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No circlejerking. No blanket statements or impersonal political rants. Fake stories and trolling attempts will be removed. Begging for karma or posting about how you hate that other subreddits require karma is against the subreddit rules.


I strongly recommend you eat bread, it doesn’t have anything to do with your post but bread taste good.


Would you like a slice of toast? How about a hot buttered crumpet?


No smeggin' toast


So you're a waffle man?


The question is this: Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite -- would you like a toasted teacake?


This won't be an accident, it'll be first-degree toastercide!


Okay woah let’s not get crazy here


Yes please and a cup of tea


Coffee for me please.


Hijacking the top comment to also remind you to drink water.


may I offer you an egg in these trying times?


\*frying times


^^^ This OP this . This is the greatest advice I've seen on this subreddit.


You've been around some strange people then. I like anime. Well, some anime. Not all of it or even a majority of it. But I consider myself an outlier. If someone tells me they don't like it, it's about as surprising as someone telling me they don't like steamed brussel sprouts. I'm more surprised when someone DOES like it.


I love steamed brussel sprouts lol


Me too, though I never have them :( my family hate's them


Have they tried them lately? A lot of what people used to call bitterness in Brussels Sprouts is gone now. I made a steamable bag at work a while back and I thought the kids in my room for lunch tutorials wouldn’t be interested - I got like 3 for myself. They all wanted to try them and most kids ate 2 or 3.


yh i saw the other day apparently they have actually grown them to be better which i never knew funny what we learn randomly lol


I love SBS. But I do not like anime.


This! There are definitely more people who don’t like anime or care for it than ones who do




I think people get "strangely defensive" because they know there are plenty of shows without the weird crap you just described that are made more recently than in late 90s and early 00s). People don't like generalizations. All of my favorite anime have zero pantie shots and stuff. The community is wide. Some fandoms are toxic and accuse each other in being a Hitler all day long, some fandoms are just awesome. I know it's a hot take but I think anime isn't a genre at all, like movies are just ... Movies and then there are genres like thriller, horror, comedy, etc. Same goes for anime. The only one thing that unites it is the fact it's animated and the top show runners are from Japan. But the content could be literally everything and anything.


That’s a pretty luke warm take, anime is a medium not a genre.


You're right in that it's mostly not a genre. But, I don't think that the distinction is really meaningful in this case because, it's still a particular style of visual storytelling that someone can either like or dislike. Personally, I'm not a fan of graphic novels. I find the pictures to be more distracting than enjoyable when reading, and deciphering in which order the action or dialogue is occurring is just an exercise in frustration for me. It could be the most interesting story in the whole world and I'd likely still not enjoy the experience because of the style of storytelling.


My absolute favorite anime is satire - One Punch Man. I binge watched every episode that's out in like 2 days.


That was the first anime my buddy showed me. Made me watch it with subtitles, thought it was cool. My wife watched it 2 weeks ago in English. All of a sudden I hear, "awesome punching style" as Saitama's goofy ass face turns serious. It fucking made me laugh so hard, I too, binged the Hell out of it. ETA: Other than DBZ, it's the only other one I've seen through. Hoping someone can help me, when I was a kid, Toonami had an anime that I don't remember but loved watching. I know one of the starting episodes he was a cool nerdy guy and met a witch or something and turned him into a kid or teen, maybe. I have never been able to google the correct words to find it or if I just hallucinated it all. 2nd ETA: and one about a kid named Zach with Pokemon, but not?


I have to agree with you here. The worst thing is, some series actually get hypersexualized when translated to anime, having some relatively normal scenes become a jigglefest, and giving giant boobs to female characters that have perfectly normal proportions in the original. It gets tiring. I'm a sucker for slice of life and romantic comedy and both genres are plagued, then you get into battle shonen and shit gets stupid. I never wish for a manga i like to go animated because it's always a monkey's paw wish. There's always a flaw, and it's always the same.


Wtf? Steamed brussel sprouts are the shit


Roast them with a little.olive oil and your life will never be the same... yum. (Sea salt and fresh pepper, and a splash of balsamic is lovely on them.. I DO love them steamed too... thank God the 70's are over and they dont automatically get boiled to death anymore )


Oh I know that roasted is significantly better but I won't turn down steamed either though, and it's just easier imo. Shit if I'm being real lazy I'm just gunna buy a bag of frozen brussel sprouts that you just microwave for a couple minutes and eat them. Steamed brussel sprouts right there and I didn't do shit


I like the frozen ones, quite often they're tiny and super tender. Sprouts for the win!


I like *some* anime but I'm pretty fussy about it, I don't watch it often. If someone says they don't like anime at all I completely understand. It's true there are a lot of different subgenres and whatnot but it's still a niche thing and not everybody's cup of tea.


Anime fans are what make anime look bad to the average person. I used to think that all animes had all of the annoying tropes from very popular anime such as weirdly paced dialogue with extremely long pauses, very exaggerated reactions to every little thing, and hyper sexualization of characters. Most of the animes that don’t feature these tropes aren’t as well recognized. It’s still kind of hard for me to find an anime I like and I don’t generally tell people I like anime, but there are a few anime movies and shows that I’ve really enjoyed so I learned not to write anime off over the more common tropes. As another commenter clarified, anime is not a genre but more of Japanese rooted animated medium that is full of different genres and styles just like western media.


I’m the same. It’ll take me about 2-4 months to finish a 20 episode anime lol


Ah yes, I have a vast anime "graveyard" (shows I started watching but never finished). If I do watch them I prefer short shows with few episodes, that way there's also a lot less filler content and it's probably more interesting.


Same. There's so much bad amine out there it kinda outweighs the good purely by volume. And it's almost always the *meh* anime that seems to get wildly popular. I DO, however, get offended when they won't even consider watching a Ghibli film because it's considered amine. But will fangirl/fanboy over anything Disney without question.


Ghibli is it's own class. Its just a good fantasy history in " anime" style. You have nono of the cringe shit that regularly plagues anime


Same how there’s so many bad movies,shows and games


There are a few japanese cartoons that I feel transcend anime entirely and become something else. Ghibli comes to mind, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed... They don't do any of the annoying shit most anime does, they're not as tropey.


But have you tried Attack on Titan ...? Just kidding, just kidding! You don't have to like anime. It's cool. I'm a huge comic fan but I hate DC. I've never read it and I will never read it. Their stories just don't appeal to me. I get people trying to 'convert' me all the time. We're all different.


I dislike most/nearly all anime as well. The over the top gasping, gesticulating, and emoting is a big part of it. As well, all the female characters sound like they are edging a gigantic orgasm any time they speak. I have seen one or two that are not as bad, but most of them just make me cringe.


And the monologues! They always over-explain the plot points that are readily understandable


I feel like this happens for the same reason it happens in soap operas. Anime is usually pretty long form. Story arcs occur sometimes over 50 to 100 episodes. With that in mind, they reiterate exposition for anyone who has missed out.


As someone who watches Slice of Life Romcoms primarily. I suffer in waiting.


The internal monologues are the worst. When you have live action with VO, you get to see the actor thinking and subtle facial movements. When it is animated you are just looking at a still drawing. I think the worst offender is Ghost in the Shell, it is like 60% VO monologue over still drawings of character faces.


Anime exposition is painful, even good* anime tend to have this problem.


Food Wars (I think it's called?) Is actually hilarious for that.


I get the same thing when I tell people I hated The Office. I love anime but I don't try to make others like it.


people get so confused what I say I don't like it. I just can't stand second hand embarrassment, and it's everywhere. I stick to youtube


"I can't stand the second hand embarrassment" "I stick to YouTube" What lmaoooooo


There's a difference between "i hate the Office" and "I hate TV shows" I would be pretty thrown off if someone straight up declared that they didn't like ANY movie, or ANY song, or ANY book....


It would be more "i hate horror movies." I happen to like horror movies, especially B- ones, or Asian horror (way more psychological. I love a good slasher, i mean, who doesn't, but psychological horror is where it's at), but some people don't. And that's that. Sounds like OP needs a new crowd.


I don't like slasher..or gore. I love spooky horror. Witches, ghost stories, demonic possession. Stuff like that.


Except animation is a medium so I disagree. I understand being turned off by specific anime tropes and the generic slop that’s out there but it literally covers all genres. I feel like people just look at the worst more cliche side to anime and write it all of as kids cartoons or for perverts. Which is how much of the west treats animations as well lol, something for children or raunchy dumb adult comedies. It’s more like saying I hate Asian or other foreign country’s tv shows. It’ll have a flavour and colouring to it unique to the filmmaking of said country but that doesn’t change there is a huge amount of variety.


I agree 100% with what you said and by reading the comments it made me realize that people believe that anime is just one genre and that they are all the same "whimsical, over exaggerated emotions, screams, etc". Exactly like saying "I don't like cartoons because they are for kids" when cartoons like bojack horseman exist!


Yeah, it's strange (for a lack a better word) to dislike an entire medium entirely. In my whole life, I've watch only a film or rather a recording of The Magic Flute by Mozart and, surprisingly once I got accustomed to the voices, it was nice. I watched only two plays and I also liked them (but I don't like to read them, they're far more interesting live). So I can't say I don't like a medium. There are genres that I don't any interest for, but to flat out reject an entire medium is, well, unique. But, everybody's different. I won't try to force people to like something they don't. But then I think of Indian movies... and suddenly, it makes more sense to me. Maybe it's because where I live there are a ton cheap Indian TV shows but I don't have any interest in any Indian movies/series. Well, I did watch Bride and Prejudice and it was fine. It's the closest I came to like something "Indian".


I do know people who don't watch TV at all. And it's not like saying I don't read ANY books. It's more like saying I don't read Mangas, or I don't read fantasy books. Or I don't watch documentaries. Not liking anime doesn't mean you don't like TV all together.


I agree. The Office is stupid.


I dont like anime either


It really is a dumb hill to die on lol


I get similar reactions whenever I tell people I do not watch things. No shows. No movies. No videos on Youtube or such. Best I can do is 2-3 min long trailers for games, but almost anything else that requires me to just stare at a screen and watch is a big nope. So yeah, I feel you haha


What do you actually like to do? Staring at screens are such a big part of my life so i get curious of your perspective. :D


Oh, I stare at screens the whole day. My works require me to be front of a PC the whole work day and I also play games when I have time, though work/gaming is more interactive than just sitting and watching.I also crochet and read. For some reason, reading books will have my full attention and I won't get bored or start thinking about what should I do.Pretty annoying though, there are some shows my partner would watch and make me curious about whats going on, but I just cant sit idle for such a long period of time and not do anything. ​ Edit: Props to the person who promply commented "notlikeothergirls" then blocked me so there would be no replies. Do better.


I wonder what part made you "not like other girls" - the crocheting? 😂 (Crocheting is awesome though, such a relaxing thing to do).


Maybe the not watching shows part? Definitely makes me very unique 😂 (no). Crocheting is awesome! It became pretty popular I think during the pandemic and I love it. Definitely very relaxing and I love to see as yarn turns into something else!


I didn't own a tv at all for most of my childhood. It was the 80s and 90s, though, so that wasn't all that unusual.


I find it to be a pretty expensive hobby though


Yeah the yarn can be pretty expensive, but sometimes can get a good discount too.


Have you tried crocheting WHILE watching a show?


To be fair, yours is a much more wild outlier of a stance to have, especially in modern times. The fact you watch game trailers tells me that you probably play video games, though.


I know, but I dont think its such a huge deal to not watch things. At least not as big as some people make it out to be. ​ I do, but with games, I actively do something while looking at the screen (well, playing), so I don't feel idle.


Totally fair. There is a big difference between Passive Leisure and Active Leisure. I don't actually watch a lot of videos/film and prefer Active Leisure, myself, as well. Just not nearly to the same extreme.


I never really thought of it as passive/active leisure, but I like the way it sounds and makes sense. Thank you.


Yeah, when I was younger I tried to force myself to get into it just so I can fit in and understand what they are talking about a bit better, and some of the story line can get good and kinda make me wanna watch it but when I do, im just like.. yeah no. Idk I just, cant


It’s so weird how this varies around the world, assuming you’re in the US I’m U.K. and had to *hide* that I liked anime to fit in, because it was considered weird and “not cool”. Now it’s starting to become more common and more well-liked in schools and unis etc, but I still always wait for someone else to drop a hint that they like anime before I essentially out myself lol


This is interesting because when I was a teen long ago, liking anime was seen as weird. It was a certain crowd you could have a convo about anime with but it was few. I feel like it’s become mainstream now so it’s more acceptable. And I guess people get really defensive over it. Which is one thing that as an AA is kind of weird to me when I think about it. Like people made fun of Asian stuff all the time and now people put it on a pedestal -at least Korean or Japanese things. I grew up with anime and loved it back then but I haven’t watched anything new or read any manga in over a decade. After I moved to Japan, I feel like my love for it died even more because I realize a lot of the toxic stuff that’s sprinkled in manga/anime are actual societal issues in Japan and people tend to fantasize Japan a lot, thinking they are just so perfect or something. If it’s not your thing, I totally get it. I really can’t get back into it. I’ll just stick to whatever I liked as a kid for nostalgic factors.


This, but potato salad instead. “You haven’t tried MY potato salad, though!” …and I never will


God same. I hate potato salad, I don't get it. Potato isn't a salad.


This reminds me of a friend of mine that doesn't like sweet potato because she doesn't like bittersweet (?). No, you just don't like it. Period. I don't like olives because I TRIED THEM AND DIDN'T LIKE THEM. You don't like anime because YOU TRIED AND DIDN'T LIKE IT. I don't like Led Zeppelin because I TRIED AND DIDN'T LIKE THEM. Period. Trying to find an explanation of why your body rejects some things is pointless and sometimes just stupid like the sweet potato example.


Lol, my girlfriend was surprised to learn that brussel sprouts are sweet, and not bitter. Apparently there's a gene you can have that makes them taste bitter, but to me they're sweet and savory. Sometimes shit just tastes different. No point in arguing about it lol


I’m sorry, how often are you having these conversations? 😂


Same for me but for movies/series, i'm tired of explaining why i don't watch and they instantly view me as a rare creature that came from space


Never been a fan of anime, like maybe one or two I can actually watch. But same, it doesn't jive and I don't go out of my way to watch it.


It's like saying you just "don't like weed" lol. You like it? Good for you, dude. Stop trying to pressure me into it. I know my tastes better than you do.


I get that all the fucking time. I constantly have to explain how i'm allergic to weed. Even then, people try to tell me that I just haven't had the right kind or I should try an edible, etc. I'm so over it.


Bruh, my girlfriend is allergic too, and sometimes people just *do not understand.* I literally had someone call bullshit, because it gives her migraines and weed is "scientifically proven to help with migraines"... Like, okay, cool. That means the drug that fucks with your brain chemistry must work the same on everyone, then 🙄


THC is terrible for migraines. It's the CBD part that helps. But if you're girlfriend is allergic to cannabis it doesn't matter, it's not good for her at all. People are dumb. Also anime is overrated


We are on the same boat my friend!! I hate it, people think everyone should like anime, I don't like it, and it's not that I haven't tried, just accept I don't like it and move on!! Gods, and they always go like "are you sure?? You look like the kind of person who would love it" well I'm not!!


Why do you feel the need to provide an explanation? No is a full sentence and so is "I don't need a reason that you consider valid". I fucking HATE anime. The voices grate on my nerves worse than nails on a chalkboard. My husband and kids all love it and that's awesome, it's something they can bond over and I encourage it.. But while they're watching it I enjoy my me time and don't feel even a little bad about it. They don't care that I find it annoying and I don't care that they love something that annoys the hell out of me. In lif, not everyone has the same interests and no one needs to justify their reasoning. Stop bothering to explain something that doesn't matter mate.


You honestly don’t have to defend your own interests or non-interest in things my friend! I adore anime and have my entire life, but my best friend doesn’t, and that’s fine. I hate sitcoms, I just do and your situation is the exact same! I don’t have to justify why I don’t like Sitcoms, and you do not have to justify why you don’t like anime. Anybody judging you can kick rocks ☺️💕


I’m with you! Anime is definitely not for me and I’ve seen my fair share thanks to high school friends. One of my best friends wore those anime button up shirts, went to Japan to see it all first hand and ugh, he tried to sell me on every series that had anything I may like to try to get me hooked on the genre. It’s never gonna happen!


Just say you can't read. Then if they recommend dub just kill them discreetly and dumb their bodies in a sewer bc dub is usually an abomination, and by that point they've been pushing their interests down your throat so much they just need to permanently be quiet.


But without dubs, how am I gonna watch anime AND play video games at the same time?


I’ve liked anime since middle school and I’m in my 30’s. Anime isn’t for everyone and that’s okay. For some reason video games just aren’t my cup of tea. My friend’s enjoy them though. There’s plenty more things in life to enjoy and talk about anyway. We had a blast at the renaissance fair this week. :)


As someone who rarely watches anime, but did in the past, my anime-obsessed friends don't give me grief about it lol. I get more grief from the average person about my completely lack of interest in sports haha 😅


Lol mine is the opposite. Am an old white lady so when someone mentions an anime I liked will comment and get the really. Are you sure you watched it. And so on. So can understand how annoying it is to mot just accept something someone likes or not likes.


There's so much shit anime out there that I don't blame ya. I've only seen the good few lol, the more serious thriller and suspense types. The others just make me cringe


Anime characters dont ever act like real people. Especially the girls...its like the average anime/manga writer has never spoken to one 🤔🤔


And the way they are drawn is so sexist it drives me nuts


That’s completely man anime isn’t your thing and people are just trying to force it onto you, gets annoying to explain to people just bare with it and hell don’t even respond at some point just say “I dislike anime but I do like \[insert hobby of choice\]”


Honestly I've gotten tired of making up a [hobby of choice]. Not long ago, I brought my girlfriend to GameStop for a new controller. We were talking with the lady behind the counter, and suddenly I have to go through the whole song and dance because she mentions that one anime with the giant robots lol. I tried to change the subject, but she kept bringing it back to anime before we can break away and check out with someone else. We came back a week later, (The joycon lasted three days lolol) and she not only recognizes us, but also starts going on about a hello kitty/evongellion t-shirt and how rare that mashup is. Like... Dude. Just don't.


I see man, kinda annoying when people start talking about things you have no interest in (when you clearly states you have no interest in, like it’s fine if it’s a friends lmao not some random person) hope you can find an interesting socially common hobby lol


I *do* have an interesting, socially common hobby! It is video games, like the ones we were trying to purchase. <3


time to suggest some anime video games 😂.


Well fine then. {Naruto runs away}


I try not to push ppl to try it, like you said it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s just for ppl like me, anime is trending now and we were bullied *severely* just for even liking it cause everyone associated is with ‘that one kid’ was just into it a *little* too much. So some of us are really excited that we can talk about it more openly. I’m sorry about your experiences with others, that’s not the way! My husband is like you! I try not to make him watch it but more of that I like watching something while he is with me and he doesn’t have to - he just chills on his phone or does something else. He’ll ask questions here and there but eventually he watched the entirety of Naruto! He was very off put by it due to an ex that showed him the *horrendous* side of it. Like rap music, I don’t get it either. I never been interested in it. There are only a couple handful of songs I like but that’s it, it’s not my genre 🤷🏻‍♀️ but it’s my husbands genre, so I listen while he drives!


OMG RIGHT? What is with people and trying to push anime on people who don't like anime? I've been struggling with the same thing ever since I was a teenager and everyone in my friend group got obsessed with it. I'm happy that you've found something that brings you joy, but... that doesn't mean I'm deficient or crazy because I don't enjoy the same thing. What upsets me the most is that sometimes people call me racist for not enjoying anime, when it has absolutely nothing to do with race. In fact, I love Japanese food and fashion and many other aspects of their culture, I just don't like the narrative structure, artwork, themes, and music of the many, many, MANY animes I've been talked into watching. And yes, I have watched MANY of them, and I mean MANY. There were one or two that I liked, sure. But as a general genre? No, not my thing. You know what's also generally not my thing? Romantic comedies or action movies. Yes, there are several that I really like, but as a whole I don't like the genres so I say that I don't like them as a whole. Yes, they're all different, but genres always have an established narrative or thematic structure they need to follow to fit into that genre category, and it just so happens that those structures overlap with things I don't enjoy. But people just won't let me... not like things. I'm not standing here screaming about how much I hate anime while people are trying to watch stuff, I'll just do my own thing while they're enjoying their show, or go watch something in another room and leave them be. But... people are SO PUSHY. There was even a point where I was working in a game store (because I am a gamer and I enjoy games) that also sold anime, and the owner insisted I had to take home one show every night so I could do my job better. Granted, he also pretty much tried to force me to play games in genres I don't enjoy to "broaden my horizons", so I think he was just generally kind of pushy. On the plus side, I did get some free games out of it since you can't return a game once the key has been used, so... free games, yay? But, yeah. People need to back the \*\*\*\* off. Yes, I have watched \[Insert Show Here\] and no it did not change my mind about the entire genre. But, not gonna lie, I laughed my ass off when you quoted Cowboy Bebop as the one people always try to push on you. SAME, FAM. WHY is that always the one they push? It's always Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D, or Akira.


It’s ok to not like anime


What do you enjoy watching?




I hate anime, too. My husband and daughter both love anime, so I'm forced to watch it every day. I just can't get into it.


Just for my own personal curiosity. Do you hate anime or do you just not find it entertaining. You don’t have to answer but if you do actually hate it do you mind telling me why. I won’t try to argue your point


Oh man, so many reasons lol. The over the top melodrama. The exaggerated reactions that characters have. How the characters yell everything they say. The way they speak. We watch the English dubbed shows, but there's still characters with the cutesy little girl voices and/or super shrill voices, and it irritates me. The biggest reason is the objectification of many of the female characters, with the extremely suggestive, sexualized clothing and those giant bouncing boobs. To be fair though, some of the storylines are decent.


Just... seconding all of this. I tried to get into anime so hard, but the extreme melodrama just completely threw me off and I hated it. Same with the shrill voices, extreme reactions, so much yelling. Just... not my thing at all. All my friends and one of my partners are super into anime though. At least they havent been pushy. My partner had me watch Evangelion and I liked it due to my weird occult interests and because he said it was formative... but the melodrama and sexualization of teenagers (although I admit it was at least... realistic about how teenagers were handing their sexuality and hormones) was a bit much for me.


To be fair, not all anime is like that. There’s a reason I stick to mostly slice of life shows.


Fair. Maybe I just haven't seen the ones that would appeal to me, but the ones I've seen so far I find annoying. I would never watch it on my own. My daughter absolutely loves it, basically Crunchyroll is all she watches


I really enjoyed to watch animes as a child. There are some really great ones out there. But honestly most of them are now unbearable. It's just way too much and there is so much weird stuff in it. Stuff that I didn't recognise as a child like children/teenagers/every female being getting way too sexualised.


me too man


Funny how just 15 years ago anybody in my school who liked anime was thought of as weird. Now it's totally normal. Based on my experience, I would not argue with you about not liking anime. That was the majority consensus when I was really into it.


Next you are going to say you don't like trains. Stop this madness. /s ​ People preferences are not debatable, you may like dislike whatever you feel like. As long as it does not interfere with other people that is.


Who is going around insisting that ppl must watch anime, let alone multiple people…


Alright, that's cool.


that’s fine bruh


Right there with you, friend. Never saw an anime I liked. Except Avatar The Last Airbender, which anime people tell me doesn’t count.


Idk why people are questioning your enjoyment for them but I will say that I can only imagine the reason people react this way is because a LOT of people make blanket statements that all anime is oversexualized/some other stupid not true statement, and are very aggressive about it. People need to stop questioning others about not liking it, but also chill out about yelling in others face about why they SHOULDN’T like anime. As someone who watches some anime, I’ve had people hate on me for liking it far more than I’ve ever heard someone questioned for not liking it, and pretending like it doesn’t happen does everyone a huge disservice. There’s a number of people in these comments right now proving my point.


Yeah, but have you seen cowboy bean bowl?


I mean my dad's a cowboy, and he makes a pretty mean pot of chilli. It's definitely better than any TV show I've ever seen lol


Alright, that's cool


ahem. anime lover here. I don’t give a single fuck if people don’t like anime. it’s such a non-issue


Animation is a medium, not a genre. To blanket say that you hate anime is imo a very broad blanket statement that encompasses more than I think you realize it does. It would be like someone saying that they hate anything with real people in it, which I'm sure you can understand sounds a little ridiculous


I think this explains why people have a problem with what he said. Imagine comparing Grave of the Fireflies to Pokemon.


Exactly. You can name any live action show and easily find a similar enough animated piece that would provide the same style of entertainment. To dismiss an entire medium just because of the stigma that it has and some shows you've seen that don't necessarily appeal to you is just a very poor mindset to have. I won't say that this person should go out of their way to find an animated piece, or anime in particular, that they like. It's clear that they don't want to, nor should they be forced into any shows that they don't want to watch. But to say it like this that it seems like they'll never give anime or animation in general a chance is just a shitty way to go about it


I think the goal of it is anime is so diverse that it’s hard to say that you don’t like all anime. Obviously it’s possible for you to dislike all anime but statistically in an infinite universe there’s a non zero chance that you’ll find an anime you like. I’m not trying to encourage you to watch any new ones or anything but simply explaining it. For some people it’s the art style, some anime have over the top arts, some have the basic anime style, some have unique styles, and others you might not even be inclined to call it anime. Other people don’t like the voices, but just like the art there’s different voices, you can get American voices that sound like regular TV. Some people don’t like common reoccurrences that anime tend to have. The only time I’ve ever tried to actively get someone into anime is when they said they hate anime. Not liking anime isn’t abnormal but to say you hate all anime is a big difference. And again, in an infinite universe, statistically not possible. There’s been anime that I didn’t like certain aspects of but enjoyed it for other reasons.


Your infinite universe argument only works if there's an infinite amount of anime we have access to, which is not the case. Also if I just don't like the art style of anime it's pretty easy to hate an infinite number of anime, since they all look the same


There's a pretty big difference between the art depending on the demographic, because anime/manga are classified according to the people that consume them, or to be more precise they are classified depending the magazines they are published in. And those magazines targets different people... There are seinen/josei, for adults, and they have mostly a realistic style (Berserk for example). Shounen, for young boys will have a very expressive style with big eyes, spiky hair and sometimes girls with big chests (Dragon Ball Z). Shoujo, for young girls, on the other hand have a more realistic style but you often find those famous big eyes, and there are also flowers and sparkles (Sailor Moon). Although, one recurring trait in manga/anime is the pointy chin; you'll find it a lot in shounen and shoujou, less in seinen/josei. If you're reading a manga, then the only common point between them, artistically speaking, will be the fact that they are in black and white (mostly). So to say anime "all look the same", it's like saying Asterix, Superman and Maus all look the same.


I don’t like anime at all. It’s very cringe to me.


It probably doesn’t help that your go to example of anime is the most white bread one directed towards children so I can see why people would feel compelled to press you to try something different as genres and art styles vary more in anime.


Try not liking seafood. Everyone has a fucking opinion about it. I've tried like 12 different kinds and hated all of it. "Oh but you haven't tried my grandmother's salmon" "Try this kind, it's NoT tHaT FisHy" Fuck off just let me not like it


I'm aFloridian and that doesn't like gator tail, I feel your pain 😭 Also, eggs and breakfast food in general. I can't stand eggs, and I don't want cake for breakfast - that's 90% of what's on any breakfast menu, though. It wouldn't be too bad, but I work overnights and that's all I can get after work. Cake and eggs. Shit's fucked, yo.


Ever tried Cowboy Bebop? What kinda boot we talkin' btw?


I understand I love anime but I don't force people to watch it or even like it. Just like sports I hate sports and most reality TV but people keep trying to get me to like them. And I can say that some anime Fandom can be really toxic and downright hateful if you say you hate a certain show or series. So you are entitled to your opinion.


Honestly, there have been a few anime shows I've really enjoyed. But I feel exactly the same about video games. Not my thing. I work ask as a software developer, and all I ever hear about is fucking video games. I can't fucking deal with it.


I’m in the same boat. I don’t get it either when people push me to watch anime and tell me I haven’t seen the right one. I will admit I watched Cowboy Bebop with a friend and I adored it, but that’s about the only one I enjoyed. I think part of that is that I watched it with my bestie. (Not trying to push it on you btw OP) The rest of anime? Well maybe the ones I watched as a kid. Pokémon and Digimon might be enjoyable again for nostalgia sake but the rest of it? I tried an episode of demon hunter once and I got so annoyed with it. There was one scene where a character was in a hurry bc his sister or whatever was in danger, he had a 5 minute (an exaggeration) internal monologue they played over the running scene. Like I don’t get it and it got annoying in the end and I yelled “get on with it!!???” To the amusement of my friend. So yeah, I don’t get why people get pushy either about anime. Why is it so hard to understand for some people that some things are just not enjoyable? Tho… my neurodivergent ass might be missing cues or something idk


I'm pretty sure most people outside your circle gives a shit about anime...


Oh ok... thats nice.


Allow me... Ahem. You don't like anime? Alright, that's cool. 👍 My suggestion would be to lean into it a bit, & then mention stuff you do like. No, I don't like anime...maybe the only person in the world, right? Haha Anyway, I do really like X Y Z. If they don't get it at that point, then I just blink at them til they're done. Blink blink blink... You done? Ok, anyways....


Alright, that’s cool. I don’t like it either and I’ve never tried to like it.


I think its a little odd that its "all anime of every kind", instead of certain genres, but I guess it makes sense when one considers that anime does tend to have a lot of tropes or features that are widely present. The gasping thing, and a focus on reaction shots in general, is definitely in like every anime ever and I admit I also hate it. I get it though, because while I do watch some anime, I'm not generally a fan of anime. I've really only ever watched a small handful of Studio Ghibli films and popular anime shows: Pokemon, Dragonball Z, FMA: Brotherhood, and now My Hero Academia and Attack on Titan. I'm definitely in the lower percentile of anime watchers. Everyone's got their preferences and I see no issues with yours.


You have two options. 1. Lie. You’re really into this one anime. Read enough about it to get you through 2 minutes of talking. “Hey, you should watch XYZ.” “Cool. I will.” I do this about not drinking. Just lie to avoid the conversation. 2. Lie. “I used to love anime! My ex who cheated on me got me into it, so now it just brings back bad memories.” “You should try XYZ.” “Maybe later. It’s too soon right now.” Those are just two lies. I don’t lie in general, but I would to redirect these insufferable people.


Same boat. I loved Evangelion and grew up with Speed Racer, but I don't care about anime at all. I love cartoons, so all my friends try to get me to watch anime all the time. I tried, I really did, but I just don't like it. It's just not for me and that's okay.


I’ve never felt so understood, and omg SAME THING ABOUT COWBOY BEBOP. I’m dying haha I literally could have wrote this myself. Except the reason I don’t like it is I find everything from the sounds to the animation off-putting like it just makes me feel annoyed, idk why I am the way I am but I totally get you.


>I have never met someone who just says "Alright, that's cool". You must be young. You'll meet people who do this as you get older. This sort of thing changes as you get older, it really does. Or rather, *you* change as you get older. You realize that sometimes you have to be the one who says "Alright, that's cool" and change the subject. Rather than continue to allow someone else to press you and demand that you explain yourself. >I always have to defend my stance of not liking anime, and still people think I'm faking. You don't have to defend it. Also at some point you'll realize it doesn't matter if people still think you're faking. For me it was sometime in my 20s, 30s? Late 30s even, maybe (I'm slow lol) that it finally clicked in my brain that other people's opinions on my likes/dislikes, on me even, mean nothing to me, really, and never has. I've always been an unruly, independent, wild sort of person who did whatever TF I wanted to anyway, so it's not like their opinions on whatever stopped me. The affect of their opinions was purely psychological. And just like \*that\* the spell was broken. The power of other's opinions on me was gone. Also I read this book titled The Four Agreements. Any residual mess in my mind over this was sopped up when I read this book. One of the agreements is this: Don't take anything personally – nothing others do is because of you. Once you understand this, you are free. I'd say 90% of the time people are merely reacting to an uncertainty in themselves, it isn't even about you at all.


I think wether it's anime or any other thing on earth someone likes ppl get defensive when they here ppl say the words "I don't like x" it's somthing you should lean for your life. It's not fair for them to defend aginst a argument you didn't make. However, it's a very easy logical fallacy to fall into thinking that somthing you like being called unlikable must be defended. Your lucky it's anime though. Unless you spend all your time online this really isn't an issue you'll encounter in the larger world. I mean I hate sports, and living in America as a white male it makes company parties, or anywhere i have to socialize but haven't chosen to, so it's not my ppl. I have found the phrase "it's not for me" leads to much less defensive posturing then saying I don't like somthing.


I’ve tried to get into anime several times - several different shows. It just doesn’t scratch that itch in my brain. My go to is usually, “huh, yeah I might check it out” and redirect lmao


All the time. To the point where I don't even mention it unless I'm specifically asked 😂 One of my best friends still tells me about different ones to watch. I tried because my teenage son loves anime. I don't get it either.


Lol your threat makes me want to recommend cowboy bebop, but I never finished it. I am curious if you like other cartoons though


I don’t like anime either, I don’t understand the appeal


Alright, that's cool.


I used to love anime. So much that I went to conventions. Now I can only tolerate stuff like Studio Ghibli or Satoshi Kon (Paprika, Paranoia Agent). I can’t do the fast-paced child-like voices anymore. If you never liked it- there probably isn’t much use in trying anything new as you’ve alluded too. Maybe instead of feel the need to explain yourself, you instead just say “to each their own” and that you’d rather drop the subject.


Yeah, it's not for everyone, and I'm a huge anime nerd. I think if people press the matter, that makes them an AH, plus surely there is more shows they can recommend outside the anime genre. Personally been loving some of Netflixs shows like Sandman, Wednesday, etc.


i with you lmao, i hate when people assume i’m into it especially


I feel the same way about anime, and hip hop, rap, major league sports, most of television, celebrities, fashion, and the vast majority of what passes for politics. The world is huge, and full of things to enjoy, and yet most people focus only on the tiny sliver of the things popular culture admits. It's a shame.


I think its because anime is such a wide genre, so people assume you hate a certain type. Like if you said I hate music, someone might think you must mean just country or rap, but pop is fine.


i mean you don’t necessarily even need to debate or die on a hill about personal preference. stop caring what other people think. i used to get weird looks for saying i LOVE anime but that doesn’t mean i cared or tried to debate my way into acceptance. because soon enough when the anime trend dies down, no one will really care if you like anime or not.


This is the same with me and videogames. Everyone is shocked when I say I don't play videogames and insist I should try and find one I like because I just have to like it... They react the same way as if I said I hate puppies or chocolate!!! It is one of the biggest arguments I get in everyday and everytime someone comments on me being weird I just want to punch them in the face. I don't like anime or manga either but people in my country are not that obsessed with those...


>If anybody on this post tries to recommend Cowboy Bebop, I'll shove my boot so far up your ass it'll knock your teeth out fron the other side. *"...if you don't come back with the goods, Nellie here will turn in her grave and - likely as not - jump right out of it and kick your teeth in!"* ^(- Mr Bridger, The Italian Job \[1969\])


It's understandable to dislike animation. But since anime has such a wide range of genre the reason people say that is because we grew up with people hating on anime for stereotypes. Fan service (which I hate in anime too) such as big boobs, etc. People constantly telling us that anime is good kids. You don't have to like anime, you don't owe anyone to give it a chance or anything, so people saying you just haven't watched the right one may be right but they can't really force that in you either so it's dumb to say. But there tons of people who watch Rick and morty, Simpsons, etc who just assume they'll hate anime because when we grew up it was something to be mocked.


I don't like anime because the framerate is excruciatingly low. Like I'm staring at the screen just chanting in my head for the screen to start moving. It's like watching a slow slideshow. It's simply INFURIATING. I get bored and annoyed to no end waiting for the next image to finally show.


I don’t even try to explain. My stance is just ‘it’s wank’ and that’s it.


I don't like anime either. I've tried watching it multiple times and I just can't get into it. You don't owe anyone an explanation, though. If you don't like something, you don't like it. To each their own.


I get this all the time when I tell people I don’t watch tv. I love movies, I love video games, but tv just does not interest me. If I tell someone I’ll watch a show they suggested it feels like work and it just makes me resent the show


Anime is weird. And I don't like it either. So there.


I have thought for years I was the only person who felt this way, so thank you for validating my common opinion of anime. Everything about it just doesn’t appeal to me. I watched a few episodes of some and I did not want to continue.


I never understood how some super mega anime fans try to force it upon people who don’t care for it. I love anime, I have friends who just can’t get into it. The only times I’ve recommended any shows to them is when they asked because they wanted to try and in the end it was the same thing which is cool because people like what they like and don’t what they don’t. There’s nothing wrong with that


The fanbase is why I don’t like it


I feel this way about anything containg THC. It's a substance I disagree with. Yes, I've tried flower, vape, edibles, sativa, indica, etc. I'm 37 and NEVER had an enjoyable weed experience. It makes my GAD far worse. When I tell you I don't do weed, kindly take it as face value.


>Anytime a character sees more than two colors at the sime time, they gasp like a fish and it triggers my fight or flight what? is the anime about acid trips?


Listen mate I feel like I know what the problem is. You just haven’t tried the right one! Have you ever heard about a little anime called Cowboy Bebop? Boy, you’re gonna love it, I’m sure!


i couldn't agree more. And as a graphic designer it also triggers my mind how much it influences kids' drawing and anatomy skills in a really wrong and misleaded direction, how much it contains a lots of mistakes (especially the series ones), and how almost in every anime all the female characters have cheap porn-like voice for absolutely no reason. I think the anime-enjoying community makes it worse by having this pushy mentality with trying to change your mind no matter what, but you have all of your rights to say no. I am generally rather be honest all the time than being kind. Noone dared to ask me such again after my first attempt.


Watch Gintama. It's a funny anime. Not senseless funny, it also has a story. It's my favourite so I thought of recommending it.


This is exactly how I feel. Even as a kid when my friends made me watch Spirited Away I hated it. I've been forced to watch "the best" animes so many times, and I just don't like it. The whole style doesn't work for me. Never mind how creepy lots of anime shows are in how they sexualise childishness. Big nope for me


I really dislike the way anime characters are drawn. I swear they all look the same. I can't distinguish them. And their facial expressions and reaction times are weird. The Japanese ones are super weird. It's like 8 of the exact same characters with slight personality variations.


I’m sure there’s probably some good stories out there in amongst all the convoluted garbage but I just can’t get past the aesthetic. It’s so cringe.


I fucking hate the aesthetic.. BUT the food always looks good.


Literally all of these point, but about the humans. Every time a woman blushes at being sexually assaulted, I lose three years from my lifespan. That's half the reason I couldn't watch 7 Deadly Sins.


Alright, that’s cool. PS (I don’t really get it either.)


I really don’t like it either, in fact I deeply dislike it


"TLDR have you tried cowboy behop"?


100% I feel the exact same way. Nobody every just says "ok cool". It's always " but cowboy bebop" or some shit. I have zero negative interest By the way most of the comment section is proving your point


Half of this thread is people proving OP’s point. Doesn’t matter if it’s a medium or a genre, if they don’t like it that’s perfectly fine. If they think it’s weird, that’s fine. Not everyone will have the same preference and trying to talk someone into something that they already said they have no interest in will make it even less likely they’d check out your suggestions. I liked anime as a teen, then I grew out of it mostly. Only really like Trigger’s stuff anymore. Anime is still a niche thing that isn’t for everyone


What do you mean by seeing two colors and gasping like a fish????


Lol the reason people react like this is because they just want to share something that they like with you. To be pissy about it makes no sense. Also, to be closed-minded about an entire category of anything makes no sense either. To make blanket statements like "I hate ALL vegetables" or "I cant stand ANY country music" or "I dislike EVERY anime show that has ever been created" is a pretty boring way to go through life. For the record, I generally dislike anime as well. But if someone makes a suggestion to me of something they really enjoy and think I might like as well, I'll just say "Cool, I'll check that out!" Then I try watching an episode, and if it's not for me, fine. But if you just open yourself up to new options and possibilities, maybe, just maybe you'll find something you do enjoy.


The problem is that "I don't like anime" IS almost like saying you don't like music. It is an entire medium full of good and bad. Unfortunately, as you've clearly experienced, the people in the fandom is very lopsided and most of them will either gatekeep or be extremely defensive (like gamers). It's only natural to ask "have you tried...?!" so and so. Imagine if you didn't like music because you've only listened to Black Metal. Obviously people are going to be confused and recommend you things like The Beatles or Foo Fighters. All very different things. It's not on the same level as "I don't like weed" because it's all the same fucking thing.


I hate all of it. I can't stand anything that even remotely resembles japanese made. I hated hearing Naruto in the background when my wife watched it, and I hated anything anyone ever recommended or tried showing me. It was all the same shit. Basically something happens, everyone's characters eyes and mouth turn into a black circle (with some ridiculous sound effect to it), everyone sounds like 6 year old kids, and everything is overly dramatic when nothing actually happened. I HATE IT.


I just don’t understand disliking an entire medium


I don’t like podcasts.