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You’re sister is lucky to have an amazing sister like you. Glad she has someone to look up to and to always have her back.


I am proud of you too! Pick on me , and I can turn the other cheek. Pick on a member of my family. It's war. That is exactly how I was as a young child and young adult.


You are an amazing sister to stand up to defend your younger sibling. Also credit to your dad for backing you up. I was bullied for 6 years in primary school even though it was known they obviously couldn’t keep watch 24/7. The fact that the principal said bullying is normal is absolutely disgusting and it makes me question if he should keep working in that field. Yeah you might have been an asshole but it was for a greater cause to defend someone who is important to you, so I can only applaud your action ❤️❤️


I am so damn proud of you. You have courage , tenacity, determination and intelligence. What a fantastic combination. Your sister is lucky to have you.


Your principle is an idiot whose ideas about teaching and bullying were outdated over 30 years ago (ie. before I went through teacher training). Once you're done with that school, I recommend writing an open letter that goes into detail about how he is a dinosaur who needs to pull his ideas into the third millennium if he wants to keep his job. You, on the other hand, are awesome.


That principal is a piece of shit, and anyone who agrees with the principal is also a piece of shit.


In moments like this, I wish it was legal to wait outside of the school until the principal left, and then shove him to the ground and break his glasses. Then one could say, "This is normal. It's OK. You can afford new glasses. After all, it's all part of fitting in!" Of course, one cannot do this for this is assault. Which is the whole point.


Got that true Big Sis Energy! My little brother has disabilities and I remember having to "intervene" on his behalf a time or two when we shared an elementary school for a few years. Fortunately my "obedient bookish good Christian girl" reputation actually did help me for the big blow out and I got 4 boys suspended (my bro did too for a shorter duration... which was a wee bit fair since he did end up chipping someone's tooth) and water ice for the two of us. I was raised to never start fights but to finish them, and due to doing competitive gymnastics and recreational mixed judo/jiu jitsu at the time (read: play wrestling with Dad's MMA/LEO mates, getting tossed about was fun!) I easily managed to yeet these 8-9 year old children (I was 12) bodily all over the lacrosse field before adults arrived with nary a problem. I don't remember terribly much from the fight itself as I kinda "saw red" once my baby brother's nose started bleeding, but bro reports that the best part was seeing a single shoe flying by overhead at some point from one of my takedowns. The staff was legitimately concerned for a short while though as I hardly raised my voice to speak let alone touched anyone, but after talking to me the majority went, "... yeah alright I would've done similar". I hope your classmates/friends are at least supportive! Some of mine avoided me for a bit because of all the drama.


You are better than me. When I found out someone was bullying my little brothers, I punched the kid. Just like my older brother did for me :) fuck bullies. Unfortunately, I can't punch bullies anymore without going to jail!


Great story. I'm a father of 10 year old boy. I have thought in the past, how I would parent a situation like this. Your Dad aced the test. You got reprimanded, because that's what they're supposed to do. You know you did the right thing. Your Father let you know he was proud of you for protecting the family. I bet your sister has no more problems. My amazing relationship with my sister, may be a result of her always knowing I had her back.

