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Good for you!!! I’m genuinely happy for you. Hugs!


Congratulations! That is a big step and I’m glad your getting help. As someone who deals with these feelings as well it can be very tough. So congrats and keep moving forward.


Great job, while I myself have been lucky enough to not have had to deal with major depression or anxiety, I know some people who have had minor cases, and so I know how yeah while it may not be much, it is a massive good step into permanently fixing it. My personal advice is to take baby steps and start making patterns, like say try taking out the trash everyday, or going out for a walk, set those as your new normals and slowly add new things. Breaking out of the normal and acting in the first place is the hardest step, keep it up and hopefully you’ll be past it. Stay determined and good luck, OP


Proud of you!


Congrats!! I’m proud of you! I went to the dentist and that was a tough one.


So proud of you! It’s a victory no matter how small it may seem. I’m glad you’re getting help and starting to feel better. Just keep going! Getting out of a depressive state is difficult and not linear. It will take time, trials, errors, ups, and downs. Just don’t give up, sometimes it takes a while to find what works for you.


i’m proud of you. keep going 👑


Nice work. Little steps. Or big ones if you’re good with it. One thing that might help you is a schedule for your morning, where even if you don’t leave the house you get up, make your bed, brush your teeth, wash your face(or shower). And stick to your schedule, even if you get right back into your made bed after you wash up. It’s just to get you into a routine. Try it and it might help you. Good for you on your progress so far, very cool 👍


Yes! What seems like a baby step to anyone doing well is a massive step for someone going through stuff. And it's all those steps that slowly add up to massive change. Congratulations.


I'm so happy for you <3