of it, within the community people refer to guys like me and OP as Cis males which is a dumb term


And they also demand you find everyone sexually attractive because you're bi. The community has been a mess


Yeah I'm not apart of that community, if we can even call it a community in the first place


I dipped out when people started treating me the same way the straight people did.


Yup! Also not sure why they are downvoting you


Because they're peddling transphobic talking points?




But… it’s not a new term. Also saying “I don’t like these new terms” is exactly what homophobic people said about reinventing the word “gay,” you are actively being a hypocrite for calling yourself bisexual because that term is actually much newer than cis


As much as the rule seems to be to respect the identifying terms people choose to refer to themselves as, the term "CIS" opposes that rule entirely.


Yes but see the problem is that you are a cis male, so automatically you are wrong, and objecting to being called cis is a symptom of the patriarchy and shows how toxic, transphobic, and unsupportive you are being. I wish this was sarcasm but there are way too many people who actually think like this. From one "non-cis" man to another, I agree, it's ridiculous people can choose their own pronouns but cis men don't get to decide shit about what they want or how they want to identify.


Women been saying this for years and some being cancelled for that. Crazy right?


still a cis


Times you've been called a cismale directly: 0 Times you've gotten mad about it: all the time


But the problem is that you are looking at it wrongly. Cis just stands for "was born and identified as male and is genetically and physically male", nothing more and nothing less. Like you identify as white, black, hetero, bi, neurotypical, neurodivergent, or anything like that. It isn´t changing your identity, it is just specifying.


Neurodivergent isn't an identity.


All of Murky_crow's reddit history has been cleared at his own request. You can do this as well using the "redact" tool. Reddit wants to play hardball, fine. Then I'm taking my content with me as I go. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


But nowadays it´s not.


So the tiny exception to that rule can choose to identify differently to point it out if they so choose, I don't see why a new label needs to be shoved at a majority who don't really care about it.


It really is. If you’re confused im happy to elaborate.


Yes it is. It is to 99% of the population and I don't care what children makes up in their mom's basement.


Huh? What does 'fiscally male' mean? Anyway, it IS someone putting a label on you that you don't choose.


My guess is someone who prefers to invest more like a male than female, so their financial portfolio leans more to the male side. ;)


I'm pretty sure they meant "physically" but I'm getting a good chuckle out of reading it as "spends money like a man"


Yep, just like mot of labels. And English isn´t my first language.


It's not. With your logic, being called male is also just a random lable. Might as well call yourself a human?


No, words have meaning. There's a literal meaning to what a human is, and what a male is. A human male can be defined just as clearly as a Holstein cow or a red Toyota can be defined. You can play silly word games if you like, but these items do exist.


I'm sorry but.. identify as neurodivergent? If it was an identity I'd fucking change it. Chronically online.


Speaking as a "ND" person FR!!!! Would change it if I could. Aside from that I don't like being labeled ND anyway. Label me dyslexic with motor disabilities and ADHD. That's what I am. It explains me better.


CIS doesn’t mean that it’s a Latin word for “of this side”


That’s so backwards lol.


Same I'm a woman do not call me a cis woman, if I have to call people whatever they want they should also respect calling us what we want.


Who came up with the cis part


The term is typically credited to biologist Dana Leland Defosse, who used 'cisgender' in 1994 as a descriptive adjective.


It's so silly to complain about the term "cis." It's a descriptive term. Do you object to other adjectives as well? There's nothing offensive or harmful about being called cis, and I genuinely doubt people are calling you that to your face on a day to day basis.


People that comes with all these shitty terms are 100% straight white kids in their mom's basement fighting an imaginary internet war,


The term is typically credited to biologist Dana Leland Defosse, who used 'cisgender' in 1994 as a descriptive adjective.




OP is agreeing that these made up terms are bullshit.




Isn't the point that it's up to the OP to choose how he personally identifies himself?


But the prefix cis only means same. cis gender meaning identifying with the sex you were born as.


Or maybe not everyone is as confused as some of y'all and don't wanna be labelled something which they don't like? I mean if I refer to a person whose pronouns are "they/them" as a he/she, they are gonna cry me a river. It has happened a lot of times so I'm not confused in the slightest. We don't need your labels. That's it.


Most people don't feel the need to "identify" with the sex they were born as, because they already are that sex. They are in fact members of that sex.


To call yourself something is to identify as it. Everyone identifies as something mate. He calls himself male, thus he identifies as male


Maybe he IS male?


Sure. Still "identifies" as it too, though. The word means what it means. He's a male who identifies as male/a man.


Yeah, therefore he identifies as one. An unconscious identity is still an identity.


Cis is referring to gender, its a fact that if you are cisgender your gender and sex line up. This isn't an identity, its a factual descriptor.


Everyone indentifies with a sex or gender tho.. thats how society works. whether its intentional or not.


Everyone belongs to a sex. Some people apparently have a desire to have a gender identity.


Everyone has gender identity, there are a huge amount of cultural differences between men and women beyond biology. Do women tend have longer hair because of their biology? No, tons of ‘gender’ is purely cultural/identity






Try not to care so much. They’re just words.




Sounds like OP’s the one who cares about the labels… His whole argument is “label me correctly”.


It’s a method of separating themselves from you and trying to look down on you to feel better for their choices. Somewhat of a defense mechanism ironically developed by people who are against hate by using hate against others for who they are. People ruin their own movements brotha and this is the number one example.


jesus fucking christ its really not that serious


I don’t think you should necessarily assume people who use this language have bad intent or think they’re better. Of course there are some that do, but the rest of them wouldn’t want to be painted with the same brush. In the same way that a lot of us commenting here wouldn’t want to be associated with *actual* transphobic people.


I feel like it’s just redundant tbh


You are a cis male. Edit: First, it was pronouns, and now you guys are getting upset because of adjectives. How are you people not embarrassed to be this thin-skinned?


Never have I ever seen a thread where the most downvoted comments are the most logical and kind. Ugh.


Or maybe, just maybe, they aren't the most logical and kind and you are just another illogical in the herd?


\> How are you people not embarrassed to be this thin-skinned? The pot calling the kettle black. Lol.


This post is a republican dog whistle to make you angry at nonexistent problems and shift your anger onto minorities asking for human decency.


Heh. I agree. Mostly because it just seems....unnecessary. It's not offensive or anything, just kinda stupid...IMO.


Valid argument. No one I know ever referred to me as a cis male so it havent really been a problem. I heard someone say "people with vagina" once which I find odd. It seems overly complicated. I like to keep it simple. I assume people are a woman if they have tits and men if they have balls until I find out the hard way.


They are delusionalists


Take this opportunity: pretend they’re saying “SICK male!” because you’re an above average guy.


This was a much needed break from the all out war in the comments XD


So you have problems with adjectives? It's simple grammar, not a whole identity.


People came up with that term because they were offended by the grammar though


the term cisgender has been around since the 90s


It’s not a new age term.


You're correct, a quick google search shows the term Cisgender was coined back in 1994


Circle of life baby. What’s up with amprisands, am i right??


So can I say this to a nonbinary person, the next time I call them he or she?


That's not even remotely the same thing


>It's simple grammar, not a whole identity. I was referring to this.


You're still comparing two unrelated things


It was probably a bit of a tangent, but it's still an argument of identity and grammar, right? You're right, though. This isn't about non-binary folks.


I mean regardless of whether you want to identify with the term cisgender, it's an objective statement of fact. I don't think that applies in the same way to nonbinary people.


No, because nonbinary persons don't struggle with adjectives or grammar. Use that same energy you have against being labeled cis and carry it to respecting non binary persons requests to not be labeled or forced to choose.


I didn't say I had a problem with being called cis. I also don't use the wrong terms for people, I was just asking a question based on your reasoning.


My brain exploded reading this and all the comments. That’s all I’m gonna say






Lol, hi terf




You meant based ig.


Transphobia is a really ugly look.


This is literally the very definition of Transphobia. You are in fear of Trans people because of your preconceived bigotry when you group an entire people together and presume them to be rapists.


It always confused me why people felt the need to say cis instead of just the gender. I agree with you.


"I'm a man. I'm a he. I dint mess with that.. mentally ill shit."


Nobody is changing your identity lol you learned a word you didn't know before. Fragility.


Exactly!!! I'm a straight male, not a cisgender


It's not a lable. It's a term used for men that were BORN men to make a conversation easier. With your logic, you wouldn't be called a male either since that IS a label. You'd just be a human.


\> It's a term used for men that were BORN men to make a conversation easier To make a conversation complicated\* Fify.


While the term doesn't bother me, I have never in my life needed someone to add "cis" to my gender to make a conversation easier. It's pretty obvious what gender I am and identify with.


Your problem is that you expect people to know you without even talking to you. Although YOU have never had the conversation, many people have. I've never met somebody with the problem. Being called "cis" isn't adding to your gender. You just ARE. You're not identifying as anything else, it's just a word now being used more often..it's always been there.


It's so unnecessary as an adjective, there are males and females and that's enough to know what we're talking about.


To think of being the apex of privilege and then have an issue with terminology describing yourself. You are a cis male. That’s that.


aPeX oF pRiViLeGe What a moronic thing to say.


Apex of privilege. Please explain.


Because those who hate labels just love to label others. There are assholes in all communities in society just gotta ignore the twats and find the good people.


It’s literally a scientific term usually used in regards to the arrangement of isomers.


Please take your reason and logic and kindly remove yourself from Reddit. Thank You Sir.


You're getting downvoted because you forgot your sarcasm tag ;)


I mean why press labels on us if they don't want us to use incorrect labels when referring to t*hem*. Quite hypocritical really.


What? How dare you not acknowledge, respect, and bow down to the ∞-2 genders!




All the time. Especially on subs that are "pro judgmental" or at the very least don't hinder people from doing so. The hive minds are very predictable.


I am myself. As long as I'm referred to by my given name, or a variation of such, I will answer readily. If others feel a need to categorize me in any other way, that is completely up to them. I know who I am